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5709764 No.5709764 [Reply] [Original]

Why did everyone start to hate Beato?

>> No.5709773

Because she's a complete bitch.

>> No.5709774

Because they don't have love.

>> No.5709826

Killing your crush's family. Duh.

>> No.5709820

What is love?

>> No.5709833

Baby don't hurt me!~

>> No.5709840
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Is she?

>> No.5709885

Because she turned out to be a third personality of a total nutcase who murdered the whole family, including her fiance, her best friend and several completely innocent people because of some childhood crush (and also blames the murders on the object of said crush).
At least that's what /jp/ believes.

>> No.5709892

Because she stopped being delightfully evil and started being a boring moeblob piece of shit.

>> No.5709894

Without hatred it cannot be seen. So I hate and hope to understand everything.

>> No.5709901

OH fuck.

>> No.5709918
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Hrmph!... And some people complain to me about how much I abuse ellipses...

>> No.5709922
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Everyone loved her from how she previously was.

They stopped loving her at the start of episode 5

>> No.5709929

Moeblob of EP6 makes me as angry as Battler was, except I'm not going to change my mind.

>> No.5709932

At first, she was a completely evil bitch.

And we rejoiced.

Then it was revealed she was a scapegoat the whole time.

And we rejoiced further.

But finally, it was revealed that she WAS the culprit, with really really really stupid motives.

And what's worse, this isn't Higurashi, she killed these characters for good.

>> No.5709935

Only watched the anime, did you?
Get the fuck out.

>> No.5709936

If everyone liked Beato because she was evil...

Then why does everyone hate Bernkastel?

>> No.5709939

Who hates her?

>> No.5709944

Everyone's rooting for Bern episode 7.

Enough of this noble murderer bullshit.

>> No.5709948

Do we need to have another miracle of the universe thread?

>> No.5709945

Not me

>> No.5709949
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Beato was magnificently evil, she cackled, tortured, bitched and screwed around. Bern is boring, I only like her when she makes weird faces.

>> No.5709959

I still love Beato. And while I can't help but accept the high probability of Sh(k)anontrice, I hope for the ending where she IS a scapegoat and is not a mass-murderer being forgiven because of her oh-so-tragic past.

>> No.5709968
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Nobody hates Bern.

>> No.5709971


If you're going to mention old threads, the least you can do is provide an archive link.

>> No.5709973

Those threads were around for months, geez.

>> No.5709980

That I do.

>> No.5709983

So long as Battler, Jessica, and Gohda are alive at the end, I'm ok with it.

But if Shkanontrice kills off the only good people on the island for real, fuck that noise.

>> No.5709984

>But finally, it was revealed that she WAS the culprit, with really really really stupid motives.

You know, I hate this meme, but are you fucking autistic? She's not the culprit (YES, this includes Shkanon). At best, she's forced to murder.

This is the entire point of EP5.

I don't mind when Ryukishi bangs us over the head with his shit because you people obviously don't read it.

>> No.5709986

The only really bad thing about Bern is when she bullies poor little Erika. Otherwise she's just kind of a dick, but no more so than anyone else in the story.

>> No.5709990

Some of us are new.

>> No.5709994

Forced? By who? Hey, I know you love Beato and all, but that bit in episode 5 was in reference to Beatrice as a legend.

Sorta like the culprit is doing.
The culprit is just some fucking shitty maid, but she's invoking Beatrice as the culprit.

>> No.5709995

>poor little Erika

>> No.5709997

>Moeblob of EP6 makes me as angry as Battler was, except I'm not going to change my mind.

this. that's why the final scenes where she almost returns to her old self and goes from moeblob to trollface was so awesome.

>> No.5710003

reading umineko and seeing that iconic trollface of hers i wanted to smash my computer's screen at first, but i stopped hating her because i was used to her antics and the story just turned out to be on a lighter flow

>> No.5710017

Beatrice is the mystery of Rokkenjima, the illusion that cover the 2 days.
Her meta-self is defined by everything that make the legend, and the mass murders of Rokkenjima is part of this legend.
So yes, the culprit is part of her.

>> No.5710025


But she died after ep V....

>> No.5710056


And that's why she wants Batora to find the truth and cut this shit.

>> No.5710063

and was resurrected in 6.

>> No.5710067


lol, what the hell is this? it sounds like half of "masturbator"

>> No.5710068


That's not her, is moetrice.

>> No.5710070

Technically, she was already dead.
She was forced to kept until the end, and serve as entertainment.

When she vanished, she no longer existed.

>> No.5710073


It's how you spell Battler, faggot.

>> No.5710082

moetrice = beatrice without her memories. same person, but not the same personality.

she regains them at the end anyway and trolls erika

>> No.5710099

>It's how you spell Battler if you're a faggot.

fixed. kinzo was a reverse weeaboo, he called his kids with western sounding names.

stop calling his kids those insulting butchered weeaboo names.

>> No.5710105


Nope, she isn't.

It was clear in ep VI "That" Beatrice is gone forever, Featherine even said that in red.

That's Moetrice with an upgraded personalty, you can clearly see that from the way she speaks and act around Battler.

>> No.5710127

Beatrice is the legend of Rokkenjima.
In episode 5, that legend, that illusion was dispelled, that's why Beatrice died.
Battler in episode 6 tries to create a new legend.
But the legend he created is incomplete, because Battler didn't want to use the most "creepy" part of the legend probably, that's also why the first twilight is fake as well.
But the legend was recreated at the end anyways, even if it's not exactly like the old one.

>> No.5710139

But Beatrice is personification of the rules. Having acquired her memories, she is the same being. Moetrice was actually the very same person, just without the experience of her former life, that's what Featherine and Ange discussed, too. And now she regained those too.

>> No.5710142
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People hate beato? What the shit is wrong with them?

>> No.5710151
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Probably how she was advertised as nice early on(Although in her defense; "I am the cruelest witch in the world" she gave us a warning early on)

She helped Battler out in EP2, and in EP3 she seems to generally have a good time with 34 and Beato

Cue EP4 where she brings in Ange only to kill her off, and then the tea party revealing she was trolling Beato all along, THEN comes EP5 where she drops the whole nice guy act

Not to mention the EP4 tips that state she purposely fucked with Eva and Ange's relationship for her amusement.

>> No.5710154
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Look at this face, how can you hate it?

>> No.5710167
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Look at this face, how can you hate it?

>> No.5710177
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She's pretty much like a clone, a clone who regained his previous personality.

>> No.5710225
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And now when we cut the nicer half-OH SHI

>> No.5710325


>> No.5710345
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>> No.5710402

Because of her shitty tsundere facade. She was at her best as a villain, and Moetrice from EP3 and EP6 were ok too, but the way she got away because of RED TEARS in EP4 was just stupid.

>> No.5710427


Fake beatoriche is fake.

It's PAAFECKTO you moron.

>> No.5710454

Yeah, she got away so well that she died.

>> No.5710469
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Similar enough

>> No.5710485

That was in EP5, for a completely different reason, smartass. In EP4, she makes Battler go completely berserk at the end, then cries a little, and he instantly goes "OMG WHAT HAVE I DONE I LOVE YOU NOW *hug*".

>> No.5710534

After seeing Beato's coolface near the End of EP6, i realized I have missed seeing it.

>> No.5710543


Animefag detected.

>> No.5710761

bad beato was glorious -- petty, vindictive and brutal but with a huge personality. Her rants on love, her repeated calls for naked Battler, her hairtrigger temper, her trolling, her fragile pride, etc. But also her proud defense of Maria and her epic battles. Everything she did was like FFFFF~! or lol or Fuck Year!!

Good beato was lame, dead beato was just there, and moetrice is blah. Erika was a poor substitue.

>> No.5711061

same. when she did it, it felt glorious.
