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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5669139 No.5669139 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /jp/, Slowking here.
I've missed out a whole lot on Umineko recently. My interest in it faded, and I stopped visiting this board to discuss theories and shit. But now that I'm done reading the latest episode, I'm very curious as to what new theories this place has churned out. Last time I visited, there were the Shkannon and B0MB theories.
Also, who do you think those two people in the background are? The guy's necklace looks an awful lot like Dlanor's key symbol, and the chick (?) looks rhe result of Jessica, Natsuhi and Krauss being put in the blender.
inb4 a quadrillion sages

>> No.5669150

stOP_aTTaCking And_FuCking_witH_WWW.AnocarRoTStAlK.se_repLacE CARRotS_wItH N
hqvv koishkf tn rlphi qxpw c i yycanucb l

>> No.5669168

There is already 3 fucking threads about it on the frontpage.
Fucking lurk more.

>> No.5669213

Sheesh, you could've just given a short reply to my questions and I would have deleted the thread.

>> No.5669245

/jp/ still with a shitstorm of Pony and Shkanon since EP6 came out.

>> No.5669268

/jp/ isn't /a/, nobody care about pony here.

>> No.5669270

What was pony again? My memory fails me, sorry.

>> No.5669276

There was a pony on the island - battler's sin is eating it due to being a bear.

>> No.5669317

herp derp u so lulzy

>> No.5669327

A lot better than what the real pony theory is, believe me, it's fucking stupider than what I posted.

>> No.5669390

Now I get why everyone hates you. You're a fucking retarded attention whore.

>> No.5669407
File: 105 KB, 630x623, ohboyherewego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now I get why you are a shut-in loser, because you are a raging faggot who can't handle knowing someone is popular while you aren't.

>> No.5669423
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>He has to pretend I remove my trip because otherwise he'd have to face the reality that people love me

>> No.5669416

because 70% of your popularity comes from samefaggotry and other 4 people. Fascinanting, no, really.

>> No.5669427

More on topic - Jessica's pretty much my favorite out of the cousins now. Much less angsty than George, and strikingly more competent than BAWttler.

>> No.5669430
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And really, it's amazing how butthurt you are over me saying a theory about a fucking text game is stupid, jesus christ if that makes your ass bleed so hard you probably shouldn't use the internet.

>> No.5669437

polite sage.

>> No.5669440

Let me show you some light: You are not talking with only one person.

>> No.5669453
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Let me show you some light - I don't see the 'attention whoring' in calling a theory of a fucking game stupid.

Suck my dick.

Let me show you some light, by the by, you are just a butthurt fag who I spanked the shit out of trying to 'get back at me' without realizing this is why I come here.

>> No.5669460

Jesus christ I'm not even one of the guys you were arguing with. Chill the fuck out.

>> No.5669461

Op here.

FFS somebody answer my questions so that I can delete this thread. Currybutt, you're a cancerfag beyond all means.

>> No.5669464

But Battler is competent

>> No.5669465


It's called owning, because that's what I was doing to them.

>> No.5669469
File: 50 KB, 354x308, 1249767501999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On one hand, Currybutt is acting like a /v/irgin at the moment, with reaction images, U MAD, and butt hurt comments abroad.

On the other hand, he likes Slayers.

You know, on the whole, I think he's pretty chill.
Agreed. While I don't see her as a culprit, I won't have a problem if she is revealed to be. Her interactions with everyone in the love trial were hilarious.

>> No.5669472
File: 15 KB, 228x312, 24709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i totally care about your opinion and my feelings are so hurt

how was your welcoming when you got here last month? has it been good so far here newfriend?

>> No.5669479

some zero kanon theory

>> No.5669482

But that's how I always get when people reply to me like faggots, which they did in this thread. They give me shit, I give them a spanking.

>> No.5669485

Been here since 2006.
I think you're in denial.

>> No.5669487

Battler's good at solving cheese riddles, but he lacks Jessica's common sense. Like, the logic error was caused by him trusting Bernkastel and Erika.


>> No.5669495

Oh? care to explain, please?

>> No.5669498

I guess being a faggot everyone hates and cant wait to see banned on an image board is being popular and successful enough to make anyone jealous.

I dont even care if I get banned for useless reporting, I just dont want you shitting up the place. I'm reporting and blocking you, hoping to never hear from you again.

>> No.5669499
File: 264 KB, 1500x1500, 1262390836037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh one of these guys who pulls numbers out of his ass thinking it means something, ur 2 kewl 4 skewl.

>> No.5669502


This isn't MSN or something you raging homosexual, it's called filtering.

>> No.5669506
File: 28 KB, 400x280, 1275466108684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't wait to see him banned
>implying while I was gone up till yesterday there wasn't hundreds of UNBAN CURRYBUTT posts

>> No.5669513
File: 239 KB, 655x1092, lolbattler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Jessica could have been a better character than him, she was over the idea of a culprit X as early as episode 1. But she wouldn't fall in LOVE with Beato like Battler would.

>> No.5669518

Admittedly, I only browsed /h/ and /u/ for a year and a bit, but then I caught on to the rest of the boards. So that makes it 2007.
You must be some kinda summerfag in denial thinking he's a megatroll or some shit.

>> No.5669525


sTop AtTAcKiNG_AND_fuCKIng wIth_WWW.ANoCArrotstALk.Se REPlACe_cArroTS_wiTH_N
hvv yn spcty rby e tm fl ef oha dogoxmn

>> No.5669523

But Bern was telling the truth

>> No.5669520


That was all for the sake of irony, though.

No one actually wanted to see you back.

>> No.5669528
File: 15 KB, 176x182, 123567379865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we all get along, guys? Fighting instead of solving the mystery is what the evil Beatrice wants!

>> No.5669529

Just block everything that bothers you. Might as well just talk to yourself at that point.

Only on the internet. That kind of shit would never fly in real life.

Take it easy guys. One thing I've learned after being here since the beginning is that /jp/ has always been the same and will always be the same. No matter how much you whine, no matter how much you report, no matter how much you filter. Take it easy out there kids.

>> No.5669534
File: 50 KB, 179x215, piratechen19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure is shitty butthurt kigfags with insults on par with something Anon2007 would say

>> No.5669541

Alrighty then, OP here.

Gonna delete this cancerous thread and i'm going to make it again. Sorry!

>> No.5669548

I never even intended to insult you. I'm above that kind of childish behaviour.

>> No.5669551

>Last time I visited, there were the Shkannon and B0MB theories.
Unfortunately, that shit is still being posted, even after episode 6. You'd think people would think outside the box for once, but no. There's a pretty good theory going around about Kanon being the 0 on the roulette though, which works without needing 15 people on the island to be both blind and retarded.

>> No.5669557

Well, Beatrice is based on Jessica, more or less. So if Jessica fell in love with Beatrice, it'd be similar to her falling in love with herself. And besides, Jessica wouldn't knowingly marry a mass murderer like Battler would.
