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5632131 No.5632131 [Reply] [Original]

It's 34°C (94°F) where I am posting, and the heat is unbearable. How does /jp/ put up with that?
australiafags are forbidden from posting in this thread

>> No.5632140 [DELETED] 

I put up with it by having it be 70°F, 21

>> No.5632138

Uh, stay inside with air conditioning

>> No.5632139

Turn on the airconditioner like a middle-class person would.

>> No.5632141

ausfag here, Im terribly sorry but I must post.

suck it up faggot.
when you get 114 F summers then we'll talk

>> No.5632149 [DELETED] 

stOp FUCKInG attAcKiNg_WwW.ANOlAwLTALk.sE Replace LAwL_WIth_N
o vmc ypsiex bfmszo n fayts y z byrm pvo pr

>> No.5632147


>> No.5632148

Live in the basement where it's cool as fuck and never turn on the light so it stays cool as fuck.

True story.
Feels good man.

>> No.5632153

I stole an AC unit from my highschool when I had summer school. It's gotten me through six summers since then without a problem.

>> No.5632159

In my hometown in Texas, it can get up to 110ºF in July/August.
We have 3 basic solutions:
Kickass A/C
Pool / river / lake / Barton Springs
Enough beer to make you stop caring.

>> No.5632160

Air conditioner, fan, and a jerry-rigged swamp-cooler (they don't sell such here because it's usually damper than it is hot here, but they're dirt-simple to make)

>> No.5632168

I turn my AC down to no higher than 71F and no lower than 68F, and turn my ceiling fan to medium, and strip down to my underwear.

>> No.5632175
File: 212 KB, 535x487, weather.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking unbearable man

>> No.5632180

It's "Jury-rigged", anon.

>> No.5632183

If thats F, thats good weather. If thats C, suicide now.

>> No.5632188

this is easy question
no need for ac
please shower and then turn on the fan to lowest speed
reminder to not masturbate afterwards

>> No.5632195

Currently 103°F at 3 AM. I am so glad I have air conditioning.

>> No.5632200

maybe in the UK or "Nahapshah" it is, mine's jerry-rigged. But thanks anyway.

>> No.5632204

It's F
Canada's weather is terrible man
Can't stand it

>> No.5632209

its about 20°C here in scotland. feels good man. I don't like the heat and i got work so it works ok.

>> No.5632212

It doesn't help when your house is insulated against the cold and has no AC. This is unnatural, I tell you.

>> No.5632216

About 35 °C here and no AC. I jump into my bathtub full of cold water every so often. That and a lot of cold drinks.

>> No.5632217

120 or so out. Fuck man. Not aus-fag either.

>> No.5632218

>doesn't have air conditioning
lol third-world countries.

>> No.5632223

leave home early in the morning
go to library
stay there till it get's dark
return home

>> No.5632237

Too much heat makes my head release a dandruff storm.

>> No.5632244

Oh god, I used to go to summer school and take the name of one of the kids who never showed up. It got me AC and a free lunch.

>> No.5632253

The insulation actually helps, particularly once you DO get AC. The same fiberglass/foam/whatever that keeps heat in can keep it out.

>> No.5632258

I thought it was nigger-rigged? No racial insult intended, just a tribute to the resourcefulness of ghetto blacks.

>> No.5632269

You rarely have to worry about heat where I live so very few houses have AC. Also delicious black roof covering to suck up the whole goddamn spectrum.

>> No.5632280

oh crap

man, you have my sympathies then, lol

>> No.5632300

17C outside here. about 21 in my room. Feels fine. take all clothes off and have a fan blow on you. the more you sweat from the heat alone, the cooler you'll be.

beware of hypothermia.

>> No.5632339

My fan broke like ages ago, I have no AC.

So I just sit here and sweat. So how do I deal with it? I don't deal with it at all. I just physically endure it.

>> No.5632347

In Texas it was 103F today.

If it doesn't get in the triple digits regularly you have no right to bitch about heat

>> No.5632356

Same here I have Styrofoam insulation outside and inside. So it really gets got and the fact that my PS3, Laptop, PC, TV, Monitor, Router and Cable modem generate a fuckton of heat dosen't help at all.

>> No.5632358

Why does outside temperature matter? I'm freezing 24/7 in my chilly room.

>> No.5632364

Texas, haha.

>> No.5632372

I get naked and turn on the fan (too poor for air conditioning). It's still unbearably hot.

>> No.5632377 [DELETED] 


STop Fucking_AttACKing_WWw.anOlAWlTaLK.sE RePlACE LAWl WIth N
daqq wxi frh mlgzxjvxundaqim dncu g or z tqvw b f

>> No.5632406

We're having 12-20°C days. Ausfag here.

>> No.5632431

Let me guess, some Scandinavian country too?

Nothing like one week of really hot weather a year. Just enough to make it intolerable, but not enough to justify buying an AC.

>> No.5632448

This is bullshit, there is no such thing as intolerable humans have lived in the sahara desert and in freezing pits of Scandinavia.

It's just uncomfortable it dosent effect your body in a negative way at all. You just sweat more and thats it.

>> No.5632465 [DELETED] 

stop_fuckiNG ATTaCKinG wwW.AnoLaWltAlk.se_RePLACE LaWL wIth_N
j lek bebokcqb kswzeun kuqr x bzuye w utpa p

>> No.5632483

Intolerable, as in, saps all my energy and keeps me from being able to focus on highly sophisticated tasks like reading eroge.

>> No.5632489

38ºC today, but I CAN'T mind it, I stood yesterday's night drinking with unknown people I shouted and danced and have vague memories of.

>> No.5632495

34°C here.

Air conditioner, a nice metal fan, and it somehow being cooler in the room with the two computers and no ceiling fan than in my room with a ceiling fan. But hey, I'm not complaining.

...I am however complaining that it's still so bloody hot. I hate it.

>> No.5632497


>> No.5632540

Wx here get 40c+ easily many days of the summer. I have a "room air conditioner and it keeps it around 26.4c in here with the computers and shit going 24 hours a day. Right now it's 3:51am and 24.0c outside and 26.4c inside. I consider 20c an ideal temp.

>> No.5632576

Australiafag here, it does get 50°C+ in the summer here, and I'm not talking about the desert, that's downtown Melbourne and Sydney.

That said, it's nice and cosy winter here, so suck it.

>> No.5632581

Ausfag here, again. Its pretty chilly here at the moment. Not really looking forward to Summer at all.

Also otaku much?

>> No.5632589 [DELETED] 

stOP_fucKING_aTTAcKinG wWw.anolAwltAlk.SE_REPlAce LaWL WITH n
hua pmkvfoeec oohorrt hckz wt bwbqbx

>> No.5632594
File: 90 KB, 600x872, Yotsubato!03_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every minute you use an air conditioner a baby seal dies. You can save them by
turning the fucking shit off.

>> No.5632598

Fuck that shit.

I'll turn another one on now.

>> No.5632599

JESUS CHRIST, it's 34 Celsius degrees in here fuck it

>> No.5632600


>> No.5632606

Too fucking hot. I just sleep if I can when its that hot.

>> No.5632638 [DELETED] 

stoP_fucKINg_AtTAcKING_WWW.aNOLAWltalK.sE ReplACE_Lawl WiTH_n
ujufzmsvfe bbvcdaeidvl v kelyl d

>> No.5632675

Ausfag here, it gets to 55 degrees celcius most summers. Harden the fuck up.

>> No.5632686

no it doesnt.
you're over exaggerating. 55 is pretty extreme, 40~45 is the norm.

>> No.5632689

It has been terrible the last two weeks and I couldn't even play hcf/b moves characters in my vidyas because of that.

>> No.5632698

30°C here. I don't have AC, I have a fan but don't use it because it makes too much noise. I close all the windows and stay in front of the computer all day in a closed room and I'm not sweating too much yet.

>> No.5632702
File: 109 KB, 300x457, whatthehellisthisthing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello fellow austin fag, OP here doesn't know what heat is.

Also Barton Springs is teh awesome and orange thing.

>> No.5632709

Then you are lucky. Here it's as humid that you will sweat a constant stream of buckets within minutes with all windows opened. Just terrible shit.

>> No.5632727 [DELETED] 

SToP fucKInG AttACkIng WWW.ANoLAwlTAlK.SE_rEPlACe_laWl_wIth_n
ytm lksru qocftrlnols gtekwvjztvh

>> No.5632768

Britain here. We had a terrible weekend in East Anglia with temperatures getting close to 30° in places, but today is lovely, with the current temperature at about 14°, (it's midday here).

>> No.5632786

i heard on the news years before that elderly people in britain were dying because of the 'heat' of 30 degrees celsius.

I find that hilarious, and sad.

>> No.5632795

Polfag reporting. 36C outside, 31C inside. Installing AC anywhere besides offices and department stores is very uncommon. Also, I live on the last floor, roof is black and the windows are facing south. It's 1:30pm right now. How I wish I had work today, they have AC.

>> No.5632796

It happened in all western Europe countries.

>> No.5632798 [DELETED] 

sTop fUcKINg_aTTACKiNg_WWw.ANolAWltalK.Se REPLaCE_lAwL WiTh n
ftqi fpcsp vowbcy qiml fkdj q ft be u m

>> No.5632808

Unlike everyone I know that seems to love walking around in shorts under 60F apparently, I can't stand the cold at all but love the heat and summer.

94F is a little more than I like to put up with, but I just can't get enough of the warm summer air blowing into my room.

Summer is also the only time around here that I can have my window open 24/7, every other season is too cold for me to have my window open for long.

Mind you, when I say "too cold" what I mean is below around 60-65F.

>> No.5632809

Elderly people die all the time. You just don't get those stories where you are because when the weakest ones die at 30, its put down as other causes rather than being blamed on the extreme heat since that's considered normal.
Also you fags in countries with hot weather will have air conditioning, whereas we don't since we'd never need to use them outside of most of July and August, and maybe patches of June. 30° is quite something when you just have to sit and bear it, and not just hide in a comfy air conned room.
Still, got a somewhat cool cellar to retreat to on those days.

>> No.5632810
File: 15 KB, 215x272, henro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 19° C where I am now.
In August, I plan on doing the Shikoku pilgrimage, and during the day it can reach 31° C.

I don't know how I'm going to acclimatise myself...

>> No.5632811

Australiafag here, harden the fuck up buddy.

>> No.5632817

unless it's already so humid that it'd be counter-productive, give it a try.

I'm dead serious. I don't have a guide for doing it with what's available in all your countries/locations or anything, but the wiki page should help and they're generally easy as hell to make. And don't cost any more than a fan would to operate.

Oh and btw, fyi to the baby seals guy in case he's not purely joking, heat really does kill old people. It happens a lot, actually. Air conditioning is a wonder of modern technology.

>> No.5632818

35 degrees in Finland. I'm slowly melting in here.

>> No.5632825


>> No.5632826

15 Celsius, too cold? Faggot, I'm going around in shorts and t-shirt when it was colder than that in my part of Britain today.
Wear a jumper or trousers rather than shorts if you're cold.
Also why would you want your windows open? There are people outside, and they get noisy.

>> No.5632838

Forget the people, man! The Sun, the fucking Sun!

>> No.5632847
File: 15 KB, 400x300, 1232638692592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Fan
2. Naked

>> No.5632849

About 26°C.
>Open all the fucking windows.

>> No.5632853

>Shikoku pilgrimage
Why do you want to do that?

>> No.5632880

That's why you keep your curtains closed. The heat is why you want your windows shut in the summer days (though my bedroom manages to get hotter than the midday outside temperature, thanks to being top floor and heavily insulated above it, so I'm forced to open the windows in mid afternoon).

>> No.5632896

He's talking about the massive contribution they make to global warming. Seriously, you fags that run the air conditioning constantly- they probably are the majority of your summer power bills (oh, who am I kidding, /jp/ wouldn't pay any bills what with having no jobs. They use lots of energy though which requires lots of coal and oil and what not to be burnt).
If you didn't want to suffer in Summer, you should have moved somewhere colder.

>> No.5632903
File: 153 KB, 375x500, henro2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I want to challenge myself and become a fuller person.

>> No.5632905

Where you will pay more for heating in winter. Mind you, I know you're right, but it's not just as simple as that

>> No.5632912

hahaha owow he still believes in Global Warming. Protip: Get your reality update, Bilderberger mentioned Global Cooling in their communique. Look it up at their official site.

>> No.5632915
File: 13 KB, 329x248, nixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presiden Nixon here, /jp/. I'm hiring you losers to deliver the ice.

>> No.5632920


Britain is all of Europe to 4chan.

>> No.5632922

Don't reply for me.
Neither of you really read my post.

>> No.5632935

Said the eco-fascist. You were literally saying that people must die if they are poor and how dare them use air-conditioning instead of killing themselves for Gaia.


>> No.5632953

Cooling is a lot more energy intensive than heating. Hell, to keep a given temperature difference colder than the outside environment requires about as much energy as maintaining a 10x larger difference hotter than the outside environment. Besides, you can get by without much heating by just wrapping up really warm. It's just self-obsessed faggots who like to sit around topless, and sluts who want to wear a few threads of fabric instead of clothes who want to put heating on really high in winter.
>heat really does kill old people.
Everything kills old people. Heat, cold, a strong wind. You can't use that as a justification for massive amounts of energy wasted keeping suburbia nice and cool.

>> No.5632954

>41C here... >.<

>> No.5632961
File: 62 KB, 414x342, 1260650026624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucklol, reading comprehension, faggot. Try to concentrate and figure out which post is which, instead of just letting them stream together in your brain.

>> No.5632970 [DELETED] 


sToP fuckInG AtTACking WWW.AnOlAWlTaLk.sE REpLACE lAWL_witH_N
xfhannqbrzze exlrfwxrqj k rmiti o vib l

>> No.5632973

Don't worry, because the reply is absolutely correct eco-fascist. Move out to your friends in Korea and have fun with 'living in harmony in the woods'.

>> No.5632976


Heat, cold, strong wind, general neglect...

Anyway, go build your drooling old granddad a swamp cooler if you're too damn cheap for AC.


>> No.5632984

No, he was the one who made the post that I, your so called "eco-facist" was replying to.
Besides, 30-35° heat isn't going to kill anyone who wasn't already on their way out of the world. Humanity evolved in Africa, damn it. A bit of hot weather won't kill you, and if it will, then as the saying goes, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the fire place".

>> No.5632985
File: 13 KB, 245x289, bonkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cooling is a lot more energy intensive than heating
Shitty compressor used by most AC units and refrigerators: ~700 Watts
Electrical heating unit: Up to 5000 Watts (sometimes more)

>> No.5632986

I moved down to Cornwall from North-east Scotland last year. I still haven't gotten used to the weather.

I want to move back. I miss the rain.

>> No.5633000

I'm afraid I'm going to have to side with the other of you two trolls in this "debate."

Neglect can be as bad as withholding medical care.
Go be a german nazi on krautchan, you guys aren't welcome here.

>> No.5633006

That's like saying: 'Hey Jews, if you don't want to get suppressed by the Nazis, then just move outta there in the first place'.

Silly troll.

>> No.5633024

Just compare the sizes of area those are supposed to keep warm/cold, and the temperature difference.
That heating unit will be for an entire HOUSE. We're looking at that being up to 100,000 x bigger than a refrigerator, idiort. An air con will need an input in the Kilowatt range to be able to cool more than a degree or so, and that's just for a small bedroom.
Learn some basic thermodynamics and you'll realize that cooling is theoretically always inefficient. In practice its far more inefficient than that.

>> No.5633029

your sarcasm is noted, but the nazis were famous for putting a (fairly fucking low) finite value on human life

>> No.5633036

That's an unfair comparison. If Nazis had shown up in Germany every Summer for the last million years or so and started trying to wipe out all the Jews in there for 3 months, then it might be somewhat fair.

>> No.5633038

so hook up a misting fan if you're a cheap shit

>> No.5633039

Germanfag here, 34°C. Since ACs are not widespread, no AC for me, but being a basement-dweller helps a little when I'm home, being at schools makes one feel like a slow-roasted piece of meat.

>> No.5633046
File: 22 KB, 400x310, give-a-fuck-o-meter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

36C - 97F. no air conditioning.

>> No.5633053
File: 85 KB, 350x514, itg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5633055

> give-a-fuck-o-meter.gif
iiChan is -----> that-a-way

>> No.5633059

I will never take the eco alarmist seriously. You have to understand that the most famous trolls in this borderline-terrorist movement are the greatest trolls. They jet-set throughout the world on a weekly basis, live in their huge palaces in Asia and the US and afford a lifestyle far greater than even monarchs could dream off before the French Revolution. And exactly these trolls are preaching to us lesser beings and useless eaters to obey their new lifestyle centered around scarcity and austerity.

>> No.5633112

>That heating unit will be for an entire HOUSE
No. One room, 5kW. AC to cool one room down from 35°C to 25°C: 1kW max.
Also, I don't know anything about thermodynamics and neither do you, but I know that a compressor is much more efficient than your typical heating elements.

>> No.5633130

I burn shit to keep warm. Just get a metal trash can, old newspaper, and some kerosene. Be careful though, hobos will try to sneak in.

>> No.5633154

14ºC over here
I fucking hate winter

>> No.5634541


It isn't really winter unless it is -14.

>> No.5634545

...the hell?

>> No.5634553

retreat to basement.

Get naked.

Lay on cement.

>> No.5634556

what ? when it's winter where i live it's -10°c, 14°c is only good for spring

>> No.5634560

actually it winter in Australia at the moment.
But when it summer 34' is a cool day ^-^

>> No.5634743
File: 302 KB, 480x600, 1267639029555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

55ºF right now.

I fucking love winter.
