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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5768074 No.5768074[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5768086

I've been on /jp/ since 2006

>> No.5768089

half those numbers
change months to years

ill accept it

>> No.5768090

8 months? Are you joking. make it year and half. Or even better, include the pre-split times and make it two-three years

>> No.5768081

Only eight months makes you an old fag?


>> No.5768092

6 Months here i'm a midfag yay!

>> No.5768095

I've been browsing /jp/ since 1998

>> No.5768096



Saged, reported, hidden, called the cops, called the FBI, called the CIA, called the mods, called moot, called Jesus, called the Buddha, called the Allfather, called Quetzalcoatl, called Angra Mainyu, called Abraham Lincoln, and called Joanne D'Arc.

>> No.5768102

Now do a serious chart.

>> No.5768103

I support this.
8 months= newfag

>> No.5768116

Oldfag would be pre 2009, midfag early 2009 when the whole True NEET bullshit wave kicked in, newfag christmas 2009 when Umineko anime finished airing.
Not that there's any point to this anyway, especially since the board's this young.

>> No.5768120

>joanne d'arc
what's she gonna do, start flaming?

>> No.5768128


I figure she'd call God. I don't know his phone number.

>> No.5768130

Buddha said you have to chill.

>> No.5768133

Aye, she can see the future.

>> No.5768135

(that was a bad pun on how they burned her to death. LAUGH DAMN YOU)

>> No.5768136

been here for around 18 months now. Don't really see myself as a /jp/ oldfag.
I've been on 4chan since 2005 or 2006 though.

>> No.5768142

I've been here pre-split and pre-gaia flood(s), and I still don't feel like an "oldfag", 8 month's isn't even enough to know all of the quirks and history of the board.

>> No.5768148


>> No.5768152
File: 149 KB, 659x579, its an easy template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did /jp/ start?
I've been watching you fuckers talk about pissing in jars, fucking you're touhous, not play VNs and all sorts of shit for a goddamn long time. It's fascinating, and a little scary how similar my situation (NEET comp sci grad for two years) is to that of others here.

Saying things like "newfag", etc. isn't really appropriate here since most of us post anonymously, and the ones that don't are usually shit. Usually. There are some exceptions but I won't say any names. That feeds them, you know.

My usual haunts are /co/ and /f/, although /f/ has been pretty shitty since... forever.

Since I'm such a nice guy I'll dump this template so you newfags can have some fun.

>> No.5768155
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>> No.5768157

2006fag here.
The person who made this chart is a newfag.
There is no such thing as a /jp/ oldfag.
