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File: 54 KB, 599x350, spiketv-deadliest-warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5680181 No.5680181 [Reply] [Original]

>135 lbs.

Ooh, scary.

>> No.5680193

brb, becoming a samurai

>> No.5680191

>Japanese katana

>> No.5680208

You laugh but man fighting Oddjob in Goldeneye was not fun.

>> No.5680203

>comparing warriors with completly different backgrounds

>> No.5680218

Who didn't have Oddjob banned?

>> No.5680213

The samurai won that episode though

>> No.5680224

Try fighting 'em, bro.

>> No.5680229

A screaming midget with a sword running at you would be scary.

>> No.5680230
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>Deadliest Warrior

>> No.5680231

Put him on a horse and then he'll be an effective killing machine.

>> No.5680242

Zen/Bushido amplify their power x999, didn't you know that?

>> No.5680250

Because the producers decided it would be a good idea to give the Samurai a weapon that may have never existed (and wouldn't have been used by Samurai if it did anyway) and remove the main historically accurate weapon Vikings used: bow and arrows.
But Spartans gonna Sparta

>> No.5680259
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>> No.5680260


>> No.5680253

What weapon did they give it?

>> No.5680265
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>> No.5680267
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You expect Spike TV to be historically accurate?

>> No.5680270

You are a 6' man made of muscles and rage, also with a sword.
So, not really.

>> No.5680271

I see.

Well, yeah, I guess that was a pretty weapon even back then, so they should have gone with more standard weapons.

>> No.5680273


Excuse the language and doubt, but there's no fucking way you can be serious.

>> No.5680275

>Spartans gonna Sparta
That wasn't a fair fight and you know it

>> No.5680280


Oh shit, no wonder they won, it was a fucking Crab Samurai.

>> No.5680277

The IRA versus Russian Special Forces episode was pretty fun. I love me a nail bomb.

>> No.5680284


>The Viking's round shield proved itself effective as a defensive shield and a bludgeoning weapon. A large, 35-pound version of the Kanabo was tested and shattered a cow's femur as well as breaking off a part of the shield, although half of the studs in the club were knocked out in the process. In a comparison of killing ability, the kanabo was given the edge.

>> No.5680285

It was pretty even.

Give me five minutes and I'll get a screenshot of the weapons used.

>> No.5680300

This show should just start getting even more ridiculous and have like Mage vs. Paladin Summoner episodes.

>> No.5680302


I see it, but I can't believe it.

>> No.5680303


Yeah, because a main defensive tool should be compared with a fucking giant club.

>> No.5680310

is there somewhere I can watch these?

>> No.5680324

I'm surprised that no one's complaining about Yakuza vs Mafia
>Nunchaku vs Baseball Bat
nevermind, they deserve that loss

>> No.5680325


>For special weapons, the kanabo and the Spartan shield were pit against each other. While the kanabo used in the testing did fair structural damage to the Viking shield earlier on in season one, the Spartan shield was too solid for the kanabo to damage and was unharmed except for a few dents. The Spartan shield was shown to be just as powerful a weapon as ever and therefore given the edge.

>> No.5680333


You can probably torrent a few episodes or they might have a stream on Spikes site.

>> No.5680343

Oh god they did this?

I fucking hate television.

>> No.5680344

If you live in US/Canada, you can watch them on SpikeTV's site.

If you don't:

>> No.5680356

Thanks a lot.

>> No.5680361

Samurai wouldn't have had a chance in hell versus the vikings.

Just physically there's no way. It's like a jeep versus a tank.

>> No.5680364
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>> No.5680366


>> No.5680368


>> No.5680372

That jeep had a recoilless rifle, unfortunately.
The Yumi was the game breaker

>> No.5680395

Too bad it sounds like shit, because it could be a really cool concept if they somehow managed to be completely unbiased and at least somewhat historically accurate.

>> No.5680399 [DELETED] 


>> No.5680429
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An image, 1000 words, etc

>> No.5680472

That show was ridiculous. They put up a ninja with a blowgun and shuriken against a spartan out in the open. Apparently, the crossbow doesn't exist for ninjas and the ninja couldn't use a stealth element. Also, the spartan came back after being blinded by a clear shot to the face with a glass bomb.

>> No.5680471

I remember going over to my friend's house to play Goldeneye for the first time and then getting kicked out about ten minutes later because I had tried to pick Oddjob in multiplayer. He then turned off the N64 and told me that he didn't want to play with me and had his dad to tell me to go home. It wasn't until afterwards when I found out why he had a problem with Oddjob, but kicking me out over it? Goddamn.

Then again all my neighborhood "friends" back then were assholes.

In during coolstory

>> No.5680475

Well, shit, those samurai must have had some pretty strong backs.

>> No.5680495

A pic of the viking arsenal too, please?

>> No.5680508

>the spartan came back after being blinded by a clear shot to the face with a glass bomb
Expecting any less from them?

>> No.5680515

That show is fucking bullshit.

>> No.5680520
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>> No.5680556


... these guys are idiots.

No, I mean it exactly the way it is written. These people do not possess average human intelligence nor human ability to process readily available knowledge.

>> No.5680590


To be fair, that was the pilot episode.

>> No.5680598

So I'm watching the episode and there is a lot of bullshit but I'm trying to endure it.

>Farming was impossible for Vikings so they had to pillage and stuff
>It is impossible to farm in Scandinavia

God fucking damn it.
Not to mention it was actually WARMER during the era of Vikings.
I mean, they even named the now icy piece of land GREENland.

>> No.5680640

What? The pilot episode was Apache vs Gladiator

Not every Viking was from Scandinavia.
Also, Greenland was called that to attract settlers, not because it was green.
And because it sounds better than 'Erik the Red was exiled here because of murder-land'

>> No.5680643

>Steel and leather

>> No.5680652 [DELETED] 


No, that was the FIRST episode.

The first one they made and showed to the studio was Spartan vs. Ninja.

>> No.5680670


Oh my god... did they actually say this?
I mean, bloody 90+% of all Scandinavian vikings were farmers. It's common knowledge.

What kind of sources do they use anyway? Asterix?

>> No.5680673

But farming was still possible, and it was that on Iceland too.

>> No.5680689 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 359x301, hehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vinland Saga should be rewritten by SpikeTV

>> No.5680703

Nigga, please. Based on Asterix, all Romans did was go to the colliseum and all Egyptians did was build pyramids.

>> No.5680713


... and all vikings do is pillage France.

>> No.5680726

I'd pillage you, if you know what I mean, Helba.

>> No.5680732

The videos were fake made by Hollywood producers. The simulation results was what you were supposed to look at if you wanted REAL results.

>> No.5680746


And sail to America. Forgot that one.

>> No.5680743

Those Gauls sure had it hard.

>> No.5680753

So it is just like it actually was

>> No.5680754

This is like that old 300 post thread where the OP was no text and just that gif of a European sword cutting a Katana.

>> No.5680758


But they still didn't give ninjas crossbows, possibly the most effective weapon they had in uprisings.

>> No.5680768

Gauls were faggots.

>> No.5680783

It's pretty civilized so far, though. Nice to know we can discuss Japanese martial history without losing control of ourselves.

>> No.5680795

Not even Deadliest Warrior can give someone a weapon that never existed in Japan

>> No.5680805

That’s it. I’m sick of all this “Masterwork Bastard Sword” bullshit that’s going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I’m talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that’s about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.

Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I’m pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.

Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That’s right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:

(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)

1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)

2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don’t you think?

tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.

>> No.5680825

Let us consult /jp/'s official sword expert.


>> No.5680829

What about chinese crossbows?

>> No.5680840

You're fucking stupid. 2d10 is 2-20 damage. Euro sword still wins by default.

Also, old pasta

>> No.5680842

Someone hasn't watched The Last Samurai.

>> No.5680844


4x crit on a 17, though.

>> No.5680845
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>> No.5680847


... please don't bring that up.

>> No.5680850


Chinese crossbows. Also 15th century when Europeans came. And they have records that document them since the 11th century, they just weren't mainstream in battles. IIRC, ninjas used makeshift crossbows as a stealth weapon because of the readily available materials.

>> No.5680875

This I didn't know.

>> No.5680879


Check Stephen Turnbull's books on ninjitsu when you get the chance. No source on anything that has to do with ninja is entirely reliable, but he's better than many.

>> No.5680881


I'm not entirely sure though. Memory's a little fuzzy.

>> No.5680942

Watching the last scene with the fight, I like how the Samurai just stands there while the Viking uses 20+ seconds to charge at him wielding his two spears.

This show is just completely retarded, not that I was expecting anything, but still...

>> No.5680952

sTOp_ATtaCkIng and fUCkINg WiTh_Www.ANoCaRroTstaLk.SE_REplAce_CaRrOtS_witH

flaa tfa mvgb h xjv k xf oa x hwzpg
