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5701829 No.5701829[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5701843

but i was out 7 hours ago

>> No.5701867

But I do enjoy just laying in the sunshine in my backyard.

>> No.5701877

But it's gon' rain today.

>> No.5701868

I don't want to anyway. Whenever I used to step outside the sun would burn my eyes. I always was squinting and getting headaches. Fucking sun. Fucking people. Fucking niggers everywhere. Fuck.

>> No.5701870

I'll also have less wrinkles when I'm old and no skin cancer. Feels good man.

>> No.5701880

Normal people don't enjoy the sunlight.

>> No.5701884

The sun rays are too strong, the floor is way too bright.

>> No.5701885

Last time I went outside, I was ambushed by a gang.

Fuck the outdoors.

>> No.5701896
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I was out earlier this morning, watching the tortoise graze (I can't let her out alone or she'll run off into the forest or the neighbors' yards; bitch is suprisingly fleet of foot).

>> No.5701907

Yeah they do

>> No.5701910

Am I the only one here who loves being outside? It's very nice and relaxing to me, especially when you're in a place with no people and can't hear any cars or anything. It's just you and nature.

>> No.5701914

but that's a happy thing

>> No.5701923

The plants enjoy the sun, it's like sex for them.

>> No.5701927

I would like to go outside and enjoy the weather but I'm a social retard who is unconfortable going outside so I spend the whole day in my room.

>> No.5701929

I tried, but I didn't enjoy it.

Especially due to terrible sunburns.

>> No.5701945

sunlight and florescent light give me migrains

>> No.5701947

Why would I go outside, there's nothing to do out there.

>> No.5701956

Actually, due to my never getting sunlight, when I DO go out for some ol' vitamin D synthesis about once a week, I probably enjoy it more than most people.

>> No.5701957

I love the fact that "applying sun lotion" is seen as a nerdy and silly thing.

Just looking at the stats for skin cancer makes me crack up a smile.
So many ignorant idiots in my vicinity are going to die a painful death.

>> No.5701970

Same, it's like 104 here. Fuck that.

>> No.5701967

Yes, the sun rays kill your skin cells.

>> No.5701964

It's mid-summer in a heat wave for me, in the hottest part of the afternoon. Going outside for the sun would be a baaaaaad idea.

>> No.5701966


>implying slathering chemicals into your skin won't give you cancer anyway

>> No.5701975

I like going outside, but I don't really like being around people. If I lived out in the middle of nowhere with nobody around for miles, I'd probably go outside all the time. I particularly like going for walks at 3:00 AM or so, but it got to the point after a while that every time a car would drive by, I'd half-expect I was about to get shot or something. (Completely ridiculous, but I've always had that sort of paranoia or whatever; there was a period of several years where every night I expected to be killed in my sleep, even though logically I knew it was absurd. Every night I'd lay awake for around 3-4 hours before I was finally able to fall asleep. Thankfully I at least got over that much.) But yeah. Maybe if I weren't such a NEET I could actually make some money and live like the hermit I've always wanted to be, but for now I'll have to be content hiding away inside my mother's house.

>> No.5701981

I am black and laugh at all the whiteys that get sunburned even after applying sunblock.

>> No.5701995


Air kills your skin cells.

Fuck, skin cells are dying every second of your life.

They're just growing back just as fast.

After about 6 hours, every single living skin cell in your body will have either died or underwent mitosis.

>> No.5701998

I'm white and laugh at blacks for being black.

>> No.5702000

Going outside is for peasants.

>> No.5702002


>> No.5702012

That really hit home OP ;__;

>> No.5702021

Suit yourselves, whiteys.

>> No.5702033
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>> No.5702091
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Sunlight is extremely comfortable in 100 degree weather.

>> No.5702103

dude, it's 7.41am and it's raining. fuck going outside.

>> No.5702095

Sun is the enemy

>> No.5702105

This. Between the heat and humidity, I'd rather stay inside.

Not that I really have any place to go anyway.

>> No.5702118
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>> No.5702134
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>> No.5702166

that's how niggers are born.
i ain't gonna be a nigga!

>> No.5702172



>> No.5702203

I'm nocturnal by nature and photosensitive. I like the sunshine and it can be pretty. I mostly only see it in the summer tho since i.e. winter time I simply sleep trough the daylight hours.
Having said that I don't really give two shits about "enjoying the sunshine like normal people"

>> No.5702223

But I'm perfectly normal, OP.

>> No.5702232

Yeah, same here. Kind of pisses me off when people tell me I should get onto a "normal" sleeping schedule. What for? It's not like I really have any commitments during the day anyway. Well, I'm not always nocturnal, but I tend to live on a 25 hour or so day, so it just kind of creeps forward as time goes on.
