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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5642864 No.5642864 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5642870

No, no no no no.

Jissou is not happening here. I still bear the mental scars from last time.

>> No.5642874
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whats this tenchi?

>> No.5642880
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arnt we cute desu. dont you want to take us home with you desu. we dont eat much mister man.

>> No.5642883
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mister man wants to take us home desu

>> No.5642887
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I just needed a new ashtray is all.

>> No.5642890
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ororororor no not my babies

>> No.5642889 [DELETED] 

w trlmyqybill ayj vbc tyqnslu cooo nsjbmit a

>> No.5642898
File: 54 KB, 500x450, 1185119580734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please take us home mister man,

>> No.5642909
File: 104 KB, 423x365, 1182513493769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belly soft and squishy please rub refu

>> No.5642911

Please stop posting this, it's depressing.

>> No.5642914
File: 297 KB, 500x500, 1255608394480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh this is nothing compared to what it could be

>> No.5642915

someone explain? first time visiting.

>> No.5642922

japan meme, before yukkuris they enjoyed drawing this creature getting tortured.

>> No.5642924

Jissou was fromed somewhere and adopeted by guro chan. they are small useless creatures that are commanly used for toucher and other stress related things. the reproduce so quickly they can fill your house in a few days. need more?

>> No.5642925 [DELETED] 

stOp_FUcking_attacKINg wWW.ANOlawltalK.se RePlaCE_LAwl wIth_N
tg ejh yd yhy cg kcj qls ccgxwmihnawnpynn

>> No.5642932

feel free to go on. its interesting.

>> No.5642936
File: 504 KB, 800x600, fdsfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and iv had a strange fastination with them ever since.

>> No.5642933
File: 114 KB, 300x300, jissoubath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like these little things. When they aren't crapping out dozens of babies and eating them or soiling themselves that is.

>> No.5642944 [DELETED] 

Stop_FUcKing_ATtacKInG Www.ANOLAWLtaLk.sE_RePlACe laWL_WItH N
lzmf ebsot zffa wlpen z kjwjzvhmafonqag

>> No.5642948
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i like them to. there something you can talk to if you want. and keep in a cage like gerble.

>> No.5642954
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im running out of nice ones btw

>> No.5642957
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>> No.5642961

they can have babys threw there green eye being dyed red or threw lots of stress. then after about 4 or 5 minutes 1 to 20 babies will pop out.

>> No.5642966

how many they will have depends how big they are. they will typicaly will give birth to mostly maggets>>5642909
sometimes they will give birth to a thumb child.>>5642864
thumbs will care for the maggets.

>> No.5642978

all jissous are preprogramed to try and become your pets. if you have a pet already they will kill it. if you dont want them they will presist. if you kill one the others will cry shit attack you shit run away while shitting.

>> No.5642992
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they are very fragile. drop a small one from more then a few inches and it will splatter. you can even pull there arms and legs off with little trouble

>> No.5642997

i wanna see

>> No.5643010

So what happens when one of these meet a yukkuri?

>> No.5643014

they take it easy

>> No.5643023
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there you go
and what is a yukkuri?

>> No.5643024

I just do not even understand why they shit so much.

>> No.5643033

since 30% of there brain funtion goes to language they lack brain power in other areas. like muscle control.

>> No.5643040

how much they shit is a diff story.

>> No.5643051
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Why not converse about the good things japan has given us instead?

>> No.5643055
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nah im good with this right now

>> No.5643078
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without food jissous will often resort to canniblism. usally between 6 hours to a day they will feast on there young produced by them cutting themselfs and staining there own eye red to force pregnancy

>> No.5643100

they aren't really cute enough for me to care though. if they were way cuter that'd be better.

>> No.5643125
File: 203 KB, 500x500, 1188120119193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea they usally arent. because of that and the fact that there everywhere people just kill them.usally in the most fantastic ways.

>> No.5643137


>> No.5643146

yea theres lots of storys about killing these things on a gurochan thread.

>> No.5643157

Ugly little shits

>> No.5643162

so if you tear out its eyeballs is it effectively spayed?

>> No.5643168


>> No.5643176

I absolutely love guro but this jissou shit has never appealed to me.

>> No.5643179
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well acutally if a guy had sex with it and it survived the process its red eye will turn green and 2 to 3 weeks later you get one little baby magget that may have some of your traits like hair or skin color. not much is known about these "breeding jissous"

>> No.5643184


It's not even the guro.

The way they piss, and shit, and puke everywhere gives me the horrors.

>> No.5643197
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>> No.5643199

I believe it's called scat.And for me, scat is worse than goatse.

>> No.5643216
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>> No.5643221

First Suiseseki, then all of touhou. I wonder what the next popular thing that will get some stupid spinoff that's eventually tortured out of hatred of the meme will be.

>> No.5643243

people also use them for cooking. imagine a jissou face sticking out on ether side of your burrito.

>> No.5643262
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>> No.5643279
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wake up mister man

>> No.5643301
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your truly a lonely man if the jissou ignore you.

>> No.5643313
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>> No.5643329
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>> No.5643530
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I want to skewer as many as I can onto a stick and then roast them still living

>> No.5643538

Wait there's more pictures of that person? Post more.

>> No.5643541
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>> No.5643742

well im glad you guys know what to do with them.

>> No.5643783
File: 11 KB, 100x88, refreshing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior in any way

>> No.5643810

Map of Ukrain in the background huh.

>> No.5644990
File: 131 KB, 300x300, jissousekis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5645085

newfag detected
