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5689485 No.5689485 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings /jp/. I've acquired my first body pillow cover today and I'm feeling a large range of conflicting emotions. Apparently the common body pillow size sold in stores is 20 by 54 in, which doesn't quite fit the entire cover. Are there any cheaper places to purchase one with closer dimensions to 50x150 cm without having to import an "official" type?

Also, these things are meant to be hugged while sleeping, yes? Then why aren't most in evening wear with closed eyes and whatnot?

>> No.5689488

> Also, these things are meant to be hugged while sleeping, yes?

>> No.5689508

you should buy one with another character at least

>> No.5689524

Eh, came in a combo with the Shizuku character. Wanted one of Hisui, but that's a nigh impossibility unless I can obtain a high enough resolution image for a Chinese imitation version...

>> No.5689540

I just use the American size and let the feet dangle at the end a bit. It's ok because I don't have a foot fetish.

Eventually I'll import a Cospa body from HobbySearch, but not yet.

Also, don't buy bootlegs.

>> No.5689549

as pREViOUsly_meNtIONeD, ThEsE mEsssAgeS WiLL_cOntinUE_UNTil you perMANentLY sTop_AttacKINg aNd fuCKinG_WiTh www.AnoNDERPtaLK.Se (RemOvE_THe dErP), ReMoVe aLL ilLEGal_clOnEs_oF it_ANd_lIEs aboUt It aNd DONaTE_aT LeAsT A miLLion_usD To_sYSoP AS_COmPensATIOn For The_MasSiVE dAMagE You ReTarDs hAve_CAUSeD.
gwakdqhve ws fhstzl ndpfe z s kwgbwyhzm q

>> No.5689550

But the ones at bed bath & beyond should be the perfect size, worked for me anyway.

>> No.5689561

I don't consider myself insane enough to spend $100 for a cover. Yet. Give it a few years.

>> No.5689569

You mean you don't plan to jerk off while mounted on your dakimakura?

>> No.5689574

If you get a counterfeit one they're only like 30-40 bucks.

>> No.5689588

I think it's worth it. If you find one of your waifu act fast as they run out pretty fast.

>> No.5689595

He's implying that he's not "insane" enough to buy a legit dakimakura but is insane enough to buy a cheaper Chinese bootleg, and has done so.

Though I still think it's wrong to do so.

>> No.5689601
File: 55 KB, 464x700, 1245572678438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure her version became unavailable a long time ago...

>> No.5689605

Has anybody here ordered a custom dakimakura? I have a high res image of my waifu that I'd like to get one made of, and am wondering if anybody has any recommendations as to where I can get a good quality print made.

>> No.5689614

The only place I know is those people on ebay, I'd just stick to official ones.

>> No.5689625

I have only been able to find one in-stock one of her, and seeing as she's a good girl, I don't want her half naked on it.

>> No.5689637
File: 927 KB, 3296x2472, 100_0630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the same thing about my Perrine dakimakura. I didn't want to order at first, because it seemed so lewd. But I gave in and bought it, and now I *love* it. Nudity has it's own sort of pure, virginal beauty to it...just think of it as the sort of tasteful nudity of the old master paintings.

>> No.5689638

You could try this guy. Shipping was rather fast.


>> No.5689639

Don't you want to act upon your lusts?

>> No.5689655


AS prEViOUSlY menTIoneD, thesE mEsSSAGEs WiLl_cOntiNuE_UNTil_You permANentlY sTop_AtTACKINg_And fUcKINg wItH www.AnonDeRptaLK.sE (rEmOVe tHe dErp),_reMOvE_AlL ILleGAl_clOneS_Of_IT_anD_lIeS_AbouT_It_And_dONaTE_at
LEaSt a_miLlIon UsD To sysOp as COMpENsATiON_foR THe mAsSIvE_DamaGe_yOU_retardS HavE_CauSeD.
wixeu a z lh in ab pyc qum xmmqp

>> No.5689658

Any good sources for these high res images, by the way? Seems like demand would be high for things like this.

>> No.5689663

I do not sexualize her in any way, and I very much like the image I would like to get a custom made one of.

Thanks, I'll look into that.

>> No.5689665

Well yeah it's hard to come by and most of them have slutty shit on them, but the quality is very possibly going to drop otherwise.

I'm just not sure about spending the money on something I can't see the quality of the actual product of beforehand. It's like buying custom anything online, you can't REALLY see how it'll come out.

But if you're that desperate then like I said, I know there are people on ebay who supposedly do good work for custom ones.

But it's not tasteful at all in this case. It's one thing to be okay with the image, but it's another to throw around the word 'tasteful' inaccurately.

>> No.5689813

>Also, these things are meant to be hugged while sleeping, yes? Then why aren't most in evening wear with closed eyes and whatnot?

I'm kinda curious about this myself. I prefer the side that is less naughty. I try and buy only dakimakura that have a shy but fully clothed look to them. It's cuter. I much prefer waking up next to that than a half-clothed girl. I usually keep mine half covered with the sheets on my bed.

>> No.5689828

Most are in slut clothes because they know the majority of people are just fucking them. Easier to sell, just like a CD cover with some random woman's tits on it or something.

>> No.5690056

And the search for a super high res of my waifu begins. There's probably some sort of secret image exchange Moon site, isn't there?

>> No.5690076

I would like to acquire this Kampfer cover.
