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5754989 No.5754989 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, I'm looking for a break from the moe school life recycled shit eroge, and I was pointed towards Eushully and the Ikusa Megami series.
My question is this: where do I start? I was going to go with the original, but according to vndb, Zero is the beginning of the series. Should I start with Zero? Or the original? Or something else?
Otherwise, Eushully/General thread

>> No.5757603

Aren't all threads replied to? Damn it.
Shameful self-bump, most of the threads on the front page are shit anyways

>> No.5757669

Zero's a good enough place to start, but I've never really understood the draw of the Eushully games. Pretty good stories, but boring as fuck gameplay.

I'd suggest going through Alicesoft instead. I've been playing through Giga's old games (Baldr and Savior) lately too and they're pretty awesome.

>> No.5758127

>Pretty good stories, but boring as fuck gameplay.
Really? I was told that the gameplay was really fun.

>> No.5758142

I don't. It's just menu navigation, then some kind of graphical effect over a still image. Repeat for 30 hours. It was lame when Pokemon was doing it back in 1996 and 10 years later with better art and more menus, it's even more lame.

>> No.5758253

Hmmm. I've played all of the Giga eroge with gameplay, but as far as Alicesoft goes, other than Sengoku Rance, I haven't touched their titles. Hell, Sengoku is the only Alicesoft eroge I have...except for Choukou Sennin Haruka (I have no clue how that got there, I don't remember downloading it). Do you know if that one is worth playing? Other than Rance, I've only seen one or two threads discussing other Alicesoft titles so I have no clue.

>> No.5758386

Daibanchou's their best other gameplay game. Toushin Toushi III is okay, but it's grind grind grind grind grind. Good story, just shitty game. Toushi II's awesome both, but it's really old. Haruka and Escalayer are both awesome fapping games and really short. If you're into a lot of sadomasochism and rape, Daiakuji's worth a look too, but if you're not, steer far clear. I guess you didn't actually specify "has gameplay" anywhere, so AliveZ and Darcrows are also pretty good.

>> No.5759625
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Kinda late reply but, start with Zero and then go Verita, you could alse play genrin 2 inbetween them. Then theres that rumor going around that the first IM game is going to get remake too so might want to wait that. Also the first IM game is pretty avarage anyway and IM2 has summarisation of it in it, so it can be skipped.
for clarification the the BG-verse story goes timewise: IM Zero > Genrin 1 > Genrin 2 > IM Verita > IM > IM2

Also I kinda like the gameplay (if you like RPGs you should like it) and the story of IM series is one of my favorites. and Eushully > Alicesoft for me

>> No.5759955

Cool. Hopefully I can navigate myself through the game well enough; my japanese is far from great. I heard (Zero at least) isn't that bad

>> No.5760060

>Eushully > Alicesoft

It's more just that they're not trying to be anywhere close to similar things. Eushully games, and the IM series in particular, tend to be pretty humorless affairs while Alicesoft is more about wacky characters dicking around.

>> No.5760068
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well yeah, the language isn't that hard, and I'm not that good myself either yet. Just use something like TL Aggerator with AGTH to quickly look up kanjis that you don't know, thats what I usually do.

Small note tough, Zero kinda starts slow, well not that slow it just feels very generic until Haisherra appears for first time around mid point of chapter 2, after that it kinda spirals toward shit hits the fan direction pretty fast. Also Zero has sometimes pretty stupidly high random encounter rate that can sometimes get on nerves. But just bear with them.
Also Haisherra is FUCKING AWESOME character.
But hopefully you'll enjoy it all.

>> No.5760097

Does this have routes for heroines or is it a one-ending only type of game?

>> No.5760137
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well yeah, that's true. Personaly I prefer more serious stories so that's where my preference comes from, well IM series has some quirky moments here and there but that hardly counts. And Alicesoft games are still good in what they do. But we are all pals here so no hard feelings, just tastes.

Just one route in Zero, with small choices effecting little things. Verita has 3 routes/endings that mainly change what happens in final chapter.

>> No.5760149

No! There is no understanding! We must fight to the death for this is the internet!

>> No.5761761

>Eushully games, and the IM series in particular, tend to be pretty humorless affairs while Alicesoft is more about wacky characters dicking around.
I'm looking for something more serious, I just got done playing Wagamama Capriccio, Chu x Chu+fandisc, Signal Heart, and Hoshiuta. I've had enough humor for a while

>> No.5761799

I played Ikusa Megami Zero and Verita recently.
They were actually the best RPG I played in the last few years, though it's mostly because most RPG released these days are pretty crappy.

But they also had a very good stories, especially Zero that start a little slow but really get epic after a while.

>> No.5761817

>Just one route in Zero, with small choices effecting little things. Verita has 3 routes/endings that mainly change what happens in final chapter.
I see, so the main character doesn't get with heroines but just fucks whomever during the plot?

>> No.5761913
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Well, he does get on with few who you could say would be the heroine. But well stuff happens for various reasons and spoilers and he kinda builds "harem" rather than focuses on one. So thats why most of the time he just fucks who ever he just happens by. Serika overally is after Rance one of the MCs who fucks the most womens, but there is bit of reason why Serika does that tough. But generally I have come to notice that there is 4 different "types" of women/heroines in IM games, "The main heroine" (you'll understand this pretty well after Zero/Verita, as the main heroines share certain common point in them), The secondary main heroines who he prefers bit more than others (we''ll I guess these would be the real main heroines of IM series), "friends/apostoless" and lastly those he happens by and fucks.

>> No.5762029
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Patch when?

>> No.5762197

Oh yeah Eushully will release an appendix for Verita soon, can't wait.
And it looks like the planning for the remakes of IM 1 and 2 started.

>> No.5762291

Can some nice anon provide a sprite rip for Verita?

>> No.5762464

thanks for the info bro, so it's sure now that IM 1&2 are going to get remakes? Maybe I'll just wait those then instead of play those old versions then.
