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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5740141 No.5740141 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you who don't 4chan will be talked about tomorrow on good morning america. Since /b/ doesn't like other people finding out about 4chan they decided that they will reverse their behavior and hope that other people find the place uninteresting and leave.

moot, being the faggot he is listened to their requests and well, you can just look at the front page of /b/ to see what he did.

They are actually enforcing the sfw policy in /b/. All the mods are there deleting shit instead of helping the rest of the boards.

>> No.5740155

What the heck does this have to do with /jp/?

>> No.5740158

So tomorrow is opposite day for 4chan?

Does that mean /jp/ will be fun and welcoming where no one ever uses sage and has a bunch of good threads all day and no one accuses others of having mental development disorders?

>> No.5740163

Nobody gives a shit?

>> No.5740162


>> No.5740160

We don't get any moderation because it's all going to /b/.

>> No.5740161

don't know don't care.

How's that?

>> No.5740165

Oh no.... that will be different than it usually is...??

>> No.5740169

We don't have any moderation to begin with.
I don't think it can get much worse.

>> No.5740174
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How's that different from normal?

>> No.5740181

Reproted for nsfw.

>> No.5740182

I don't even know what "good morning america" is.

>> No.5740186

laughed at both.

>> No.5740192

Me either.

>> No.5740194

Neither do I.
Last time I turned my TV on was 8 months ago.
Isn't it the modern equivalent of good morning Vietnam?

>> No.5740201

Same here.

Also, wouldn't "cleaning up /b/" actually attract more unwanted people?

>> No.5740214



You're welcome, morons.

>> No.5740219


>> No.5740222

After they realize how shitty /b/ is they will all flood to /jp/.
Get ready for an influx of Fate/Stay Night threads.

>> No.5740223

Never said I wanted to know.

>> No.5740228


You can, however, educate yourself easily instead of asking us retarded questions.

>> No.5740231

I'll be sure to redirect all the newpals to /jp/ and introduce them to Touhou.

>> No.5740236

Oh one more thing.
I guess /b/ is saying newfriend now instead of newfag so you guys probably want to change that word to something else again.

>> No.5740237

We didn't ask.

>> No.5740238

Never asked anything either.

>> No.5740245

That means /jp/ doesn't have mods until tomorrow!

Holly shit! This is the doomsday! Prepare for the shitposting!

>> No.5740243

We never asked that and we don't want to know.

>> No.5740250


You are acting like the people who enter /jp/, ask people which Touhou is which, then get butthurt when we tell you to google and say you weren't -asking-.

>> No.5740253

I propose nothing at all.
I've had it with the silly names for idiots.

>> No.5740257

Actually you seem to be one getting all defensive here. People were just saying they don't care, take it easy.

>> No.5740258

Except we really aren't.

>> No.5740263

Reported to the cyber police.

>> No.5740269


Fellas, I just want to know why it's so hard for you to say,
"Thanks for the link, Arc, now fuck off."

Will your Anonymous friends tear your balls off if you accept gifts from tripfags?

>> No.5740281

But that was fucking useless and I never asked for it. I don't see a reason to thank you. I also don't see a reason to keep this up, let this thread die.

>> No.5740288


> fucking useless
> google

Tsk! Such petulance, Anon.

>> No.5740290

You don't want fuck with Arc, little boy. He brings the pain. He won't give a fuck about the thread.

>> No.5740315

Facebook will take over the ads market and ruin Google. Or so say the old media experts.

>> No.5740320


From the looks of it, nobody seems to give a fuck about the thread.

I do want to know how /b/ got a hold of /jp/s maid scribble, though.

>> No.5740324

I suspect that the OP browses both boards.
This would actually explain a lot regarding the quality of the board lately.

>> No.5740338

Well, I was browsing other boards randomly to see if /b/ was raiding them and yes the are. Looks like /x/ is having fun.

>> No.5740357

Let's go ship Touhou couples on /b/.

>> No.5740372

This one time we were talking about /b/ for whatever reason and someone made a "Japanese bird cooking spaghetti" thread in /b/. It was a huge hit with the /b/tards. We decided that it shouldn't be a meme here because of that.

Tried to make a Touhou girls thread as well but no body posted in it. And that's why Touhou is still allowed on /jp/.

>> No.5740385

It's because neo-/b/tards dismiss it as "weeaboo" material.

However, I remember a tsurupettan span over there, so I guess SuikaxTewi would gather some hate replies.

>> No.5740387


>And that's why Touhou is still allowed on /jp/.

I would be genuinely amused if Touhou was verboten in /jp/.

But not really, because then it would be like /v/, except instead of XCOCKS VS PSTRIPPLE, it'd be Touhou and anti-Touhou.

>> No.5740399

I know for a fact that /jp/ posters go to /b/.
Remilia bat being brushed is a huge hit among /b/tards

>> No.5740410

I don't browse both boards you stupid piece of shit. I heard from IRC. And don't say that's worse because I never say anything in IRC.

>> No.5740438

>and well, you can just look at the front page of /b/ to see what he did
But that would require looking at the front page of /b/.

>> No.5740449

You sure got defensive all of a sudden. Hit a nerve, did I?

>> No.5740464

Geez, nobody wants to be associated with /b/

>> No.5740469

Different anon from the one you're replying to here, and I just want to let you know that you sound like a massive smug, pretentious faggot.

That is all.

>> No.5740516

You sound like you came from /a/ or /v/.
