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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 197 KB, 1020x893, Adventures of Learning Japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5731260 No.5731260 [Reply] [Original]

I'm learning Japanese. I'm doing this by playing FF1 in Japanese, and translating everything. So far I've figured out the inventory menu, and most of the shop menu. I memorized most of Hiragana and Katakana last night, but some of these symbols are a mystery.

So if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you what some of the characters are as I go along, and possibly ask for advice on translating some of the things people say. Yesterday the first person I talked to, I thought they were telling me that some princess was asleep and dreaming, but they were really saying the town I was in was the town of dreams.

>> No.5731266

Good luck.

>> No.5731269
File: 25 KB, 670x655, 1279052538960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking at this image to figure out the characters, which has helped me memorize them very easily.

Some of the symbols in the game are so hard to figure out that I'm not sure what they are.

>> No.5731271

This method obviously isn't working very well if you have to ask for help all the fucking time. Get over it and do something that actually works.

>> No.5731274
File: 12 KB, 202x65, symbol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, as an example. This is the last part of the shop menu, and it must mean "exit" or something like that, because it's the option for leaving the shop, but I have no idea what this character is, and it's bugging me.

>> No.5731277


>> No.5731278


>> No.5731281

it's wo.

>> No.5731287

Hey, it's the guy who doesn't want to do kanji.
Fuck you dude. I hope you get aids.

>> No.5731289

It's been one day and I've learned most of this stuff, and 30+ words. I think it's working pretty well.

Nevertheless, it shouldn't be your concern, so don't lecture me on how to learn the language. I know myself well enough to know I will learn quickly from this, and that's good enough to do it.

Besides, if I didn't make this thread, you would all just talk about Touhou or whatever.

>> No.5731294

Also, a bit of advice. Well, more of an opinion. Trying to learn an ideographic language with 8 bit symbols is pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.5731300

The early Square RPGs have one of the more legible 8x8 pixel Japanese fonts I've seen. Except for SaGa 3, which uses a completely different (and terrible) font for some reason.

>> No.5731307

Posting images is a pretty useful feature.
I'll pick up Kanji as I move along. It's not important right now.
AHA! WO. Thanks. That would bother me the entire game.

>> No.5731308

thats the character for the object particle

the word before it is the object that the verb is acting on

>> No.5731314

I'ld much rather play violated heroine, it's not finished but still japanese, still fun, and still fappable. New content added every other week too.

>> No.5731316


The symbols are pretty legible. Most of them, anyway. I'm associating the ones in the game with the ones in the image, so there's really no harm done.

>> No.5731317

FF1 is a horrible game to learn Japanese

>> No.5731322

He should play Kumatanchi.

>> No.5731327


So you're not learning Japanese, you're learning FFI.

>> No.5731332

I might try this

>> No.5731336

It's because of faggots like you that cancer like slime forest exists

>> No.5731352
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 5138-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit-

>> No.5731361

Sorry for liking something approaching a game with my flashcards.

>> No.5731381

It's not like what you're doing is a terrible idea, but you should really start reading text with some kanji on it as soon as you can.

>> No.5731387

It's fine.

>> No.5731400

Sometime today or tomorrow.

Also, the thing in the OP image says something like "Bless the crystal bearing warriors" right?

>> No.5731437
File: 99 KB, 1015x887, inventory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, it looks like I bought the right equipment.

>> No.5731439

It's such a good idea in theory. Pity the execution in this case is >>5731352

>> No.5731464

Okay, so the top left says Fuki, but I have no idea what that's supposed to mean in this case.

>> No.5731468

>"Bless the crystal bearing warriors" right?
The first line is most likely to be "calling" as in "You, warriros, listen." Then, "Bless the Crystals."

>> No.5731475

It's "buki". And it means "weapon; arms; ordnance".

>> No.5731478

>Okay, so the top left says Fuki
ぶき Buki means weapon.

>> No.5731481

fuck, i thought that was the nanashi no geemu

>> No.5731485

/jp/ - Personal Translator.

>> No.5731497

Ohh. Mistook bu for fu.

That makes sense now.

>> No.5731514

I see.

The four characters in my party are the Light Warriors or whatever they're called, and they have four crystals. So I figured he meant to give me his blessing, or something.

>> No.5731564

Helping him on grounds of playing NES Final Fantasy. I commend his tastes and dedication.

>> No.5731578
File: 97 KB, 1005x882, armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying some armor now.

1. Fuku(Clothes)
2. Kawa yoroi(leather armor)
3. Kusari katabira(Chain garment)


Looks like I'm buying some Chain for everyone in my party.

>> No.5731629

I hope you're planning to just cheat yourself the money/XP rather than actually grinding for it.

>> No.5731643

I've played thought this so many times, I know the right paths to take for the monsters that drop the good stuff, so I won't really be grinding. I also know where most of the good treasures are in the dungeons.

>> No.5731644

It's really troublesome for the rest of us if you do that, though, because then he'll get used to getting help here and bring back his shit and acting like a douchebag all the fucking time.

>> No.5731654


And what kind of shopkeeper asks you "Uhh, what do you want to do?"

>> No.5731680

なににする means what will you be having or something along those lines.

>> No.5731691

What kind of a name is 「ゅに」, how do you even pronounce that? 「ゆに」, sure, but with a small 'yu'?

>> No.5731698

Asking for help /= being a douchebag.

>> No.5731702

Beats me. Small one was the only one in the naming screen. Or the only one I could find, anyway.

>> No.5731711

This thread's still here?

Lemme know how handy your conversational skills pertaining to leather armor and fighting goblins is when you get to Japan.

>> No.5731716

Actually it's a new thread.

>> No.5731728


Actually I can see the posts I made earlier.

>> No.5731730


Who the hell are you?

And no one on this board cares about "conversating in Japan."

>> No.5731739

True, but this guy is asking for help AND being a douchebag.

>> No.5731740


And we care even less about helping someone learn Japanese.

>> No.5731748

You exaggerate, anon. You can always hide the thread, you know?

>> No.5731753

How am I being a douche?

>> No.5731754

I tried to do something similar to play summon night 3, it took me 8 hrs to get through the first 4 sentences. OP just give up and pay for a course

>> No.5731762


Doesn't that game have a considerable amount of fluff in the conversations though?

>> No.5731766

He made a thread yesterday too.

>> No.5731787

yeah, but i didn't see any, like i said i barely translated the first few lines, i only got far enough to realize that the teacher or trainer was a girl

>> No.5731790

You'll learn faster if you self-study, frankly.

>> No.5731802


You got everyone to hate you in yesterday's thread. "I just want to watch anime, i don't care about kanji." Remember that?

>> No.5731810

playing eroge with agth is not only less work, but you'll naturally pick up some basic kanji along the way.

>> No.5731847
File: 101 KB, 945x483, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm trying to figure out what this says.

The first part, Sunda. I don't know what that means.

The next part is Mizuni, which is water or something, right? What does the "ni" mean here, then?

Then kaowo. Kao = face, wo = object particle?

Utsushitemimashou. What a mess. Something about a reflection?

So.. Something like.. "You see your face in the water"?

Maa! OH!
Sata.. And then some character that I don't recognize, and i. No clue here.



Kono is this, mizu is water, and de is a particle. I'm not sure what de is suppose to do to it here, but I guess that means "This water" or something like that. Come this water. Then Kaowo again, so something about the face. Come this water face. Probably "Come, wash your face in this water"

Aratsute! Aratsute!
No idea what this is supposed to be.

So.. "You see your face in the reflection of the water." Then something "Come, wash your face in this water"

>> No.5731855


Learn the kanji for "sage." You'll be seeing it a lot.

>> No.5731874

The primary reason I'm learning Japanese is to watch anime and play Japanese games without needing it to be translated/subbed. A lot of stuff comes out of Japan that I enjoy, so it makes sense for me to learn to read and understand the language. I just don't want to spend a long time with it, and learning enough Kanji for it to be useful would take too much time. I'll probably pick it up gradually anyway.

>> No.5731889

>So, I'm trying to figure out what this says.
Let's reflect your face on this clear water.
Wow, it's dirty.
Wash your face with this water.

>> No.5731891

You clearly have no idea how the language works. You're not going to be playing any decent games/VNs without knowing a lot of Kanji. Also, reported for blogposting.

>> No.5731900

As you stare upon your reflection in the water, you see that it is all dirty. Wash it!

>> No.5731911

...Well the method he's using is the same one I used to learn how to read english. Same game too, except it was the english version.

>> No.5731912

The bad is that most of the conversation was called "very rude" by my japanese teacher, many years ago.

Then again, I played mostly brutish games back then.

>> No.5731916

I don't have enough determination to do that with a non-romance lang, so i need a class to keep it together.

>> No.5731928

i learned english in a similar way, but i wouldn't have been able to do it if it had 5000 letters instead of 26

>> No.5731929

Learn those damn kana already.

すんだ みずに かおを うつしてみましょう
まあ! きたない!
>Maa! OH!
Wow! Dirty! (or "it didn't come", but that would mean you're a vampire")
>Sata.. And then some character that I don't recognize, and i. No clue here.
You can't even tell the difference between き and さ? You're obviously learning it wrong the whole time.
さあ このみずで かおを あらって! あらって!
>Aratsute! Aratsute!
Aratte. Learn those damn kana.
Now come, wash your face in the water! Wash it!

>> No.5731945
File: 8 KB, 40x47, is this ne..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I play a game with Kanji in it, I'll learn it from that. Problem solved. You can stop throwing a fit now.

It's much easier to see a kanji symbol and be like "What's that?" and look it up, than having to do it all at once.

What character is this? It looks like ne, but has a little line over it.

>> No.5731951
File: 465 KB, 1074x1517, 1278364081315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this anon. You clearly have little to no knowledge of Hitagana/Katakana. How in the seven hells are you supposed to learn the language if you don't know your aiueo's?

>> No.5731953

な, 'na'

>> No.5731955

this is like trying to learn English before learning your ABCs.

>> No.5731959


>look it up

You're not looking it up, you're asking /jp/ to be your personal translator.

>> No.5731962

Good luck. I remember talking to some guy on /jp/ who did this with FF9.

I should give it a shot. Maybe do 8.

>> No.5731968
File: 10 KB, 373x282, 010431_2010-07-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at it more carefully.

>> No.5731970


By asking /jp/ for help every time he can't read something.

Turn off the game and make some damn flashcards. Shit.

>> No.5731971

Ohh. I see. They looked connected.

It's not my fault the things are so close together that I mistake them for other symbols.

>> No.5731973

Most native English speakers learnt to talk before they learnt how to write.

>> No.5731984
File: 52 KB, 640x636, da34fbb6023373354a795c0471a2ecb4-Final_Fantasy_I___II__Dawn_of_Souls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, you should be using a game with better font rendering. Find a Japanese version of the GBA port.

>> No.5731988

Flash cards are for testing, not learning.

The mind memorizes things better when it's putting it into practice, since it recognizes it as being useful, thus it stores it as long term memory, where your "intuition" draws from. This is an excellent way to learn.

>> No.5731991

>implying this dude is Japanese.

>> No.5731994

Implying they play FF1 before learning language.

>> No.5732000

I can't speak for the rest of ya'll, but playing Zelda on the SNES is what taught me how to read, seriously.

>> No.5732002


See >>5731294.


Becoming dependent on /jp/? What happens when traffic picks up later and you have to wade through two hundred sage and report posts to find three posts answering your question, two of which are trolls?

>> No.5732005

I have the font figured out now, I think.

I should have gone with the port, but it feels too late to do that now.

>> No.5732009


>feels too late to do that now

Why? Because you won't be able to bug us until you catch up in the port?

>> No.5732013

Okay OP. Turn off the game, go make some kana flashcards.

Also learn kanji now goddamnit, don't put it off. Just a few flashcards a day is enough but it's invaluable.

>> No.5732015

You're the only person in this thread right now acting like this. Just calm down. Hide the thread and move on.

>> No.5732031

>When I play a game with Kanji in it
You mean EVERY game? You're not really reading it if you have to ask /jp/ or use a dictionary because you have no grasp of the writing system.

>> No.5732038


And you're asking 4chan for help. Go find a forum specifically geared towards learning Japanese. Dunno why you thought Touhou and Visual Novels was the right board for this. Eventually people will start fucking with you when they get tired of answering questions every five minutes and you'll either have to start checking everything yourself (and therefore don't need to ask for our help) or you'll learn Trollpanese.

>> No.5732039

I'll program something to test myself later. I haven't programmed anything for a few weeks anyway.

>> No.5732046

Very few NES-era RPGs used Kanji; not only Final Fantasy, but also Dragon Quest. Also, Earthbound is entirely kana.

>> No.5732051

You shouldn't be as concerned with my learning style as you are.

You too.

If it upsets you so much, then hide the thread. This is something *you* should have learned a long time ago.

>> No.5732056

But have you been reading your SICP?

>> No.5732058


Now you're just posturing your e-peen. No one gives a fuck that you're playing a video game in sugoi Nipponese and no one gives a fuck that you know how to program.

>> No.5732060

That's only because of the limitations of the systems. I'm talking about modern games, as I doubt the OP wants to just play old games forever.
I'm not concerned; the fact is that this isn't the right place for this thread. Go to /lang/ or a forum designated for Japanese language study.

>> No.5732066


"Hey guys I know this this and this but not this" has nothing to do with otaku culture. This thread is about YOU learning Japanese and therefore off topic.

>> No.5732071

seriously have none of you ever visited /v/
he's a troll, and he always uses the same routine, where he pretends he owns something expensive, or that he's capable of something difficult to annoy people
he's been shitting up /v/ for 2 years now

>> No.5732078


Then report the thread, hide it, and move on. You do not need to give me advice, sage the thread, or argue about it.

>> No.5732084
File: 44 KB, 1024x768, shirase..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're killin' me dawg.

>> No.5732085


I'm a nice guy. I'm actually trying to help you.

By the way, how much Japanese did you learn in the last 23 posts?

>> No.5732090

>sage this thread
Sage does nothing but not bump the thread.

>> No.5732093

Since summer I haven't set foot in /v/.

I've been somewhat of a jerk in the past, but in two years I've matured quite a bit. I don't quite act now the way I have in the past.

>> No.5732113

I think he's talking about learning Japanese.

>how much Japanese did you learn in the last 23 posts?
A few words. I've been reading various things that people in the town say.

I understand that, but there's really no point. I'm under the assumption that your entire goal in posting in this thread was/is to tell me to go somewhere else. That doesn't need to be hammered in. I get it.

>> No.5732115
File: 123 KB, 500x500, 1274595177160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obvious translation troll thread
>101 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.5732117

Underage b&n?

>> No.5732120


I meant how much Japanese did you learn from the thread during those posts.

Answer: None.

If you want to learn Japanese, get the fuck out of /jp/. This thread was doomed to derailment the minute you made it.

>> No.5732125

You don't seem to get it, since you're still posting and haven't deleted the thread.

>> No.5732126

Guys, take it easy on the bumping, please.

>> No.5732136

noko + sage

>> No.5732159

I'll rephrase.

I understand what you're telling me, and what you want me to do, but I'm not doing it.

If this upsets you, report the thread and hide it. Paying further attention is only detrimental to your goal.

>> No.5732169


My "goal" is to browse /jp/. I can't help if it's shit right now.

Your alleged goal is to learn Japanese, which you're not doing while you're arguing with us.

>> No.5732176


>> No.5732184

I'm not paying any more attention to you. Good day.

I'm 19.

>> No.5732200

>seriously have none of you ever visited /v/
No, and due to your lack of punctuation, I can speculate that you frequent that shithole quite often.

>> No.5732207


And now we just wait for you to realize that everyone who knows Japanese left this thread after making one post because no one comes to /jp/ to teach Japanese.

>> No.5732209

Just give up already. Turn off your console, learn all kana, some vocabulary and grammar, then return to playing. That's the easiest and fastest way to do it.

>> No.5732227
File: 91 KB, 800x533, 1257061767556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, stop feeding. Since it's also a possibility, OP, stop samefagging. This is getting ridiculous.

>> No.5732399

Autism Everywhere

>> No.5732534
File: 208 KB, 987x882, guard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I've made myself a delicious breakfast, it's back to the game.

Au-sama ha
Person I'm meeting (you)


Yogensha ruka-n no
yogensha(prophet) ruka-n(Probably supposed to be someone's name)

koto bado ori
koto(Also known as) badoori.. No, that doesn't make sense.
kotoba doori(in a way similar or following in)

Hikari no senshi ga
Hikari(light) no(Possessive) senshi(Warrior) ga



au(to meet) jo(rescue) wo(object of action particle)

tasuke(help;assist) dashite(wealthy) kure(nightfall) tuto(quickly)

shinji(devotee or something like that) tei(?) masu(Polite language, respect for listener)

So that gives me..

Prophetic Light Warrior, appeared and abducted, rescue princess today quickly please.

I spent like half an hour figuring this shit out, and I get this jumbled mess. What the fuck. I'm guessing it's something like "The warriors from the prophecy, you have come! The princess has been kidnapped, please rescue her quickly."

Fucking thanks, you shitty guard. I had to buy my own equipment too. Jackass.

>> No.5732542

Or is it..

"Ruka-n appeared shortly before you did and kidnapped the princess, quickly rescue her, light warriors"

I don't know.

>> No.5732550 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 251x251, 1274446840809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more along the lines of "Ruka-n felt the pleasure of being cummed inside"

>> No.5732551

>Imrinfected !!KUFrbmxALEl

>> No.5732559

あ != お

>> No.5732561

ITT retards get tricked into teaching a guy japanese

>> No.5732568

Oh snap, you're right.

>> No.5732576

First line, says おうさま、 ou-sama, king
not あうさま,

>> No.5732585

So that's "king" instead of what I had before. That makes a hell of a lot more sense.

>> No.5732586

fuck don't help him. If you saw his thread last night you would know hes just a troll.

>> No.5732600

I was saying "ou-sama ha" and I guess confused the "o" sound for "a"

So he's talking about the king, then.

>> No.5732642

This shit again? Really, /jp/? I thought we knew better than to spoon feed blog-posting Gaia residents.

>> No.5732649

Next time, don't write the romaji here, but instead change to Japanese IME and type the kana, then use rikaichan firefox addon to translate the words for you.

Check for errors. O can't be A.

>> No.5732679

OP, if we knew Japanese, we would be on 2ch or futaba right now.

>> No.5732706

Evidently a good number of you do know Japanese.

>> No.5732720

Have you even tried to write the kana down (like in manually with a pen in a fucking piece of paper)? It will solve most of your recognition problems.

>> No.5732739
File: 130 KB, 977x707, like a boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got the first bit here translated like a fucking boss.

"A long time ago I was far away living my day to day life" and then this miwotomachi shit comes in and wrecks everything. What is miwotomachi? I don't even see any words in there.

>> No.5732746

I've got my recognition problems solved. I know what all of the symbols are now. Not all of the Katakana ones, but Hiragana is all memorized.

>> No.5732757

Fucking do the tae kim grammer guide and learn about grammar first.

>> No.5732759

>I've got my recognition problems solved.

Clearly, and judging from this thread, that's complete bullshit.

>> No.5732766

I'm figuring it out little by little, doing just fine like this.

>> No.5732773

You still don't know what "Na" looks like?

>> No.5732780

If you do the grammar guide you'd know about stuff like みをとまち

>> No.5732782

FFI is all in hiragana? cool

>> No.5732787

Oh hey, that is na.

I keep confusing na for wo.

>> No.5732796

>I'm figuring it out little by little

You know, that might work for simple text like this, but once you get down to more complex text you will be completely fucked if you don't study all those grammar rules. Reading Tae Kim's guide is the LEAST you can do.

>> No.5732801
File: 406 KB, 704x396, 1223653405143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5732844

How much time do you guys think Tae Kim's grammar would take?

>> No.5732855

so it's "Long ago I was living my day to day life in the port city Guraboka”

What's that last part, sundeimashita mean?

>> No.5732867


>> No.5732870

> equipment

You're doing it wrong if you didn't take a Black Belt

>> No.5732871

Autism Everywhere

>> No.5732885

Resided in

>> No.5732909

I did. I bought a nunchuck for him.

>> No.5732917

So basically he's just saying a long time ago he lived far away in a port city?

Thanks. Now I know the glory that is this town person's life story.

>> No.5732931
File: 173 KB, 985x822, BITCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I read this right?

Is this lady asking me for money?

>> No.5732933

in the far East.

>> No.5732938

what do you think is the word for "money"?

>> No.5732939


>> No.5732947

Where do you get that from?

>> No.5732954


>> No.5732957

She's asking for something.

Either that, or she's asking for me to give her a wealthy king. I'm rather confused.

>> No.5732979

Ohhh. I see.

>> No.5732986

Essentially she's just saying "please help the Lady".

As in the fucking princess

>> No.5732992

gotta love the irony of people usually trashtalking people asking for advice on autonomous learning and then babysitting this guy through a game

>> No.5732998


>> No.5733006

おうじょ = princess. Got it.

That make sense now.

>> No.5733009


Hoooooooooooly shit you're a retard

>> No.5733030

This thread reported for autism.

>> No.5733070

OP, IF you want to learn japanese FAST I recommend

what you are doing now is "going-the-long-hard-way" and chances are high that you will fail like all the others

>> No.5733243
File: 135 KB, 1005x916, let's rock this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First battle. Let's do this.


Tatakau. Attack, war, etc. I remember that.
mahou is magic, I remember that from another menu
Kasuri. I thought that meant items, but I looked it up and evidently it means medicine. I guess that makes more sense.
Mochimono is items.
Nigeru is run. I guess that's because Nigerus always run, because they just stole someone's TV.

Time to kill these Goburin!

>> No.5733278

They want to feel special showing off their kana skills.

>> No.5733335

>Kasuri. I thought that meant items, but I looked it up and evidently it means medicine. I guess that makes more sense.
You got to at least know Yume Miru Kusuri, you /v/ user.

>> No.5733347

yay, learn a worthless isolated language

>> No.5733460
File: 13 KB, 423x72, nakatsuta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean?

First part is Kouka ga. The subject is the efficiency.

Then Nakatsuta.. I don't know. Since the attack didn't hit anything, it should add up to mean "No effect" but I don't know how Nakatsuta does that.

>> No.5733473

kouka ga nakatta. l2read.

>> No.5733479


>> No.5733507

I wonder how well-received doing this with something more /jp/ related would be.

>> No.5733513

hahahaha faggot

>> No.5733523

Stop helping him. He isn't going to learn shit if you faggots keep spoonfeeding him.

>> No.5733524


It would be even worse. /jp/ hates people "corrupting" what is already theirs.

Although, I agree.

>> No.5733559

How does that work?

Why does it become nakatta?

Furthermore, what does it mean?

>> No.5733564

This shit is so basic that he'll learn it from sheer repetition whether I tell him or not. Frankly, I'd rather have this thread on the frontpage than most other shit.

>> No.5733565

Hey, OP. I'd recommend www.smart.fm. Search for the Hiragana/Katakana Goals and start with the core 2000 vocab. The studying itself feels more like playing a game than actually studying.

>> No.5733574

I've been doing that too.

>> No.5733576

Small tsu means double the consonant after.

ぱった = patta, etc.

Go look up a pronunciation somewhere now to make sure you're pronouncing it correctly.

>> No.5733586

I don't like their 2000 vocab thing. I keep meaning to start a kanjidamage list, but that's so much effort...

>> No.5733597

So, OP.. You basically have no idea what the fuck you are doing. Why don't you go and learn some basics? Playing a game like this hasn't learnt you shit yet. We can all derive that from this shitty thread.

also, you don't have to bump this shit thread each time you reply to it.

>> No.5733600

>Small tsu means double the consonant after.
Ohhh. I see.

How do I type a small tsu, then?

>> No.5733620

>Playing a game like this hasn't learnt you shit yet.
You couldn't possibly know that.

I've learned a lot thus far.

>> No.5733618 [DELETED] 

>trying to learn an asian language like a western language

does not work that way

>> No.5733629

or just type the romaji and it'll work itself out.

>> No.5733642

At the end of the game you defeat Gardland (yes, he's alive) and save the world from evil.

Ops, Spoiler

>> No.5733688

I've already beaten the game multiple times. I know how it ends.

>> No.5733691

Imrinfected is one of my least favorite tripfags.

He pirates games, tells everyone else to pirate them, then gloats about it like a huge faggot.

As bad as Manlytears and Soljahboy.

>> No.5733718

Thank you.

>> No.5733742

sage goes in all lowercase. Otherwise it does nothing.

Also, I don't gloat about pirating games. I'm not sure where you would even get that. Additionally only times I tell people to pirate a game is when giving them advice regarding the quality of a game.

IE: "Mediocre spamfest barely worth one play through. Pirate or rent."

You should learn to respect other peoples decisions though, even if you don't agree with them, or you find them immoral. You'll get angry much less often.

>> No.5733753
File: 88 KB, 500x375, 1276883711197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5733765

>sage goes in all lowercase. Otherwise it does nothing.
That's the point. sage does NOTHING.

>> No.5733808

So much butthurt in this thread. It was fun to read.

>> No.5733820

>respect immoral opinions
What's the point of considering them immoral if you're going to respect them?

>> No.5733851

>198 posts and 20 image replies omitted

What's the auto sage limit on this board again?

>> No.5733859

I don't know, but we can always work it up to 250 as fast as possible.

>> No.5733876

350. Good luck.

>> No.5733879

300 for all boards, did you miss the big update?

>> No.5733987

You don't respect them because you believe it's ridiculous, or without reason. It's a different conclusion than what you've come to, thus you conclude the opposing opinion as being wrong. This applies to decisions as well. Someone does something you wouldn't and you believe it's silly, with varying degrees of anger resulting from it.

What you need to realize is the validity of a person. Everyone is equally valid. Humans are all capable of the same logical thought, and reaching the same conclusions, given the right circumstances. The factor that decides what a person does do or think is memory. That's why people become more intuitive with age. People have different memories than you, and thus they have different information, and reach different conclusions.

So the conflict is in different, opposing information. Explain your stance rationally, and receive their explanation with your rapt attention. At least, in theory this is how it would work, but people are typically raised to be impatient, and irritable, and things never work out in a rational way. So at the very least, respect that the other party has a reason that they believe to be legitimate. Respect that.

>> No.5733997

You're missing the point. Put Sage in the e-mail field, and it still bumps the thread. Put sage in the e-mail field, and it does not bump the thread.

>> No.5734072


This shit's as bad as Rosetta Stone. It is almost exactly the same.

>> No.5734100

Only a stupid faggot like you would even care what's inside my e-mail field.

And /v/downies that don't care about video games.

You find pirating to be morally fine. I find it to be reprehensible. You running around telling everyone and their grandmother to download a certain game for free is morally disgusting to me. If you want to steal, it's none of my business. When you're spamming a thousand and a half threads supplying direct download links advertising that you want a buddy to play with, then it's my business.

You're a horrible tripfag, this is a stupid idea for learning japanese, and this can be seen by you having no clue what the fucking hiragana for "wo" means.

>> No.5734116

>You find pirating to be morally fine. I find it to be reprehensible. You running around telling everyone and their grandmother to download a certain game for free is morally disgusting to me.
Holy shit, what a faaaaaaag.

But hey, we need guys like you. You keep the industry alive in our stead! And we can't thank you enough for that. :D

>> No.5734119

>people become more intuitive with age

Yes and no. Memories can lead you to expect certain things to happen in certain ways, but there might be time when they don't. If you are new to the situation, you might be expecting a wider variety of outcomes and will be able adapt more quickly to otherwise unforeseen circumstances.

>> No.5734207
File: 40 KB, 560x437, 1219153688586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you call other people faggots?

>> No.5734367

People's experiences led them to believe wrong things. I'm supposed to respect this why? They're still wrong.

>> No.5734661 [DELETED] 

Autism. Every. fucking. where.

>> No.5734957

>then it's my business.
Being upset is your business. What I do is not.

So you have a problem with me. That's been established. The thing you should worry about now is how you're going to solve it.

Are you going to continue stubbornly imposing your will on others, under the false premise that your way is the righteous, correct one? Or, maybe, you'll learn to respect differing ways of life, and move on with yours. I can guarantee you, one of those is not going to work, and I'm sure you already know which one that is.

I take it you get angry often at all types of things. You don't fix that by changing what you're angry at, but by changing yourself.

Please don't disregard what I say because of your bias, either. I'm not upset that you don't like me. I'm not trying to insult you, even if you perceive it that way. If people could show a little bit more respect for their fellow man, even if they don't like them, we would all get along much better.

>> No.5734996

You'll grow out of this rationalist phase once you become a bit more jaded.

>> No.5735007

They may be wrong, yes, of course, but they believe they're not, just as you do.

You need to escape your own bias for a moment and imagine yourself arguing with someone of opposing beliefs. No progression is made with hostility. It only entrenches the other party in the idea that they're correct, for numerous reasons. They don't see a person with the truth, trying to teach you. They see someone who's stubborn, and angry. Someone who maybe knows they wrong, but refuses to admit it for fear of embarrassment. There is a perpetuated illusion of progression because you feel good for making some point, when in actuality neither person involved is really considering the opposing argument, only concerned with proving their own point, and unwilling to listen to the next persons "childish rant" as it may be perceived.

It's as simple as "Act like a child, and be treated like a child."

If it would help, imagine yourself wearing a monocle and tophat. No true gentleman would insult his opponent to make himself feel better.

Even if you are right, you need to show respect to be listened to.

>> No.5735051


a bit sad, but still great entertainment

>> No.5735059

It's a common perception that you are a step above someone when they go through a stage of your life that led to the way you are. Understand that the human mind is not the simple. Life is not linear. It is very messy, where development has no absolutes.

This is why older people are pretentious towards the younger ones. A teenager's view on life is all but worthless to the average adult.

Learn to analyze your own perceptions, escape your bias, and study the way you are. Learning how you work is the more important factor in your own development, and it's one that many people live their entire lives without.

Ponder for a moment, "Why do I think what I do?" and leave vague "Because I'm right"s behind.

>> No.5735107


How about you try CONVERSING in English before throwing insults around, huh bub?

>> No.5735203

No, really. You will grow out of this. You have no idea how cute you are right now.

>> No.5735273


What made you feel like showing up after the fact and defending some upstart tripfag?

>> No.5735317

I'm afraid a person doesn't grow out of maturity unless they become immature, and I don't plan doing that.

>> No.5735328

Now you're just going for laughs.

>> No.5735343

What does アシグした mean?

It's showing up after the stats when leveling up. I guess it's supposed to say "up" or something.

>> No.5735353

The pleasure of leveling up.

>> No.5735376

>grow out of this rationalist phase
Nobody can grow out of this, simply because it's not growing.

>> No.5735402

Oh Jesus fucking Christ, why has this not been deleted.

OP, count how many post have actually helped you and then count how many posts didn't and tell me finding a forum dedicated to helping people learn Japanese wouldn't be a better use of your time.

Fucking trolls and e-peens.

>> No.5735404
File: 24 KB, 544x400, 1279670503514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you're mature
I don't think so Tim
You're just a mid-teen
You take much longer to say things than you need to because you're trying to seem intelligent, but in reality it makes you look stupid and weird

>> No.5735408

I hope you do realize that handwritten =/= computer font in japanese

theres a couple 5% that doesnt match fully
And a game wont help you out that much in learning, take a more general approach, listen to songs, read texts if you really want to learn intuitively...

>> No.5735427


We've been over all this. He just want to look like a sugoi aniki by playing a vidya jame in Nip, even if he has to ask for help every two minutes.

>> No.5735434

God will show himself to you someday.

>> No.5735445

The Internet would be a much nicer place if nerds quit attempting to sound intelligent.

>> No.5735452

That's a pretty baseless assumption. Especially considering I said I was 19 earlier in the thread. That's more end-teen than mid-teen.

>> No.5735475

You say it's baseless when we have an entire thread of your posts to base it on.

>> No.5735483
File: 21 KB, 172x205, 1279605371373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>230 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.5735493


You keep pointing that out and only a high schooler would think childish bickering equals an environment conducive to studying. You would have already failed out of college if you think keeping shit like this up is in any way productive towards learning a foreign language.

>> No.5735508

I'm 19 and I'm autistic, just like OP!

>> No.5735529

Sorry, I should have said that he'll grow out of being so fucking preachy about it.

>> No.5735553

Why doesn't the OP try translating a VN? At least then the language he learns won't be stuff like "50 gold leather armor goblins".

>> No.5735585

.. But that's the most important part of the language.

>> No.5735683

I've learned english with videogames, mostly of it from Monkey island....However i don't know if it is a good idea to learn Japanese trough games....

>> No.5736082

I keep seeing this dash thing between the symbols. What does that mean?

IE: セーグしまー

>> No.5736087

I mean セーグしまーす

>> No.5736098


It means turn off the game, you're too stupid to learn Japanese anyway.

>> No.5736110

Why don't you look it up? Don't you know how to use Google?

>> No.5736116
File: 12 KB, 470x457, 1278127939634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5736132

Not helpful.

>> No.5736140





Put any fucking symbol in it and scroll down to the Japanese section.

For words: http://www.saiga-jp.com/kanji_dictionary.html

There's also a wealth of other sites for translating groups of characters into words.

Congratulations, you have no fucking reason to continue posting in this thread aside from trolling or showing off your sugoi Japanese spirit.

>> No.5736141

really stupid to try to read shit like that without knowing like anything lol

>> No.5736159

It's a completely different alphabet... i don't think it's possible, not without some tutorials or lessons.

>> No.5736177

My god this thread is still going?? Go to the language thread already man, as if you haven't been trolled enough. Why do people keep this alive.

...it probably says セーブします, which means "saving" like saving the game. goddammit.

>> No.5736194

You really need to look more closely at those katakana charts.

>> No.5736199

This thread is still alive because people like you keep spoonfeeding him.

>> No.5736238
File: 49 KB, 450x450, 1265475568447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck am I reading?

>> No.5736257

You should be able to figure it out from his other mistakes and what he thinks it says.

>> No.5736264

I just realized what he was trying to say, and it's hard, but for the sake of /jp/ I'll refrain from answering/trolling.

>> No.5736313

I dunno man, why are you even using a videogame like this as a self-learning tool? If your only aim is to read and translate every sentence as it pops up on the screen, maybe you should just download the Japanese script somewhere and do it. The way it is now, you are only going to lose a lot of time which could've been spent better, especially during the grinding parts.

>> No.5736351

Repetition. I'll get used to the language much faster this way. I'll always be seeing characters, many of the same words over and over again, etc.

>> No.5736367

You'd be better off playing a PC game compatible with a text hooker.
That way you'd at least get the correct text instead of failing at reading basic katakana.

>> No.5736369

Why is this troll thread still here?

>> No.5736405
File: 32 KB, 283x289, 1298392174151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing artificial girl 3 on my PC
>its a hentai game where you hurr get a real girlfriend and train her to be the best girlfriend ever
>one day I notice my sister using my PC when I get home from class
>shes playing artificial girl 3
>oh fuck oh fuck
>shes actually having sex with the girlfriend I created
>oh no
>oh noooo
>watch her slowly masturbate
>what the fuck
>get hard as shit
>she finishes in a loud groaning and gets her juices on my keyboard from her fingers
>she exists the game
>I'm standing there
>shes blushing
>...is...is that what you look for in a girlfriend..is that your ideal girl?
>...then why does she look and act like me..?
>my face

>> No.5736423

>You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it.

Oh right, that was hours ago. I thought Moot said we were getting new mods? I've seen a few shitposts cleared up, and Curry is banned again, but I expect the new mods to be able to tell a troll thread from a real thread, especially when there's a board for this kind of thing (and it's not /jp/).

>> No.5736503
File: 216 KB, 800x1130, 1264721142021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I like you. You're learning Japanese the right way, not the way all those faggots here on /jp/ troll people with.

Here, this may help you out a little. I assume you've tried Rosetta Stone, right? You should try it while playing FF1, has really nice vocab words for beginners like you, many of which could be used in the game.

>> No.5736665

Heck yes.

>I assume you've tried Rosetta Stone, right?
Of course.

>> No.5736674

Haha, oh wow.

>> No.5736711


Stop fucking spoonfeeding the troll you autist

>> No.5736731
File: 127 KB, 1029x932, the king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at the king. This is the biggest thing I'll have read thus far.

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

>> No.5736904
File: 315 KB, 1000x708, Hysterical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5736914

>be palestinian
>walk into gamestop in jerusalem
>clerk presses silent alarm button
>tortured by mossad agents
>family executed

>> No.5736956
File: 160 KB, 717x645, 1236395682861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing Violated Heroine
>Fapping in my room with my headphones on
>Forgot to check if room is locked beforehand
>Father walks in
>"Son, I was wondering if we could have a tal-"
>I can't hear him, fapping as the main character gets fucked by oni-chans and shit
>Cum all over myself and turn around to realize he was there
>SonIAmDisappoint.jpg face
>MFW he doesn't feel like talking to me about going to college after seeing that

>> No.5736978



>> No.5737321

Let me put it this way: there was tons of Pooshlmer spam poop as well as this 300 post /v/ troll thread on the front page. And yet the janitor mysteriously makes a beeline to Currybutt while ignoring everything else.

Highly suspicious. Why ban Curry when you can ban some /v/ fatties or Sion?

>> No.5737332

Because curry's obnoxiousness makes him the logical target.

>> No.5737352

Perhaps you should get a ban as well for complaining about moderation policy.
