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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 335 KB, 600x600, c2987cf516ec4c29d17ed2f2b803a418[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5709564 No.5709564 [Reply] [Original]

Upload/request music using your browser: http://skully.hopto.org

Listen to the stream using your music player: http://skully.hopto.org:8000
If the stream is full, please connect to one of the relay servers, listed in the second post.

>> No.5709566

As of now, this new system is still in beta. Please keep this in mind. Songs won't be requested automatically. We can switch to the old system anytime if something goes wrong.

Anyway, please give feedback over this new system. Post any error messages you get, post opinions, suggestions, whatever.

Main server now holds up to 7 people. The main server isn't redirecting people at the moment. Please connect to one of the relay servers manually if the main server is full.
Thanks to everyone who is hosting a relay server. Here's a list of the to me currently known relay servers:

http://pyonta-kun.kicks-ass.org:8000 (hosted by Pyonta-kun's Yandere Stalker)
http://warosu.org:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://yamaxanadu.tarball.us:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://home.kamokow.com:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://kaguya.eientei.com:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://doujinplay.net:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://www.yukkurishiteitte.net:8000 (hosted by Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI)
http://boof.kicks-ass.org:8000 (hosted by BOOF)
http://hentai.student.utwente.nl:8000 (hosted by leofox!tkMd2Fh4DM)
If you want to host a relay server yourself, ask in this thread for more information.

You can still submit logo's for the website. Make sure it's 300x100 and I'll make sure it's in the rotation. Lets see some of that /jp/ creativity.

Point out any problems you have with V2. It's still being worked on, and if there are any major problems we'll just switch to the old version.


>> No.5710390

gog damniit thii2 2hiit ii2 awe2ome

>> No.5710407
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>> No.5710424

>Through the pingas and flames

>> No.5710886

Just pointing out to anyone who doesn't know, Pyonta-kun has updated the upload system; so now you no longer need to go through the trouble of editing all your tags to ID3v2.4 before uploading, as we have a script that automates this process for you.

>> No.5710921

Damn, I missed Shoes of Glass.

>> No.5710982
File: 209 KB, 500x707, 118394 404_(artist) angry blonde_hair blue_eyes braid hand_on_hat hat kirisame_marisa pout short_hair solo -t witch_hat (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the stream is shit today

>> No.5711007

>All files with ID3v1 tags will automatically be converted to use ID3v2.4 tags instead, so you no longer have to worry about manually editing your own song tags.
Testing this.

>> No.5711024

Do ID3v2.3 tags get converted as well?

>> No.5711097

>tomoya - Dancing GIRL ????????
Yeah, I think it's still not 100%.

>> No.5711337

Those songs were uploaded before the change. We still have to manually edit those on our side. Unfortunately, those tags were lost and turned into question marks, which is worse than keeping the tagging but getting mogiboke, because we can't simply cut and paste the tags properly.

It should detect all tags aside from ID3v1, but I've never tested if it does. try it out and we'll see.

>> No.5711367

Will it also recode the tags? If they are SJIS or GBK or some other shit?

>> No.5711393

I haven't tested this yet. It should work, but you could always give it a try. If anything, I'll fix the tags up for you if it doesn't work, and I'll see if we can get the problem fixed.

>> No.5711510

didn't work ;_;

>> No.5711649

I uploaded another with IDv1.1 + IDv2.4, and it didn't work out either! I guess it overwrote the working tags.

>> No.5711710

>Those songs were uploaded before the change.
Actually, I uploaded that right after I saw the notice about the tagging thing. I just found a random ID3v1 file on my playlist, uploaded it and that was the result.

>> No.5711726

Telling Pyonta about it. We only tested it on a few files, so it's very possible there are still bugs with it that need to be ironed out.

What were the files you two uploaded? Demetori! - Wind God Girl, kumichiyo - voyage 1969, and minami (IOSYS) - Sparking Slash seem to be the 3 most recently uploaded, and their tags seem pretty fine to me.

>> No.5711757

tomoya - Dancing GIRL was what I named it, if I'm not mistaken.
I also uploaded the kumichiyo one, but I fixed its tags manually before doing it.

>> No.5711758

I uploaded these:
minami (IOSYS) Sparking Slash ����Faithful Star 00:04:12
����E��� (Demetori) 07. ���_���� ����ӂ�[�����demo+�S & ���� 00:05:29

>> No.5711793

I'm going to upload all my /prog/ music to educate you all!

>> No.5711835

You didn't have anything for the album?

I fixed the tags for these. Were one of them uploaded with ID3v2.3 tags?

>> No.5711851

>I fixed the tags for these. Were one of them uploaded with ID3v2.3 tags?
Yeah, the IOSYS one (which was encoded in CP932).

>> No.5711863

No, I usually ignore that (mainly because usually the album is something in Japanese and I can't romanize stuff).
Either way, fixing tags here doesn't take too much time and everyone gets happy when no tags are broken, so I won't mind to continue doing this.

>> No.5711948

Thanks for the information. Pyonta is working on some of this right now to see if he can sort this out.

Some people have problems with it and still mess up when doing it. It's better if we work to solve the problem rather than giving up and telling everyone to keep fixing their own tags when it's possible to let the system automate that process for them.

>> No.5712006

Yeah, I know. I wish you guys good luck on that and I hope you manage to get it working perfectly.

By the way,
>GJS Jay Sussman Feat. JSB Sebastian Bach - We conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells
Oh god, it's the original version.

>> No.5712044

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.5712098

Trying to fix problems one at a time.
Is there also an ID3v1.2/3/4/5 I should know about?

>> No.5712113

Don't think so, here's what Wikipedia has:
> One improvement to ID3v1 was made by Michael Mutschler in 1997. Since the comment field was too small to write anything useful, he decided to trim it by two bytes and use those two bytes to store the track number. Such tags are referred to as ID3v1.1.

>> No.5712129

To the person whop had problems uploading a file that had SJIS in it, would you mind trying again? Tell us if you get an error.

>> No.5712132

Hey, KoR guy, post the Kumicho track from KoR2!

>> No.5712155

That's horrible.

Can anyone mediafire a song that has ID3v1.1 tags? I wouldn't even know how one would create such tags and I need it to test my code before I use it.

>> No.5712163

I think all files in the Touhou lossy MP3 collection do... I'll upload one.

>> No.5712191

Hey, it worked! But be wary, CP932 (what Windows uses for SJIS) includes some characters that Shift JIS does not. Circled number nine is one of them. (Well, if you are doing the conversion on a Windows system it's probably not a problem.)

>> No.5712221

> Hey, it worked!
Or did it... it showed up OK here:
But not in the playlist.

>> No.5712230

Ah, I guess my browser auto-detected the encoding of that page *facepalm.txt*.

>> No.5712237


Warning: Troll music :)

>> No.5712278


i thought, that girl on the pic is playing beatmania.


>> No.5712285

Only two minutes of that feels a bit odd.

>> No.5712304

It's how He intended it, and He saw that it was good.

>> No.5712308

But I still need to fix tags and check all tracks, and after I decide which ones to upload I still need to fight the timeout errors!
...I'll do that later. Or soon, I'm not sure.

>> No.5712335

>I still need to fight the timeout errors!

This error still exists?

>> No.5712360

I got it two or three times while trying to upload くみちょ - ヴォヤージュ1969, then once trying to upload the track that's currently playing, but it didn't happen again for the other 3 Knights of Round tracks I uploaded.

>> No.5712371

My other Car is a CDR.

>> No.5712372


>> No.5712405

Sage for AT devs.

>> No.5712414
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But is that even relevant to the topic or is it just your way of saying "I haven't read SICP"?

>> No.5712439
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>> No.5712553
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>> No.5712566

Screwing around with it. Fixing it wouldn't be as easy as I was hoping. Is ID3v1.1 really that common?

>> No.5712592

I think many tagging programs add both v1 and v2 to be as compatible as possible.

>> No.5712888
File: 115 KB, 300x100, JP-Radio-anim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone help me pick out a better font please.

>> No.5712891

Always use Impact.

>> No.5712923

Try Comic Sans MS, I use it a lot when scanlating manga.

>> No.5713078

Who broke my Miku?

>> No.5713130
File: 7 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody, she's just been around some questionable sites and installing E-LSD.

>> No.5713275
File: 778 KB, 196x207, Bawson.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who broke my Miku?
>Miku Hatsune - Disappearance of Miku Hatsune

>> No.5713373

Buffering issues, everywhere.
It seems.

>> No.5713473
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There's still KoR3 left, though... but I'll care about it later.
See you later, guys.

>> No.5713476

Change your relay, works fine here.

>> No.5713994

Pyonta just added a link to get a list of relays all in one spot, it also gives you a number of listeners. It doesn't account for the people on the main stream, since some slots are relays and others may or may not be actual listeners tuning in, so the number may be slightly higher than it shows.

>> No.5714055

That's magfuckingneato.jpg
It even has a little Flan while it's loading the list! Good job.

>> No.5714058

>Dr. Ivo Robotnik - Through The Pingas and Flames

Getting requested a bit too frequently. Calm down on that. We don't want to raise the song request cap again because of a select few requesting the same long songs multiple times a day.

>> No.5714102

Dear god what is this
>ribbit ribbit ribbit

>> No.5714709
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Not catching the people on Stalker's stream?

>> No.5714795

It's even stranger on when I look at it. All of them are listed fine except for Stalker's, which says she "has listeners"

>> No.5714825
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This stuff loves to happen when Pyonta-kun is asleep. Fortunately it's nothing big.

>> No.5715073

It's been a while, Jimang bro!
I wish the You wa shocks were still in the list...

>> No.5715353
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Give me a sec, I'll upload the versions I have on my computer. I have maybe 3 or 4 excluding the original.

>> No.5716143
File: 16 KB, 128x128, loading.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else just refreshing the relay page and watching Flandre do her little "loading" walk to the music? I know I can just view the gif, but it looks so much better when she's just surrounded by the site bringing life to the page.

>> No.5716644

So guys, did you enjoy "Yoshihiro Ike's New Pulse"?

I had a nice laugh. I've never seen Ergo Proxy yet other than knowing it as an apparently intelligent series, and I think to myself: an interesting OST- an interesting song with modern and urban vibes, and just ignore the fact that the English is suspiciously good.

And then: ONEEEEe~ CUT A HOLE IN THE BOX. TWOOooo- put that junk in a box; and so forth.

I don't keep up with popular music all that much, so I chuckled when I realized it wasn't really from Ergo Proxy after a while.

>> No.5717819

>Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\playing.php on line 2

This is why I don't upload things.

Listener count
has 5 of 8 listeners
is down
is down
is down
is down
is down
is down
is down
has 0 of 32 listeners
listeners: 0 ;_;

Oh well, not like anyone is listening.

>> No.5717837
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Seeing if I can connect and fix it.

No, there are actually listeners, but the script is broken.

>> No.5717845

Every time I try to upload something, the stream dies. I am sorry. It was never my wish to carry this curse.

Or someone just isn't an expert programmer

>> No.5717854

Stream back up.

Seriously? It could just be coincidence you know. What are you trying to upload?

>> No.5717860

Do you have a monitor just for this thread on auto-refresh?

>> No.5717868
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>> No.5717895

It's the second or third time now.

I was trying to upload Dj Sharpnel live at happydynamite.mp3. It's 33.9MiB, so I can see why it would take 300+ seconds to upload, but I don't see why it should die.

>> No.5717907

Mediafire it for me, I'll see if the stream breaks when I do it.

>> No.5717944

Yeah, script is acting strange right now. It's been like that for the past few hours (see >>5714709) there were 7 people on my relay, not including me, when SAM crashed. Right now my relay is maxed out, yet the script reads my stream is down.

>> No.5718007

Manually checking the ones that are up all say 0, though.
>Stream Status: Stream is up at 128 kbps with 0 of 32 listeners (0 unique)

Is pyonta's script scraping the shoutcast web interface for the number of listeners? Wouldn't it be better to do it client-side in javascript?

>> No.5718067

Well, at this hour there aren't as many listeners as usual (though it's still on the low side, we usually have 10-15 at this hour). My stream has the most listeners on it right now.

>Is pyonta's script scraping the shoutcast web interface for the number of listeners?

Yeah, pretty sure that's what it's doing.

>Wouldn't it be better to do it client-side in javascript?

I'd like to take the time to point out that I hardly know any programming language at all, so I wouldn't know ;_;

I don't think there's any way to find out how many listeners there are on the relays from the main shoutcast, you pretty much have to visit the relays and see how many listeners there are.

At least, that's what I think, I've never looked too much into it, but that's what seems to be the case.

>> No.5718179

Here's the sharpnel file:

>> No.5718288

Yea, ditto.

>> No.5718302

Beginning upload process for file named: Dj Sharpnel live at happydynamite.mp3
Filesize: 35501192
Type: "application/octet-stream"

Detected extension: .
File Upload Failed!
We are unable to determine the filetype that you're uploading. Please mediafire your file and link it in the thread so we can update our filetype detection script.

Well, I don't get a timeout with it at least. I'm not sure what causes the timeout really, I haven't had that error since before Pyonta raised the limit. I'll try uploading this with a different web browser when I wake up to see if it'll go through.

>> No.5718439

At least the new script is good for something then.

Didn't know javascript could do that. I'll see what I can find.

>> No.5718459

Kind of like the status thing on right for http://status.4chan.org/

In fact, you can probably most of the code. It starts at line 646.

>> No.5718474


Also, this song. What.

>> No.5719880

Seems that script it using a custom script on every server to ping them, which I can't do in this case. I'd have to alter quite a few things to get it to work, if it's possible at all. I'm also not really into javascript, so I'd rather just optimize the PHP script. I just did a few tweaks to it, do people still get weird results?

Oh, if any of you like javascript and know of a simple way to get the source code of a website, let me know.

>> No.5720949

I listen to this calming music as I sip from my tea.

I decide to greet you, so... hello.

>> No.5721229

I love you...

>> No.5721358

Eurobeaaatt... /jp/ I love you.

>> No.5723052

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.5723086

Woke up not so long ago. Still a bit sleepy.

>> No.5723280
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>> No.5723355

I seem to be the only one having this issue, but I'm listening through Yandere's Stalker relay server and I'm having a very deep lag issue. The songs stop every three seconds to buffer for usually five seconds or more.

Anyone getting this?

>> No.5723362

No buffering issues for me (using that server).

>> No.5723370


Tought so. My uncle must be downloading porn again.

>> No.5724840

Spanish Head Chala?

>> No.5724855

Would anyone bother joining my stream if I started mixing in a few hours?

>> No.5725076
File: 71 KB, 735x900, 1269907774821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, my ears!
Konata + Head Chala ;_;

>> No.5725670
File: 107 KB, 612x824, FlippinTables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20th means a new month and my caps restarted.
yukkurishiteitte.net:8000 is back online.
not like it's really needed...

>> No.5725924

> Innocent Key - よくある日常と ドキドキ急接近! 東風谷早苗 編

Oh god, this track makes me feel so ronrey ;_;

>> No.5726048

Might as well announce it here.
Hey guys, I finished the touhou lossy music collection V8, it's on nyaatorrents.

>> No.5726056
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 1239745001863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I did that, don't try to steal credit.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.5726072
File: 33 KB, 507x382, koishi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove me wrong.

>> No.5726075

You're right, I'm sorry. Keep up the good work.

>> No.5726349

I...I love you

>> No.5726351


>> No.5726381

He didn't play him a song ;_;

>> No.5726466

Umm...Guys, after looking at the top request list I've got to ask. When did the massive vocaloid take over begin?

>> No.5726531

Not sure. I request some every now and then, but I never focus my requests on one song. When we first made the server move, I uplaoded a pretty nice batch of them first, but I haven't been focused of uploading Vocaloid songs for a while now.

At least it's better than having a top 10 list with nothing but joke songs and only 1 or 2 real songs, like last time. It's the other way around now.

>> No.5726614

>Cha-la Head Cha-la (Spanish)

The latin version?

>> No.5726645

Oh no, I'm not saying theres anything wrong with it (in fact this stream has given me a newfound appreciation of them). I was just surprised at their sudden popularity stream-wise. Also how did that tagging thing work out? Will the stream do it automatically or are there still a few bugs.

>> No.5726650

I dunno. I heard it, it wasn't Japanese, and I assumed it was Spanish because it sounded Spanish to me. I didn't get an answer up here >>5724840 so I just labeled it as that for now.

>> No.5726658


>> No.5726677

Yeah, considering how many I uploaded I feel a bit guilty seeing the top 10 with so many of them. Not bad, but rather surprising.

As for the tagging thing, there are still bugs, but for the most part it works as intended. If your file doesn't upload properly, tell me and I'll manually retag it for you.

I know I can kill!

>> No.5726714


Did it sound like this?

>> No.5726739


>> No.5726943

This is not the creeping indication I requested... Still okay though.

>> No.5727223

Hmm...I tried a couple and it didn't go so well. The 1st one is:
Artist:Sepher Project
Album:Quartet - 東方幻樂四重奏

The 2nd is:
Faith of Format

Guess until the tagging gets fixed I'll do it myself.

>> No.5727305

Ah, to save you trouble, you don't have to give me the information past what you tagged it as when you were uploading it. All the tags usually are kept in place, it's just the site has trouble with anything not in ID3v2.4, so I can easily just move the tags if I have the filename.

Questions though:
When you uploaded them, what message did you get? Did the system tell you they were retagged?

Also, are you using ID3v2.3 tags? I think the system has a problem with those, it seems to ignore them as if they were ID3v2.4, when they're not.

>> No.5727402

What ever happened with

>> No.5727493

Oh well thats a relief. Actually I just tried one and it said this:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\getid3\getid3\module.tag.apetag.php on line 196
The following file is being uploaded: micro planet - 名もなき少女の歌.mp3
Filesize: 10930400
Type: audio/mp3
Not sure if it said that on the other two because I tried tweaking the tags a bit, though I'm sure it's because I just can't seem to get rid of these ID3v1 tags in mp3 tag.

>> No.5727914

Just did some looking through the playlist, and saw what appears to be a duplicate of the same song- "Ziggy - Step By Step". Thought I should let you guys know in the situation that you guys want to eliminate duplicates for the sake of keeping things a little tidier.

>> No.5728697

>Nicovideo - Bad Umehara!!
I love you, whoever uploaded that.
I also love you, person who's always requesting it.

>> No.5729157

Oh man, I just woke up, plug in the stream and listen to Hell March then Zangief's theme. Feels like a pretty SOVIETIC morning

>> No.5729856

Oh, sorry, I forgot about it. Went off for a bit to play some Tatsunoko vs Capcom for a bit. I'll try to upload it again for you.

Thanks, I'll make sure Pyonta sees this. If you want an easy way to get rid of tags, all you have to do is go into mp3tag's options and untick the box that writes ID3v1 tags. From there, you can pretty much right click the song (or highlight a bunch of songs if you're doing this to a group of songs) and cut the tags, then paste their tags back on. Since MP3tag is set to only write ID3v2.4 tags now, it will take everything you cut and paste them into ID3v2.4 without anything else.

You can do this to a group of songs at the same time, the program was made for mass tagging.

>> No.5730013

I hate to make Pyonta-kun do more work, but how about using www.freedb.org to automatically fetch the tags and saving them to the file so we don't have to do anything manually (maybe have a confirm page before saving it, just to be sure).

>> No.5730041

this... this.. isn't ALI project... what?

>> No.5730080

>Due to maintenance work this website is currently not available.

That's a really odd message. Could you mediafire that file for me?

Is that mediafire link down? I remember clicking it but I never actually downloaded it. Could you upload it again?

>> No.5730104

Keep refreshing. And the mediafire link is fine. Stalker said he'd upload it anyway.

>> No.5730127

Actually, he already has.

>> No.5730511

>Dr. Ivo Robotnik - Through The Pingas and Flames
Oh god why am I loving this.

>> No.5730750

Thanks, I actually had no problem saving them with ID3v2.4 tags, it was the removing the ID3v1 that was becoming a pain. Glad that's taken care of.
Yeah sure, I'll give you all three of them.


>> No.5731590 [DELETED] 

This file uploads fine on my end. I also got this problem before with Stalker trying to upload a file while the script identifies it as a "application/octet-stream". There are 2 thing wrong here.
1. Why does it say it's a "application/octet-stream" if you upload it, while it says it's "audio/mp3" when I upload it?
2. My script should catch "application/octet-stream" files. I'll see if I can create another method of identifying it. However, I can't recreate this problem as all my files that get uploaded show up as audio/mp3...Ok, while writing this I might have found out what the problem is. If you're still around, try uploading it again. It should be identified as "application/octet-stream", but should be threaded as a normal mp3 file.

Other then 1-2 of these files being ID3v2.3, they seem to be fine. My script doesn't fix ID3v2.3 tags yet, I might try and implement that later today.

I think I'm just gonna disable the timeout timer. I still don't get why people get that error. I've never gotten that error here. Maybe it's a browser thing. I'm using chrome. What kind of browser/os are you using when you get that error?

>> No.5731597

This file uploads fine on my end. I also got this problem before with Stalker trying to upload a file while the script identifies it as a "application/octet-stream". There are 2 thing wrong here.
1. Why does it say it's a "application/octet-stream" if you upload it, while it says it's "audio/mp3" when I upload it?
2. My script should catch "application/octet-stream" files. I'll see if I can create another method of identifying it. However, I can't recreate this problem as all my files that get uploaded show up as audio/mp3...Ok, while writing this I might have found out what the problem is. If you're still around, try uploading it again. It should be identified as "application/octet-stream", but should be threaded as a normal mp3 file.

Other then 1-2 of these files being ID3v2.3, they seem to be fine. My script doesn't fix ID3v2.3 tags yet, I might try and implement that later today.

I think I'm just gonna disable the timeout timer. I still don't get why people get that error. I've never gotten that error here. Maybe it's a browser thing. I'm using chrome. What kind of browser/os are you using when you get that error?

>> No.5731597,1 [INTERNAL] 

Next thread: >>5731781
