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File: 175 KB, 1024x722, Konachan.com-54999-umineko_no_naku_koro_ni-ushiromiya_battler-ushiromiya_maria-1024x722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5632151 No.5632151 [Reply] [Original]

As adaptions of the original works, which one do you find less of a crime: Deen's adaption of Higurashi or its adaption of Umineko, /jp/?

Personally I think Higurashi was a bit more faithful to the original, though I haven't finished all the VNs yet.

>> No.5632161

You can't ask a studio to turn shit into gold.
The anime of Umineko was bad because the source material is pure shit, the adaptation is largely fine despite a couple of spots, especially toward the end.

The adaptation of Higurashi is just shitty though, they did unspeakable things to Meakishi and Tatarigoroshi, which is a shame since they are actually good VNs.

>> No.5632157

I didn't watch umineko, but
>Higurashi was a bit more faithful to the original

Are you kidding me?

>> No.5632166

>The anime of Umineko was bad because the source material is pure shit


>> No.5632169

Reported for /a/.

>> No.5632165

Well, more faithful != completely faithful. It's less of a butcher than their seacats.

>> No.5632174

the anime of Umineko wasnt even that terrible. higurashi was butchered alot more because they squashed all of the question arcs, and two answer arcs into 24 episodes.

Umineko anime just lacked the atmosphere.

>> No.5632178

It's not trolling if it's true.

>> No.5632181

This is from the viewpoint of the VNs and the people who have played them, so I think this is /jp/ material.

>> No.5632184


"I never read the VN"

YOU, back to /a/, please.

>> No.5632189

Higurashi had some excuses. DEEN didn't expect it to have the reception that it did and only planned to make one season. Kai then got R07 on board to supervise and executive produce it so that they could wrap it up nicely, hence the improvement in character designs.

Umineko, hot on the trails of Higurashi and knowing they have a popular franchise, blew their huge budget on the character designs and voice talent. Too bad the writing and directing was crap and they dropped the ball.

Higurashi is an acceptable failure in context. Umineko has no excuses for its failure. While you can't please everyone with adaptations, Umineko failed to please anyone.

>> No.5632193

Even the game lacks atmosphere though, only episode 1 had it.

>> No.5632199

I've read EP1-5, and my opinion doesn't change that they're shit.

>> No.5632198

More like DEEN didn't have much of budget for the anime of Umineko since it's not even close to being a big franchise like Higurashi.

>> No.5632205


>> No.5632210


>> No.5632211


Allow me to reiterate. Higurashi was an unexpected hit. Nobody expected that it would become so popular. If you look at the first season out of context and without knowing that a second season and series of OVA's were made, it's perfectly fine as a standalone. Then they realized that what they made was popular, and at the same time, absolute shit. So Ryukishi07 got on board and helped the story go in the direction he wanted it to go. The additional arc was made to fill in plot holes that the first standalone series never addressed so people wouldn't be confused later on. The last two answer arcs had a good adaptation.

>> No.5632219

actually, that is true when i think about it. the only other times where I thought the "feeling" of a scene lacked was Rosa, Maria vs goats, it was alot more dramatic in the VN.

its sad how people hail Umineko as the best thing to ever be written. It is shit. ive read all 6 EPs. I just want to know the answers behind everything. but its still undeniably shitty. if Ryu just went 'fuck it' and put all these unnecessaryelements into it. now he's acting like a dick to his readers in his own self-insertion.

>> No.5632220

protip: DEEN didn't fuck up umineko, the source material was just too shit.

>> No.5632226

>the source material was just too shit.


>> No.5632232

Even if you hate Umineko its impossible to say that Deen stayed faithful to the VN.

>> No.5632240

Higurashi wasn't faithful at all, but it was entertaining. Umineko was just shit from start to finish.

>> No.5632243

it blows my mind how season one contained 6 arcs in 24 episodes. and the second season contained THREE acrs in the same number of episodes. it was so slow.

>> No.5632248
File: 37 KB, 400x255, shanon-face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blew their huge budget on the character designs
Yet they didn't even manage to keep the character's eyes the right colour. I was really disappointed to see that every other character had the eye colour that symbolises being a witch in the games.

Pic related, Shannon is so much less delicious with those boring, grayish-blue eyes.

>> No.5632261


Fact: your opinion is not a fact, and anyone who believes such is a fool.

Umineko is popular and functions well as a story, but it's not the best piece of literature to come out within the past 20 years by any stretch. It manages to entertain and captivate its audience; a work that can provide such immersion and provoke thought is not shit, but that doesn't mean it's good.


I'm saying that DEEN had built a name as a good adapter of R07's works, particularly with Kai and Rei. It built up a good amount of money for their latest acquisition, Umineko, and hired actual voice talent who people know and recognize. It seems ALL their budget went into that since the atmosphere fell flat...or Chiaki Kon is just a lousy director and should not be allowed to touch Umineko Chiru if it gets adapted.

>> No.5632268


DEEN fucks up everything it touches. They tried to remain faithful to the mystery while ignoring the characters and losing what everyone loved about it. They marketed Jessica as the main character. They made Maria a lot creepier than they needed to. They removed any trace of Beato/Battler. They had no idea what they were doing.

>> No.5632274


>> No.5632282


Chiaki Kon ruined two seasons of Nodame. She can ruin anything.

>> No.5632283

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>> No.5632353

Higurashi actually has a much worse adaptation. Umineko has a better adaptation but because the source material is so much worse than Higurashi's the anime is also worse.

>> No.5632376

What unspeakable things?

>> No.5632381

You will see if you played the games.
It was far, far worse than anything DEEN did to Umineko.

>> No.5632390

I did play the games... I know they left stuff out, But what exactly was so unspeakable about it?

>> No.5632415

>As adaptions of the original works

I don't really give a fuck. But I can say that when it started, Higurashi was the best horror anime in ages. Later it shat all over itself. I've allowed myself to be told that the horror angle was actually Deen's own choice/emphasis, but that was the only good thing in fucking Higu so good for them.

I believe that a truly good adaptation should be _better_ than the original.

Umineko's VNs I have read. The anime feels rushed and I'm not convinced it's solvable (unless every scene they removed was a giant red herring). On the other hand, the VNs are too slow. I'd rate the anime maybe one star lower than the VNs.

>> No.5632419

The fact that they cut out the entire ending of Tatarigoroshi, which was a huge clue for the mystery, was pretty bad.

>> No.5632441

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>> No.5632451

ITT We dont like Umineko because of Shkanontrice and thusly call the source shit

As for the answer to your question OP,Higurashi was less of a crime. It atleast could market itself as a tolerable anime on its own and it brought Ryukishi some more attention. The Umineko anime couldnt even stand on it's own. Even without the viewer reading the source material they were still able to point out things that just didnt flow right.

EX: Battler saying that Beatrice can be fun at times yet in the anime she quite literally trolls him non-fucking-stop

>> No.5632704


Irrelevant to the end of the first season.

How many times does it need to be said that Higurashi S1 was done without the expectation that it would be renewed? The mystery at the end of that particular didn't matter within the context of the first season alone. It mattered with regards for the whole series, but DEEN wasn't aiming for that. Apparently, Chiaki did SOMETHING right for Higurashi to be renewed in the first place...

Or maybe it was just lolis, lolis everywhere.

>> No.5632722

the visual novel version of meakashi-hen (the shion arc) was alot more emotional and sad, since it was narrated by Shion you knew everything what she was feeling. you can't do that in an anime very well.

>> No.5632726


>trolls him non-stop

Happens in the VN too, but is far more subtle. Beato stayed true to her VN persona. Battler was rendered hopelessly incompetent. In the VN, you could see them fighting and there is obvious subtext considering it's far less one-sided with Battler getting enthusiastic and wanting more of a challenge in Beato's game.

What really did a lot of people in is the ending of the series. Battler is supposed to be sympathetic towards Beato and regretting his attacks. The anime just makes him out to be a complete jackass.

What's really bad about that is the preview for the last episode makes people think that the ending will actually be good. The previews were the best parts of that show since they threw in a lot of humor while keeping everything in-character.

>> No.5632743


That's a problem with the medium, not the adaptation. Unless you want to bog down the series with a bunch of soliloquies, you have to leave out a good amount of introspective narration. Very few series manage to do the whole "dramatic introspective thinking" thing very well, so I think it would be better to just not risk it.

>> No.5632751

Battler had no personality in the anime. that is the thing that bugged me most. only in the first episode of the anime they showed you a bit of his true personality, but never went back on it again.

>> No.5632761


Waste of talent. Daisuke Ono could have done so much more with that character had the writing staff done a bit better fleshing him out in the script.

>> No.5632785

>It butchers the original story, but it's ok because they intentionally did it.
No, that doesn't work.

>> No.5632824


I didn't say that. Actually quote when using the quote function.

Here, think about it this way. Imagine if there had been no second season of Higurashi, and you hadn't read the VN's to know how bad the original story was (and I doubt you would have read them before the anime hit anyway.) Would that ending have served any purpose at all? No, it would have been deemed as useless filler with no relation to the series at all, just adding more questions.

Keep in mind that everything regarding the genocide had been cut out for the most part during the season. Having that information suddenly appear wouldn't be relevant in the least.

>> No.5632860

That's nice, but we've been discussing which has the better adaptation, not which is a better standalone anime. So cutting out vital pieces of the plot is relevant regardless of the circumstances. Even putting that aside, planning to do an incomplete adaptation of an ongoing series of VNs with an overarching mystery is fucking stupid and I have every right to fault Deen for that.
