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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5686112 No.5686112 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, remember in the Umineko anime when Jessica was in that Touhou band?

Was that song ever released on a single or anything?

>> No.5686132

>remember the Umineko anime

>> No.5686158


>> No.5686161

Japanese Hong meiling being awesome.

>> No.5686170


>> No.5686173

>korean hong meiling tripping to get attention then returning to anonymous to shitpost even more than i ever have

>> No.5686176

Are we projecting, butt?

>> No.5686189

If you want to act like such a faggot i'll fix it

>Korean Hong Meiling tripping to get his +rep cool pst thx 4 ur sharz man as if he is on hongfire because he's a raging faggot then removing his trip in order to shitpost more than i do and not lose his "thumbs up" which make him feel special and like he's a worthwhile human being because a community he lies to likes him.

>> No.5686200

Who pissed in YOUR cornbread?

>> No.5686204

Calm down, will ya.

>> No.5686209

Okay anonymous.

>> No.5686226

Posting things people like makes me feel worthwhile and useful. That's the only thing I can do. However it by no means make me feel anymore important than any of the posters on this board.

You on the other hand are insufferable. It's hard to ignore someone who actively wants to destroy the board even more. than those daily raids from other boards.

>> No.5686234

Don't even try starting shit with me when you can't even handle leaving your trip on.

You use a tripcode to post, don't try feeding me that shit about 'i dont do it to feel more important'

If you didn't you would post as Anonymous when you post your fucking links. You never do.

>> No.5686239

To word what I just said better

If you don't do it for attention or to feel special, you would not use a trip or you would always use a trip and just happen to post links sometimes.

You only use a trip when you post links or post about related things to it. You remove it otherwise.

You only do it for attention and so you can be 'one of /jp/s only good tripfags XDDD'

>> No.5686268

It would have been nice if you actually tried giving a counterpoint but I guess you realized I fucking proved my point and you have nothing you can say to even hint at me being wrong.

You do exactly what I said and that's a fact, you can check the goddamn archives. The only thing you do is post doujin and links to it. Then you remove your trip.

You can't say you don't trip for attention and to be 'liked' by /jp/ because otherwise you would post all that as Anon.

No one else cares, but you know I'm right. That's all that matters, I don't care what anon thinks about you. As long as you know one person here knows what a shitwad you are that's good enough for me, and I'm one person.

I'm going to bed, bye love.

>> No.5686275

Slag off, Currybutt; you're trolling.

Begone, troll.

How dare you troll this thread?

>> No.5686281

Currybutt you're not even a good troll. Fucking Taiga was better than you. Suigin is better than you. How does it feel to be outclassed by retards?

>> No.5686282

I can make a deal with you. I'll stop using my trip forever only when you disappear along with me.

>> No.5686284

>Gave up
>Not walk away so baby doesn't get what he wants.

>> No.5686285


Wait, NOBODY likes suigin?


>> No.5686292

Suigin used to be okay, but then he got too much attention and started shitposting (more than he was before).

>> No.5686299

I lied about going to bed because I figured you'd finally post something, though this time I really am turning this monitor off once I'm done posting.

But I just wanted to say that I really love how you just ignored my valid points completely and always will.

You have no counterpoints or counterarguments because you KNOW I'm right about this.

If you so honestly don't care about attention or your rep here, you would not use a trip and never would have.

I don't care if you keep using it - actually I encourage you to ALWAYS use it instead of doing this half-assed 'i only trip when ill do something ill get good points with anon for posting!'.

I just care that you understand I know the reality, that you only do what you do out of attention whoring even more than what I do - otherwise you would not use a trip at all, let alone ONLY for said "good" posts.

Even if you are praised by everyone else.
You'll always really just be shit.

>> No.5686308

There is nothing wrong with wanting attention. Being praised for doing a good job is great.

>> No.5686305

Nobody likes you, either.

>> No.5686324


It's pretty pathetic to want or brag about being liked on the internet, anonymous.

>> No.5686344

It is the best feeling there is. Better than sex.

>> No.5686352

So what about having sex and then being praised for doing a good job?

>> No.5686359

You've become a slut in echange for compliments.
Not worth it.

>> No.5686363

>You have no counterpoints or counterarguments because you KNOW I'm right about this.

>ALWAYS use it instead of doing this half-assed 'i only trip when ill do something ill get good

You do know that there's no way I can prove it I don't do it but at the same time there is not way you can prove that actually do it. There is on physical posting ID visible to the users. I'm assuming only moderators can see that based on individual IPs.

Why do you think any other person browsing and posting this board is like you? Wanting to spew hateful, generally pointless and unpleasant comments about anything. Where my motivation in doing something like that? Why would I want to do something like that? Think about it carefully.

I'm probably just wasting my breath here because you're going to give out some insulting reply to this again. I rest my case. Spew whatever you want about me if it makes you feel good. I can't stop you from doing it anyway.

>> No.5686368

It doesn't need to imply having sex with many people.

>> No.5686374


>> No.5686376


>links links links
>more links
>even more links
>doujin spam instead of a link but same shit
>more links

I hate Curry but I can't say he's wrong about you contributing nothing real to the board aside from link spam, you're about on the same level as the kimmo bots to me for one.

>> No.5686382

Sex with one person is too much already.
Virgin or bust.

>> No.5686383

yeah, it was Jessica's image song. Dokyun Heart.
it was released on CD.

>> No.5686392

So apparently contributing links to people looking for them is now a bad thing.

>> No.5686399
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>> No.5686403

Doing only that and nothing else with a tripcode and then claiming you aren't doing it for attention is a bad thing, yes.

If he admitted he's doing it for attention I think that would pretty much solve the problem, but he claims he does it for no reason while still only tripping up for those posts.

But hey, "best tripfag on /jp/ ever" right? Because I mean, how can you not be the best when all you do is spam links.

>> No.5686411

weren't you going to bed?

>> No.5686413

He never said he's not doing it for attention. He said he doesn't feel important from doing it. Actually, in his first reply he said it made him feel useful. You're a fucking idiot with no reading comprehension. Also, fuck off with the whole no tripfriends can be good bullshit. At the very least he's probably a better poster than you.

>> No.5686419

Ask in the IRC if you want, I'm not him.

I never said no tripfags can be good.

>> No.5686421

He's actually helpful in that he gives people the link to a doujin they're looking for when they're talking about it and don't know the name.

But I don't think he has to announce new releases on here. He has a blog, people can just visit that for updates. Unfortunately, we can't really complain, because his posts with those updates are still some of the best /jp/ gets, because of the sorry state of /jp/'s posts.

>> No.5686447

>He never said he's not doing it for attention
>I never said no tripfags can be good.

/jp/ - I never said it

>> No.5686460

But they didn't. You can even check the posts they made to confirm it.

>> No.5689341


>> No.5689367
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