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5648138 No.5648138 [Reply] [Original]

When ever Marisa speaks in touhou games I imagine her with a Texan accent.

>> No.5648144

And you call yourself a weeaboo NEET? get out

>> No.5648142

That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.5648164


>> No.5648158

like Stone Cold or HBK ?

>> No.5648173

British accent here

>> No.5648178

Generic californian whore here.

>> No.5648181
File: 164 KB, 515x574, it's da-ze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5648193
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>> No.5648206

What does Da-ze~ mean?
Never heard it before but always fucking see it in fanon

>> No.5648215 [DELETED] 

SToP_AtTackiNg_wwW.ANodoNUTStAlk.se rEplAce_DOnutS WitH_N
naqfo bpzglunkdmpb wep h m bao gn gk msbca

>> No.5648212

I imagine her with a Boston accent.

>> No.5648226
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think desu or nanodesu, it's basically the same thing.

>> No.5648242

She is speaking Japanese.

>> No.5648243
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Nah holmes, she's a mexican, cabron:


>> No.5648240

I imagine her voice by Nana Mizuki

>> No.5648248

da = more familiar / rough form of desu
ze = un needed and added by marisa, adds emphasis i guess. I'm not too familiar with japanese though, ze.

>> No.5648252

I imagine her talking like this : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11006139

>> No.5648266

i imagine it in a Jamaican accent

>> No.5648271

I imagine her with the same voice as Miya from Hidamari Sketch, only a little tougher.

>> No.5648293

i imagine she talks with a thick german accent.

>> No.5648302

i always thought something european, like german or french

>> No.5648305

I like her to have a voice close to Suigintou

>> No.5648317

I picture she is dfc and the "breasts" she has are two oranges stashed into her blouse. Then I imagine that she offers me one and I take an injection syringe and inject vodka into it. Vodange

>> No.5648328

Irish for marisa

reimu is welsh.

sakuya is scottish.

sanae is english.

I am a faggot. but this is my head.

>> No.5648339

>When ever Marisa speaks in touhou games I imagine her with a Texan accent.

Melissa Kirisame?

>> No.5648342
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>> No.5648391

Nitori has a kiwi accent.

>> No.5648408

Texan? Suigintou? MEXICAN?

She has a foul mouth. That's it.

>> No.5648414

I can agree with this

>> No.5648424

This for me.

>> No.5648451

As a dweller of kiwiland this sends shivers down my spines. Not only because the accent is horrible, but because it reminds me of how vapid kiwi women are.

>> No.5648489

I lived in Wellington for a few months, didn't dislike the accent.

>> No.5648491
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Same here. Only she has more of a raspy tone if she's irritated, or saying something badass-sounding.

>> No.5648528


I am now hearing Reimu's dialogue in Triple H's voice and Marisa's in HBK's.

And Sanae's in Santino's.

>> No.5648558

Yoshinoya as Yukari, Hiro as Yuyuko, Nori as Nitori.

>> No.5648594

I always thought of Yukari having a deep voice.. The other two are spot-on though. Not just by resemblance either, but those voices just match so damn well. While we're on that I'd imagine that Youmu sounds a bit like a deeper-voiced Yuno.. still pint-sized, but trying not to sound like it.

I'd peg Yukari's voice as either a kinder-sounding Cima Garahau from Gundam 0083, or the landlord from Hidamari Sketch. Someone that old probably has a voice that cracks a bit.

>> No.5648603

Suwako should sound like a perverted old man in a girl body.

>> No.5648634

Hitoha and Futaba (Mitsudomoe) as Patchy and Suika.

>> No.5648641

Chiwa Saito's Francesca Lucchini voice for Suika, imo. Or a deeper/rougher alteration of it. She's capable of that, I'm sure.

>> No.5648668

Marisa talks like a violent Frisian butcher with a dash of Faroese

>> No.5648676

yare yare daze

>> No.5648730
File: 73 KB, 521x800, Sakuya brando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's lots of Jojo's references sprinkled throughout ZUN's works. This one being the most obvious, besides perhaps the couple of times that Marisa has literally said "Yare yare daze".

>> No.5648755

I don't imagine Marisa speaking.

I imagine her shouting, like, 'THANKS, BITCH, FOR LETTING ME STEAL YOUR SHIT.'

And Marisa'd be like 'OH SHIT, NIGGER, THIS SHIT IS SHIT'

And then she'd throw it on the pile.

>> No.5648857


>> No.5648947


Yukari's voice is Miki Ito.

>> No.5648995

Whatever make you happy, ze.

>> No.5649244

Marisa speaks ebonics.
ze = yo
da ze = 'ey yo

>> No.5649480
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I think this voice sound pretty good for Marisa:


And while we're talking for voices for touhous, I think Patchouli would sound like Alice from Aria.

>> No.5649489

