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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5785870 No.5785870 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, what are you going to do when you can't leech off your family anymore? I plan on taking euthanasia but that's just me. Just the thought of having to interact with people and being slaved literally sends chills down my spine.

>> No.5785881

ill fall into the grind at a gas station or something

>> No.5785897

reported for autism

>> No.5785898
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>> No.5785900

Having a job isn't so bad. You just need to do something that you can take pride in.

>> No.5785908

take up carpentry
cut off your leg with a buzzsaw
pretend it was an accident

>> No.5785919

Too bad that requires education or good health, and I have none of them.

>> No.5785921

That's actually a good suggestion.

>> No.5785927

Going to hop off of a tall building while listening to my favorite IOSYS album.

I won't be able to get a job because I don't know anybody, plus I have no education. And there's no way in Hell I'm going to live on the streets.

>> No.5785933

I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know ;_;

But I really need to find a job soon.

>> No.5785940

I'm inheriting money so I'm not worried

>> No.5785956

Keep working the job I'll already have by that point.
Or...if the NEETs around here would let me in on their money-making secrets...

>> No.5785962

Fuck you.

>> No.5785980

>Or...if the NEETs around here would let me in on their money-making secrets...
Ok. First, be Japanese.

>> No.5785997

Find a fucking job. Earn my own money, and live with my own money.

>> No.5786018

I'm not falling for that one again!

>> No.5786021

move to germany
young people get paid for being alive

>> No.5786849

I don't want you people to kill yourselves. :(

>> No.5786918

You have to respect our opinions.

>> No.5786933


>> No.5786943
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/jp/ suicide meetup has been 2+years planning, when are we doing this?

Need to be off to Gensokyo / Old Home already.

>> No.5786946

I really wish I could inherit this house I love in. I'd get a job to pay the bills, and that's about the only way I'd ever get a job. I doubt that will happen and I will end up living in an apartment somewhere.

>> No.5786989

lots and lots of dextromethorphan, shrooms, heroin and other things.

This is how I wish to die, until then- I'll stick with weed.

>> No.5786995

>old home
This is a good place.

>> No.5787012


Don't worry, Misaki will come to recruit you all!

>> No.5787112

I really have no idea. I have fallen back into the lifestyle where I have nothing I wish to do with my future, and just spend every day in fear of time passing, until the day I have to take action.

If you want a good job, you need a lot of motivation, and if you settle for a shitty job, there's nothing to provide you with the motivation you need, even though you don't need as much. I keep trying to think of an exception, a job that would give me a little more motivation than it took, but I just can't think of one.

>> No.5787130
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>> No.5787143

I'd go to the official /jp/ suicide meetup, but nobody better pussy out at the last second! I want to go to Gensokyo already.

>> No.5787164

Would be really tempting if it didn't require communication with anyone. Like, managing some closed-off archive where only 2-3 people are allowed to enter. Does such a job exist?

>> No.5787170

I would like to take photographs at the /jp/ suicide meetup.

>> No.5787171

i will probably try to kill myself and end up failing miserably

i wish i had the balls to try it now

>> No.5787196

Also going to school for this. Library suicide meetup. A portal in patchouli's archive will open up when we do it.

>> No.5787210

I do freelance 3d art and programming. I'm on the computer all day, and I don't have to interact with anyone any more than you guys do. I think.
If you're on the computer all day, just pick some 'talent' you can sell.

>> No.5787232


Being enslaved? Your slavery depends on your state of mind. It is up to you to maintain your happiness and have a goal to work towards. Sure, other people are using you if you get a job. But look at it this way: You are using them too, are you not? Yes, you have to put up with their shit, but if you get money out of it, and you can use that money to help you get the thing that you want, then you get the better end of the deal. You aren't a slave, the real world is give and take, not just the world taking from you. Nothing is free, you have to give if you want to get something. It's not slavery at all, it's as far from it as you can get. It would be slavery if they forced you to work for them, but never gave you any money, insurance, or benefits in return.

>> No.5787238

>I won't be able to get a job because I don't know anybody, plus I have no education.
You don't need either of them.
Just make a pathetic resume and hand it in to grocery stores, gas stations, everywhere you can think of.

>> No.5787260

I realized that I use being socially retarded as an excuse not to do anything but its true so I don't know what to do about it.

>> No.5787304

99% of the time, being socially awkward can be cured by training yourself into handling social situations better. I think the main problem is motivation. You don't have the motivation to change yourself and become a normal person. Note that this can also mean that you do not see enough reward in being a normal person to get motivated for it.

>> No.5787309

Don't jump in front of the bullet train. They make your family pay for holding up the schedule.

>> No.5787315

It's more comforting when you think that way, I guess, but when I think of work the first thing that comes to mind is having to lick your boss' balls and always being stuck in the same place if you can't meet his expectations. It feels like you're being tested all the time. I don't know, I think it's way too much pressure.
Maybe it's just me since I had a fucking shitty job with an asshole boss anyway.

>> No.5787325

What if I go to Japan and throw away all my ID?

I think we should all pool our resources together, buy a small piece of land like Old Home and live there via subsistence.

Failing that, just go to that suicide forest and hang ourselves.

>> No.5787335

I'm socially retarded but I do stuff. That's really not a good excuse.

>> No.5787336

>you do not see enough reward in being a normal person
Sounds about right.

>> No.5787339

Do what I'm currently in the process of doing right now which is enlisting in the chair force.

>> No.5787351

I leech off the goverment, but I wanna move out of my mom's house so bad. I need to be alone. It's in my nature.

>> No.5787353

Why don't we just move into a garage and start up an eroge company, and call ourselves Garuge Garage?

>> No.5787358
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>Garuge Garage

>> No.5787362

So ways to kill yourself?

I guess I would try carbon monoxide and water poisoning, I think I'm too much of a pussy to cut myself or jump off something.

>> No.5787372

I hear you, man...

>> No.5787378

I don't know where you live, but here in the States there is usually a colony of homeless registered sex offenders living in tents under a bridge or something (in northern states where it gets cold abandoned subway tunnels are preferred), because cities pass so many laws about where they can live that they can't actually live anywhere.

You could probably join them; fuck, they probably wouldn't even check to see if you were registered for a sex crime yet.

>> No.5787390

No thanks. I think I'd rather live in a house.

>> No.5787397

That's just slavery with minor benefits.
You still need to do it to have a healthy life, for one.

>> No.5787399

A shitty job is motivation to get a less shitty job. Get a shitty job so you can start working towards a less shitty job.

>> No.5787403

Read "Final Exit".

>> No.5787423

A slave is made to work; a free man CHOOSES to work. You are a free man; you can choose to put yourself out there and provide for yourself, or you can choose waste away, but don't pretend it's not a choice.

>> No.5787425

When you hold your breath or something and your body starts to fight back, that's actually because of excess carbon monoxide rather than a lack of oxygen. Thus, it's a lot better to just get some nitrogen and inhale that to die as you'll just pass out.

>> No.5787434

I want to try the airtight room coal burning method I learned from SZS. Just combine it with some sleeping pills to make sure everything goes calmly. If you hold your dakimakura while you fall asleep, you'll meet your waifu in the afterlife.

>> No.5787436

I plan on overthrowing whatever world-government takes control.

>> No.5787450

I have a feeling that getting a shitty job will be motivation to quit your job.

>> No.5787452

I thought it was excess carbon dioxide, hence why if you add potassium hydroxide to a plastic bag you just pass out instead of choking.

>> No.5787454

But they're already in control nyoro~n

>> No.5787455

Sounds about right. I could sell off a decent portion of my life in order to pay my own expenses, and in the process gain a bit more freedom, and possibly the chance at more of a social life, but it just doesn't seem that worth it to me. Yeah, a lot of people say "it's not so bad if you're doing something you love" or whatever, but if I had something like that, I'd be doing it. Nah, what I love doing is sitting on my ass and being a parasite. As far as I can predict, I'll be doing it until the day I die.

>> No.5787466

Ah yep, you're right.

>> No.5787467

Slaves can choose not to work too. They then get killed.
It's the same deal with employment.

>> No.5787485

Chances are that not working won't get you killed, though, because you're not a slave. And in most modern societies you can stay quite healthy making use of whatever welfare programs exist.

>> No.5787494

leech of the government of course
working on it atm

>> No.5787507


I should have my degree by then.

>> No.5787543

It kinda sucks when all your favorite things in life just involves consuming stuff (playing eroge, watching anime, reading stuff, etc). I think I can say that it's an unbroken rule that if it just involves consuming things, it will never earn you any money. The closest thing you can do is getting a job that focuses on producing something, but where you can consider consuming as a part of your work day (like a video game reviewer, who mainly works with writing reviews, but also has to consider playing the games a vital part of their job). But even if you can compromise for that, jobs like that are far too popular already. Even working as a producer for the things you like like to consume will be really tough, and probably won't be as fun as consuming it at all. Just because you like video games doesn't mean you'll like programming, for example.

>> No.5787551

>A shitty job is motivation to get a less shitty job.
... Your perpetual unemployment is showing, anon.
No it isn't.
In fact, it's the opposite. I once had a shitty job and it just made me feel like my life was hopeless and the world is fucking bullshit.

>> No.5787563

I worked for a year dealing with people and to tell the truth I got a little better, but then a beautiful day, I fucked off that job and got rid of all my contacts from there because I couldn't bear that shit anymore. I think you can learn how to masquerade yourself by dealing with social interactions, but I highly doubt your social awkwardness can be "cured" that way. You can't learn how to trust people; or how to find them funny or interesting. As long as this sort of feeling gets in the way it's hard to deal with persons.

>> No.5787583

nb4 your parents die and you become a hobo.

>> No.5787600

There's a reason it's called "work" and not "play". That said: Why the fuck not start making the kind of shit you like to consume? Chances are greater you'll at least have an interest in the subject, even if the work isn't all that fun.

What do you like? Dolls? Manga? Eroge? Just fucking start drawing and crafting and writing, and look for jobs that use similar skillsets.

>> No.5787618

I already have a job, so for now, I'm safe. As soon as college ends, though, things will get significantly harder. Will definetly aim for something in the Government, I just have to study like I should have my whole life.

>> No.5787627

inb4 I inherit money and continue taking it easy anyway.

>> No.5787640

What kind of government work is good for a /jp/ anon?

>> No.5787642


>Why the fuck not start making the kind of shit you like to consume?

You don't see ZUN working at a brewery. That's just stupid.

>> No.5787644

What I talked about was social skills. Your... skepticism towards other people isn't something that will just go away if you've carried it with you for your whole life. Being an introvert is nowhere near as crippling as being unable to handle any social situation. Being introverted is more of a preference, while social awkwardness is more of a disability.

>> No.5787649

If you're not a social person, trying to become social is an annoyance.

I don't use my social skill very much because I basically hate being around other people.
Why do I need to improve my social skills when I can improve other aspects of myself that I use more, like knowledge?

>> No.5787672

Why would you want to work there in the middle of the nest of wasps? You'd come reeking of honey.

>> No.5787673

I kind of think he's interested in vertical shooters and little girls in frilly dresses, though. And he did make that one game about a beer-drinking girl.

You don't need to work in every field that makes something you like, fuck, you don't even need to actually 'work', but at least MAKE something. It will help you feel better about yourself, it really will.

>> No.5787718

What are you going to use your knowledge for? Do you make anything, or teach anyone? Does it help you provide for yourself? Chances are that the way you live your life now, the answer is no.

Either head off into the wilderness and fend for yourself, or integrate in some marginally meaningful way with society; where you are now is poison for your soul.

>> No.5787720

Did I forget to mention how hard it is to get a job in producing anything you like to consume? Take music, for example, so many people who fail completely when trying to seek out a career in it that I despair when just thinking about it. So many people who enjoy producing music much more than I do, and so many of them will never make a decent living. Obviously, I like eroge too, but I've barely heard of anyone able to make a living from that, much less a white man who doesn't live in Japan. Video games? Same deal, those jobs are way too popular. Anime? lolno

>> No.5787738
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>>5787672 honey wasps
Interestingly enough, there are actually wasps that produce honey

>> No.5787739

I'm not socially inept like most of /jp/, I just have no motivation. For anything.

>> No.5787757


IaMP? Wasn't that made by Tasofro?

Oh, and ZUN makes little money from Touhou stuff...his blog mentions several times that he needs to find a good part-time job to keep up with his expenses (beer and more beer).

>> No.5787760

>Your... skepticism towards other people isn't something that will just go away if you've carried it with you for your whole life. Being an introvert is nowhere near as crippling
So you think introversion is a bad, crippling thing?
Learn to personality type.

>> No.5787789

I told my parents I'm motivated to do anything, so have no idea what career I'd ever want to pursue. They told me to at least just get through college with a Japanese degree or something.

When I finish college and can't do shit with my degree (they still think I'd easily find a job) I wonder how long they'll let me leech off them.

>> No.5787791

You don't have to be a singer or instrumentalist to work with music; there's plenty of behind-the-scenes work that goes on as well. There's the audio engineering, the marketing, the radio station grunt work; fuck, even just being the guy that mops up drunken vomit at dance clubs.

Stop thinking that because you can't get to the top like magic that there's nothing out there for you.

>> No.5787807

Depending on how bad it is, of course it's crippling and not just a personality type.

>> No.5787816
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>He's getting a degree in Japanese

>> No.5787817

Introversion will limit your opportunities in the job market, since there are far more jobs that will tell you that you need to be outgoing than jobs where it makes no difference. That makes it crippling.

>> No.5787825


>> No.5787839
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>> No.5787847

>can't leech off your family anymore
Seriously, I grew up the worst person possible, I don't think I am actually capable of doing anything. This would require some rudimentary skills and will.

>> No.5787849
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I was talking about this game:

>> No.5787851

But if you were introverted, you probably wouldn't want such a job in the first place.

>> No.5787856

>Hey you there
Stopped reading there. Remember this shit from long ago. Why hasn't anyone re-written this with a better sized font yet? Shit is eye hurting.

I dunno how I read shit like this as a kid.

>> No.5787860


Translator, maybe?

It's not glamorous, but apparently bilinguals are in high demand at places like Animate! in Japan...so if you're fluent in Japanese and English, you could easily get a job there. Nothing much, but at least you'd be around all that kind of stuff that caters to otaku interest.

>> No.5787862

I doubt there are so many jobs it should concern anyone on /jp/, from what I can tell most of us are not exactly dreaming of becoming tv/radio hosts. (Just my assumption).

>> No.5787864

Yeah, that's exactly what I noticed today and that's why I made this thread.

>> No.5787870

Don't think it's the font size so much as it is the lack of line breaks on a pure black background that messes with your eyes.

>> No.5787872

It doesn't take any special skills to work at McDonalds or bag groceries; come on man, stop making excuses, if you don't want to work that's fine, but stop pretending like you can't.

>> No.5787877

That in itself goes under my definition of crippling. If you have a natural inclination towards not wishing to put up with a large amount of jobs, that's a limiter for your opportunities to get a job.

>> No.5787879


Primitive social wasps are the best. They don't have thousands of individuals in a buzzling hive nor strict castes, they're just a bunch of otherwise identical females coming together and getting shit done.

I think of them as a single elegant ojou-sama (the queen) pampered by a small harem of her lesbian admirers (workers).

>> No.5787881

...I should be a reviewer. That's a job, right?

>> No.5787882
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You called?

>> No.5787883


I don't.... I fact I should be sending money to my mom.

>> No.5787884

I don't plan on leeching off of my family forever...just for a few more years. I'm working for my PhD in psychology. Racking up some debt from my student loans (6k a semester, fuck yea...)
Hopefully it'll come together for me...

>> No.5787899

Because writing it in anything other than the EarthBound font would be a desecration.

Scaling it up would be fine, though.

>> No.5787900

I'm afraid of working at McDonald's because of McRoll.

>> No.5787910

What is it with /jp/ and the insect lovers, first the moth thread and now this?

>> No.5787920

What is a Psychologist doing on /jp/? Studying?

>> No.5787942

Nope, just taking it easy

>> No.5787968

Hey, I'm a psychologist and I come here during my free time.

>> No.5787983

ITT: Anonymous exaggerates his life situation.

>> No.5787991

This thread gives me a sad.

>> No.5788002

Sometimes I think they're not exaggerating. Sometimes I think they really feel they are as helpless as they say they are.

>> No.5788005

Me too.
The future is scary...

>> No.5788011

>108 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
how the hell can you keep bouncing this turd off the wall for 100+ rounds?

that's some bouncy motherfuckin crap right there

seriously, that's just out there

>> No.5788017

It's pretty dead-on, man.

>> No.5788049

Be a janitor. Seriously. You don't have to talk to people except when they tell you take out the trash or clean a bathroom or something and for the most part people ignore you completely. It's shit money, but I doubt any of you have a whole lot you want to buy that can't be downloaded for free.

>> No.5788097

>Go to college. Get a 1 year degree (certificate) in maintenance.
>Apply to be the maintenance man at some apartment complexes.

>> No.5788151

Any of you who believe you are too asocial to ever exist in society are just completely wrong. I used to be the same. I was too afraid to even go up to a counter at any store and order something. One day I just said fuck it, and I went to starbucks and ordered a coffee. I recited the lines a million times in my head "I'd like a medium coffee of the day" and even after saying it worried if people normally say medium instead of the fancy starbucks name or if they called it just coffee instead of coffee of the day.

In the end I ended up spilling the coffee all over the place and running out of the store. It was pretty scarring, but I had managed the social part so the next week I tried again somewhere else and I did even better. It's a slow progression but once you get started it gets easier and easier. The first step is the hardest

>> No.5788166

Need motivation? Use a waifu!

That being said, I've started working as soon as the Im@s 2 MV came out.

>> No.5788200

For 4chan?

>> No.5788212

My families making me sign up for Community College but I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I guess I have to take some pretests or something, but I have no idea which classes I have to register for or how to. Anyone on /jp/ know what I'm supposed to do?

>> No.5788213

>I ended up spilling the coffee all over the place and running out of the store.

I'm sorry. I lol'd imagining it....

>> No.5788240

Mortuary Science.

>> No.5788249

>In the end I ended up spilling the coffee all over the place and running out of the store
That reminds me of the time I tried to buy a burger at a fast food place and the women at the register wouldn't take my money and kept staring at me after I ordered it. I thought maybe I'm supposed to pay after I eat or something so I just took my number and sat down. The manager walked to where I was and thought I was acting strange because I was dehydrated and I had to explain that I was holding the cash out but the women wasn't taking it. I don't know if that cashier was fucking with my head or if she really couldn't see me waving the cash in front of her face.

>> No.5788253

Im@s 2 is also my motivation right now.

>> No.5788268

First off, apply for pell grant. shit's cash (literally!)
Or if you don't feel like filling out the fafsa application. Take your parents tax forms, your Social security card, and license to the college. (There should be a place that handles these sort of things) They'll have you set up.
If it's just a community college, the money you get from fafsa should cover tuition, books, and a new computer

I only had to take one test, I forget what it's called. It was basically just a test to check to see if I needed any remedial classes (which I did...fucking math)
After that, you should be assigned a counselor, or guide, (basically a teacher that will help you get your classes set up)
It's not so bad.

>> No.5788292

i get $1000 a month

that's enough to pay for electricity and internet, right

>> No.5788295

So for now just the FAFSA and the test. It said I need an ID for the test so I guess I'll have to go get one. I was kinda worrying I was forgetting something and that I'd look like a retard when I went there to take the test.

>> No.5788309

I have no family. I live alone at home off my inheritance money. I don't know anyone, therefore there is nobody in this world who loves me. There cannot possibly be someone I've yet to meet who can love me. If they do think they love me, their love is shallow, for they cannot possibly love someone that they know nothing about.

But if I really wanted someone to love me, I'd go outside and so something about it,

Instead I'm here, 25 years old, staying home all day on my computer and gradually becoming a bitter old man. 25 may be young, but I sure as hell don't like like a youngster.

>> No.5788332

The test isn't even necessary. I knew I would have to take remedial math. I fucking hated math all the way since gradeschool. You don't necessarily have to take it, but it's definitely a good idea if you don't know where you should start.

Don't be afraid to just waltz into the college office to inquire about things you need to know or are confused about. I had to do it several times (most first year students do).

>> No.5788338
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>I'd like a medium coffee of the day


>> No.5788341


>> No.5788345

Don't be sad. I used to be a barista and no one gives a shit what you call it.

>> No.5788346

No one at starbucks gives a shit if you call it a medium.

>> No.5788371

I took a personality test to see what kinds of careers I could be working towards. Some of the "favored" careers were:

>military intelligence
>race car driver
>international spy
>CIA agent
>FBI agent
>computer engineer
>game designer
>bounty hunter
>construction worker
>police officer
>sound engineer

In short, nothing I'd be capable of actually doing. Dammit.

>> No.5788372

Starbucks is too fucking expensive.
Why does every fucking books-a-million have a MOTHERFUCKING STARBUCKS!?

I swear, I have to buy a cup of coffee every time I shop there...

>> No.5788373


The college kids that live in the corner do. They'll laugh at you for the rest of the day.

>> No.5788383
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>> No.5788395

Fucking Starbucks. Their coffee is terrible.

>> No.5788405

>he thinks these stupid tests mean shit

>> No.5788411

>sound engineer
This shit exists?

>> No.5788414

R07's waifu.

>> No.5788439

What's funny is that under "disfavored" careers is kindergarten/preschool teacher, pediatric nurse, child psychologist and "early childhood educator", whatever that means.

>> No.5788440

I mean all engineers are shit... but now they crossed the line, usually engineer is a weak ripoff from Physics , usually 1/4 of it, but now they come and make it with like 1/14 of the Physics college, damn engineers....

>> No.5788451 [DELETED] 

It means stay away from little kids you pedo!

>> No.5788450

It's because lolis in real life are annoying

>> No.5788584

Yeah sound engineers work on anime and shit too actually. They make a lot of money for the amount of work they have to do.

>> No.5788598

What are you talking about? A sound engineer isn't a major you moron. And if you believe Physics is so superior you should just fuck off because you're an idiot to even bother getting involved in that discussion.

>> No.5788623
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I think I'll be just fine..

>> No.5788643

Where the hell do you get all that loot from anyway?

>> No.5788648

wow omg you are like the coolest tripfag ever!

>> No.5788650
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I have my ways..

>> No.5788670

reported directly to the IRS

>> No.5788674

That's not what I asked, bitch.

>> No.5788677

You probably just have a few thousand dollars in cash. I know this because no one has more than a few thousand dollars in cash, and if you had more money in the bank you would have no reason to have so much of it in cash. So you probably only have a few thousand. No fucking way you can sustain yourself on that.

>> No.5788682

Take it easy.
