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5804300 No.5804300 [Reply] [Original]

So captcha complaints and botspam aside, lets bring a little /tg/ into /jp/.

How is your little girl doing on Elona, anonymous?

>> No.5804324
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>he hired a guard

>> No.5804325

Good news! She's pregnant! I bet it won't be a chestburster or anything!

>> No.5804344

One is a chef, the other is a maid.

I don't see the point of a guard either, its not like monsters can show up unless you summon them anyway.

>> No.5804347


>> No.5804352
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Not so little anymore.

I wish Elona would update more regularly. I tire of little sister hamburgers.

>> No.5804359

I want a Reimu too.

>> No.5804363

I never knew Reimu was so tall.
Or fat.

Also how are your stats that good at level 14? I'm level 27 and on a good day I can get my perception above 70.

>> No.5804366

How do you add the custom class?!

>> No.5804369

You change a few text files

>> No.5804417

Being a higher level doesn't really help your character. Your stats don't increase as you gain levels, so there really isn't any point in grinding levels unless you want more feats.

I remember reading somewhere that lower level characters had greater stat growths than higher level ones. What I ended up doing was finding equipment that stunted my growth and wore those all the time. I would get stats through grinding/well drinking but remained the same level for days. Without those equipment, I might as well be level 50.

>> No.5804420

I've never heard of this game until I saw this thread.
Looks interesting.

>> No.5804455
File: 769 KB, 1037x802, elonaexample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find cdatan.s1 in your character's save folder. Open it in notepad and edit it to your heart's content. You can change your name, title, race, and class. It won't affect your stats it's just a nice aesthetic thing.

You can also change your character's portrait by making an 80x112 .bmp and putting it in your user/graphic folder with the name face1-9. You can have up to 9 separate portraits at a time.

I haven't really looked at any other types of editing but I assume most of them require modding more complicated than this.

>> No.5804498
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>> No.5804499
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Decided to make a Wizard, but of course first things first, pumped up Performance so I could buy a castle and get access to all the nice things that come with having a castle.

Problem: I have way too little mana, even with taking Magic Blood/Body/Person feats. I run out of mana so damn fast.

Good thing my little gear is a fucking BEAST with her longsword.

>> No.5804503

>little gear
I'm drunk, I meant little girl.

>> No.5804506
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This is wonderful!

>> No.5804615

I can't do a shit. I have only 3 platinum, failed 3 missions of monster killing in the first town and all the items I get can be sold for the huge amount of 25 gold at maximum. So, how do you advance in this game if you can't get a shit without fighting big monsters (a slime can pretty much fuck me), who have the bad custom of killling you in one hit?

>> No.5804650
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Haha, magnificent, now my Lynette is complete. Too bad her age and weight are off, but oh well. This character was going to be a Wizard, but now I guess I'll make her a magic user/gun user hybrid. Renamed my pet Yoshika, too.

Monster killing is fuckhard at first. What you want to do to make money are do the escort missions where you take someone to a certain town before the time runs out. Don't do the "Before it's too late..." ones until you're familiar with the towns and know you can make it in time.

As for getting experience, go to the Puppy Cave to the right of Vernis (the first town). You can find spellbooks there too, if you're a magic-user.

>> No.5804689


Also there's more ways to advance than lol kill stuff. Try escort/delivery quests until you can buy better equipment. Then slowly work your way up to dungeons and hunting quests. Also be sure you're taking green quests at the quest board.

>> No.5805993
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You're a monster.

Also, the beta version is enjoyable, minus the casino being unplayable.

>> No.5806516
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Anyone know how this stuff is calculated? I just learned Firearms.

From what I can tell, it seems like Firearm skill increases my chance to hit. My gun by itself does 10d2. I don't know where the +1 comes from, or where the x1.2 modifier come from.

Perception, maybe? Or maybe at certain landmarks in Firearm skill it increases?

>> No.5806531

Yes, enjoyable is the right word.
Especially after you get those crazy errors while entering towns for no fucking reason.

>> No.5806564

What is this and why haven't I heard of it before?
Yes, I can read the title from the pics. But what kind of game is it?

>> No.5806581

Roguelike. If you're not sure what that is, think Nethack. Or Castle of the Winds. Or Izuna. As to why you haven't heard of it, I don't know, it's been around for quite a while.

You can download the game here;

>> No.5806587

Start by doing delievery quests, get me x quests, escort people to other towns (ANYTHING BUT beauty and the beast). Once you have some gold and PP, train your more important skills, learn some new useful ones like weight lifting, and buy yourself some decent gear. Then go in the puppy cave and start killing things (avoid kobolds, and don't piss off neutrals such as fallen soldiers). Pick up all the scrolls you get, the oracle scrolls sell for a ton. You're likely to find many magic dart wands which are a great source of damage in a pinch, and teleport rods/scrolls. Once you feel more confident in yourself go back to town and try to do some monster hunting quests and such. Focus on learning what each monster can do to kill you, knowing your enemy is crucial in elona. Once you have better gear, more skills and money and you know most monsters you're likely to encounter, start doing random dungeons (levels 1-10 are pretty easy), and you should gear up nicely. The go to elona wiki, take a look at the set quests and artefacts and decide which you want to hunt for. You should be at the point where you receive your god weapon too, so things should be smooth thereafter.

>> No.5806620

xdy + z (w)
Any weapon has stats that follow this format.
Your weapon will do x + z to x * y + z base damage.
Your weapon increases your chance to hit by w%.

Your perception increases your chance to hit and damage modifier (the 1.2x in your case) with firearms.
Your firearms skills also increases the chance to hit and damage modifier.
Your marksman skill (which you might not have yet, get it from the fighters' guild) greatly increases your damage modifier.

Using scrolls of enchant/greater enchant weapon increases your weapon's damage by 1 to 1 and chance to hit by 1% for each + up to +6.
Blessing your weapon adds a further 1 to 1 damage and 1% chance to hit.

>> No.5806643

I wish I could get into this.
Every time I play it for a decent amount of time, I feel like I'm making very slow progress. Then suddenly Ether disease.
Then I get depressed at how much Cure Corruption potions cost.

>> No.5806651

does acid damage do the opposite? One of my allies has a -9 damaged weapon

wait until you get the "lucky day" buff from sleeping and play blackjack to get them pretty easily. Takes about 3-4 wins to get one.

>> No.5806655

I must be blind but I still cannot find the download for beta 1.22 even after looking at the main page and the Japanese main page. Can someone kindly link me if it still exists?

Casinos give potions of cure corruptions as do many of the random quests. I remember casino was a lot easier though.

>> No.5806660


>> No.5806664

I've got a pretty good mountain dwarf fighter going (yeah yeah easy mode I know). It's pretty cool that they unnerfed armor.

>> No.5806668

Yes, acid does the exact opposite of blessing and enchanting. Long story short, get rid of that thing, -9 is horrible (unless it's a good weapon in which case you can fix it with enchant scrolls (normal, unblessed), each scroll removes a -1). In the future, acidproof your weapon (you can find acidproof liquid at the magic shopkeeper, general stores and in dungeons).

>> No.5806679

I stopped playing when the cat my god gave me was destroyed in a freak accident. Feels bad, man.

>> No.5806682

Thank you, now to enjoy me some elona after several months.

>> No.5806689

So I was failing to kill the King by summoing monsters, reloaded my game because I died and his corpse and loot was on the throne. I did the same thing for the Queen. I love how even though the king's dead and some stranger is looting his rotten remains, everyone just carries on like nothing happened.

>> No.5806695

What do you mean unnerfed? I haven't played anything above 1.162b yet, but armor seems fine.

Etherwind occurs on, and only on, the first 10 days of every third month (3, 6, 9, 12). If you don't have potions of cure corruption to spare, it's highly advised you find something to do in your house, or chill out in a nearby dungeon for the period. Dig all the walls to practice mining, practice defensive magic, play your instrument, whatever keeps you occupied inside. Make sure you have lots of food - anything flour based doesn't decay and is a great way to subsist.

Don't worry too much about this, once you start doing dungeons, you'll get tons of cure corruption potions from the chests bosses drop. It's not a feat for high level players to have tens or hundreds of them stashed; personally I didn't even care about etherwind anymore past level 30 or so and went on my business as normal.

>> No.5806697

Playing a lich mage is fucking hard even with cheating. 90% evade is NOT good enough.

>> No.5806718

What are the recommended classes for a beginner?
I think I remember hearing Fairy Claymore or Pianist was good.

>> No.5806728

Bartenders can ressurect your pets for a small amount of gold. Unless you did something to permanently lose it (using it on the wrong end of the gene machine or accidentally abandoning it), in which case you can abandon your religion (pray on an empty altar), and then go back to your god. You'll keep your faith levels but will have to gain favor by offerings all over again.

Play a fairy if you want easymodo and godly evasion. Alternatively, start as a lich claymore for more evasion and learn the magic skills from trainers. Better yet, learn to pick your fights, save your spells for monsters that are actually dangerous and only melee small fries.

>> No.5806732

Mutating the ability to eat rotten food was one of the best things I've ever done.

I reccomend a snail farmer.

>> No.5806735

I'd just stick with 1.16 for now.
I like stable releases better.

>> No.5806759

The fairy is the most overpowered race in the game. At first it seems weak because it only gets 40% the health other races get, but it has a ridiculous bonus to evasion, is virtually immune to magic and can act twice as often as other, slower races, not to mention golems - speed doesn't just make you run faster, it effectively slows down time for everyone but you.

As for classes, claymore and wizard naturally complement the fairy. Claymore gives you more evasion and better melee, while the wizard makes you a great caster. Both even out pretty fast, so this only affects starter levels.

The pianist doesn't offer anything in the way of fighting, but lets you rake in ludicrous amounts of money by doing party time quests. Naturally, both mages and claymores can learn performer and acheive the same thing, but you'll need to spend some time practicing.

To sum up:
If you want to have tons of money, but weaker combat skills roll a fairy pianist.
If you want to be a great caster/fighter and have to spend some time getting money, roll a fairy claymore or fairy wizard respectively.

Again, all classes even out in the end so this choice won't impact gameplay for longer than the first 1-2 hours.

>> No.5806760

Anything else I should get or should know about Farming?

>> No.5806762

snail traveler
or fairy pianist

>> No.5806764

He's messing with you, snail anything is insanely hard to play, only for experts that like a challenge. Farmers aren't bad though, they have no combat skills but start with cooking, anatomy and other stuff that helps you survive and make money.

>> No.5806765

Pianist takes some time to prepare. I don't know if I'd recommend it to beginners on the grounds that it takes a while before you can perform to anyone but pets without getting stoned to death. Once you reach a certain skill level, though, it's laughably easy to get all the gold you want. Ehekatl worshipping Pianists also make extremely good characters to make gene files from; they can amass a shit load of artifacts for a new character to inherit, which helps a lot of different class concepts (my magic gunner, for example, is only possible without a headache thanks to doing this).

For beginners, Claymores are not bad. Just take the usual RPG formula for difficulty here; Warriors/Claymores/Melee are easy. Archers/Thief are normal. Mages and everything else are hard.

>> No.5806772

Shit, I somehow misread his post as "Fairy Farmer" anyway.
Yeah, I heard snail's near-useless. Thanks.

>> No.5806780

How do I actually make my magic not fail all the time?
I can read books fine, but when it comes to casting I fail it 9 times out of 10.

>> No.5806784

Fairy is good except they have next to zero max weight.

>> No.5806788

i hate this cause of lol 1% chance activation + limited uses

>> No.5806793

Guess I'll try making a Fairy Claymore. I should roll Dexterity and Perception as high as possible, eh?

>> No.5806800
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I've been reading tons of books to try and kill the fighting guild master for my museum with dragons etc, but she is insanely strong and killed them all. How do I assasinate higher level NPC's? I need their figures for my museum.
P.S Enjoy cleaning your bloodstained carpet, fighters.

>> No.5806807

Cursed booze. A lot of it.

I killed all 3 of the Fortress bosses at Level 5 that way. The cat was annoying though, had to use pets to distract.

>> No.5806813

make them drunk and vomit
they will starve to death...
i dont know if it works but ive seen it happen in the party time quests

>> No.5806814


>> No.5806818

Oh, make them throw up to death? Genius!

>> No.5806819

The way you make everything better - practice and practice some more. Keep your casting skill at 100% potential (or more) and don't try to cast anything too difficult; magic dart, heal light, short teleport and holy shield are good ways to start.

Weight Lifting, 2.0s every level. Strength only gives you 0.5s every point. My fairy could carry around 150s.

Roll everything as high as possible, it helps. See which two stats have the highest maximum, lock them at that and try to get the rest decently high. Don't autistically try to go for the perfect roll though, you can increase them in game.

>> No.5806828

Dual wielding, wearing equipment over 15.0 s, and riding will all decrease your casting success rate.

>> No.5806847

Dual Wield isn't that bad, only -6% if I recall. Shields are much worse.

>> No.5806863
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So, would anyone care to share their house?

Here's Sun Fresh, situated in the very cave you start out from. I just haven't felt like moving elsewhere. Living quarters, guest room, kitchen, bathroom with missing appliances, not much else to say. These were taken two days ago and I've cleaned up the front since then. I'm a few ingame days away from the Jure festival so I hope to pick up some stairs and expand on the cave base of operations idea.

>> No.5806865

Yeah, I figured those two were the most important.
Now feats: Since Luck and Speed are meant to be so hard to train, should I pick one of them?
Sorry about my cluelessness.

>> No.5806889

im playing as fairy and how do i increase weightlimit on pickpocketable items. also isnt there a scroll to make things lighter

>> No.5806890
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And the character. I ran into an NPC spawned by visiting a moongate the other day, which kept splitting and transferring wishes to me. At first I was thought it was bugged because nothing appeared underneath me, then I saw the wishes appear underneath the NPCs and I was estatic. I worried about breaking the game and how much the chat logs would be spammed, so I mostly wished for furniture (especially bathroom items) and a fuckton of flying scrolls to carry them away.

>> No.5806901

You can't pick luck and speed. Luck is the same for every race, and can be increased in game by eating rabbit tails or happy apples. Speed varies between races - fairies start with 120, golems with 50 and everyone else with 70. It can be increased by drinking potions of Hermes' blood.

>> No.5806909

How do I get my pets to train?
They have all this money, and won't use it.

>> No.5806911

The Feats "Lucky" and "Agile", I mean.

>> No.5806916

Strength modifies your ability to pickpocket, by 0.5s each point - for example having 17 strength lets you pickpocket items that weigh 8.5s and below. A quick fix for this is the Hero spell.

The flying scrolls make things lighter by 25% when blessed, but also reduce the damage and defense if applicable. They are rare but very important to fairies. Save your first scroll to make the Gloves of Vesda wearable.

>> No.5806925

Ah, do get agile, it's a great bonus. Lucky is up to you, luck isn't as important as speed.

>> No.5806928

Catsister race makes awesome claymores btw....

>> No.5806982

Thanks. I'll use the other feats to boost DV or Evasion.

>> No.5806986
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Yes, but that's cheating.

>> No.5806991

Is not.

>> No.5807004

Unlocking cat sisters also unlocks gods and dragons. It's cheating. You can call it not so cheating, or lesser cheating, but in the end it's the equivalent of cheating your stats to 100 instead of 9999.

If you have fun with it though, it's not like you need to justify it to anyone, there's no multiplayer or anything afterall.

>> No.5807025
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What weapon are you using, /jp/? Here's mine.

>> No.5807036
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>> No.5807040
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>> No.5807042

You might want to reconsider using that, cold will destroy items, potions especially, that your enemies are carrying. It's not as bad as fire, but I still wouldn't risk losing a potion of potential or descent. If you like claymores, kill some silver eyed witches for a chance to get http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Claymore_(artifact)

>> No.5807055

Which weapon type do you prefer?
Personally, I love spears, but wished they had some special ability to hit people two squares away. Same for tridents, et al.

>> No.5807107
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Hey, /jp/.
I want to roll a Wizard or something.
I know how to play as a wizard but I don't know how to SURVIVE as one.
Anyone can help me?

>> No.5807133
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>> No.5807186

Rol a Catgod

>> No.5807230
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My god is an awesome god.

>> No.5807234

do robes and wizard hats improve chances of casting?
and rods/staffs?

>> No.5807244

if they have "it improves your casting ability [#####]
then i guess so

>> No.5807254


Well... Thanks!

>> No.5807265


>> No.5807273
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what does this little icon mean?

>> No.5807285

Something to do with the new crafting system introduced in 1.22. At the moment it doesn't do anything, but I heard something about being able to fuse artifacts/create your own artifact weapons and that symbol means that feat will carry over to the new weapon you make.

>> No.5807358

am i the only one whos having issues at the beginning? hes telling me hes giving me shit, then throwing it on the ground, and i cant pick it up >:C

>> No.5807391

Pick it up with 0.
Also, I kept the blessed scroll of uncurse for later use rather than using the bow he gives you.
I still haven't managed to unlock the chest he gave me, though.

>> No.5807486

Is there a way to see your pets' chances at hitting with their weapons, or their skill levels with certain weapons?

>> No.5807498

Pay for an investigation, or use the gene machine and add something else's genes to it.

>> No.5807528

Is the scroll of oracle useful at all? I mean, it tells you where artifacts were created, but you can't actually go get them, can you?

Apparently, I have two in my home.

>> No.5807539

Only good for selling or trading with adventurers. All it does is read you a .txt file.

>> No.5807612

I haven't figured out how to actually get the artifacts yet. It's the art.log file in yuor character's save folder.

Anyway, how would I get an altar in my house? I don't have pickpocket, and the ones in dungeons still give me something along the liens of "it's not yours". Not to mention they are REALLY heavy.

>> No.5807630

It displays when and where an artefact was generated. If you're in your house when receiving a god weapon, it will record '<god weapon> was created in your home on <date>'. If you get a random artefact drop, like an experience of Kumiromi off a fairy, it'll list <item> was generated in <dungeon name> on <date>. If creatures that drop artefacts generated wearing one, for example a beggar with the beggar's pendant, it'll list when and where. If an adventurer 'discovered' an artefact, it will list the name and the place - in this case the place is irelevant but the name lets you hunt him down and kill him for it. It's a really useful tool.

>> No.5807637

Rod of Wish an 'altar' or pick one of the ones in the story line elemental dungeons and Return it (though it's not likely you're going to be able to move it from where you pop in).

Alternatively, buy a deed and set up your new house near Palmia, and use the one there. There's not a huge advantage to having an altar in your house, and getting one for the sake of decoration can be a pretty big chore.

>> No.5807675

My character got tired having sex with an inn keeper, how can i assure succes in prostitution? I need the cheap gold and don't want to go around killing or transporting stuff.

>> No.5807703

also, whats the best weapon for a fairy claymore, with the weight limit in consideration

>> No.5807748

Lucky Dagger is a great start. A godly ether short sword or wakizashi, depending on the mods is great too.

>> No.5807751
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Sorry, Jure, but I'm cloning this pet you gave me!

Just try and keep your stamina high enough before you try and prostitute yourself to NPCs. If you're tired, don't bother trying, because you'll probably fail.

>> No.5807759

Make sure you're not tired or burdened. Rest beforehand to be on the safe side. Failing that, work on increasing your constitution, which provides a bonus to stamina. Mining is a great way to go about that.

>> No.5807772

If you worship a god and get their 2nd gift, the ability, then switch to another god, do you lose that ability?

>> No.5807786

No, tried it myself. Just wait until you get the god weapon, then cycle between gods and get all their stuff (you can only have 2 god pets though, not like god pets are any good). Plan it so the last one is the god you want to have for the rest of the game.

>> No.5807798

I am going to make a Mutant Tourist. I know jack shit about this stuff, but it sounds like fun.

>> No.5807801

Oh, good.

There's no way to check how much 'faith' you've put in your God without just 'p'raying when you think you're there, is there?

>> No.5807815

Is the arena bugged? It said I get rewards for every fifth and twentieth win, but I've never received anything.

>> No.5807830

You can get more than 2. That's what I'm doing >>5807751 here. The trick is to keep copies out of your party in the ranch, then abandoning the ones you have copies for before you get a third/etc. Using this, you can get all of the god pets if you're inclined. (To simplify the explanation, you can't get any more via praying if you have 2+ in your party. Things bred in the ranch don't count as in the party, so...)

Some of them are good, too. The Exile, for example, can completely stomp enemies in one turn. The black cat can be combined with 'I want it!' quests and precious items, to let them gain additional properties. And my golden knight pretty much one shots everything that gets near it with the Gaia Hammer.

>> No.5807843

When you've reached the limit of how much favor you can get with your god for your faith level, you start seeing 'your god is indifferent to your gift'.

Max favor = buffed Faith Skill x 100 + 25.
You get the first reward (pet) at 1525, the second (secret treasure/experience) at 2525, and the 3rd (weapon) at 4025.

Then use this to calculate at exactly what faith level you'll get your gifts, offer things until your god is indifferent then pray.

>> No.5807853

I know, but it's a waste of time in my opinion. You could breed something with an attribute enhancing corpse instead. Only pets that are worth using are spiral kings for the best caster in the game and chaos dragons for the best tank.

>> No.5807884

I hear bottles of water are useful, but what for? I have 3 in my inventory.

>> No.5807894

Drop them on the alter of your god, turn them into Blessed Bottles of Water.

>> No.5807909

First, make sure they are bottles of water and not dirty water. Dirty water is worthless.

Then, go to an altar of your god (unaligned altar in case you have no god - or rather eyth of infidel), and drop the stack on the altar. You'll get a message that the water has been blessed.

Blessed water is the most useful thing in the game. It can be mixed with anything, greately enhancing its power. Blessed weapons and armor are more effective and drop less often when you die. Blessed tools increase your skill level. Blessed beds give you better dreams. Blessed scrolls, potions and wands are more powerful. Blessing something also removes any curse present on it, and makes it unlikely to be cursed again.

>> No.5807912

Then mix those blessed bottles of water with any item to get a blessed version of it. Very useful for your equipment, and certain scrolls and potions.

>> No.5807921

Out of curiosity, are blessed deeds any different from normal deeds, aside from price tag?

>> No.5807924
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>Dirty water is worthless.

>> No.5807942

Buildings constructed from blessed deeds cost less to maintain.

Pretty much any blessed item is better than its normal counterpart. The only exception I can think of are experiences of Kumiromi who give you a feat point regardless of blessed/uncursed/cursed status.

>> No.5807949

But I don't waste dirty water! I throw it on myself to protect from fire attacks, at enemies to enhance my lightning spells and as a countermeasure for invisible creatures.

>> No.5807952
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Got any tales of your adventuring to tell?
I was just doing an escort quest to Palmia, and died of starvation just 1 tile away.
Also, those performers are rubbish to escort, they get killed in one hit by pretty much anything.

>> No.5807961

Learn how to forage.
There's almost always an herb or nut to eat to stave off hunger.

>> No.5807964

Don't blessed potions of descent raise your level?
That's quite the exception.

>> No.5807971

Another thing, if I got into Palmia, I'd probably still starve because that fucking inkeeper is never there. At least four times I've been hunting him down in the town, found him, and "Suddenly, the inkeeper disappears"

>> No.5807985

You automatically receive a 100 or 500 yen coin for the prize machines. Said prize machines generally aren't too far from the arena itself.

>> No.5808027

Ah, that one slipped my mind, haven't played in about a year.

NPCs love to develop teleportitis - he now has a piece of gear that somehow got cursed. If you give him uncurse scrolls he'll read them until the curse is gone. A good alternative is to kill him and hope the offender drops.

>> No.5808098

or pickpocket and sell it back to him

>> No.5808203

You should always be carrying some cargoes of food. So you have no excuse for starving to death there.

>> No.5808226
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Oh fuck, suicide bombers.

>> No.5808256
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the shit I put up with...
better get rid of that pumpkin first. Or Fire Breath the lot of them.

>> No.5808280

grenades are awsome weapons

>> No.5808564

Spellbook of Harvest?
Does that cast Wizard's Harvest?
I can't find anything on the wiki.

>> No.5808669

It lets you learn Wizard's Harvest, yes.

>> No.5808808

So I haven't played much lately, and now the beta is out. How is the new beta, worth the bugs?

>> No.5809592

Basically the only bug worth noting is that Blackjack is broken. Aside from that it plays pretty well. Another thing worth noting is that adventurers can actually notice you pickpocketing stuff from them now so it's a lot harder to steal from them now. Overall there's no problem if you have a large stockpile of cure corruption potions already and stockpiles of cargo or sushi to use to trade with adventurers. Something I've noticed is adventurers rate large amounts of cargo food quite highly. I should probably find out how much large stockpiles of other cargo are worth to them.

>> No.5809616

someone told me traveler's food gets more expensive towards the end of the game, so I've stocked up 196 cargos of it in my house. It's reached about 200gp each to buy now, do you think I should wait to sell it? At least I'll never starve to death on the world map.

>> No.5809652

Cargo food cost rises with your fame. My cargo food cost is currently a bit above 450gp. I'd say you should stock up while you can. Also you're prepared to buy out any adventurer's precious artifact with that many. Just be sure to test out how much cargo food the adventurer really wants for it. You automatically trade all of the item in a single stack and the amount he wants could be substantially less then what you have on that stack of cargo food.

>> No.5809677

cool, rather than sell it I'll trade it to some adventurer the maid brings in. I've also got 6 cure corruption potions to use, just got to home someone has a rare item now.

>> No.5809713

Check your art.log frequently. Simply type art in the search function while in your Elona folder to find it. Read it to potentially see adventurers who have found artifacts. Doesn't happen that often from what I can tell. You can also use it to tell where other artifacts may have spawned. It's going to be cluttered with shaking bows, scentful panties, and ragnaroks if you do party time quests often though.

>> No.5809726

Fuck the last time I played I had a basement and 1F for my castle.

Shit was so storage.

>> No.5809781

What is the best way to gain fame? Right now I'm just doing quests from the board and the occasional arena battle.

>> No.5809804

Spamming quests and arena matches are the easiest way to gain fame. Keep on keeping on.

>> No.5809807


If we are going to occasional Elona threads again, the OP making the threads should always include the wiki. Like before.

>> No.5809954

If you find a low level dungeon, feel free to just blast through it and kill the boss. It seems any dungeon clear gives you sizable fame and you may even find something nice down there too.

>> No.5809962

182 hours OMG.
A 27mb free game has more gameplay than a 60$ game nowadays.

>> No.5809967
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Metal pets wrecked my game. x2 gold bell pets that are immune to poison and cut are close to invincible.

"also cheapest", even CAPTCHA agrees

>> No.5810029
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I feel bad for throwing her panties. No wonder she hates me

>> No.5810146


>> No.5810235

what I should engineer into my little girl to give her weight lifting?

any other skills I should be aware of aside greater evasion and eye of mind?

>> No.5810270
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My current character. Just joined the Mages' Guild, which is going to make things much simpler.

>> No.5810340

Shena's ass is the best.

>> No.5810417
File: 815 KB, 1451x801, gamebreaker sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you guys changing your portrait?
Is there a way to change it in game?
Mine hurts my eyes.

>> No.5810456

Save the image you want as a 80x112 Bitmap image and put it in "Elona\user\graphic" as face1, face2, etc. I think you can get 9 of them.

>> No.5810485

Failing my advice, check this:

>> No.5810580
File: 127 KB, 720x510, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5810873

[X]You are fired.
Press it.

>> No.5811148

How old is this picture now? Checking easymodo and it's from December 2009.

What do other people have for their house names? Mine's currently Monster Pain and before that it was Wonder Nation, both names my maid suggested. Anyone got some interesting ones?

>> No.5811224
File: 305 KB, 1031x791, killer fortress.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killer Fortress. I like my maid... my home look like crap though.

>> No.5811290

I got a summoning crystal from a treasure map recently. If I bring it into moongates will I be able to take customs from maps without summoning crystals in the first place? Also since I usually forcequit out of moongate areas since bad stuff happens like half the time will my summoning crystal be reusable in that way since I never save after a moongate?

>> No.5811331
File: 751 KB, 1286x796, BoomBoomBoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is an entertaining moongate. Yiths started an infinite explosion loop and I'm never getting to the last word part. Anyone else get a moongate room with a neat way of killing you?

>> No.5811385
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>> No.5811445

Moderately belated thanks, man.

Are shops worth it? I can just afford one.

>> No.5811453

Is there a way to close doors?

>> No.5811500

Shift C

>> No.5811556 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5812263

>A 27mb free game has more gameplay than a 60$ game nowadays.

I know. It's like I don't even want to play games any more. At least not mainstream hyped gam- AAAACK I'M BECOMING A HIPSTER!

So I had a blast with Elona before, but I don't have my old save. It was kind of borked anyway.

Is the latest beta worth playing instead of the stable that's been out for forever? Too glitchy? Stable enough? Things I should look out for in it?

I'm thinking of making a wizard. Should I go for Itzpalt first or Lulwy? I plan on pursuing those two for sure. Thinking Lulwy first. Maybe I should plan on getting all gods and start with Opatos for ore depositing goodness and that pet (since I'll probably be a fairy wizard).

Also, and I know this is kind of lame, but tips on min-maxing? Someone talked about using gear to stint leveling, but I'm rusty. Where can I get that gear?
I can do the character creation just fine, though.

>> No.5812321

>using gear to stint leveling
That's bullshit. People are under the impression that stats increase more at lower levels because you start off with a ton of potential. Levels have fuck all to do with anything, as far as stat and skill increases are concerned.

The advantages of being low level, notably 6 and under are unlimited wishes from wells, no tax and no death penalty. Another misconception is that being low level means you encounter less rogues and quests are easier - that's fame related.

So you might want to hold back levels for a bit to get a dozen wishes or so and to prevent stat loss while you're still undergeared and underskilled. You can acheive that even without a cursed item by not doing things that grant experience.

Levels are far from unimportant as most people make them. They're one of the multipliers for health and mana, so once you're combat viable the only thing exp locking/using potions of descent acheives is making you easier to kill and worse at magic.

>> No.5812323

Itzpalt is fucking hard to max, all he takes for offerings are corpses(1 point) and staves (15 points), and staves are really hard to find. Good luck getting 4025 favor any time soon with him.

>> No.5812343

Corpses are weight based. Aliens in particular have huge weight and Palmia makes for a great alien farm, don't forget to nuke it when you're done.

>> No.5812355


Thanks for the confirmation on levels. I thought it sounded strange. I guess for the wishes I better just visit all the towns I safely can and gulp down their wells once I get some gear to adventure safely with.

So am I right to go for Opatos? And to the other guy, yeah, I was only planning on doing Itzpalt once I've saved crap up and maxed out whatever other god I had. Itzpalt is worth it, but not when starting out.

I know you talked about the beta a bit, but I also know it introduced some new things. Stuff I should know?

>> No.5812411

Is this some sort of nethack /jp/ edition? Or some The Sims with animu undertones?

>> No.5812432

The only thing you can really min max is what to do with little sisters. You get to decide between eating them - skill potential increase but more importantly extra life and mana. The life and mana gains depend on your current respective values. A fairy with 40 life is likely to get 1 life every little sister corpse up until around 60 life. Someone with the standard 100 life gets 1 life every 2 little sisters. A fairy with 130 mana gets 1 mana every 5-6 little sisters.

The alternative is to turn them in for artefact replication which can be used for magic fruit/hero cheese. While the gains remain constant regardless of your current life and mana, the little sisters required increase by 1 each time.

So, both mechanisms offer diminishing returns but based on different systems. As a fairy, if you want to increase your life first and foremost it's more efficient to eat the little sisters, while increasing your mana works faster with magic fruit. One way would be to eat around 20 little sisters then start turning them in. A problem with that is you'll have to turn in 21 little sisters before your first reward after which it will progress normally (2, 3, 4, 5. ...). Figuring out how to balance this for optimal efficiency would take some calculations I haven't bothered to make.

This is about the only thing you have to plan ahead, any other value can be increased virtualy indefinitely - while theoretically life and mana can also indefinitely increase, the diminishing returns are far steeper than anything else. Not even speed comes close, it increases reliably with hermes blood, and there's always rabbit tails for luck.

>> No.5812464

>unlimited wishes from wells
Wait, what?
You're limited to wishes after level 6?

>> No.5812485

>turn in 21 little sisters before your first reward
huh, that's true? don't you mean eat 20 and turn in 1?

>> No.5812492

Yeah, it's a good plan to drink all the wells you find in towns/fixed locations like the truce grounds. Once you empty a well, you can mix any potion in it to refill some charges (it might take multiple tries), until you get the 'the well is completely dry' message, at that point there's nothing you can do to refill it. So a good plan is to buy a bunch of cheap potions (restoration and beer are particularly affordable), and use them to hoard a few more wishes before you hit level 6. If you want to be incredibly anal about it you can also get a wand of fire bolt and use it to destroy the town wells (only towns, not fixed locations such as the embassy and truce grounds). After around a week of ingame time, the well will regenerate so you can drink/refill again until it dries completely.

As for gods I'd start with Opatos, then Jure since they both use the same offering. Learn mining and dig out town walls and you'll get all the ore you need plust a bunch of con increases. Then Ehekatl, same with fishing, you can do it near the altar in Palmia in one of the ponds. Depending on which god you want to end up with (I'd suggest Lulwy because speed is more valuable than Itzpalt's mag/resist bonus), leave Lulwy and Itzpalt for the last and second last respectively.

nethack /jp/ edition: now with pregnant little girl pets

>> No.5812505

Yes to one per year or so. When you get the 'you feel a stroke of fortune passed you by' it means you would have received a wish, but you reached your limit.

Eating a little girl, rather causing its death (even if it dies while under you control and leaves no corpse), increases the required number of little girls by 1 for the current stage of the quest. So if you turned in 6 little girls and got 3 rewards, then killed 5 little girls, you'll need to turn in 5 + 4 little girls to get the next reward. After that you'll only need 5, then 6, etcetera.

>> No.5812536

>nethack /jp/ edition: now with pregnant little girl pets


Okay, well, might as well give it a shot. /jp/ seems to have better taste at suggesting vidya than /v/ anyway.

>> No.5812562


So maybe I'm a noob, but what's this artifact replication thing, and little girls? I always kept the one I got at the start as a pet. She served me quite well, but of course after a while I was able to get more pets.

So I can just kill her and eat the corpse to gain life? And where do I turn them in for artifact replication?

>> No.5812570

>nethack /jp/ edition: now with pregnant little girl pets

Do you still want to be the girl, /jp/? Well, do ya?

>> No.5812596

It was little sister, not little girl. I keep getting those two mixed up, sorry.

The reward you get from that quest lets you choose from one of the 'precious' items you have had at some point in time. This includes magic fruit and hero cheese which you can get from two other fixed quests. It's meant to be a way to replace artifacts you've lost permanently - such as losing the cooler box upon death in the Void, but you should rather use it for the purpose I've mentioned.

As a side note, little sisters are impossible to breed.

>> No.5812620

>It was little sister, not little girl. I keep getting those two mixed up, sorry.

Ok, now that makes sense. No wonder I was confused. Thanks.

>This includes magic fruit and hero cheese which you can get from two other fixed quests. It's meant to be a way to replace artifacts you've lost permanently - such as losing the cooler box upon death in the Void, but you should rather use it for the purpose I've mentioned.

Gotcha. So I guess once I start turning in sisters I should never eat one again because it increases the amount required for next quest. So eat 20 before I start turning in.
How does it work, though? Does it just track all the artifacts you would have gotten from completed quests? Like, if the flag for that quest indicates complete, you can get the item. So if you didn't do the quest, you can't replicate. Or can you "replicate" even if you didn't do the quest? I know this question is irrelevant, but I'm just curious.

>> No.5812647

As far as I can tell, the replication condition is for the item to have been in your inventory at some point in time. Oh and, don't get any silly ideeas like cloning the lucky dagger so you can wield two of them - you'll get a random miracle/godly dagger instead. Same for any other precious weapons/armor. Not sure if you can have more than one magic fruit/hero cheese at the same time, but it's a safe bet to eat them before getting more.

What the wiki doesn't tell you (at least I don't think it does), is that killing the little sister and eating her corpse gives you 5-10% potential to -all- skills and increases in life and mana. That's where the problem stems from - it's not easy to calculate which way is more effective. If you have no problems surviving as a fairy you might want to avoid eating them altogether and just turn them in to increase your mana. Depends on what you value more - life or mana. Eating 20 first is what I did on my last fairy, but I have no calculations to prove it was anywhere near optimal.

>> No.5812653

Have fun, try not to be overwhelmed by the controls. But you seem to have been interested in nethack anyway so thats probably not a problem.

Considering this was my first roguelike it was a little frustrating, and then I got into stuff like nethack, crawl, and eventually neckbearded my way into a beginners dorf fort.

But goddamn this one keeps bringing me back, and now that i'm used to control schemes like this, its so much more fun.

>> No.5812696

>As far as I can tell, the replication condition is for the item to have been in your inventory at some point in time.

Even better. I guess the game logs everything that ever hit your bags, which is pretty cool.

>Oh and, don't get any silly ideeas like cloning the lucky dagger so you can wield two of them - you'll get a random miracle/godly dagger instead. Same for any other precious weapons/armor.

Dang it! Elona be trolling the trolls.

>What the wiki doesn't tell you (at least I don't think it does), is that killing the little sister and eating her corpse gives you 5-10% potential to -all- skills and increases in life and mana. That's where the problem stems from - it's not easy to calculate which way is more effective. If you have no problems surviving as a fairy you might want to avoid eating them altogether and just turn them in to increase your mana. Depends on what you value more - life or mana. Eating 20 first is what I did on my last fairy, but I have no calculations to prove it was anywhere near optimal.

I see. Eating them sounds like an amazing thing, even if I don't really need much more hp. Still, all in all I value mana most of all. My philosophy is that as long as the magic system is robust, you can increase your survival rate through raising the amount and diversity of spells you can cast (which naturally means more mana) just as well as increasing your life, if not more effectively than increasing life. But, obviously, you can never truly ignore your life.

>> No.5812713
File: 360 KB, 800x600, face12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my portlate

>> No.5812723

Very nice.

I will be stealing that, thank you.

>> No.5812727


My first rogue-like was Rogue. I moved on to NetHack and other things later on, though.

Dwaf fort, too, man. I may be a noob but fuck do I ever love that game. Maximum neckbeardage.

Have you ever tried Minecraft?

>> No.5812758

Yes, actually i'm the one who does most of the PatchCon sprites when BOOF still ran his server.

I haven't played much in the last couple weeks, still waiting for the powered mine carts because my base is so far away from my spawn.

>> No.5812780

Would your AKA be "Man of Many Faces"?

>> No.5812781


That's coming this Friday, right? I'm not entirely up on the news.

And I just noticed I left out an "r" in "Dwarf". Blech.

>> No.5812785
File: 474 KB, 1038x802, healthyloverbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Healthy Lover Base. Matches my title.

My previous house was called "The Death Base"

>> No.5812845 [DELETED] 

My surely /jp/ related party from two years ago when i played this.

>> No.5812859
File: 1.17 MB, 1389x1579, party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My surely /jp/ related party from two years ago when i played this.

>> No.5812865
File: 264 KB, 1250x795, ElonaStats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if we're busting out old parties then... Haven't played in what feels like over 2 years now.

>> No.5813010

So out of curiosity, how well do ranged characters go? And what races do well as them? My experiences as a warrior have been short lived and I couldn't get into playing a wizard.

>> No.5813019

Wow, so it's up to 1.22 already? Redownloading.
I'll probably play for an hour and drop it again for some months, though, but whatever. I feel like dying a bit.

>> No.5813032

Well, like the class description says. "Anything dead over THERE will not be bothering me HERE".

Ranged characters get some pretty damn good weapons, and rely on arguably less stat balancing than melee class. The best part is you can upgrade your damage by either picking new ammunition or a new weapon.. So thats two ways to boost your attack. Plus you dont have to worry too much about HP.
But its always nice to have HP.

>> No.5813049

Awesome awesome. Haven't played in a few months so this should be interesting.

>> No.5813099

In my experience yerles make the best ranged attackers. Pretty much just because the start with firearms knowledge. Laser guns get less damage dropoff than any other ranged weapon and a decent shotgunner can trounce some of the best armed claymores. Of course you can always be taught the firearms skill at the fighters guild which is pretty easy to get into if you like some other race better.

>> No.5813151


I really like the way firearms were implemented, and other ranged weapons, too.


Not only what Anon told you, but you can have quite a few pets/minions to hold the enemies at a distance or at least help you out.

>> No.5813158

I personally like ranged over melee in this game since it auto target and all I gotta do is spam "f" like a mad man. Easy modo compare to having to chase enemies across the map. It also triggers my ranged pets to attack immediately. Lastly, having two empty hands for shields helps your survivability a lot.

>> No.5813159

>Lastly, having two empty hands for shields helps your survivability a lot.

what do you fire with?

>> No.5813161

You have two weapon slots, and a third "Ranged" slot, and an ammunition slot.

Yes, you can equip a gun and two shields.
Don't question it.

>> No.5813182
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>> No.5813187

My lower gun, of course. Some people use it for fun, but no, not me. I use it for fighting.

>> No.5813199


I am anal and so I NEVER use the auto target. Ever. I think there are some situations where it becomes problematic. Also, strategic firing. Auto might not target the enemy that is best to fire upon first, or the enemy that needs most to be hit by your weapon (if it has an on-strike effect).

Especially since I'm a wizard. Maybe it's different for a ranged character.

>Yes, you can equip a gun and two shields.
Don't question it.

I always envisioned it as gear you have strapped to you and readily accessible, as opposed to gear that's in your backpack. Meaning you can relatively quickly sheathe your sword and whip out your gun from its holster, so count it as equipped. This makes sense if empty hands increases your dodge/parry or whatnot.

>> No.5813219

For an archer (technically, a ninja since I throw shurikens) like me, you just spam "f" on most things until you see scarier monsters, then you manual target and take it out first. Kamikaze yeeks and bells are probably the only things I manual target.

>> No.5813228

Where can I buy scrolls of uncurse? Needless to say, I have yet to venture beyond Vernis.

>> No.5813236

Could someone just go over the die roll thing for me? I've never played a game where die rolls are needed and I don't understand something like 4d5, does that mean you roll 4 dices with a max number of 5 and you hit the damage that it rolls for? ( essentially giving a min of 4, max of 20 and a higher chance of hitting an average amount over say a 1d20, which would give a very random hit? )

Sorry, my google-fu is a little weak.

>> No.5813251

Ranged player here. I find autofire useful in situations where there are no notable enemies such as spellcaster or pumpkins. If they are there then I simply kill them first then continue autofiring on anything else. I might be this lax because I have a whole lot of DV and PV so anything that simply melees me can't even scratch me. I wonder what light armor characters' PVs and DVs are like. What's your DV and PV?

>> No.5813263

Question: Will I be able to port my 1.16 character over to the new version when it's finished and out of beta?

>> No.5813274

You pretty much got it right. A 5d9 for example would have a minimum roll of 5 and max roll of 45 and it would more likely be near the middle due to the fact more die are rolled. If there's a +something then that's added on after the initial die roll. So if the roll was 7d6+3 then after rolling 7 six-sided die you would then add 3 to that number. So it you rolled all ones and got 7 then you would add 3 to get 10.

>> No.5813283

>What's your DV and PV?

I don't remember, sorry. I haven't played in a while and I'm just reinstalling it tonight to start playing again. Let's just say I was squishy. I only had very light armor at most.

Also, I forgot to mention that if they're low level by comparison or really weak I can auto fire, but I do it slowly, turn by turn. Going full auto would be crazy imho. So I was wrong on "never" going auto, but still.

>> No.5813289

You can port them now. Your save needs to be in a town though I think. Just keep a backup in case anything goes wrong. Also all your allies will go to town so you'll need to retrieve them from a bartender after porting.

>> No.5813298

General store and magic vendors in every town sell them, at random chances. They restock every week or so. Investing in them helps they restock more and better stuff, but it's better to invest in one at your home.

Protip: For easy mode, buy a scroll of ally if you see it for sale (about 7k for one). Save, then use it until you get a gold bell or silver bell. Give it a ranged weapon, and poison immune gear, bleeding immune gear, ruby gears asap. Congrat, you just wrecked the game.

More or less.

Not the other guy, but I am a level 9 heavy armor archer (inherited a lot of useless crap from my previous characters), and I am running around with 70 DV, 160-PV.

>> No.5813306

Ah thanks.

Gunna start playing it again, shame i have to use an old keyboard though because this keyboard's numpad has gone down the shitter.

>> No.5813310

>it would more likely be near the middle due to the fact more die are rolled

Yeah, that's a way to determine what characteristics you prefer. Reliability or potential "pow". A 1d12 and 2d6 do the same max damage, but the second has a higher minimum damage count. The second is less likely to do max or min damage, though, and the first is more likely to.

Oh god I brought up the classic greatsword vs. greataxe, here we go! Kidding, you guys aren't /tg/, right?

>> No.5813347
File: 320 KB, 815x634, lynne3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any disadvantages to wearing Heavy armor as a gunner? Was going to try that double-shield thing.

This character was originally a Wizard, but I've since turned her into a gun wielder and like it a lot more. I don't even use magic anymore.

I don't want to start over and have to grind Performance again...I have 60 Performance, I don't miss the days of Loyter killing me with rocks.

Or are there some sick, almost-as-good Light Armor type things I can deck myself out in to still be under 15s? I'm currently pumping gold into my Blacksmith at my castle, at store level 60 so far.

>> No.5813350

This has to be the most annoying monster in Elona.

>> No.5813353


Oh wow, I see what you did there (in the image). Nice.

>> No.5813374

How rare are castle deeds? I've been looking for one at general stores but haven't managed to find one as of yet.

>> No.5813379


1. Jeweler makes your character godly very early on. Skill level 13 jeweler lets you make change material scrolls, get a stack of them and bless them, and you just got yourself a stack of scrolls that can change any equipment you have to 30+ PV with ease.

2. Performance. It'd take a while to build it up, but once you hit skill level 20 or so, it is a money making machine. Practice at your home or somewhere if you don't want to get stoned to death.

3. Learn cooking and anatomy, and carry a portable cooking kit. It'd make it a lot easier to run through dungeons when you got a steady supply of food. Trust me, starving to death is not cute, and it's besides, most food increase your stats potentials.

4. Riding. Some people like it, I personally don't since my damn horse steals my food on the ground, my accuracy goes to hell, and makes my sprite look funky. It gives you virtually an extra bar of life however, and a great increase in speed at low level. Also lets you be burden or tired without slowing you down.

5. Weight Lifting. Get it if you don't have it, train it to hell if you do. You can never have enough weight limit. I'm at skill level 30, and I'm still burdened most of the time due to all the crap I loot from dungeons.

>> No.5813389

Not at all besides the fact you're at least carrying 20 more stone compared to light armor. However my max capacity has gotten over 200 now so I'm not really bothered. In fact I carry trees just to make sure I stay in burden so weightlifting keeps getting trained.

>> No.5813391

By the time you can afford one, you'll probably have seen it a thousand times in the stores.

>> No.5813397

Am I a bad person for rolling fairy pianist every time just so I can be a twelve inch pianist

>> No.5813398

Should add that while training Performance in your home, it can be dangerous to do so near NPCs you hired or even your pets. But Performance (and Charisma) rises fastest the more of an audience you have.

>> No.5813400

Fairly fine tips except for number 3. Screw portable cooking kits. They ruin your food. Instead get a barbecue pit from a party and then change it to a light weight material. Be sure to bless the barbecue pit for better food too.

Also these captchas have some ridiculous words. Sjaelland?

>> No.5813405

If they're new, they're not likely to have hired or afford an NPC in their home (maid is not likely to kill them). Heck, I didn't know how to hire an NPC till my third inheritance. Their pets will only attack if they're assigned to stay at home. In party, they won't attack.

>> No.5813424


The trick to raising your performance from lvl 1 to a ludicrous level is to bring an instrument and a wand of summoning(or a spell, whatevs) to the younger sister mansion. summon near the main Younger sis and watch her summon a sea of lvl 1 younger sisters. When the threat has been dealt with, start playing your instrument, watch stuff that isn't rocks fly about. Wand of teleport is also useful so that you can teleport the lvl 50 big sister out of your "stage".

>> No.5813551

Is there anything special in South Terys in 2.20?

>> No.5813586

Look in the embassy, they most likely have any deed you may need

>> No.5813595
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also these captchas have some ridiculous words. Sjaelland?

protip: you can type anything instead of the shorter word and it still works
>typed neediness x

>> No.5813596

How do I make my Little Girl equip things again? I remember how to give them to her, but not make her put them on.

>> No.5813603 [DELETED] 

Jamming it up Sion's anus sideway on fire would make an excellent gift.

>> No.5813608

It's automatic, you just have to 'G'ive her
You can hit Tab and see her inventory, equipped items are marked

>> No.5813621

I know, sjaelland was the longer word. The shorter one was "B,".

>> No.5813634

Newbs won't have the strength to steal a barbecue.

>> No.5813642

I pick up a head of items, but is it worth using my gold to identify them all? It costs 300-400 to identify and then things only sell for 50g max. Or should I only bother to identify things I'd possibly use?

>> No.5813671

Identify everything at least once, especially scrolls, potions, and rods since those can turn out to be real useful. You'll need to identify an item at least once before they sell properly to venders. You'll also be able to recognize that item immediately when you encounter it again. Get sense quality when you can it saves you the trouble of picking up every equipment item you see and having them identified.

>> No.5813678

Identify scrolls, spellbooks, wands and potions ONCE, when get the same one you already know what it is

Get the Sense Quality skill so your stuff will be identified by yourself with some time

>> No.5813684

Addendum, sense quality isn't that high on the list of important skills though so you may want to hold off until you've gotten other essential skills. It's main help is if you do dungeons a lot to better spot out equipment that may turn out to be useful.

>> No.5813734

As other people said, you need to identify things at least once. If you find a 'green potion', identify it and it will become, say, a blessed potion of potential. The next time you find one, you'll recognise it as a potion of potential. But, its blessed/uncursed/cursed (buc) status isn't identified. So you can identify it again and it might become a cursed potion of potential.

So, if you don't know what something is, identify it. If you know what something is but not what its buc status is decide what you're going to do with it. If you're going to sell it, sell it as it is, the vendor will recognise its value. If you're going to use it, make sure you identify it properly because you do not want to find out that potion of cure corruption you were saving was cursed only after drinking it.

>> No.5813754


Something useful for identifying items is that cursed ones won't stack with uncursed ones or blessed ones. So once you already can identify it as a potion of potential, for instance, you can then just identify one in the stack to know what makes up the whole stack. Saves a lot of money that way. In time, identifying really won't be a big issue.

>> No.5813756
File: 140 KB, 672x613, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I get rid of doors in my house?

>> No.5813778

Shopkeepers also buy them for different values, cursed is cheaper, etc

On beta, you can use an 'pot for testing' or similar and it'll say "success rate goes up/down" when selecting blessed/cursed items

bash them

>> No.5813782

I think bashing a door permanently destroys it (shift+b).

>> No.5813798

>Shopkeepers also buy them for different values, cursed is cheaper, etc

Ah, yes. I forgot to mention that. That's only assured if you have a second type to compare it against. If you just have one stack, you can't really judge it for sure.

Does anyone else get a kick out of eating weapons/armor made out of "raw"? I always find it funny.

>> No.5813800
File: 112 KB, 826x273, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn
Fucking doors.

>> No.5813807

I have decided that firearms are awesome, if a little heavy. A 10d3 machine gun with a +7 to hit at level 2 made things easy.

>> No.5813809

I was horrified when I accidently ate some chainmail and my character died from something unrelated.

I seriously thought I scarfed down some fucking metal chainmail and choked to death.

>> No.5813827

So if I just downloaded the beta and started playing it I wouldn't need to know a lot?

>> No.5813831

You can better download the stable version.
And the wiki is always nice to read http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Help

>> No.5813835

Yea I was reading the wiki a little. I have it open in a tab. I am not good with button mashing so I like games like this.

>> No.5813841

If you've ever played another roguelike (nethack, dungeon crawl, angband) you should be familiar with most of the concepts. If not, there's a lot of things you'll have to learn so try to have a bit of patience until you get through the hurdle when you have no ideea what you should be doing. Don't try to get everything right on your first character, just go ahead and experiment.

Like >>5813831 said, you should probably get the stable version. The beta is incomplete and is slightly harder to get into (quest maps incur a death penalty - though that might not mean much to you now).

>> No.5813847

I just turned on my Elona after god knows how long since i played just to kill Loyter.

I hate that bastard.

>> No.5813850


Related to both posts, you can find guns made out of "raw". Kind of reminds me of that one video where a guy makes a fully functional blowtorch nozzle out of bacon.


I haven't installed it yet. I have the 1.22 beta and the 1.16 stable. Someone earlier said that the only bug to worry about was you can't play blackjack. Is that right? A second opinion would be nice. I really want the features in the later version, and I can live without blackjack I guess. I can make money some other way. Yeah, I know there are better ways to make money, but I like blackjack. Also, the special potion you can get. That's important too.

>> No.5813854
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>> No.5813875 [DELETED] 
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>Reimu's face.

>> No.5813879
File: 1.35 MB, 2345x2140, 1266006145906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youmu's face.

>> No.5813897

You could always get as many potions as you need on 1.16b then transfer your save to 1.22 to try it out.

I got so many I don't know what to do with them anymore. I have at least 3 or 4 high level monster balls as well, but I already have a Yith, Adamantium golem, and Spiral King.

>> No.5813963

How do you open gifts? A friend adventurer gave me a cheap gift quite a while ago and I still have it.

>> No.5813970


>> No.5814013

lol, 'o'pen it like chests

>> No.5814023

Is there anything special in South Terys in 2.20?

>> No.5814028

Is this some kind of mmo or can you play it alone?

>> No.5814032

You can play blackjack, actually. You just need to have a firm memory of which position the Hit me, Stay, and Cheat buttons are, because the text doesn't disappear.

Cards, however, show up just fine and you can play the game without any major difficulties aside from the text thing.

>> No.5814053

i can't.

>> No.5814061

It's alone, only.

>> No.5814068


Interesting. So, is it worth doing the 1.22 beta version then, in your opinion? I'm leaning towards that now. I can easily remember where the buttons are placed.

>> No.5814083

And you can edit it to be about touhou characters? Sounds awesome. I'll check this out.

>> No.5814104

And you can make your touhou pregnant. Just be prepared that your child will melt your heart.

>> No.5814112

I can't say I regret switching to it, at the very least.

>> No.5814127

The only bug I ever found is pretty avoidable:
Don't eat raw equipment that maintain Luck

>> No.5814152

>Don't eat raw equipment that maintain Luck

What happens if you do? It's good that you told me, because I like to eat raw equipment now and then. Especially when starting out and dungeon crawling.

>> No.5814303

The game simply crashes, eating raw equip is being buffed

If you eat equip that maintain <attribute> you'll be blessed for 2000 turns with "Grow <attribute>" (makes it grow faster)
I'm still not sure how you train speed, but the game allows a Grow Speed blessing

>> No.5814331

I have also found that "Before it's too late..." quests from Vernis to Palmia and back are such an easy way to make money. Yowyn too.

>> No.5814433

Just stay away from Hunting time (unless you got really good gears or pet), harvest time (unless you got tons of strength and preferably riding a pet), and note this STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM BEAUTY AND BEAST. That shit is a death trap, unless you got real lucky and didn't run into assassins.

>> No.5814605

Does /jp/ play with the custom music pack as well? While I've always played with the music pack, I've known some people who swears by the original music and refuses to go anywhere near the custom music pack.

>> No.5814794
File: 414 KB, 700x538, 3721753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just died and permanent-dropped my blessed +4 living gun.

I have no words to express how angry I am.

Or how bullshit that is.

>> No.5814806

>I just died and permanent-dropped my blessed +4 living gun.

That does suck, but at least you're not permanently dead, like a regular rogue-like.

Also, are you absolutely sure you permanently dropped it? Isn't it recoverable unless you die in the void? Backtrack to where you died in the dungeon. The monsters and items reset per level, but I'm pretty sure your corpse/stuff will be there.

>> No.5814818

It was in the Dragon's Nest. I recovered what I dropped, and the gun was not among these items. I was killed by a T-Rex, and it was fireproof and acidproof, so it's not like it got destroyed by one of those.

If it's recoverable, I don't know where the hell it is.

>> No.5814832


Maybe it shattered. Things can shatter here, right? It's been a while since I played (yeah, didn't install it yet - watching anime and stuff).

>> No.5814838
File: 73 KB, 708x396, elona_lyrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried making a character. It's a pretty overwhelming game at first. Thanks to the advice in this thread I made a pianist. She got Agile and Sexy feats. I have no idea what to actually do in the game though.

>> No.5814852
File: 169 KB, 866x1208, get out of here shrine maiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, no ice damage, and I had coldproof blankets and such. I think Elona just decided to troll the fuck out of me.

It gives me a reason to go Mani now that I'm done with Jure, but... meh. That gun was pretty much the reason I made this character. Depressing.

>> No.5814864

He would had starting drinking your blood anyway.

>> No.5814865

As long as the game isn't Ultima 4, when in doubt, kill stuff.

>> No.5814885
File: 183 KB, 806x632, OH GOD WAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5814936

Living weapons fuck you over sooner or later anyway. Better you lose it now than waste effort. If you think you can handle the fight, go grab the railgun.

>> No.5814940

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- well, at least it isn't >>5811556

>> No.5814975
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 1255994811028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like you have an audience. START PERFORMING!

>> No.5814977
File: 16 KB, 1150x65, ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5814838 here
What went wrong? pic related...

>> No.5814986

This is nothing. You haven't met a CUBE yet. You'll learn to hate *it*.

>> No.5815002

Performing near NPCs higher level than you is grounds to get stoned to death in Elona.

Coincidentally, it's also the reason that, when you're high enough level, you kill every bard you see, no exceptions.

Raise your level a little, and in the mean time, don't play for anyone except your pets. You can try to play in town, but make sure you check the level of everyone around you with the * key. If they look strong/etc, don't dare play near them.

Also be on the lookout for equipment that makes your performance better. Each one will give your Performer skill a 1-5 bonus for every # it has (## are a minimum of 6, ### minimum of 11, etc). This goes a long way in keeping you alive to perform.

>> No.5815005


Railgun? Where is that and how do I get it?

>get out of here shrine maiden.jpg

Is that...
Is that some S.T.A.L.K.E.R. cross? I fucking love that game. I even stream it. Got any more like that?

>> No.5815028

>Railgun? Where is that and how do I get it?

It drops off Saten in the Fort of Chaos (Sion).


>> No.5815064
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Is there a sprite pack for more/better hair styles and faces and shit?

>> No.5815068


Right, thanks. Sorry, I keep forgetting that there's a whole wiki devoted to a lot of things in the game.

General question here, but do any of you save scum? For example, when using wells. Saving after something good happens and reloading if it's bad. I don't do it extremely, but I'll reload if the result is incredibly, incredibly bad and I'm on a new character. For moderately bad, I don't care so much.

>> No.5815070

Only play to yourself/your pet if your performer skill is around 10
Higher level NPCs demands higher skill, so play to beggars and miners first
When selecting a mission, check the number of stars and how much points you need to complete it
Save all equipment that improves your performance and equip them when going to such quests
And stay the fuck away from Loyter

>> No.5815072

Oh god, where do i find fireproof blankets
Fucking baptists.

>> No.5815094

Question: how the heck do I unride(?) someone?

>> No.5815104

Shops, puppy cave, random dungeons.

Also, you could try to get the gloves of vesda, they make you virtually immune to fire damage/item loss.

If you're too strong to acheive that, elemental shield or potions of resistance help in a pinch. A trick some people aren't aware of is that if you are wet, you take very little damage from fire and your stuff won't burn. You can make yourself wet by throwing any potion at yourself. If you throw a potion of resistance at yourself not only do you get the effect but also the wet status, making you doubly protected. Be aware that while wet you take much more damage from lightning attacks.

>> No.5815106

most people would probably call it cheating, but I take the highest level beaty and the beast quest on the board (usually rewards with 15-20k gp and some platinum and other random crap) and reload if I get attacked by assassins because there's no way in hell I can beat them. Save if I get about half way to where I'm going without being attacked.

>> No.5815109

'A'pply, center square (aka yourself).

General vendors or randomly found in dungeons. You can recharge them, if you have recharge scrolls.

>> No.5815115


>> No.5815127

Around what stats etc should I have before trying to go for the gloves of vesda? I'm up to the point in the story where the king dies and I'm level 15.

>> No.5815131

>height 192 cm
fucking huge

>> No.5815145
File: 375 KB, 579x363, marriage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just died in the Dragon's Cave first floor at level 16 with around the stats I posted >>5810270 here. Then >>5814794 this happened. I would wait, personally.

Apparently I got to Soul Mate level with my golden knight at some point, so I guess I'm going to marry them.

>> No.5815161

It's not about stats, it's about abusing items. First stock up on a bunch of resistance potions. Also get a few dozen cheap potions like heal light or restoration, to throw on yourself. This should protect you from his firebreath.

His melee is pretty good, but not that scary (for a dragon boss he seems barely on green dragon tier, if even that). Still, he can hurt a weak character. The easy way is to grab a shuriken and keep him bleeding until he dies. The really cheap way is to bombard him with cursed booze. A stock of teleport rods and scrolls helps in this endeavour. If your skill with shurikens isn't great and you think booze is a cop out, stock up on tons of rods of magic dart. Rods of lightning also do great damage if you throw a potion at him beforehand.

Potions of speed, slow, weakness, holy shield, hero, healing, etcetera and any spells you can cast will help this fight a bit. Try not to get burdened carrying all that stuff though.

>> No.5815219

Oh god training performing at level 8 is a pain already. Why doesnt the game let you do low level party time missions to level it up?

Even miners and farmers throw rocks at me...

>> No.5815225

I practiced it on a piano in one of the bottom right houses in Port Kapul with my pets.
And I still suck at it.

>> No.5815366

Refer to this >>5813424
Grab a rod of summoning and a rod of teleport, and stock up on food and bring a good bed. You'll be there for a while.

>> No.5815565

I tried to start out with a Fairy claymore but I keep getting bronze claymores which are to heavy to use.
I thought Fairy claymores got a lighter weapon to start with.

>> No.5815652

What are the best pets in Elona? Right now, I've got a silver bell with Shena's panties and a trainer with the Claymore, and I'm aiming for a Frisia's tail Spiral King and a Chaos Dragon since it was mentioned earlier. But what else is there?

>> No.5815702
File: 774 KB, 804x602, ssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I loved this game so much. So, so much.

Pic related, it's my character stats after beating the game.

>> No.5815722

>beating the game.

You can do that?

>> No.5815729

Younger sister and Younger catsister.

>> No.5815740


Bells and quicklings are among the BEST pets that you can get. If you want something better and have a lot of nether resistance, you could try to catch a nether dragon. Also try to catch a tyrannosaurus for riding, that shit can bring you all the way up to 200+ speed with high enough riding.

>> No.5815754


Well, you can keep playing after you beat the game. But for all intents and purposes the game is pretty much over once you finish the main quest unless you're into grinding. I suppose you could do some stuff like kill the bosses in the level 666 dungeons, or try to get as deep in the Void as you can, but I stopped at the main boss.

>> No.5815806


A lot of rogue-likes have an end-game goal. This is no different in that regard. But you can continue. A lot of the fun is seeing just how far you go, what you find, what you fight, doing the extra very hard dungeons.

Is there a second secret end that requires grinding? I think there should be. Something that after you've beat it once or a few times, you go on after to pursue that questline.

>> No.5815828


Well, apparently we're getting some new maps in the new version if and when it does come out. In the beta, South Tyris and some other weird area are already accessible in a little caravan tent south of Derphy. But they don't really have much in them, and you constantly get Drake level encounters in that barren wasteland. But who knows, it could be the start of a new beginning!

also lolwut at my captcha: Jadlowker Mark

>> No.5815832
File: 679 KB, 1451x801, the hell does this do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what this does?
I'm guessing it shows your faith, but how?

>> No.5815842


It tells you the god that NPCs follow. It's pretty neat, but really isn't very useful.

>> No.5815859
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Sweet. New stuff is always great, love that it's being developed still.

The captcha I just got.

>> No.5816404

I just kept rerolling until I got a cloth claymore.

>> No.5816408

I always wanted a Messenger of Death


>> No.5816459

>thread autosaging
>314 posts and 53 image replies omitted.

/jp/, I am impress

>> No.5816512

Should we continue?

Thread seems to be doing just fine as far as discussion.

>> No.5816625

New thread at >>5816621
