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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5651012 No.5651012 [Reply] [Original]

>Chose PCB as my first Touhou
>Trying to 1cc normal for over a month
>Only made it to Yuyuko a handful of times
>Consider deleting the game because I apparently just suck at shmups
>Stumble across vsync patch by accident
>Beat Yuyuko with 3 lives and 2 bombs remaining my first time using it

Why isn't there a sticky for this?
Seriously, I don't think I've ever been trolled so hard by a game in my entire life.

>> No.5651023

I don't think you know what trolling means but please, continue.

>> No.5651038

What is a vsync?

You needed a patch? Yuyuko isn't that hard, you know. Youmu and the 3 butch lesbians are harder, imho.

>> No.5651067

I've never used any vsync patches; I could never figure them out. Nonetheless, I don't have any problems playing any of the games. Is it only really necessary in certain operating systems?

>> No.5651078

Who are you quoting?

>> No.5651084


>> No.5651102
File: 294 KB, 733x496, 1263660961730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lily White and the Prisms were more of a challenge than Yuyu, not to say Yuyu isn't a beast along with that damn tree right after.

>> No.5651105

So what did the patch change exactly? Never heard of it.

You should just write your situation normally rather than green-texting and shit.

>> No.5651116

I've never heard of vsync. What is it?

>> No.5651122

Lag? What lag, I sense nothing.

>> No.5651128

Apparently the vsync patch fixes an input delay in PCB and EoSD.

>> No.5651136

I'm aware of EoSD's lag but never noticed anything in PCB

>> No.5651152

Requesting link.

>> No.5651159

Jesus fuck if you guys aren't using this you better start right the hell now.

First, go play a round of EoSD or PCB. Then, get this.
Try again. Win at everything.

>> No.5651161

I always use the Vsync patch, but the problem is that you get too used to it... now when I try to play PoFV online, and the latency is over 3, I get auto-trolled.

>> No.5651183
File: 172 KB, 637x479, Lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you, a toddler? I suppose so, you must have the reflexes of one. So much for /v/ and all, eh?

>> No.5651214

I'm playing the game the way it's meant to be played.
Patching is cheating.

>> No.5651244

It's only there to level the playing field. As another anon noted, there was noticeable lag for EoSD but nothing was detected for PCB. Picking up the patch for myself fixed the input lag problems I had for PCB, but EoSD remained the same as always because there wasn't an issue to begin with.

>> No.5651258

SToP ATtACkIng_wWw.AnOdONUTStALk.SE REpLAcE dOnuTs_with n
zxyf jamb cenrpltwxidp a ez oewgxnm n

>> No.5651293

Don't pay attention to what this guy says. The games naturally aren't meant to have input lag so using the VSync patch just restores it to regular conditions. Just get the patch if you have input lag. It's also fun to turn your game to 120 FPS and play at double speed.

>> No.5651301

Back to /a/, silly man.

>> No.5651417

Uh, how do I use it?

>> No.5651491

There's a readme. There were english instructions added.

>> No.5651497


TS WiTh n
e dha ml pnvhimhw yjdwvgirfqa bjfygoq

>> No.5651575

Are you saying there's something that'll make 1cc'ing EoSD easy for me...?

>> No.5651590

permaban op from this board please

>> No.5651598

Depends on if you have input lag and can come close to 1ccing EoSD. If you can come close with input lag then you will most certainly be able to reach it without input lag.

>> No.5651607

Green text and and "implying" ought to be autoban in /jp/

>> No.5651654

fuck yes
I've always wanted to be in a botnet

>> No.5651680

Goddamnit, I frequently die during Remilia... but I'd probably feel cheap if I was able to win this way.

>> No.5651737

If you were able to win while having your button pressing actually match up with your character moving?

>> No.5651797

protip: the term "vsync" refers to vertical syncing, which syncronizes (in a word, LIMITS) the FPS of a game to your monitor's refresh rate.

ie, if you are playing TF2 and turn on Vertical Sync, your frames-per-second will be limited to, say, 70. This way your computer is not wasting cycles on extra frames that you will not actually see.

>> No.5651813

since when do eosd and pcb have input lag?

>> No.5651859

