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5716945 No.5716945 [Reply] [Original]

do you still drink milks /jp/?

>> No.5716951

Yes, but not like that.

>> No.5716950

I can only stand drinking it with cereal

>> No.5716953

I'm drinking milk right now.

>> No.5716958

I've never drank milk. Milk is shit.

>> No.5716959

Everyday when I wake up

>> No.5716965

then you're doing it wrong

>> No.5716967

I'm lactose intolerant. Shit sucks.

>> No.5716971

That's not milk...

>> No.5716975

I don't like milk.

>> No.5717009

Yup. Good source of calcium and protein.

Soy milk is just as tasty as cow milk. Especially chocolate soy milk.

>> No.5717024

420, drink milk every day.

>> No.5717030

Milk is actually pretty bad for you.

Do not believe the milk companies lies.

>> No.5717031

3 cups a day to make up for the lack of sun

>> No.5717032

I never drank it, it's disgusting.

>> No.5717033

whole milk is good for you

drink it, nigger

>> No.5717037

only if it's part of my coffee.

>> No.5717038
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>> No.5717058

Milk, not so good.

>> No.5717054
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>Milk has fat, it is bad for you ignore that fact that it has Calcium and protein.

>> No.5717064

so you weren't breast fed?

>> No.5717072

It also has terrible growth hormones.

You will grow boobs from it. In a bad way.

>> No.5717076
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I only consume it with hot chocolate mix or cereal these days. Drank way too much of it as a kid though.

>> No.5717082

no, you won't

>> No.5717083

With cereal, or something like that.
Who the hell just randomly drinks milk?

>> No.5717103

>believes propaganda

Aunt owns a milk farm, only thing cows eat is the grain which was farmed at my Cousins farm. which was fertilized with the dung from the very cows that eat it. no growth hormones at all.

>> No.5717105
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You're one of those fuckers from the milk companies aren't you.

Stop following me, i will not be silenced.

>> No.5717110

I do. milk is awesome.

>> No.5717124

source for op

>> No.5717125

I wish I could. I need the calcium.
But my body can't process it very well. ;_;

>> No.5717134


>> No.5717135

then drink Soy milk. it has all the benefits of milk, without the lactose intolerance hindering you.

>> No.5717140

you didn't get tits from milk, it's just because you're a fatty, fat-tits

>> No.5717162

I try, but I live in the Deep South. Expensive or hard to find.

>> No.5717178

I feel sorry for you then. Ever two weeks I buy two cartons of milk for cooking, and two cartons of soy chocolate milk for drinking.

>> No.5717194


>> No.5717203

Puddings, cakes, other sweets, breads stews, ect.

>> No.5717216

I don't care much for straight up milk, but I still use it for cereal and cooking.

Now chocolate milk, that's where it's at.
I drink a gallon of chocolate milk every week.
Not powder mix either, dairygold chocolate milk is fucking tasty.

>> No.5717220

Speaking of this, I could really go for a loaf of chocolate bread.

>> No.5717222

>two cartons of soy chocolate milk for drinking.
Enjoy your bitchtits

>> No.5717226
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It's not what the cow is eating the cow produces the growth hormones itself you dumb fuckwad.

>> No.5717232

I hate milk. It's disgusting.

Chocolate milk, on the other hand, is quite enjoyable.

>> No.5717236

Only if it has alcohol in it.

>> No.5717263

>I believe everything a read about on the interwebs, including product propoganda.

you know, there is a way to prevent Moobs. you know what it's called? Exercise you dumbfuck! you really think a GROWTH horomone will give you boobs?

>> No.5717275

ITT Milkist propaganda vs anti milkist propaganda.

>> No.5717277

get out milk devs

>> No.5717278

I drink milk.
I take off my clothes, lay down on my bed and turn over 2 bottles of milk all over my body, so i lick it off. I do it every morning.

By the way, i'm male, 38 years old and my weight is 160kg. I'm too lazy to shave off, too.

>> No.5717285

Or just puke up whatever you eat.

>> No.5717296

Milk is really fucking good for you. It's kinda hard to come by reliable calcium sources with most diets. Even many vitamin pills don't give much calcium (unless of course you're taking calcium pills derp).

Plus it goes awesome with cookies, brownies etc.

I also love breakfast cereals and so I usually have a couple of glasses worth of milk per week as bi-product of that.

Just don't drink whole milk if you happen to take it in a lot, because that is a lot of fucking fat. Usually I go with 1% or fat free.

>> No.5717309


enjoy your upper GI tract damage + acid-worn teeth + possible organ failure

>> No.5717327

If you honestly think the natural hormones in milk will cause you to grow breasts, then you're completely retarded.

>> No.5717344

I try to not drink regular milk by itself. Cereal or chocolate milk, a milkshake, cheese, cream...I'm slightly lactose intolerant but no biggie. I also have shitty fast metabolism so I don't worry about fat, and I wouldn't know where else to get my calcium and shit without milk

>> No.5717345

y u hatin on bulimia nigga

>> No.5718283

2 pints a day. I love milk.

>> No.5718292


Fat in milk does not get digested into your system, rather, it binds other fats in your body and then you poop it out.

So drinking fat in milk makes you poop more fat then you drank :D

>> No.5718293

I have never liked milk. I used to be allergic to it, but am not anymore yet I still cant stand the taste. almost makes me vomit.

>> No.5718294

Organic milk is completely natural with no growth hormones. What now, milk hater?

>> No.5718301
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/jp/'s health is my top priority!

>> No.5718307

I love milk.

>> No.5718308

i live in wisconsin, so yeah it's pretty much the law

>> No.5718310
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>Drink milk
>It tastes fermented
>Mon visage
>Never drink milk again

>> No.5718313

then supply me with milk from those unsightly milkbags of yours

>> No.5718317
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>> No.5718318

No, I only drink semen.

>> No.5718334

is it any better if he's wearing his arc mask?

>> No.5718329

I now have the mental image of a ripped black man breastfeeding a hipster.

Thanks guys.

>> No.5718338


