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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5741369 No.5741369 [Reply] [Original]

You feel an itchiness in your crotch right now.

>> No.5741380

Sometimes i just can't understand Japan.

>> No.5741381
File: 19 KB, 499x351, angu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5741378

Some of these bugs are dead. What an animal she is.

>> No.5741537

Yeah, but that's just the fungus.

>> No.5741543

i once had an ant in my jocks once, it kept biting my scrotum, what a fucker

>> No.5741560

That's fucking disgusting, needless to say. I could kind of understand the octopus shit, but not this.

>> No.5741565

Oh I thought that was some nasty herpes or something. I'm relieved.

They make women do this to pay off Yakuza debts.

>> No.5741568

Nah. I don't even want to vomit. I mean, I was on 4chan for years. Do you think I can't handle this?

>> No.5741579
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That's nothing compared to finding a small spider in your pubes.

>A re-enactment of my expression when I found a small spider in my pubes

>> No.5741589


>> No.5741593


I feel better about being quite trimmed.

>> No.5741595

fuck bro, did you get poisoned

>> No.5741615

It was like dime sized, I don't think it could bite me, although I was looking there because I was feeling an itch.

I don't live in Australia, so I just tripped out like a faggot and hit/brushed it out with no ultimate harm to myself. Probably took a shower after to be sure.

>> No.5741618

The other day I was shocked that fetish AV actresses actually got paid pettily. It said that the average pay for something this traumatic is less ~100-800k yen which in my opinion is absolute bullshit.

Can it even cover their medical bills or do they do it because they actually liked the stuff?

>> No.5741624

Really? Surely they could just whore themselves off and make that amount in a few days.

>> No.5741635

Reminds me of that blowfly girl story.

>> No.5741636

That is horrible.

>> No.5741639

I have a roach phobia. Guess how I am feeling right now.

>> No.5741641

Feeling pretty THREAD HIDDEN, I'm guessing.

>> No.5741644
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>> No.5741650

That's just hot, OP. Thanks FUCK YOU.

>> No.5741651
File: 47 KB, 704x400, moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5741646

As_PrEvIoUSlY_mEnTIONed, ThEsE MESsSAGes_WIlL cONTINue UntIL_yOU perMANENtly_stop_ATTaCkiNg and_FuCKing_WIth_wWw.aNoNmOOOOTAlK.SE_(RemoVe_thE CoW SoUnD),_rEMOVe aLL_ILLEGAl ClONes_OF_It aND_lies_about it_ANd DOnATE_aT_LeASt A_miLliON usd_To_sysOP_AS_COMPEnsAtiON_fOR the maSsIvE damaGe YoU rEtARDS HaVe CauSed.
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