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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 89 KB, 851x710, friday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5758020 No.5758020 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5758030


>> No.5758033

It doesn't matter what day it is when you don't have a job or school.

>> No.5758034

Every night is Friday night though.

>> No.5758039

Hey, I own this soundtrack. Mighty Blow is my favorite game BGM ever.

>> No.5758040

Why do you have to depict us in such a negative light?

>> No.5758048

Because you are all fat virgin nerds.

>> No.5758056

But most of us don't even have money to eat that much to be fat.

>> No.5758058


I'm not fat and i don't chow down on junk food like that

>> No.5758059

You know, I'm skinny as shit and can get ripped off easily. Don't go on making conclusions just because you're frustrated about your fatness.

>> No.5758061

most of /jp/ is skinny actually.

>> No.5758065

eww shasta, even the penniless drink better soda than that.

>> No.5758068

Even skinny guy's can't get bitches.

>> No.5758070

That's what you like to believe, fatty.

>> No.5758072

I like to think it is not worth the effort (and the money).

>> No.5758074
File: 294 KB, 850x1207, 1279418342967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yo shit
I have friends, a job, money, and I'm not a neet.

>> No.5758076

real /jp/ers drink tea all day

>> No.5758083

Don't tell me you're also a little girl?

>> No.5758084


>My visage when /jp/ did not realize a sedentary lifestyle alone contributes to weight gain, regardless of how little or how much you eat.

>> No.5758090

I'm really fat. But every time someone make a thread asking "what's your height and weight" you can see that most of us are thin.

>> No.5758091

I declined an invitation to a party this afternoon, I'm alone because I want to, I just want to be a useless piece of shit and browse /jp/ all day ;_;

>> No.5758092
File: 122 KB, 640x480, 1279801931741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo stalker.

>> No.5758095

Firearms:source just came out, so I'm good to go.

>> No.5758096

I work for a schoolboard so I get the summers off. No job now, but in a month I am working again : )

Of course, I was a neet before i got the job, and I do have no friends at all.

>> No.5758101

Every day is Sunday!

>> No.5758109

I lived as a sedentary my whole life and I was only fat when I was a baby. This shit has to do with genes. Go blame your parents.

>> No.5758110


> But every time someone make a thread asking "what's your height and weight" you can see that most of us are thin

Not according to the archive, Sunny Jim.

>> No.5758115

How is that any different from CSS?

>> No.5758119

>My face when that won't make a fucking difference in your weight (not health) if you simply don't eat.

>> No.5758122

BGM of a sedentary hikki.

>> No.5758123

>implying being a NEET = sedentary

>> No.5758128

because it's REAL DEAL SHIT

well, back in the day with the 1.6 engine it was one of the most realistic games out.

>> No.5758131

Stop blaming genes for laziness.
Please go ahead and direct some links then.

>> No.5758134


>My face when you enjoyed your organ damage, low immune system, muscle + bone wasting, and higher chance of dementia


>My mien when every single thread in /jp/ regarding NEETdom was about the horrors of physical exertion, and the virtues of sitting, or lying, in one place. All day.

>> No.5758137

I'm fat and I don't have a sedentary lifestyle.

I just love me some whole milk.

>> No.5758139

>Stop blaming genes for laziness.
Did you even read my post? I said I'm not fat.

>> No.5758141

That's why I said " weight (not health)"

>> No.5758149

Yes, I read "This shit has to do with genes. Go blame your parents."

There is nothing you can't overcome (on normal conditons) with enough exercise

>> No.5758151


The upside is that I don't have to tell /jp/'s bulemics/anorexics to kill themselves, they are already doing it.

Also, how's that eating disorder working out for you?

>> No.5758153

/jp/ - All mad all the time

>> No.5758157

I don't know about other NEETs, but I always have to do shit because I'm a NEET or else my parents would throw a fit. I probably walk at least 5km a day.

>> No.5758163

The most exercise I get is walking to the fridge and back. Feels good man.

>> No.5758167
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>> No.5758168


>doing shit


>> No.5758171

But I'm the fat sedentary guy, not some anorexic dude. Not that is healthy anyways, but working out is so tiresome and boring~

>> No.5758174

just because you are not working or studying doesn't mean you can't fucking walk or do exercise. He is not a hikki.

>> No.5758175

As far as weight goes, I was 330 pounds (I'm 6'3") at my heaviest like 4 years ago. I got sick of being fat and pretty much just stopped eating. I dropped down to 138 pounds at my lowest, but I'm eating regularly now.

>> No.5758176


Working out keeps me sane.

I seriously grow suicidal and angsty when I don't work out. I'm not proud of it, but the times I flipped my shit and grew massively buttranged on /jp/ was when I was injured and couldn't work out.

>> No.5758181

>>Turn Over A New Leaf.mp3

Now I'm all pumped up and motivated to do something! Friends, jobs, and money, here I come!

>> No.5758185

Yeah, exercise is pretty effective even in psychological treatments since it releases seratonin and stuff

>> No.5758186

woah man what about all your extra skin?

>> No.5758189

there are worse things he could be addicted too, Like MARIJUANA!

nah I'm just joking

>> No.5758190

My point is, I scratch my balls all day and eat whatever I feel like and never get weight, while some people work out every day and do crazy diets and never see any results. How can it not have to do with genes?
But yeah, if fat people work really hard they can overcome this, I think.

>> No.5758194

I had an operation to remove the excess from my abdomen. I still have some on my upper arms and legs, unfortunately, because Medicaid won't pay for it.

>> No.5758197

I got your point now.

>> No.5758199

Man, I wish Keanu Reeves would come here and give us some kick ass exercise tips.

>> No.5758204

You could read the sticky on /fit/ instead.

>> No.5758205

Okay I hate to ask this question but I'm planning on losing like 50 more pounds or so, would the excess skin be noticeable you think. (going from like 250 to 190 or so)

>> No.5758208

I haven't masturbated all day. When I woke up I was interrupted while masturbating, and was away from the house for the whole day. I've been sitting here eating dinner with a raging erection. I can't wait to get some relief. I wonder how many times I can cum in a row. My previous record is three times.

>> No.5758212

It probably depends on how fast, and how you go about losing it. If you just starve yourself like I did, it'll probably be worse, or so I've been told. I did do a lot of walking, too, but that doesn't really do much for the abdominal area.

>> No.5758216

Neet is not the same as hikki, brah.
I prefer "Never go to work".

>> No.5758231

I drink sparkling water instead of soda. Just as cheap, just a good, and nutritional facts have 0% of everything. Fuck yeah.

>> No.5758234


Because diets are straight up bull shit. You have to make healthy eating a part of your life. Also, lifting two-pound weights and strolling on the treadmill won't help you one bit.

>> No.5758235

not that perrier stuff I hope.

Oh I've never vomited so much in my life.

>> No.5758238

NEET means you're not working or studying or training, retarded piece of shit.

>> No.5758247,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is this a fat thread or a Friday thread? ffs

>> No.5758245

I never wanted to be NEET. It just happened. I have been trying to get a job at home, but I have no idea what to do. I am not qualified for anything and I have no money, so I am stuck.

>> No.5758246

What about 10lb weights Arc, will I get ripped?

>> No.5758247

Local grocer brand. $0.90 a liter.

>> No.5758249


Call me when you're pushing up 400 LBS on the flat bench like the guys at my gym.

>> No.5758250

>>Working out keeps me sane.

Same here. It's the main reason I do it.

When I stop working out then my mood turns to ass and I start staying up until 8AM and literally do nothing productive for the entire day.

>> No.5758251

Read the /fit/ sticky. To be "ripped" you need to move as much weight as you can in 5~10 reps.

>> No.5758257

I hate those guys, So what if I max out at 280, at least you can't see my organs trying to escape when I flex.

>> No.5758261

I have a hard time keeping my weight up. If I don't eat fattening foods I start to look gross (bones, veins, sinewy). I think there's something wrong with me but I don't want to go to the doctor because I don't want to wake up.

>> No.5758263

And NEET doesn't mean you cannot move or unable to WORK around your house.

>> No.5758270
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, [UTW]_Amagami_SS_-_03_[h264-720p][FF97E96A].mkv_snapshot_15.47_[2010.07.15_22.13.53].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally do nothing productive for the entire day
>ZUN !barYV1VtIA

>> No.5758277

>Green text only posts followed by a random screencap from the shittiest shows of the current season

>> No.5758285
File: 341 KB, 730x995, f7c9c358439b656a0e53b5377c3f2f6572ee9d47..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're my role models I'd basically like to look like this Nidoking here. That'd be -awesome-.

I fucked up my back when I was still taking martial arts classes and fighting in amateur tourneys, though, so I can't push up as much weight as I could.

My back and legs have always been my weakest points, mostly because of my disability. I can walk, kick, and run just fine, but my bone structure is all messed up. I had to wear braces for my legs when I was a small child.

I wanted to join the US Army and enter Ranger School since I was a kid, but they wouldn't let me in because of my disability. So I'm now a shut-in trying to figure out what I should do with my life.

/jp/, of course, suggested that I should become an autistic cross-dresser[their answer to everything]. But I don't see how I would make money doing that. And also, I feel that cross-dressing would severely impact my relationship with the opposite sex.

>> No.5758293

I love you guys and I feel like I am among people I can relate to.

>> No.5758295
File: 17 KB, 289x236, sion0978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>thinks that I'm an overweight NEET just like he is

>> No.5758297


>> No.5758300

Once you're fit and happy, get your CCW and become security for something.

That is if you have a clean criminal record.

I do security and bouncing part time and enjoy both, but I'm huge.

>> No.5758304
File: 9 KB, 490x690, REPORT ACTUALLY WORKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5758306
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>> No.5758313


The fitness part I have down already, but I have yet to get a CCW. I live in New York, so that's going to be hell to get.

I have a clean record, so that should count for something.

>> No.5758318

Well, I thought he being as sad as some of us here could recommend something more fitting for us.

>> No.5758322



>> No.5758325
File: 17 KB, 480x350, 22222whl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looking like that would be awesome, but a lot of art you see involving BIG MUSSELS just kind of ignores proper body proportions...

>> No.5758328


My stomach hurts, i think i ate too much just now.

>> No.5758329


Been doing it for years, my man.

>> No.5758333


Yeah, I wouldn't SERIOUSLY expect to look like that.

But the dudes at my gym are huge. I wanna be huge, too.

>> No.5758334

someone post that picture of boof

>> No.5758341
File: 328 KB, 1318x989, bird63420678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5758342

Just got home from the store.
Got some hotdogs and buns and van camp bakes beans to top it and a 24 pack of coke, paid for with my food stamps.
While eating and drinking these it's ragnarok online all night long!

>> No.5758350

hell yeah who else is playing Lost Odyssey

let's get this party started

>> No.5758351
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I thought it was false.

>> No.5758352

Eh, RO? There's still servers worth a damn?

>> No.5758355

It's called an official server

>> No.5758360

well a friend just brought over some disarono, so its time to get drunk girly style.

See you in a couple hours bros.

>> No.5758365
File: 138 KB, 500x375, 127975826882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

>> No.5758369



>> No.5758372

jesse the body ventura is the only good governor in the history of minnesota.

>> No.5758378

This is fucking disgusting.

>> No.5758381

Give me a high five!

>> No.5758383
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, [Eclipse] Amagami SS - 02 (1280x720 h264) [409F0F7F].mkv_snapshot_14.48_[2010.07.12_06.41.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extremely buttangrey

>> No.5758392


It's okay to be jealous of BOOF being HUEG, Anonymous.

I want to be HUEG too, instead of merely being large.

>> No.5758397


Boof... I think you need to lay off the curls just a little bit..

>> No.5758401

>lay off the curls just a little bit..

nonsense, he needs more curlz in fact.

>> No.5758402



Fuck yeah.

>> No.5758406
File: 140 KB, 640x480, sion2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Sion thinks that he is the source of my eternal asspain
>>random nerd from /v/ makes my butt aflame with mad more than Sion ever will

>> No.5758407


You are now realizing that if Touhous were real, they would all fuck BOOF because they prefer HUEG guys.

>> No.5758416

Only if they prefer huge egos.

>> No.5758421


Huge egos go with the huge muscle.

>> No.5758432


Well obviously, because there's more to eat once the sex is over.

At least you will die happy.

>> No.5758436
File: 159 KB, 571x719, f7c9c358439b656a0e53b5377c3f2f6572ee9d47..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's face it.

Even the desperate traps on /jp/ would rather have their anuses penetrated by a hulking guy.

>> No.5758443

Depends on the penis size and shape, and whether his skin is rough as sandpaper.

>> No.5758489
File: 58 KB, 450x600, f7c9c358439b656a0e53b5377c3f2f6572ee9d47..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See, /jp/? Even your traps don't want to have sex with small guys.

They want MEN. HUEG MEN.

Being HUEG is everything.

>> No.5758532

Hey Arc, what should i do if my torso looks small compared to my sexy legs?

>> No.5758542


>> No.5758553


what that man said about cardio

And also, do more lifts that target your back and shoulders.

>> No.5758600


also, BOOF thread

>> No.5758614

poop thread gone?

>> No.5758762

Yeah, the poop thread's gone but this one is apparently /jp/ enough to stay.
