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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 94 KB, 798x568, b&d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5803719 No.5803719 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5803721

reported for ban evasion

>> No.5803726

Captcha modo?!

>> No.5803730

My god the faces of some of the absolute assholes who have been spamming when they saw this.

Fucking priceless

>> No.5803731

Yeah, looks like quick reply will be out for some time

>> No.5803735
File: 187 KB, 672x503, easymodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, my captcha: "epistermological Varese"
What the fuck.

>> No.5803736

nice font bro

>> No.5803737

( ゚д゚)

>> No.5803738

How many hours in MS Paint?

>> No.5803739


>> No.5803745

At least it means a temporary retrieve from the daily dose bots.

>> No.5803748

Durr, reprieve

>> No.5803753

Try again with Comic Sans and it will look more legit.

>> No.5803799

People who use quick reply should be banned anyway for not reading the threads before posting.

>> No.5803817

I think we're thinking of different quick replies.

>> No.5803835
File: 10 KB, 483x241, quickreply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean this type of quick reply.

>> No.5803846

Reported for ban evasion.

>> No.5803860

Evade this, fag.
*farts in general direction*

>> No.5803862
File: 86 KB, 1024x481, thistype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean this type. Clicking on a post-number to reply to makes it pop up.
I figured it'd encourage reading of threads.

>> No.5803877
File: 29 KB, 543x584, reply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My own version of that just modifies the existing post box instead of creating a new one, so it's adapted by itself.

>> No.5803878

I used quick reply even when reading threads as it was a lot more convenient that scrolling all the way back up to the top of the page.

>> No.5803879


>> No.5803942

This is a modified "4chan improvement", by the way. It's completely invisible on the right of the screen until you hover over it.

>> No.5803959

Well done for you, dyslexia-guy

>> No.5803977


>> No.5804611

Can you post that script with working quick reply?

>> No.5804682

Am I the only one who can't hear shit if I switch to audio captchas (yeah, I love challenging myself sometimes)?

>> No.5804691

That's not what ban text looks like.


>> No.5804748

Wow. Sure moot is serious now.

>> No.5804775

That shit never works for anywhere.

>> No.5804783

*for me anywhere.

>> No.5804803
File: 43 KB, 1152x612, (0) -jp- - Otaku Culture_1280309090155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do want fixed quick reply.

>> No.5804822
File: 79 KB, 755x484, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, Anonymous?

>> No.5804824

It works perfectly to me. Maybe you should just toggle off all that useless Stylish crap, I guess this is what is causing the Captcha box not to show up correctly.

>> No.5804849
File: 44 KB, 1152x612, (0) -jp- - Otaku Culture_1280311398981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804943

Quick reply works fine for me, and I'm just using the 4chan extension linked to from here. This post was made using quick reply.

>> No.5804946

You don't really get banned after screwing up twice, do you? I mean, it makes sense if you miss it like 10 times, but 2?

>> No.5804948


>> No.5804971

We at 4chan do no take kindly to dyslexic users.

>> No.5804974

Some captchas are fucking unreadable.

This shouldnt be a bannable mistake.

>> No.5804977

Wow. The Captcha is shit. "the moose" was bypassed with "the mouse"

and now I will beat "tight tiredness" with "taught tiredmess"

>> No.5804987

Yup. Enjoy having your shitty captcha cracked soon, moot.

I assume, that is.

Among Longwood -> Along Longfood

>> No.5804996

This, it's stupid after only two tries.
If there's one thing I hate it's captchas made intentionally hard to read.

If they start putting cats and dogs in the images like rapidshit used to do, oh I swear to god I'm going to decapitate someone.

>> No.5805006

>Cracking Captcha


>> No.5805009


You must be a fucking retard to not be able to read captchas.

>> No.5805010

>It's a well known fact that I loathe CAPTCHA, but at this point it's better than the site being entirely engulfed in spam. We're trying to work a better solution out, but in the interim, this is the best solution. Thanks for understanding.
Well ok, the perma-banning also seems like a "nice" addition.
No more browsing while being drunk, those typos are all of a sudden serious business.

>> No.5805012

Captcha refresh box, do you use it?

But in all seriousness I doubt you'd get a ban for messing up a few times in a row.

>> No.5805019
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some are fucking horrible
althou if its unreadable you can replace it with anything you want. other boards adding random shit to fuck up the captcha system

>> No.5805026


Please refer to the little refresh box. Your complaints are not justified.

>> No.5805028

It does suck, but at least now people have to make an effort to actually post. So if you shitpost with captcha, we'll know it's because you're really dedicated to it.

>> No.5805037

>have to be able to input captcha to post
>calling someone a retard for not being able to read captcha

I can see you're a bright one.

>> No.5805039


onioned reported -> orioned reshorted

>> No.5805044
File: 2 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right?
But look at the bright side, even you get only one word right (the easier to read) the program registers a false positive and lets you post anyway.

>> No.5805045

as i said in my second line. you dont need to type unreadable ones correctly. the only one you need to get correct is the obvious easy one

>> No.5805046

We don't give a fuck, scandashit.

>> No.5805052


Hey moot, you MAD because I am destroying you're shitty CAPTCHA WITH THE FIRES OF JUSTICE?

you care moot, or you wouldn'tve quoted me wwwwwwwwwww

>> No.5805075

anyway sci explained how they work and how 4chan can ruin the system

>> No.5805078

moot doesn't even know how to use sage correctly.
Face it, nobody gives a fuck about what you're entering in the captcha.

>> No.5805084

>Implying Captcha is breakable.

God, you are so dim-witted it's almost maddening.
The only damage you're doing is that OCR software will now give erroneous readings to some words and that'll prompt a rechecking.

>> No.5805086

Reported for implying in /jp/.

>> No.5805090


Reported for displeasing me.

>> No.5805097

You are a full blown retard.

>> No.5805103


reported for being new to /jp/ and not knowing who I am

>> No.5805109

I fart in your general direction.

>> No.5805111


And I can easily cut your throat with one of my five knives.

>> No.5805117

So far I have just been to lazy to put you in the filter with ShitAss.

>> No.5805128


wwwwwwwww you have to use a filter. You're such a spergloid you cannot avert your eyes from things you don't like and need a program to do it.

Have fun beig a fucking braindead, boy. You're not allowed to see my posts from now on.

>> No.5805183
File: 209 KB, 406x480, 1275200014303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5805193

hiragana/katakana captcha is needed for /jp/.

>> No.5805201

fail shop faggot
op is a faggot and a newfag

>> No.5805202

That would be slightly funny.

I bet there would be thread attempts at 'How do I type in runes? I'm too stupid to google it' but won't work because lol captcha.

>> No.5805221

you know using www is the same as using lololol, as in it makes you automatically a retard without the right to live, right?

>> No.5805224


Yeah, that would be awesome. Also if you made it Kanji capacha the unserbase of /jp/ would shrink to like five people.

>> No.5805249


Captchas without deformations are easily cracked. No one be able to read that.

>> No.5805267


>> No.5805284


I hate capchas but I could get behind this, it'd drastically weed out retards.

>> No.5805289

As if it isn't already.

>> No.5805301

You are wasting your time Dilbert.

>> No.5805324

Either our site gets shittier with spam, or our site gets shittier with forced captcha. Spammers won.

Personally annoys the hell out of me. Ive blocked buzzfeed, quantserve and google-analytics for privacy reasons but nowI have to live with google.com/recaptcha/api/challenge?k= tracking me...

>> No.5805332

Who cares if they track you when all you do is lurk /jp/ all day? /sarc

>> No.5805337

Every bit you send and receive passes through the NSA. Google is the least of your worries.

>> No.5805341

So captcha combats not only spam, but also people who can't spell properly?

Awesome. Hope it stays forever.

>> No.5805360

as much as I personally like the idea, /jp/ is not restricted to those who know japanese. I know, we'd probably be better off, but still it doesn't feel fair to those anon who like the board but have to wait for translations.

>> No.5805362

For better or for worse, it also destroys /c/ completely. Along with image dumps in general.

>> No.5805370
File: 79 KB, 643x547, 1274571536819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's only a matter of time until the Jdownloader capcha cracker gets merged into xchan.

>> No.5805376

It means you need to post each image one at a time if you are really interested in posting them.

>> No.5805377

We are all NEETs and have unlimited free time to learn moonrunes, though. Those who aren't don't belong here anyway. HURR.

>> No.5805385

I have better things to spend my time on than learning moonrunes.

>> No.5805389

Says the boy posting on /jp/.

>> No.5805397

its not that hard to get a chart of them thou

>> No.5805401


To be fair the JDownloader captcha cracker is hardly fantastic. It'll either ignore half of the word or give you something completely wrong.

>> No.5805407

It's still a stupid idea and this will never happen because it's not the purpose of Captcha.

>> No.5805431

To stop spam? Just imagine, /b/ couldn't even begin to raid us anymore.

>> No.5805435

The whole board had a total of 3 posts during the last hour. It's officially a ghost town board now.

>> No.5805454

and half of them are in a "theres a party in /jp/ thread"

>> No.5805463 [DELETED] 

You just don't get it, do you?
Forcing people to take Captcha tests might be used by used to stop spam, but the reason behind it is to assist OCR softwares in recognizing unreadable words by having humans handle it. That's why you'll never see Captcha using non-Latin letters.

>> No.5805469

We should do one of the ones where they show a kanji, and you have to type it in hiragana. Since it's /jp/, we should stick to the 常用漢字, but stick it in an image so people can't Rikaichan it.
/jp/ quality would increase 100 fold in an instant.

>> No.5805470


>Go to /c/ to assess the situation
>First post I see is a "herp derp party on /jp/ thread"

God fucking damn.

>> No.5805486

I don't care what they use my Captcha entries for if it stops spam and sage/image bombing.

>> No.5805488

You just don't get it, do you?
Forcing people to take Captcha tests might be used by webmasters to stop spam, but the actual reason behind it is to assist OCR softwares in recognizing unreadable words by having humans handle it. That's why you'll never see Captcha using non-Latin letters.

>> No.5805494

At least the one good part of the Captcha is that the ADD kids from /b/ probably won't crap up /jp/ as much since they won't be bothered dealing with the Captcha.

>> No.5805504

however this is failing as ive seen on a lot of other boards where they are taking advantage of this and instead posting niggers or something.

>> No.5805511

Yes, I saw the video. Hiragana captchas still exist, nobody's forcing moot to use this one.

>> No.5805516


It takes 2 seconds to fill it in though.. then again the average attention span of the typical brainwashed retard that comes here for 'EPIK RAID XDDDD' probably couldn't handle it.

>> No.5805567

That's only for reCAPTCHA.

There's plenty of CAPTCHA stuff out there that's just hard to read.

>> No.5805592

I was hoping moot would use reCAPTCHA honestly. Imagine how much faster the project will go with the mass of 4chan typing, shitposting and the like.

>> No.5805616

I don't really get all the bitching over what is essentially adding two whole words to your posts. It takes like a second. After many posts I have yet to come across any captchas that I had difficulty reading but when I do I will just use the refresh button and I'm sure things will be fine.

It's well worth it to keep bots and spammers off of the boards.

>> No.5805629
File: 82 KB, 311x311, 1278746983170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Scandaroon !/n8SKATORI summerfag needs to get the fuck off of 4chan.

>> No.5805641

Or you need to filter and stop talking about him, unless you feel like showering him with some more attention.

>> No.5805656


please don't filter me i hurt deep inside and just want friends and love ;_;

>> No.5805662

This is because each Captcha is composed of a word OCR softwares can read and one they don't.
The program allows the posters to get their message through because they get the readable word right, while they can type whatever they want for the unreadable one. Still, the results of every unreadable word are compared with other data gathered from other sites using Captcha, so I doubt that even with their sheer perseverance /b/tards will ever be able to trick OCR softwares to read every word as "dick" or "nigger".

>> No.5805685

I would imagine blocking every "nigger" result coming from 4chan.org isn't too much effort on recaptcha's part.

I don't understand why they even bother.

>> No.5805834

for most people it's merely an annoyance, but it's pretty devastating for boards that are pretty much just image dumps

>> No.5805917

1) This is great as besides spam it keeps out retards who can't even spell. Also, invasions from other boards will be reduced as it takes more effort to post now.
2) No more imagedumps, which is a good thing, as moot has many times stated imagedumps are not the purpose of 4chan. Use Danbooru if you want to exchange /c/ anime pictures. Or actually have some dedication and something worthwhile (new) to post. (moot should add the /r9k/ system to boards like /c/, but only for images, not text.)
3) People who actually really believe a moonrunes captcha would increase /jp/'s quality overstate their own intelligence.

>> No.5805931

Learning moonrunes does not require intelligence.

>> No.5805932

/jp/ needs a captcha that uses all Jouyou kanji.

>> No.5805939

To the people saying op's picture is fake, how many tries do you get?

>> No.5805945

As you have demonstrated with these posts.

>> No.5805951

>3) People who actually really believe a moonrunes captcha would increase /jp/'s quality overstate their own intelligence.
I just thought it'd deal with the random /b/ raids pretty effectively. Everyone here should know how to type a couple of hiragana characters.

>> No.5805959

I fail to see your point.

>> No.5805965

You say adding a moonrunes captcha would increase average /jp/ intelligence, then go on to state learning moonrunes doesn't require intelligence.

Think for a second, or at least try.

>> No.5805971


back to >>>/a/, nazi germany

Plus, like moot would ever do anything for /jp/, just shut the fuck up

>> No.5805974

hangul capcha, maximum trolling.

>> No.5805982

>You say

No, I don't. And neither does anyone else, for that matter. Actually, you were the first person in this thread to even use the term "intelligence".

>> No.5805997

>I don't really get all the bitching

Okay here's one more. 4chan pages now takes 8-10 seconds to load because my browser hangs while waiting for recaptcha.net's slow ass servers to react....
8 seconds of waiting is 8 seconds too many when it was instant before.

>> No.5806024

This only happens 5% of the times though.

>> No.5806047

So you don't think intelligent posters make the highest quality posts on here? Maybe you really are a shitposter.

Anyway, do suggest this to moot. I'll have a good laugh when he bans you for being a fucking weeaboo.

>> No.5806069
File: 86 KB, 628x339, wtfmoot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5806072

No, I think people interested in the subjects discussed make the highest quality posts.

>> No.5806078 [DELETED] 

It's a fucking gate to Oblivion!

>> No.5806092

Looks like we have differing opinions on what make good posters then.

Enjoy your "Kawaii~^_^" gaiafags.

>> No.5806113

Get better internet.

>> No.5806154

I don't, that's why I want Japanese captcha.

>> No.5806214
File: 2 KB, 388x111, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before the captcha, this never happened. Now it happens occasionally.

Me upgrading my internet won't help api.recaptcha.net from ddos attacked by the rest of 4chan.

>> No.5806245

Many gaiafags know moonrunes. In fact, they are the ones who are translating most of your entertainment.

That's why I said you are overstating your own intelligence, if you think you are such a better poster just because you know some runes.

>> No.5806277

gaiafags only know the moonrunes because they had the choice between Mexican, french, and Japanese in High School.

If I took Japanese instead of Mexican I would've had that shit down

>> No.5806288

Kudos to them. I don't mind people who translate Japanese stuff posting here, quite the opposite in fact.

>> No.5806296

wish my school wasnt so welfare when i was in it. japanese wasnt even an option

>> No.5806315

>Many gaiafags know moonrunes. In fact, they are the ones who are translating most of your entertainment.
I would agree if you said animesuki, since a lot of translators post there, but gaia? I can't see anyone be able to understand japanese and still suffer those faggots.

>> No.5806332

You can't be serious.

>> No.5806334

No. not really. 4chan is loading pretty fast right now. Definitely faster than it was back in blank page/server overload days

>> No.5806373

4chan loads fines its the recaptcha
i have my pages set so they auto update posts so its not that bad but refreshing main page is kinda annoying. but im used to lag cause dialup

>> No.5806382

The hiccups come occasionally, not everytime. I've seen it hang on me more than 5 times so far.

>> No.5806387

But honestly, moot should just make it 5 incorrect captcha in a row = automatic ban,

that would clean out all the infected idiots

>> No.5806428
File: 41 KB, 1680x447, let me spell it out for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5806496
File: 3 KB, 300x57, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be forbidden for these reading type captcha to use words that don't exist and words that are spelled wrong. Reading them adds to your retard level.

>> No.5806504

Does quick reply work for you, guys?

I can't captcha that since there is no box there

>> No.5806506

That would be better than the current two mess ups = permaban.

>> No.5806512

this is a myth
im pretty sure there is no ban since ive purposly tried to see limitations of captcha and failed it many times in a row
