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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 15 KB, 324x418, polite korean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5667536 No.5667536 [Reply] [Original]

>Group of Mexicans working on roof of my apartment
>It's like 100 something degrees (38+ degrees Celsius for non-Americunts)
>One comes down and asks if me if he can have some water
>Say no
>Continues down the hall, knocking on doors, asking for water
>Heat wave grows more and more unbearable
>My face

>> No.5667541

Maybe next time they'll be a little more respectful towards their Korean overlords

>> No.5667542

Who are you quoting?

>> No.5667544

That's awesome dude!

>> No.5667546

you're a douche

>> No.5667549

That's fucked up, you deserve to die. Now take your incorrect usage of greentext back to /v/a/b/.

>> No.5667554
File: 86 KB, 300x300, 1273895412304.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this isn't how Mexicans should be treated

>> No.5667556

Is that Jaedong?

>> No.5667560

Fucking Jaedong, Flash will beat your ass someday.

>> No.5667564

>Alpha as fuck

>> No.5667567

>alpha as fuck

>> No.5667573


What's so fun with click and point strategy?

>> No.5667585

You ever work outside on a fucking 100 degree day?

All day in the sun?

I have, it sucks. Racism aside that shits not cool bro.

>> No.5667591
File: 80 KB, 448x530, 1243831258133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's like you're implying flash hasn't 3-0'd him already

>> No.5667593

Different games, different tastes. I sure don't find touhou very fun when all you have to do is repeat the same level maybe a hundred times and memorize the bullet patterns.

>> No.5667611

my face when the guy purposely leaves a hole in your part of the roof and disables your connection to the AC

>> No.5667647

>>polite korean.jpg

Oh look it's this thing again.

Also you're mean Anon. But I'm sure the Mexicans will do poor work and the roof will eventually collapse on itself and kill you.

A fitting end to Anon in a way. Surprise death while he's masturbating to his touhous.

>> No.5667665

Just stop posting in this thread and ignore it.
It is not that hard.

>> No.5667671
File: 75 KB, 459x435, 1278002320154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I should treat Mexicans as human beings

There is no "racism aside" in this case as the entire reason I'd be okay with doing this is due to them being Mexican.

If they were any other race, even Arc, I'd take good care of them.

>> No.5667693

The chances that they will hold a grudge against you will increase if you make them frustrated or mad.

>> No.5667697

polite korean for mod

>> No.5667703

StOP AtTacKING anD_fucKING wiTh_www.anOCARroTStaLk.SE replACE CarrotS wITh N
yuiosuf a exscaerjqa lm dep rsocuw pml dyg

>> No.5667707

What a fitting end indeed.

>> No.5667723
File: 12 KB, 352x240, 1276858279430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a bunch of illegal pieces of shit would actually do a good job to begin with

Even if he was nice they'd still end up getting him killed.

>> No.5667729

He's probably not even mexican.

But 4chan can not into race properly.

>> No.5667771


Yeah, Flash is looking pretty scary with his ~50% win rate this past month.
