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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5772310 No.5772310 [Reply] [Original]

Steins;Gate was announced to get an anime adaption. The VN is developed by 5bp and Nitro+. Same developers as Chaos;Head.

>The story of Steins;Gate takes place in Akihabara and is about a group of friends who have customized their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past. As they perform different experiments, an organization named SERN who has been doing their own research on time travel tracks them down and now the characters have to find a way to avoid being captured by them.

Which studio do you want to produce it?

Madhouse shouldn't do it in my opinion. They screwed up Chaos;Head. Even the Japs hated it.

>> No.5772312

Chaos;head screwed up itself.

>> No.5772313

Why don't they animate something better, like Demonbane?

>> No.5772321

Steins;Gate is now dead for me, enjoy your /a/ subcharacter spam that will surely follow, like Amagami showed us.

>> No.5772329

They better not make this adaptation, but fuck, if they have to, then ufotable (not possible though)

>> No.5772331

>Hating something on the basis of its fanbase as opposed to its actual merits

How's that iPhone 4G working for you, hipster?

>> No.5772339

Oh boy, I hope you're trolling because that would make S;G as bad as C;H.

>> No.5772351
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Well, there are rumors that it's going to be animated by Ufotable. Hope it's true, I don't want another C;H.

An elitist and a fan now conflict inside of me: on one hand, I'm glad more people will know about S;G, but on the other, knowing that /a/ will watch it... Ugh. Well, guess I should just enjoy it without minding anything else.

>> No.5772354

Should've made it on the PC.

>> No.5772358

Shit, not good...

Having threads about it on /jp/ will now grow to become near impossible, besides, Chaos;Heads adaptations was uitterly horrible, it was almost as if it wasn't the same genre and it was executed horribly.

>> No.5772369
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It'll be released for PC in about a month.

>> No.5772374


>> No.5772382

So another at least above average VN to get a god awful anime conversion.

>> No.5772383

Now we will see /jp/ hating it without a concrete reason and just because, great.

>> No.5772384

It's not like we LOVED it or anything.
Most people here have not read it.

>> No.5772392

But now it'll be hated even when people have not read it.

>> No.5772398

It's funny how /jp/ denounces everyone else as being sheepish, normalfag "followers" when in fact they're even worse about it than a lot of other people.

/jp/ - Hypocrisy/General

>> No.5772400

I imagine it will be terrible like almost all anime adaptations of VNs.

>> No.5772404

...So what?
They can at most hate the anime, any argument they extend beyond that is retarded and will be ignored

>> No.5772407

>The S;G anime adaptatation
This basically means that if I now ever want to discuss the actual VN, tons of people will go all like "But oh yeah, I love Steins;Gate and I watched the anime, of course I can join in".

I don't care for "little secret clubs" or anything like that, but the anime adaptatation and the game aren't the same, and thus they shouldn't talk about while only having watched the anime.
Lets say 50 to 100 people online read the VN and starts a thread about it, now with the adaptation they can be sure that over 500 to 1000 people will join in on the discussion spewing nonsense from the anime.

And the adaptation is going to be translated for sure, why can't they have translate the VN instead, you ask?
"Oh look! An adaptation! It will be worse than the original like all adaptations, but we will translate the anime anyway, because it's ANIME!"

>> No.5772408
File: 133 KB, 1292x1022, 00042-000+00042-017+00042-018+00042-025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, we will have enough time to read it even if anime airs in October (which is pretty much impossible). And we will probably hate the fans more than either the show or VN.

Also, I will sure enjoy delicious Luka confusion.

>> No.5772412

I'm a bit worried.
Not because it will make it popular, I don't give a shit about that. It's just that Chaos;Head was an utterly horrible anime, despite being a rather good and highly amusing VN.
But hey, give it to a good studio and maybe something good will come out of it.
Ufotable would be fine, P.A. Works would be okay as well. J.C. Staff too, but they don't seem to do VN adaptations.
But I'm secretly hoping for Shaft

>> No.5772418

Your last argument is retarded, fansubbing is easier and shorter.

>> No.5772422

No god, no. It would surely give me a headache.
SHAFT should start doing Liar/raiL soft works, they're up their alley.

>> No.5772426

don't answer to copypasta, bro

>> No.5772430

This. Textures, textures everywhere.

>> No.5772431

You're kidding yourself if you think Chaos;head was anything other than below average. It started off strong and introduced some interesting mechanics, but the endings (both of them) were nonsensical bullshit.

>> No.5772433

People who've read Steins;Gate, a question to you - is the language in the VN difficult? My jap is pretty weak, but I'd like to try to read it when it comes out on PC.

>> No.5772437

>It's not like we LOVED it or anything.
It's been one of the most hyped releases in recent times on /jp/, it's just that it was on the Xbox that made the work harder to "access", but even so it it's craze held on for quite a while.
It's only recently it started to wear off and it's also been on the top of Erogamescape like since it's release in Japan, and with it's announced PC port hope began to spread.

This anime on the other hand, can easily be more of a burden than anything else.

>> No.5772441

I dunno about you, but the first half was enough for me to consider C;H at least above average. Dat hand scene, dat rooftop scene...

>> No.5772443

It's pretty laden with scientific terms, yeah.

>> No.5772449

This will at least shut up the faggots who try and say it's the best VN ever just because it's at the top of the EGS rankings.

>> No.5772453

Why? Because people will be able to judge the VN with the anime adaptation?
That's stupid.

>> No.5772454

and how will this shut them up?

>> No.5772463

Aww, I knew it!..

>> No.5772469

How so?
Dont worry anon. I will judge it when I learn enough japanese or when the english translation come out.
Anime adaptation usually fail. So far the only anime that actually outdone its eroge counterpart are ef and shuffle. In both cases their source material is mediocre in the first place.

>> No.5772479

There is also Phantom, but it's more like "it could suck more" than "wow, this is awesome".

Anyway, I hope delicious JoJo references are still there. もしかしてオラオラですか?!

>> No.5772490

>umineko reaction images
>pretty well informed all around
/jp/ userbase confirmed for /a/

>> No.5772491

I was looking forward to the PC release so much and now this.
It makes me a bit sad if anything.

>> No.5772495

You forgot Kanon and Air.

>> No.5772498

Because the adaptability of a work of fiction is directly proportional to its quality.

Yes, there's going to be some variations based on what studio's producing it, but the fact that Chaos;head, Umineko and FSN sucked hard is chiefly because the work being adapted was irredeemable shit that relies on gimmicks to be entertaining. Likewise, the fact that Clannad and Kanon were alright--good is because the work being adapted in those two cases was already good.

In before anti-Key trolls.

>> No.5772502

Haven't seen the C;H anime but the game was pretty bad. And Madhouse is a good studio.


>> No.5772505

Clannad, Air and Kanon were all better in its VN form.

>> No.5772506

> customized their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past

That's so stupid I would scoff if Futurama hadn't already done it.

>> No.5772509

Don't worry, you have just enough time to read it and act like an elitist in /a/ threads.

>> No.5772514



...Keep your shonen shit in /a/ please.

>> No.5772531

>Hating a demographic
Wow, I thought /jp/ were all idorts.

Or are a part of some vocal minority here?

>> No.5772545

I dunno, Kanon 2006 was pretty good.

>> No.5772546

Sorry sir, from now on we'll be sure to discuss only things that you like.

>> No.5772555

The "hating a demographic" argument is nothing more than a cheap obfuscation used by g/a/iafags to try and legitimize their shitty tastes. "Stories" with fighting and bullshit power levels are shonen shit, unless they have moe. That's the only condition that might makes them acceptable.

>> No.5772557

What are you even talking about.

>> No.5772562

>fighting = bad
>moe = good

>> No.5772564

I'm sorry that you're autistic.

>> No.5772568

You are on /jp/.
The demographic of the majority of /jp/ lurkers outgrew shounen shit years ago.
I don't think see how anyone above 18 can take shounen shit seriously? They are all the same shit.

Boy A go an adventure to be the best X.
Boy A beat villain A, a stronger villain B appeared.
Boy A go a training to beat villain B.
Repeat X10000000000000000.

>> No.5772570

I'm sorry that you don't know what shounen means.

>> No.5772571

That moe vs shounen crap is stupid and both sides that argue are both equally stupid.

>> No.5772587

That's not quite how it works.
In the adaptation from one media to another there's a given quality loss present in the conversion from media A to media B.

However, this quality loss is present because in order to adapt a work in this way they need focus in how media A should work on media B in order to convey the same story the same way.
This is where most of the problem starts, simply because media A can't convey things as good in media B the same way as it could in it's original.

All that's necessary is that a few or some important bits of the original doesn't make in order for the adaption to get the potential to suck beyond belief no matter the quality of it's source, be it important plot elements or character traits and or development or anything that was important really.

Now, a truly mediocre or even bad work can still have a seemingly successful adaptation even if it's source sucks.
Most of the quality loss present in adaptations comes when the adaptation developers tries to make A -into- B in order to stay as true to the original as possible, ironically a better adaptation can sometimes be created by not trying to be as true to the original.
The process of making A into B is extremely hard and in many ways more or less impossible in certain areas.
A company can however take Concept A, then no longer give a fuck about A, and then create B with the concept from A without limiting themselves by caring for A and only focusing on creating B as B is supposed to be created, only by borrowing concept and ideas of A and nothing more.

>> No.5772590

When companies take on adaptation projects of well renowed titles quite a bit of preassure is usually involved as well, preassure to portray the source material everyone loved.
Mediocre titles and less however can be much easier to work with, it can give the developers feelings of more leeway and whatnot, and ironically it can sometimes lead to aqdaptations of somewhat higher quality even if doesn't have to.

Anyway, judging an adaptation based on the orignal is stupid.
Adaptations are generally always worse though as a given rule.

>> No.5772593


So, all this S;G talk makes me wonder: is the OP theme translated? If not, I can give it a try if someone gives me the lyrics.

>> No.5772595

why is this thread full of /a/

>> No.5772607

Because half of /jp/'s population is /a/ nowadays.

>> No.5772608

You think that moe shit isn't any less formulaic and merchandise driven?

>> No.5772610

/jp/ was always /a/'s castoffs

>> No.5772612

They watch it for the cute girl and then immerse themselves with fapping materials of said cute girls.
The plot doesn't even matter.

>> No.5772615

>as good

Are you autistic? Because you just explained what everyone already knows in terrible English, and you didn't give any actual examples to support your claims.

>> No.5772627

As shonen shit like Gundam, Naruto, One Piece or Jojo, where the whole point of the show/comic is to act as a power fantasy for preteen boys, and thus comes off as remarkably dull if you're a mature and intelligent adult.

At least moe shows have cute girls for masturbation purposes.

>> No.5772645

Usually /jp/ don't have problems with terms like this, but seriously.
Moe is not objectively defined trait and it's not as easy as to say "Lol just look at dat lucky star and k-on".
Moe is simply what people find attractive, it doesn't have to be in a sexual sense but it can be.

So if you try to objectivly call something "moe" then just know that it's what a majority finds attractive, and yes there are developers who have tried to cater to this majority with a bunch of studies that tries to point out what the majority finds attractive, but it's stupid to make "moe" be a sort of demographic by itself.
Shounen is made to cater boys and very young men, that's what shounen is and it's mostly fighting and high paced action and the like.
"moe" on the other hand tries to cater to a not that easily defined majority.

You can't just put them against eachother like that, it's all stupid.

>> No.5772649

So, this game should never be translated to protect it from faggots from /a/?

>> No.5772660

Contrary to the popular belief, some /a/nons actually speak Japanese. There's no hope left, we should kill ourselves right now, before it's too late.

>> No.5772666

>/a/ thread 07:11
>/jp/ thread 07:29
They were here from the very beginning guys.

>> No.5772667

Here's a little quote I like:
>"Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

>> No.5772676

Saved for future use.

>> No.5772680

I'm so disappointed. It's gonna be garbage.

>> No.5772684


>> No.5772691

Steins;Gate has been one of the things I have looked forward to the most ever since it was announced.
But I am sure what I feel about this.

>> No.5772699

C.S. Lewis was a christfag who wrote shonen shit. His opinion hardly counts.

>> No.5772703

But yours sure does, right?

>> No.5772710

I understand the superiority of moe, so yes.

>> No.5772720

Okay, bub. You won this Internet argument. You may now leave the thread for good, we've been told.

>> No.5772725

Well this thread shows pretty well why Steins;Gate getting an anime is going to be a bad thing. It's already attracting /a/ shit.

>> No.5772753

There were other threads about it much earlier, no one gave a shit.


>> No.5772757

/jp/ has been attracting /a/ shit since /jp/ became "Otaku Culture".

>> No.5772766


I recommend you read the essay in which that quote is from before utilizing it in an argument.

The poster you counter this to attacks shounen for it's rigidly methodical plot, which he is correct in his assessment, becomes dull and boring after having observed it more than once. He does not attack the maturity of the story, but the content.

That quote is regarding his love for fairy tales, which at the time had come to be considered works for children. It was a statement regarding the fact that content should be judged by quality before appearances.

Although, I do not understand what he has again JBA

>> No.5772767

But these threads are exakt copies and might very well be created by the same person.

>> No.5772782

So when is the PC release due?
How much time will we have before /a/ breaks loose?

>> No.5772786

cool thread guys

>> No.5772790

Never, because you can't read.

>> No.5772793

It's released on August 26th, and the anime won't air at least until this October (and January is a more realistic date).

>> No.5772808

This quote is nice and all, but doesn't it just legitimize liking basically anything no matter what age, so the shounenfags who are 18+ and even furries for example can use it in their defence.

>> No.5772809

Spoilers: Azumanga Daioh, Baccano, Full Metal Panic, Lucky Star and a lot of other manga/anime /jp/ seems to love are shounen.

>> No.5772812
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>Lucky Star and a lot of other manga/anime /jp/ seems to love
>Lucky Star
>/jp/ seems to love

>> No.5772819

I've seen people post their rooms on /jp/ with Lucky Star posters. Sure there's a lot of people who hate it too, but there are a decent amount of Lucky Star fans. Either way, my point stands. Likely, one of your favorite series is shounen.

>> No.5772821

Unlike the faggot who started this discussion, I don't have anything against any particular demographic.

>> No.5772826

None of them uses the formulaic plot progression like what stated here >>5772568
>Boy A go an adventure to be the best X.
>Boy A beat villain A, a stronger villain B appeared.
>Boy A go a training to beat villain B.
>Repeat X10000000000000000.

Also I sure love dragonball when I was a kid with Goku going kamekameha and super saiya but shit gold old fast once you grow older and seen other similar manga/anime using similar powerlevel gimmick.

>> No.5772833

>None of them uses the formulaic plot progression like what stated here
Guess what. JoJo doesn't, use it, either.

>> No.5772834

I think the guy who got into his little rage over "HURR DURR SHOUNENSHIT" refers more along the lines of fightan shounen (ala Naruto,Bleach, One Piece, DBZ, etc.) rather than the shounen demographic itself.

>> No.5772838

What's your point? We were talking about the shounen demographic. That sort of formula is completely independent of demographic and exists in all demographics.

>> No.5772840

>first comma
Damn you moot, I want to delete my typos ASAP.

>> No.5772841

Not the anon that criticize Jojo. Bring it up with that faggot.

>> No.5772856
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In an attempt to return the thread to its original topic, I'd like to once again request the OP theme lyrics to translate them.

>> No.5772869

if you know moon shouldn't you be able to look them up by yourself? You'd probably have more luck than other anons here.

>> No.5772876

If you haven't outgrown anime, then you don't belong on /jp/.

>> No.5772878

Huh, good point. It's just that I'm too lazy to look, especially if no one will need them in the end. Well, off I go, then.
