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5720538 No.5720538 [Reply] [Original]

which video game genre are touhou fan games still missing?

>> No.5720581
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FPS, RTS, sport
i still want my goddamn Unreal tournament 03/04 touhou mod, but it will never happen ;_;

>> No.5720594

metroidvania mother fuckers

>> No.5720602




Touhou Soccer


Noone's actually missing those.

>> No.5720622
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No, wait


Metroid Fusion with Reimu as the main character, believing the whole x-virus is a youkai. Guess who plays the SA-X

Rape ensues.

>> No.5720631

I want a Touhou FPS.

>> No.5720634
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isn't it just a sort of "tower defense" ? i can't really call this a RTS

>> No.5720635

there is a touhou castlevainia.

Its not good but it exists.

>> No.5720638

For FPS, there's Touhou Fortress, but it's pretty bad in my opinion.

>> No.5720643

just a shitty mod.

also I want a survival horror title.

>> No.5720646

Wait for the COD mod then.

>> No.5720653

Left for Dead mod.

>> No.5720654

wait, are you saying a mod is being created ?

>> No.5720664

left 4 dead isn't survival horror.

>> No.5720669


It's not a Metroidvania.

>> No.5720686

I take it you want something along the lines of RE or SH?

>> No.5720698


>> No.5720706


point being that if I want to play boring games, there are slightly more entertaining ones than classic cv.

>> No.5720702

hell even fatal frame or Siren

>> No.5720705

Aya in Project Zero/fatal frame
you will strangle Hatate like in the end of fatal frame II

>> No.5720708


What is that picture?

>> No.5720709

Silent Hill with Touhou mod sounds awesome

>> No.5720720
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you can't recognize ?
It's GTA San andreas

>> No.5720728

I said that implying you had a point. No need to explain your inability to beat CV classic.

>> No.5720730


Ah, I couldn't tell by the first pic, but the second pic made it obvious(I've seen the overpass in that game so many times).

Was there an actual collaboration of all those mods, or are they still single pieces floating around?

>> No.5720733

Why are you arguing with a troll?

>> No.5720740

As far as I know, no collab mod exists.

>> No.5720739



Touhou Fortress 2 mod.

>> No.5720745


>No need to explain your inability to beat CV classic.

I've beat Rondo, motherfucker.

not with richter though lol

>> No.5720747

Touhou Fortress 2 is shit. I posted in every Pooshlmer thread to remind them their models look like ass, but they wouldn't listen.

>> No.5720759
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Survival Horror
Beat em up
Action RPG (Think Kingdom Hearts,Dark Cloud,Tales etc etc)
Third Person shooter
Party Game
Rhythm game
Tactical shooter

I'd really like a Touhou Harvest Moon and a Touhou basketball game that plays like NBA Jam on the genesis.

>> No.5720765


Why do Touhou fans bitch about every last little flaw in Western Touhou creations, but they don't bitch about the thousands of incredibly shitty Eastern Touhou games and mods? The Touhou Fortress models are vastly better than, say, the Touhou DoTA models, for example.

Oh, wait, that's obvious, because you're a bunch of fucking weeaboos who are convinced that everything that isn't from Japan is a pile of shit and must be flamed.

>> No.5720772
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>> No.5720785

do you even go here regularly?

>> No.5720792

Actually, it's because most people have no idea what sort of shit Japanese fans have made. Only the really impressive stuff even gets mentioned on /jp/.

>> No.5720791

We're not discussing which is shittiest of the TF and DoTA models.
We're just saying the TF models are shit.

>> No.5720789


I know, right? They should make them top tier quality, like the character art in the games.

>> No.5720801

Turn based tactical strategy, like Steel Panthers.

>> No.5720804
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finding japanese mods for GTA:SA is like being a treasure hunter, it took me seven hours non-stop of research to get almost every touhou characters and i still don't have everyone, the UFO cast is already done and Hatate too.
every modders have their own blog, i've never saw a mod collaboration, you must be the fucking Indina jones to find japanese mods and since i don't understand moonrunes it make the research harder

>> No.5720808
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Fatal Frame clone.

>> No.5720815

Perhaps the same could be said of ALL Metroidvanias...

Well, excluding Circle of the Moon.

>> No.5720819

You don't play Touhou for the graphics, you play for gameplay+music.
When you install the Touhou Fortress mod, you play for both the graphics and gameplay.

>> No.5720886
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it wasn't really hot because of the crappy animation and the fucked up light/shadow, i was fucking dissapointed

>> No.5720896

Turn that frown upside-down and go fap to some real Touhou porn.

>> No.5720934



>> No.5720937


Sengoku Gensokyo/ Gensokyo Rance

>> No.5720953
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i was just bored of the original skin, MMD skins just doesn't work with GTA engine

>> No.5720956

>Rhythm game
You have several touhou files for Stepmania, Osu!, etc.

>> No.5720959

Rance is shit. Doesn't count.

>> No.5720987

I said like Steel Panthers, with units being individual vehicles and sections of infantry.

>> No.5721056
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>> No.5721088

>which video game genre are touhou fan games still missing?

Racing games ;_;

>> No.5721087

I can't see any way for this to work with Touhou.

Unless you reenact the Lunar War, maybe.

>> No.5721135


An on air and on ground racing game with magic and little girls? Fund it. No cars though, that'd be ridiculous. It should be focused on aerial combat and flying through obstacles.

>> No.5721147

I cannot wait for Cirno Racing to come out in 2012.

>> No.5721176

OoE, hard mode level 1 fresh

>> No.5721182

I want a Gensokyo city/civ management game.

>> No.5721199

Every year or so an Incident would happen and everyone's quality of life/happiness would drop for a while as Reimu flies around indiscriminately shooting people.

>> No.5721223

Danmaku shows are basically fireworks displays. Happiness would go up.

>> No.5721243

I still await the day that a full, free roam Touhou game comes out. I want to roam around Gensokyo and be able to do whatever I want. That'd be the perfect game for me.

>> No.5721286

An adventure game. Legend of Touhou or something.

>> No.5721308
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>> No.5721461

There's a Phoenix Wright ripoff. That's close enough.

>> No.5721941
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Gensokyo Hearts

>> No.5722469 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5722466

Gensokyo Fantasy Tactics.

I think the concept is perfect for a universe with loads of characters like Touhou, add some generic tengu, humans, ghosts, fairies and you're good to go.

>> No.5722495

Double Dragon / River City Ransom style beat-em up.

>> No.5722499 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5722869

You're a fucking genius.
Someone make this.
