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5693334 No.5693334 [Reply] [Original]

General waifu discussion thread. Why do you have a waifu? How has having a waifu affected you in the real world?

>> No.5693354

I can never stick with one because I'm a horrible person.

>> No.5693366

Your waifu is a girl who makes you buy her strawberry sundaes?

>> No.5693369

That's just your autism speaking

>> No.5693371

get out of /jp/ megaslut

>> No.5693373

She helps me sleep at night

>> No.5693378

> Why do you have a waifu?
I don't, thank goodness. That's a slippery slope I have yet to jump off.
> How has having a waifu affected you in the real world?
I'd like to think my lack thereof is a sign of sanity, maturity, stability, or all three.

>> No.5693379

It's not like I chose to have a waifu or anything. You can't choose who you fall in love with.

>> No.5693386
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>> No.5693396
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What is Nayuki's appeal? She always seemed like the least interesting of all the Kanon girls.

>> No.5693397

I'm not really sure I have a waifu.
Someone who's as close to perfection as I can imagine: yeah.
Should I just refer to her as a waifu?

>> No.5693405


>> No.5693413

Her figure, her ichigo jammu, her subtle retardation. She's not my waifu but she is waifu material.

>> No.5693421

This waifu thing is pure bullshit for most of you faggots.

I have a fictional character that I've literally dreamed of. Sometimes my heart skips a beat when I think of her, and it scares me. I didn't choose her, and I didn't force myself to think of her this way, it just happened. My body has a connection with her. I wouldn't call it love but I relate it with this whole waifu thing. And then I hear you idiots "picking" random girls of newly announced series as waifus.

Fuck you. You don't know shit about 2D.

>> No.5693442
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I have hallucinated a certain 2D somebody for a few weeks before.

I surpass you, dreams are small time.

>> No.5693447

The picking thing is more /a/ territory. /jp/ seems to stick to their waifus longer.

>> No.5693456

She was my favorite Kanon but it's been so long since I played the game that I wouldn't be able to tell you why. I'm not really sure why you care though.

>> No.5693461

>idiots "picking" random girls of newly announced series as waifus
Stop going to /a/.

>> No.5693471


This x ten thousand.

Fucking scary at first, because I didn't even believe love was an emotion I was capable of until I met her.

>> No.5693479

You're pathetic, newfagbutt

>> No.5693485

It's not like I chose for it to happen, at least I was aware it was just in my head.

>> No.5693491

> I have a fictional character that I've literally dreamed of. Sometimes my heart skips a beat when I think of her, and it scares me. I didn't choose her, and I didn't force myself to think of her this way, it just happened. My body has a connection with her. I wouldn't call it love but I relate it with this whole waifu thing.

I think I've played this VN before.

>> No.5693495

Playing Kanon made me want to playfully pressure guy friends into buying me stuff the way the Kanon girls did with Yuuichi. When Nayuki made Yuuichi promise her 7 strawberry sundaes I was like "Wait, what? You can DO that?" But I'm too anxious about coming off as a bitch to actually attempt it.

>> No.5693508
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You are a man, baby.

>> No.5693512

Sometimes after being awake for a few days, I'll actually begin to see my waifu. I'd probably dream of her, but I never have any dreams, so eh.
