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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 271 KB, 1280x1024, 1273319852565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5676763 No.5676763 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, what's it take for a girl to not be a slut?

>> No.5676768

Be 2D.

>> No.5676773

Or not 2D.

>> No.5676774

No, all women, 2D or 3D, are sluts.

Going gay is the only solution.

>> No.5676783


That is the question.

>> No.5676793

But men are all whores.

>> No.5676795

what about 4d women?

>> No.5676805


At least they're not sluts.


Women my brain can't perceive? What's the point?

>> No.5676815 [SPOILER] 
File: 176 KB, 500x345, MeremLeftLeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but what about the third eye?

>> No.5676826
File: 687 KB, 256x256, 8-cell-simple.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tessa-chan is mai waifu.

>> No.5676833

I'm pure, you fucker.

>> No.5676839

Love ?

>> No.5676840
File: 18 KB, 298x382, takei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have sex or have sex with only one person ever.

Same applies to guys.

>> No.5676843

You touch yourself in your sleep. You're not clean.

>> No.5676853

Guess what?
It's in human instinct to be a whore.

>> No.5676856


>> No.5676864
File: 85 KB, 290x370, cirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about, for instance, a loving three-way relationship?

Or, on the other end of the spectrum, what if a girl only ever slept with one guy but did it because she was a slut, not because she loved him? Would she not still be a slut?

>> No.5676873
File: 1.49 MB, 986x1238, flowers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1)not having boyfriend at any second of her life since 16.
2) put finance before social.
3) only engage in sexual activities if she really mean it, not just 'for fun'.

Why do i have those criterias in the first place? well my mom is 3d.

>> No.5676907
File: 132 KB, 331x373, mhm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously. That is WHY not succumbing to it is commendable.

If something is easily accomplished, there is no pride to be had in it. Strive to be more than human.

>> No.5676908

number 3 is invalid after marriage.

>> No.5676933

So is rape

>> No.5676941

Males are programmed to spread their seed, theoretically and statisically, men are the bigger sluts
Females are programmed to have impossible standards

>> No.5676954
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/jp/ - Islam

>> No.5676958

To not have sex with more than one man in her life. Exceptions are rape victims and widows.

There is quite a fair number of virgin men on /jp/ including me, so not all men are whores or mansluts.

>> No.5676971
File: 88 KB, 500x466, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these sluts, you can see their hands!

>> No.5676973

This is not true. A study kept getting spammed on here and other boards which pointed out how many children are being raised by the wrong father. Women are just as slutty as men. The only difference is that men are honest about it and women lie like the motherfucking fist of the north star.

>> No.5676982

>number 3 is invalid after marriage

You stupid virgins have such unrealistic expectations.

You want a girl with a high sex drive who will never act on those impulses until she meets you, whereupon she's allowed to be as nasty as she likes as long as it's with you.

Wake up people! Girls with high sex drives act upon those urges! They become the sluts you shun so openly. And that whole "it's the quiet ones that are kinky in bed" is a myth! They either have no sex drive and would only suffer sex grudgingly or are so socially awkward (like you) that they have no experience with sex making them clumsy and withdrawn during the act which isn't what you want.

For all those of you who want a girl who is pure and virginal, who has never acted on a sexual thought in her life but will fuck you within two weeks of knowing you and dedicate her body to pleasing you: that shit don't fly.

>> No.5677007

>clumsy and withdrawn during the act
Actually, I do want that.

>> No.5677023

>will fuck you within two weeks of knowing you

>> No.5677033

how many cocks have you had in you at once? if the answer is more than zero grats on being a slut.

>> No.5677040

Manslut detected.

>> No.5677043
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x1608, touhouswing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will fuck you within two weeks of knowing you and dedicate her body to pleasing you

Who the fuck would want this?

>> No.5677062

No you don't girls like that are really fucking boring, they don't talk, they only make noise if you literally ram them and even then they hate themselves for making noise, they never move ask to try anything fun you have to suggest everything. Complete complacency = fucking boring unless you are a hard s or something.

>> No.5677095

The important point isn't pleasure. I can get enough of that with my hand. It's fricken love! Embracing and kissing them, guiding them through your moment of pure togetherness. What could be better than that? Get the fuck out of here you slut.

>> No.5677135

You want a girl with a high sex drive who will never act on those impulses until she meets you, whereupon she's allowed to be as nasty as she likes as long as it's with you.

no. but i won't condemm a person for doing it with the person she vowed to spend eternity with for doing it 'for fun'.

>Girls with high sex drives become sluts
I'm sorry, but people who submit to their urges are...
well, are people i guess. but there is a time and a place for everything. just because you have high sex drive does not mean you need to fuck anything that winks at you.

>For all those of you who want a girl who is pure and virginal, who has never acted on a sexual thought in her life but will fuck you within two weeks of knowing you and dedicate her body to pleasing you: that shit don't fly.

I agree. but no one wants a pure girl that will fuck him after two weeks. it's like liking a hot icecream.
I just a pure girl, i don't see any bad in masturbation, and i don't think she should get a new befriend a week after the last one has left her, each fucking time.

>> No.5677159

I didn't think people were serious with the whole pure thing.

>> No.5677161

You have to separate love and sex. They completely different.
You have autism

>> No.5677167
File: 679 KB, 554x738, touchdetective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A study kept getting spammed on here and other boards which pointed out how many children are being raised by the wrong father.

You know who this happens to? The refuse of society. White trash, druggies, and the vast hoards of poor minorities.

Girls in the decent social strata tend to be well-adjusted and have the sort of relationship ideals that /jp/ supports.

>> No.5677178

>they don't talk
isn't that a good point? people here usually don't want to hear them going "oh yes fuck me like the fucking whore i am, yes fuck yes!!!" etc

>> No.5677193
File: 54 KB, 571x570, coolstorybro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls in the decent social strata tend to be well-adjusted and have the sort of relationship ideals that /jp/ supports.

>> No.5677199

>you must separate love and sex
Why? When the fuck did sex and love become two different things?

>> No.5677215

Don't listen to him, he's a fucking moron.
Love and sex are only two separate things if you're a slut.

>> No.5677218
File: 55 KB, 400x300, curly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite serious I assure you.

>> No.5677231


>> No.5677241

You must be new here...

>> No.5677248
File: 20 KB, 253x285, sanae notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going. This is important.

>> No.5677250

Around Freud.

>> No.5677253

Iron maiden who has never seen (or even heard of) a guy in her whole life. ... I'm not sure it would be enough, but that sounds pretty close.

>> No.5677260

A girl must have a mental disorder that interferes with basic slut programming.

>> No.5677267


>> No.5677277 [DELETED] 

STop_attaCkiNG and_fUckINg_witH_Www.AnOcaRrotStALK.se_RePlACe_c
ArRotS_WiTH n
v h l zsdrzcuxffy r nifktf h hi fitj vrt lravpvtau

>> No.5677280

Welcome to /j9k/.

>> No.5677319

There is a girl I know IRL that is adamant about sex after marriage. I suppose that makes her not a slut.

>> No.5677322

Only girl for /jp/ is someone who would say 何が陰茎です? (they are japanese obviously, stupid weeaboos) and claim that their tiny cocks are すごい!!

>> No.5677323

Actually, sex wasn't associated with love for a long time. Love and sex started being combined around the time of the Renaissance. Fidelity didn't really have much to do with love in ancient cultures.

>> No.5677330

What would you know about love anyway ? Shut your whore mouth.

>> No.5677342

A good girl will love me and only me.
I don`t care about her life before.

>> No.5677346

I won't say there hasn't been a lot of sex without love, but at least it wasn't as bad as it is now. At this point sex is basically looked at as the furthest thing from love. This is disgusting.

>> No.5677354

That's pretty fucking cool.

>> No.5677355


>> No.5677370


>> No.5677373

Oh no, don't get me wrong. Sex and love are directly psychologically related since they're both part of the same human drive to mate and reproduce, but our mindset about them is definitely a societal construct from the last five hundred years or so.

>> No.5677383


>> No.5677405


STOp_AttAckIng and fUCkiNG WitH wwW.AnocArrOTstaLk.Se_RePLaCE CaRRotS_WITH_n
zhubffbj zrsycry ofpxfcy xb gylqni j

>> No.5677412

Reading this thread just makes me want to scream.

>> No.5677417
File: 19 KB, 200x193, 125358831973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Be female
>>Be a virgin
>>Never dated
>>Never kissed
>>Socially shy
>>/a/ and /jp/ still think I'm a slut

Such is my life.

>> No.5677419

No woman will be perfect enough for my standards.

Doesn't that make it odd to hide behind bitches_and_whores.jpg?

>> No.5677438
File: 16 KB, 252x278, sanae sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just not fair, is it?

>> No.5677457
File: 3 KB, 126x100, 1228796622792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel ya

>> No.5677460

you probably masturbate like mad

>> No.5677464

It's because you're fat and/or ugly. If you weren't you'd have sucked 200 dicks by now.

>> No.5677469

>be a 200 pound ham beast
>use the internet to attention whore myself out
>try to be a nerd circle queen be so I can know how the popular girls at school felt

You're still a slut, you just fail at it. You'd sleep around and manipulate men for your own gain at the drop of a hat given the chance.

>> No.5677473

Everyone on /jp/ is a hypocrite
But they don't seem to give a fuck

>> No.5677482

/jp/ being irrational regarding stluttiness? Nothing new here.

>> No.5677497


>Implying people on /jp/ wouldn't become alpha males if they had the skill, talent and charisma

Though I guess none of us really claim to be good guys, either.
We just wish to be perfect princes in a castleworld where princesses are locked up in tall towers, and each of us has a unique key to one of them.

>> No.5677502


Where do you see any hypocrisy ?


Where do you see anything irrational ? You disgusting slut lover.

>> No.5677507
File: 28 KB, 339x326, you are all douche canoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>implying I'm fat
>>Implying I'm ugly
>>Implying mentioning my gender wasn't relevant to the topic at hand and was actually attention-whoring

Don't be so pessimistic, guys. There are "pure" women with your hobbies that are, you know, not terrible human beings/sluts/what-have-you.

But whatever, I'm more into 2D anyway. 3D pig disgusting is just as true for guys as it is for girls.

>> No.5677516

all girls are sluts, hope this helps~

>> No.5677520

>There are "pure" women
Haha no. Get the fuck out you fat disgusting whore.

>> No.5677531


And this is why /jp/ will never date a real, breathing woman.

YES, pure women are not as common, but they absolutely exist.

>> No.5677534

>but they absolutely exist

They don't.

>> No.5677552


Yes they do you aspie twat. You might not have met any, but they exist.

>> No.5677557

Get out normalfags

>> No.5677565

>So /jp/, what's it take for a girl to not be a slut?

Blindfolded and locked up in a basement at, during, and after adolescence

>> No.5677567

Sora is that you?

>> No.5677568

while they might exist, it's not in any civilized country. the sluttiness is proportional to their rights, the more rights they have, the more 'sexually liberated' they think they have a right to be, so they slut around.

in third world primitive countries like all the muslim ones it's less common than in the developed ones.

>> No.5677575

Yeah, and Santa Claus exists too, although you may have never seen him.

>> No.5677578

What's the problem with liking sluts anyway? Everyone says there are no pure women, so what are you gonna do? Never love anyone?

>> No.5677581


Nope. I've never namefagged/tripped.

I'm just an anonymous female frequenter of various 4chan boards.

>> No.5677583
File: 66 KB, 600x600, 314d5086f9ed2c774b4e1a83e4f9f557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And this is why /jp/ will never date a real, breathing woman.
Out of all the silliness that happens here you choose this as your reason?

>> No.5677584


>> No.5677590


I just want someone to love me, the rest can be sluts... ;_;

>> No.5677591

Not me. I have fetishes like voyeurism.

>> No.5677598

You have a lot to learn. That's what we have 2D for.

>> No.5677600

Goddamn you guys make it hard for any of us to want to date you.

>> No.5677602


They don't, faggot. All women lose their virginity at a very early age, then proceed to have casual sex on a regular basis with random men met in bars and nightclubs for the rest of their life. Everyone knows that, and that is why we are sticking to 2D forever.

>Never love anyone?

Exactly, I'll never interact with a 3D woman. As simple as that.

>> No.5677603


But 2D are sluts too.

>> No.5677604
File: 32 KB, 233x215, 1258173349333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5677605

I don't doubt her, but she's probably incredibly socially awkward (as she herself has evidenced). /jp/ seems to have the notion that someone equally shut-in will somehow encounter one of them willingly and be their friend, perhaps a good term would be "selective sluttiness." However, far more likely, upon encountering her in reality, she would forcefully ignore you (after discovering that shyness only encourages advances), and rather than thinking "pure!" you'd think "fucking snobby bitch." No winning. So sad.

>> No.5677606


Just ignore these threads and move on.

>> No.5677607

I'm sure some sluts tell themselves and all who will listen that they're pure, but true pure girls don't exist.

>> No.5677610

sorry, i'm not interested in dating overweight neckbeards.

>> No.5677613

No, people still think pure girls 2D are sluts.

>> No.5677618


Jesus christ enough with the implying shit.

>> No.5677619

Don't worry, we don't want to date you either, whore.

>> No.5677628

Come on, you know most of the userbase on /jp/ are little girls in frilly dresses. Care for some tea? I prefer chamomile, myself. So soothing~

>> No.5677631

>Don't worry, we don't want to date you either, dude.

fixed. it was a guy who posted that. don't fall into the gay trap, anons.

>> No.5677634

>Implying /jp/ has any reason and isn't autistic

>> No.5677643

so am i. but a real the little girl in frilly dress wouldn't talk like a generic 3d teenager slut trash.

>> No.5677644
File: 5 KB, 300x300, 127078067112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, that's probably best. Ah, well.

>> No.5677648
File: 107 KB, 800x576, little girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only... ;_;

>> No.5677659

Why does little girl have no teeth?

>> No.5677666

>/jp/ seems to have the notion that someone equally shut-in will somehow encounter one of them willingly and be their friend

Hey, it worked for Arc and Helen. Those two are a shining beacon of hope for every lonely Anon here.

Of course, they'll need to become tripfags first.

>> No.5677678


>>Arc and Helen

Who are they? I'm new to /jp/ and am not familiar with them.

>> No.5677686

I don't have Christian morals so I'm all for sleeping around, personally.

>> No.5677687

Some people you do not wish to know.

>> No.5677693 [DELETED] 

stOp attACKing_And_fUcKinG_wITh WWW.AnOCarRotStalK.se_REPlaCe CARroTS_wITh_n
nj asgda stw fhiknfbilafun b fps hi sla ho b tea

>> No.5677701

I am an atheist and am thoroughly against sleeping around. Clearly it's not just Christian morals.

>> No.5677707

It has nothing to do with religion. Also, enjoy your STDs.

>> No.5677712

You're very silly if you think Christian morals aren't instilled in even unbelievers. Christianity was our culture for a long time and still is now to a lesser extent, and you've just adopted the culture.

>> No.5677721

Sleeping around is frowned upon across religions. Any civilized peoples are generally against it. Christianity is an outgrowth of ideas which would have existed anyway.

>> No.5677759

My mom had a talk with me about things of this nature about a month ago. She usually stay out of my personal life (even though I don't really have one.) but she asked me one night if I had ever had a girlfriend or had an interest in getting one. I told her no of course and that I honestly was not interested right now or ever have been. She hesitated and asked me the usual, "Are you gay? It's alright if you are."

I said no I'm not, it's just that I am not really interested right now. Maybe later on in life. I told her I was of course, still a virgin etc, and wished to remain so until marriage (who instilled this in me I have no idea. We're not a very religious family.)

She surprisingly expressed happiness that I was taking a mature approach too it and hoped that my future wife also be a virgin so as to make the experience more special.

I told her my expectations weren't THAT high and that is just wishful thinking these days.

>> No.5677786

Is that you Derek? It's mom.

>> No.5677788

I don't mind a girl having some sexual partners but the 'different guy for every day of the week' or when she gets to you and marries you she's had 46 sexual partners is where I draw the line.

Sex is fun, pleasurable and relaxing I'm sure but showing restraint is even better. Wanting to have sex is a basic need and drive but we as humans also have a conscious and willpower to overcome those urges and desires.

>> No.5677798
File: 15 KB, 178x179, Fuck you fags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5677812

>not be a slut

Be dead.

>> No.5677819

In your opinion (and anyone else's, unless they say zero, because hey, we already hear you) how many other partners before marriage are acceptable? Honestly, I just find one a bit trepidating, because what if I don't do as well?

>> No.5677833

Oh-ho, is that why you're a tripfag?

>> No.5677845


I have a feeling my parents think I am gay as well. They have asked why I never talk about girls and the like at home, and why I don't have any friends who are girls. My dad has just asked me if I was gay or not and i just replied that I'm not. Actually a few people I know in uni also think I am gay as I have no contact with women.

I find women attractive (even 3D), I just have no desire to ever be with one, 2D or 3D.

>> No.5677846

>what if I don't do as well?
You will never be the best sex partner a girl has. Every one will have a story of when they were in college and got slam-fucked by a fireman in the bathroom of a club. All sex afterwards will be compared to that and come up lacking.

>> No.5677847 [DELETED] 

sTop AttaCkING aNd FUCkINg_wIth_wWW.ANocaRROtsTAlK.Se_RePlAcE_CaR
ofmzim ozden qo l rn uwnyl krb lk s dxm rx

>> No.5677851

No time for love, baby. I can't let myself get sidetracked.

>> No.5677853

What the hell is with girls in college anyway? I thought college was for academia, not prostitution.

>> No.5677856
File: 36 KB, 481x300, 1255281463545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
goddamnit /v/

>> No.5677863


College is the first time in a lot of people's lives that they're away from their parents without supervision.

This translates to the thinking that "hey, I can do WHATEVER I WANT".

>> No.5677865

By the way, /jp/; it finally happened! I got called gay for not caring for sex!

>> No.5677870


Personally, I think a girls isn't a slut if she, holds herself for someone she trully loves, someone she thinks it's the person she can se a future having a family.

Now here is a fun thing, I can see myself having casual sex, but only the the girls I liked enough to think about marriage.

I guess it's nobody's fault. It's just me that's broken.

>> No.5677874

Welcome to the club.
You will receive your badge and certificate by post.

>> No.5677875

You are a disease then. Thanks for ruining it for the rest of us.

>> No.5677883

It's odd, though.
If I were gay, wouldn't I have sex with men?

>> No.5677884

Welcome brother! Good to have you aboard!

Now let's see how many you can rack up. I've been called gay 14 times for noting really caring about sex.

>> No.5677896

I am deathly afraid of getting an STD

>> No.5677907

Me too bro, me too. That's why I'm going to stay a virgin forever. Unless I meet a virgin woman but I know that will never happen.

>> No.5677916

>I got called gay for not caring for sex!

Fukin logic how does it work?

>> No.5677923

I've only actually been called it a couple times. Everyone just assumes it without saying, I think.

>> No.5677928

as you should be


>> No.5677937

You know you could always adopt.

>> No.5677939

Think it's that way. On an unrelated note, the only friend I have in real life is gay, so hanging out leads people to assume things about me, I'd guess.

>> No.5677945

You should tell him that if this does happen, you will turn into a 2D girl and live forever in company of similar people from /jp/ who have previously turned into girls that way. You can then spend an eternity pleasantly chatting with adorable young ladies while drinking tea, never having to care about sex. Though usually new girls do quickly turn gay for their fellow maidens.

>> No.5677956

Now, that's an outcome I'm willing to accept.

>> No.5677982

It is extremely hard for a single male to adopt a kid. If you had a good job, stable housing situation, tons of character and financial references, knew the child beforehand from birth, and had relations to their family you still would be considered dangerous and perhaps a pedophile if you didn't have a wife.
To be blunt, people like us have a less than 0 chance of even being considered to allowed to adopt.

>> No.5677996

Maybe adopt from a foreign country, or something? I don't know how that works exactly but I'm sure they'd be glad as fuck to let you adopt a kid.

>> No.5678010

Adoption in the US is super fucking ridiculous, the rules are basically set up so these kids will never see a loving parent, even if a single guy or a gay couple would be excellent parents.

>> No.5678082

>On an unrelated note, the only friend I have in real life is gay, so hanging out leads people to assume things about me, I'd guess.

Story of my life

>> No.5678099

1) Everyone of your age is looking for pussy. If you aren't there must be a reason.
2) All you friends are male.
3) You don't look like you're interested in looking for a girl there also must be a reason

1+ 1 = gay

C'mon, we just look for reasons to wall ourselves from girls and their games, lies, deception and pain. I just got to the limit. I'm not looking for anything anymore. So, why not have some pleasure before I die?
Maybe I just say that I would do the girls I loved because unconsciously I know that is impossible.

>> No.5678122

>All you friends are male.

Gay men usually have a lot of female friends.

>> No.5678151

>I'm don't want to have sex=gay

Yes gay men don't have sex drives at all

>> No.5678188
File: 6 KB, 200x128, 1278561133664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I just got to the limit. I'm not looking for anything anymore. So, why not have some pleasure before I die?
I tried the whole random sex thing and I don't get how you can stand it. Even masturbating alone was more fulfilling than the impersonal fucking with no intimacy.

>> No.5678196


I'm just interpreting how normal people think. I also don't agree with them, but that's some clues they look on people.

>> No.5678266
File: 154 KB, 330x327, 1278101722761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually I'm still a virgin. But like 2 months ago I thought to myself, if the last girl I looked for me for sex, I would do it. I was never like this, I guess my last love left me broken.

>> No.5678728
File: 2.61 MB, 800x1028, 1220313649679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking shit, you can see their eyes as well. Whores, flirting with their eyes.

>> No.5678748

I just want her to cuddle, I don' even care if we have sex or not ;_;

>> No.5678776

>clumsy and withdrawn during the act which isn't what you want

I always imagine my waifu being shy and clumsy during sex. It's moe as fuck, faggot. I can teach her if she doesn't know. In fact, she'd ask me if she's doing it right, and I'd smile tease her about how cute she is.

>> No.5678915
File: 8 KB, 210x230, 1277693446414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're talking about 2D man.

>> No.5678935

A slut wouldn't make you wear a condom.

>> No.5679012

She lost them all when she bit into an apple. She still had all her baby teeth at her age.

>> No.5679014

I am actually somewhat proud that I am still a virgin, that I reigned in my urges and desires and kept them in check instead of ending up like a lot of guys at my highschool.

STD's, complaining about crabs at school, resorting to extreme measures to get rid of them (KEROSENE BABY), unwanted pregnancies etc. One dropped out of school in the 10th grade because he got a freshman girl pregnant and both parents demanded they (especially he) take responsibility for it.

To hell with that. I'll keep my dick in my pants thanks.

>> No.5679035

>what's it take for a girl to not be a slut

Being 2D.

>> No.5679039

Also, a white girl dropped out of school and eventually ended up in the hospital. She was home schooled from there by her mother.

Reason? AIDS.

>> No.5679056

Why do we always focus on WOMEN being sluts?

/jp/, what does it take for a guy to not me a slut/manwhore?

>> No.5679066


>> No.5679062 [DELETED] 

4chan is a gigantic ball of hate, hence the age old saying as 4chan = internet hate machine.

>> No.5679070

Not being a piece of shit and actually caring about their female friends rather than getting super close with them to be "like a brother" so they have easy access to their vagina, which is what always happens.

>> No.5679079


>> No.5679092

The exact same thing. No sex before marriage.

>> No.5679134


>> No.5679146

I thought /jp/ was over the purity thing.

>> No.5679340

>I reigned in my urges and desires and kept them in check
translation: i was the unpopular kid who couldn't get any no matter how hard i tried until i grew bitter and jaded.

>> No.5679360

>ok, daughter, i know you have aids and will die within a year or two, but fuck you, i'll force you to learn useless bullshit and won't let you live out your remaining life like you'd like to. have fun with all that useless knowledge hammered into your skull until you die.

>> No.5679364

2D has no STDs

>> No.5679389

My whole family kept on asking me if I was gay for years because I never had a girlfriend/sex. It wasn't really a shock to my mom when I finally came out. The rest of the family doesn't know though. They'd disown me if they knew.

>> No.5679394


/jp/ answer: Nothing. They're all sluts the minute they lose their virginity.

Realistic answer: Not sleeping around randomly and being a greedy materialistic bitch with high standards.

>> No.5679398

they do if their author writes them that way

>> No.5679404

I've yet to see any 2D with STDs

>> No.5679440

So we are all aspies here (I am a diagnosed one)
who want a LTR with a girl that isn't a slut.

>> No.5679444
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>> No.5679456

I don't care if a girl is a virgin or not, it's more about how she carries herself as a person. I find most women these days act like men with tits, it's scary and a huge turn-off.

>> No.5679474

a slut is fine, but only for a casual sex friend.

they don't have the capacity to be a commited lover, nor to be married. that requires faithfulness and commitment, which the sluts don't possess, otherwise they wouldn't be sluts.

>> No.5679524

If someone doesn't cheat on me when I'm dating her and doesn't drop me just because she found some guy with a bigger dick than me, then I really don't care.

>> No.5679551
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If she knows his dick is bigger, she's already cheating on you.

>> No.5679566

The real cause is just that you've grown used to fictional, ultra-feminine stereotypes. Women don't really "act like men" any more than ever, it's more like human beings act like human beings.

>> No.5679606

It's because they rather have someone who calls them their bitsch.And ignore the real nice guys.

>> No.5679832

Pretty sure that's what's implied. A 3D waifu is not a real waifu.

>> No.5679855

There's a difference between nice and boring.

>> No.5679883

But I have figures of half naked girls all over my room, and a hugging pillow of one.

>> No.5679889

A slut is fine, too.

>> No.5679897

>translation: i was the unpopular kid who couldn't get any no matter how hard i tried until i grew bitter and jaded.

If that's what you want to believe then go ahead.

>> No.5679899

>nice guys
aka friendzone material.

>> No.5679907

Say with a straight face that it's not the truth.

>> No.5679908

its the truth, stop trying to look cool on the internet. it doesn't work.

>> No.5679923

It's in a girl's blood to sleep around. Ensures a stronger brood.

>> No.5679924

I'm sorry, I've never liked sluts, and I've always had extremely unreasonable standards for women to not be sluts. And I had these much before it became popular on these boards.

>> No.5679934

Nice guys never get the ladies. You have to be THE ÜBERMENSCH to get with the ladies. Nice guys are perfect friend zone material. They'd much rather have a big strong orange umpa lumpa.

>> No.5679935

Whatever you say. I cannot stop you from believing it and won't let myself be dragged into your sea of sorrow and negativity.

>> No.5679946

>I was conservative before it was cool on 4chan
lol okay

>> No.5679947

It's in 3D people's blood to sleep around. Everybody on the planet is a fucking whore/slut.

>> No.5679959

Maybe it will be easier to understand like this: it's possible to win the lotto, the chances of winning are not zero. But because they fall so short of 1, and because playing actually costs you money for in all likelihood no return, it's more reasonable not to play.
It's possible to find a pure girl meeting your expectations, I'm sure they exist, but the chances are probably about the same or worse than the lotto, so it's easier to just use a blanket statement like "bitches and whores". It's just not worth the effort.

>> No.5679960
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>> No.5679963

Some will say they wouldn't sleep around because the idea of sex with someone they're not in a long-term relationship with disgusts them. But there's nobody on the planet that wouldn't at least like to have their own harem.

>> No.5679964

Getting friendzoned is cool though. You can sit there and listen to her cry about her boyfriend treating her like shit (who she'll go running back to no doubt) and pretend to be interested.

>> No.5679974

Very poetic Anonymous.

And true. At least for me it is.

>> No.5679988

>It's possible to find a pure girl meeting your expectations, I'm sure they exist, but the chances are probably about the same or worse than the lotto, so it's easier to just use a blanket statement like "bitches and whores". It's just not worth the effort.

THIS. I actually tried looking for one during my senior year in HS and then even harder when I got to college. After being disgusted with the way most of them act (especially in college. ugh) I put finding a nice, kind sweet caring girl WAY back in my mind and focused on my education, finding a good job and making money.

>> No.5679989

Spoken like a true emo who has never been outside and experienced human society first hand in his life.

>> No.5679994

Are you still here? Why don't you stay in /r9k/ or /b/ or whatever shithole you came from?

>> No.5680001

but I came from /jp/

>> No.5680002
File: 385 KB, 753x316, OH SHIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like a true badass of the internet who exudes Clint Eastwood cool on forums and imageboards and yet is holed up in his stagnant, stale room with trash littered everywhere as he pushes his coke bottle glasses up on his greasy nose.

>> No.5680004

2D is the best. 2D doesnt bitch, want anything, carry STDs, etc.

>> No.5680006


>> No.5680015

The only thing you didn't mention is in the lottery if you win there are a lot of hidden fees and money they take out of the amount you are "getting".

Usually it's a lot too. You still get a lot, but they take a lot, but they advertise it as way higher than what you will really get after all their cuts.

This is just like if you "find a girl who meets your expectations"

The likelihood of her lying about a lot of it is pretty high, especially if she likes you and knows what you want from a girl.

Just because you don't know something doesn't mean it isn't reality, it just means ignorance is bliss until you find out.

>> No.5680026
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>> No.5680027

And believe me, girls can lie and hide things to a point where you won't even suspect anything. Even if you do, you'll feel bad for not trusting your oh-so-perfect girlfriend and not pursue it further, and if you do anyway it will usually end up with them continuing to lie and then using your 'mistrust' against you even though it was accurate.

>> No.5680031

Honest question though, why don't you guys just try Christian girls? Problem solved. There's lots of really conservative girls out there who will fit all your standards.

>> No.5680040

Batshit insane as well

>> No.5680051

I'm an atheist, and although it will sound arrogant, I don't want to be with someone who doesn't think for herself.

>> No.5680056

Batshit insane for Jesus.
Ain't nothing wrong with that.

>> No.5680059

I did once, though not on purpose - she just happened to be into her religion.

Found out she went to college parties several times a week since she was 12 with the purpose of getting dicked and had done so plenty. Not to mention she hid this very well somehow.

Not exactly a safe bet.

>> No.5680077

You guys are just full of excuses.

>> No.5680087

A conversative girl wouldn't come near me because of my hobbies. I don't flaunt them about, but still. I believe in honesty in a relationship and I don't she'd stay around long if I told her about how I play VNs and other such things.

>> No.5680102

Excuses for what?

If it was an excuse I wouldn't have gone out with her, would I?

I was just warning anonymous it doesn't mean it's any safer if they are into religion, even if they seem really serious about it.

>> No.5680104

That should be doubt instead of don't. Damn typo.

>> No.5680109

Anyone have sauce on this anime?

>> No.5680179

I just want to cuddle

>> No.5680216

Church girls are usually VERY promiscuous from some reason. I'm not sure God would take kindly to whores entering his sacred house.

>> No.5680226

He doesn't care.

>> No.5680237

I'd figure they'd catch on fire when they cross the threshold. That would be fucking awesome.

>> No.5680240

The ones whose parents forced them into it, maybe. Not the ones who actually believe it themselves and take it seriously.

>> No.5680246

Or he doesn't exist therefore nothing happens.

>> No.5680248

Girls are pretty much always in a hedonistic and rebellious stage, like 14 year old teenagers bleaching their hair because they think it means they have control of their life.

The same is how they think about sex, but always and way worse.

And being religious only makes them want to rebel even more, so they are worse than normal girls.

>> No.5680255


>> No.5680262
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God's little sluts. Ain't that nice?

>> No.5680295

Don't worry Anonymous. Most girls break out of their slut stage later in life. Then you can be with them after they've had 500 different loads shot into their mouths and vagOOO and look like they've been rode hard and put up wet.

>> No.5680313


>> No.5680319
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The problem with being hedonistic pleasure seeking promiscuous sluts at any point in their life is that it'll never go away.

There's no growing "out of" the acts they already committed.

I know that was your point, but I'm just repeating it.

Aside from that, they usually never grow out of it, and even when older will still be just as likely as ever to cheat on you. Age, length of relationship/marriage, etc has no effect really.

>> No.5680328

I can literally taste the frustration and teenage angst in these threads.

>> No.5680336

At least my angst is from experience and not just blind rage.

>> No.5680345
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You now realize that there's no such thing as "God", just merely a system that tries to control human beings.

>> No.5680348

That is a plus.

>> No.5680355

Thanks. It was also sarcasm. Nothing more pathetic than an old whore trying to be young again. Dressing sexy, loose skin hanging about, wearing WAY too much makeup....

It makes for one helluva laugh.

>> No.5680385

I'm perfectly fine with sluts as long as they stay far away from my penis. And they do. Well, actually the other way around.
Who am I to dictate how others should live their lives when I don't want the same to be done with me?

>> No.5680386

wear revealing clothes
purity void

>> No.5680390

Instantly added to my filter and reported.

>> No.5680433

Ever read The Fox and the Grapes?

Replace that with "typical /jp/ers" and "IRL girls/women". Explained.

>> No.5681065
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Having sex isn't just enough to make them a slut. They make mistakes as well, and as long as they learn it's not the right thing to do I have no problem with it.
It's mainly how they act, dress, and speak. Most women swear consistently, wear over-revealing and skimpy clothing, and use their looks and sex to get them anything and everything they want.
My waifu is perfect for me, until enough women prove they don't want to be treated like utter garbage.

>> No.5681131

>the other way around
You stay away from their penis instead?

>> No.5681240

I remember hearing a story from an old man.
He had two friends who were arguing, with one saying that he didn't believe in god, because the sod never answers any of his prayers. The other guy simply retorted "Maybe the answer was no."

>> No.5681259

Maybe I'm just stupid but can you explain how that applies to this?

>> No.5681286

/jp/ is my blog.
I saw some people post about religion and remembered this.

>> No.5681378

no shit

>> No.5681380

Yeah that was worth bumping this for

>> No.5681405

>Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although she leaped with all her strength. As she went away, the fox remarked, 'Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes.' People who speak disparagingly of things that they cannot attain would do well to apply this story to themselves.

So basically Anon tried to get 3D girls, but 3D girls turned him down so he goes all 'bitches and whores!' and 'fuck women who needs em'?

>> No.5681411

That's inaccurate then because I've had a shit ton of girlfriends.

>> No.5681413
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Got you to reply didn't it?

>> No.5681421

We were talking about Anon, not tripfags CurryButtocks.

>> No.5681431
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Oh, then I agree you're a bunch of pathetic fuckwads who won't ever find a woman and only bitch about them because you can't get them.

Unlike me who bitches because I have had so many.

>> No.5681438

We should forward like these threads to a psychologist.

>> No.5681443

I never really did go for women.

I just hate them because of how they treat me. It wasn't my fault that I was born ugly.


>> No.5681456
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Yes, but you see your opinion is hanging on empty air. Immediately after posted it dissipates and is forgotten. This isn't about you. We have to forget about you CurryButtocks.

>> No.5681459
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>implying being ugly makes it impossible to get a girlfriend

I'm overweight and pretty unattractive, don't use your looks as an excuse it'll just make you the type of person who always finds an excuse for problems they can solve but don't want to put in the work to do so.

>> No.5681460

I never even tried to get 3D girls.

>> No.5681472


Oh CurryButt...

>> No.5681488


Did you get all of them running a curry cart or something?

>> No.5681493

I have a horrible personality though. Is that a good excuse?

>> No.5681503

lol not a single mention of self-respect ITT

>> No.5681509

Reported for not knowing the origin of CurryButt

>> No.5681512

Yes. No one can resist the temptation of delicious curry.

You should never use excuses, because just as the word says - it's just an excuse. If you had a real reason that'd be different, but things like this are just excuses.

Besides, I don't think your personality is bad anonymous, I don't know you but I'm sure you have good points and are an interesting person in some way or another. Besides, someone with a horrible personality wouldn't admit to having one.

>> No.5681516

He originated from the stinking shits of a million Anons.

>> No.5681520

One day I will write an autobiography for all the newfriends.

>> No.5681567


Let me ask you this: can you post a picture of ONE of these MANY GIRLFRIENDS that was actually attractive? I bet they were all disgusting, like U

>> No.5681572

The whole idea of "sharing your life with someone" is ridiculous.
If I have pleasure, I want it all for me.

>> No.5681582

The only things I have are pictures and videos and such of my last one - all of which aren't things I'd share with anon.

Any clean pictures I deleted when I broke up with her.

Any pictures of previous girlfriends I deleted when I got with her, because I'm retardedly loyal and felt bad for having them.

Maybe someday though. I still have some pictures of an okay loli I was with for a little while.

You can believe what you want and make up as many theories about my life as there are umineko ones, I don't care. I know the truth.

>> No.5681705

Loli route was the true end.

You will never have the true end. sad_frog.jpg

>> No.5681725
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Her mother was very into me too and was extremely flirty because her husband was a piece of shit.

I could have had some sort of cliche hentai end if I stuck to it.

>> No.5681761
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>White Ren
