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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 100 KB, 700x525, moe-bishoujo-countries-japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5663141 No.5663141 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, I'm in Japan.
What do now?

>> No.5663147

Go to a suicide club.

Kill yourself.

>> No.5663158

Show the natives your giant American penis.

>> No.5663169

Wear shirts and hats that have an American flag design on them.

Also, speak engrish and carry fast food on you at all times.

>> No.5663172 [DELETED] 


STOp AttaCKing AND_FUckiNG wITH www.aNocaRroTStALk.sE_rePlaCe cArROTS wiTh_n
c bskzhu thtiwkgh hhgskr e xn iiab p we pke

>> No.5663177

Go outside, walk around. do stuff.

>> No.5663180 [DELETED] 


xii whpisyr mjom acfip auxif g oqoxc f lp bccpkabxpwe f

>> No.5663184 [DELETED] 

Oh, were you one of those 3 faggots i saw at McDonalds?

>> No.5663183

Behave like you are cowboy from the movies/anime.

>> No.5663185

Buy food from vending machines, because with the language barrier, you do not even know how to order anything.

>> No.5663191

Talk loudly in public, make eye contact with everyone you pass, and laugh out suddenly for no reason.

>> No.5663219

Find a way to get thrown in jail and report back with the conditions you're held in, please.

>> No.5663220

Dress like a old fashioned cowboy and walk around telling people you are from the past and is trying to find your way home.

>> No.5663224


>> No.5663223



>> No.5663222


>> No.5663231

I'm going in a week, OP.

I can speak a little, but I don't have any details planned.
That's what I'm going to do when I come home today, though.

>> No.5663235

Most of the suggestions here should do the trick. Just sit back and wait.

>> No.5663240

I never get the idea of why talking on cellphones on the train is considered rude in Japan.

>> No.5663242

It is?
I don't get it either.

>> No.5663244

It's annoying. Use mail instead.

>> No.5663259

Then shouldn't you not talk at all while walking the streets either because it's all the same shit?

>> No.5663265

Run through traffic naked.

>> No.5663273

There's a difference between passing by someone annoying and being stuck with someone annoying.

>> No.5663279

Then how about YOU move away?

>> No.5663289

When you sit in a train, you're stuck in that train. Stuck with mostly the same passangers throughout your trip, perhaps for hours. Do you prefere "BLAHBLAHBLAH" or "......ka-chunk"?

>> No.5663297

Are you really that dense? Motherfucker.

>> No.5663300

Well, that attitude is the very definition of rudeness.

>> No.5663302

>he thinks people sit in trains

>> No.5663305


Triple posting isn't necessary.

>> No.5663316

He managed to post 3 times in under a minute? Wow.

>> No.5663350

I don't give a fuck about your opinion. Nobody in the world have any problems with it but you.

>> No.5663362

You have a problem. You are idiot.

>> No.5663367

>You are idiot

>> No.5663371

Why should I care about you, a meaningless shit.
Have problems? Deal /w it dumbfuck.

>> No.5663379

Those seats doesn't sit on themselves, but okay - no one sits in trains. Got autism?

>> No.5663380

Illiterate moron.

>> No.5663407


>> No.5663409

StOP AttaCKinG_aND_FUcKinG_WiTH wWW.AnOcARrotsTalk.se_rEPLacE caRroTs WITH_N
mtkamoqx ukzky dw oyuuix shhnauxwcc ut phym

>> No.5663422

I'm in Japan too, Tokyo. you?

>> No.5663451


>> No.5663469
File: 608 KB, 1600x1200, JiuGa (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in TOKYO. Saw OP's book yesterday in Akiba, called 'World Gals' or some shit like that. I found a cooler book

>> No.5663473

sTOP AttacKinG ANd_fucKing_WiTh_WWW.ANocaRRotSTALK.sE rePlAcE carRoTs WIth N
lvyhfo l mbxdhqtpttiky i spwkytqnzcwbmw

>> No.5663479

Go to Taiji and protest against dolphin killing

>> No.5663613

Wow, what is that book about? only japan-releases? Post some pics of a few pages, pleease.

>> No.5663626

STop_AtTacKInG_ANd_fUCkING_WiTh Www.anOCarroTstALK.Se REPLacE caRRoTS WiTH n
ac e ijz chwdxslqiim fq x qj glnr sgaokguj

>> No.5663687
File: 451 KB, 1600x1200, IMG00188-20100708-1027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it in 7-eleven, didn't buy it. Just about weird shit japs do, that nobody else does. Some of it was bullshit tho. Like this page basically said Japanese restaurants give water for free, but not in other countries!

>> No.5663686
File: 78 KB, 700x524, 1279024533539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5663695

OP here, kinda thirsty /jp/.

What do now?

>> No.5663720

pocari sweat. fag.
or that new akb48 drink at 7-11

>> No.5663726
File: 1.66 MB, 3456x2304, Lolicon_comicbooks_sold_in_Japan_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh okat that's weird... Thanks for answering :D
Just remember to pick up something to scan for /jp/.
>Pic Related

>> No.5663735

Take 2 steps out of the place you guys are staying in.
>vending machines everywhere

>> No.5663804

how do you not get that phoning in a train is rude? That's not just Japan, most countries would rather you take your calls elsewhere

>> No.5663820

Bangkok, are you really that idiot for not knowing the difference between rudeness in YOUR country and OTHER country?

>> No.5663840


>> No.5663841


Trains are only crowded during rush hour. I usually go to Akihabara around 2PM when I get the chance, and those things are deserted.

>> No.5663847

I don't care, dipshit.

>> No.5663856


>> No.5663861


only in japan.

>> No.5663863

And you say you never get the idea of why talking on cellphones on the train is considered rude in Japan.

You are just a shitty blockhead it seems.

>> No.5663865

Reported for being inbred and illiterate.

>> No.5663870

shitty source for shitty readers

>Japanese mobile phone culture
you expect it has other countries mentioned other than Japan?

Blockhead is blockhead.

>> No.5663872

Because it isn't considered rude in ANY countries other than Japan and maybe wherever shithole you came from?

>> No.5663875

Find me an article about X mobile phone culture where X isn't Japan.

>> No.5663876

In North America you are liable to get glared at or loudly bitched about.

>> No.5663877

Hey, Bang. Hey, hey hey 'kok. you are in Bangkok now right? You are in Bangkok tomorrow right? You are in Bangkok forever in the future, right?

Good. Stay in there forever.

>> No.5663884

>Observe the 10-foot Proximity Rule. Maintain a distance of at least 10-feet (3 meters) from the nearest person when talking on a cell phone. No matter how quietly you speak, if standing too close to others they are forced to overhear your personal business.
>Intimate public settings such as restaurants, public restrooms, waiting rooms, hallways, buses, subways or anywhere a private conversation is not possible is a bad place for a cell phone conversation
>Never talk in elevators, libraries, museums, restaurants, cemeteries, theaters, dentist or doctor waiting rooms, places of worship, auditoriums or other enclosed public spaces, such as hospital emergency rooms or buses.

>> No.5663883

Why should I help you?

>> No.5663888

For talking on the cellphone?

No shit sherlock.


>> No.5663891

Reported this thread directly to moot for making me angry.

>> No.5663892

>shit nobody cares about

>> No.5663894

Bangkok what the hell are you doing? What right do you have to argue about another country's culture with people from the fucking country.

>> No.5663895

Don't waste your time teaching a pig, bro. Because a pig won't learn anymore except bathing in mud and eating leftovers.

Bangcock could only learn etiquettes from trolling in /jp/.

>> No.5663909

Take your greasy hand out of your crusty boxers and try walking away from the computer and off the nearest bridge.

>> No.5663920

Let me get this straight.

Nobody fucking cares if you phone on the train.
You're just being overly defensive weeaboo durr hurr glorious nippon culture.,

>> No.5663924

>Let me get this straight. a derpa derpa dee doo derp

>> No.5663932

And let's get this straight:

You just make an ass of yourself.

>> No.5663942

Ok sure.

But still, phoning on the train is perfectly fine (at least it is anywhere else in the world) unless you're shouting onto it.

>> No.5663958

hey bangkok, next time, try talking on the phone while you are on a train or a bus (the BTS and MRT doesn't count since half of the people boarding it are rude and uncivilized white devils) and see how the locals react.

>> No.5663960


Japanese are liable to complain to the train master if you're making too much of a ruckus. Personal conversations are kept to a very low volume as well as phone calls. Most are very brief, as well. So long as you aren't giving your life story and have your phone on silent mode, you won't be looked at too badly. Also, there are special seats, and around them you can't use phones because they're courtesy seats.

Honestly, not enough people are considerate in public anymore. The Japanese policy is mostly unspoken and you should know when you're being rude, as opposed to places in America where most people don't have a clue until someone bitches at them about it.

>> No.5663966

Hey /jp/, OP here again.

How do you say "or" in Japanese?

>> No.5663973

Can't be too sure without an idea of the sentence it's going in.

>> No.5663988

Thanks anon.

>> No.5664058

Bangkok is a bad troll =(

>> No.5664065

Anyone can be bangkok.

>> No.5665161

OP here.

I've got garbage and don't know how to dispose of it. What do?

>> No.5665174

Eat it.

>> No.5665200

Find a convenience store and throw it there. Garbage cans are few and far between.

>> No.5665296

Thanks /jp/. You've helped me quite a lot today.
