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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5627429 No.5627429 [Reply] [Original]

What is teh Japanese opinion on America?

Are they still mad about Hiroshima? :<

>> No.5627434

One half worship them as gods of the new world the other have view them as laughable buffoons with too much money.

>> No.5627433

No but we are. We're MAD.

>> No.5627437
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>> No.5627438

The whole World hates amerikkkah!

>> No.5627445

In rural villages old people are still mad about nagasaki and hiroshima

That and the fact that they're huge xenophobes and racists

>> No.5627450


>That and the fact that they're huge xenophobes and racists

uhh, so you're saying that they have a phobia against people who are xenophobic?

>> No.5627454


>> No.5627467


They are xenophobic
They are racist

>> No.5627472

You are retarded.

>> No.5627477

they look down on us since barack "hussein" o*ama bent over for them

now we got niggers and spics fucking us in the ass as well

hell even i am starting to hate america

>> No.5627487


He probably thought I said "xenophobia against racism" or some other ridiculous mistake

>> No.5627488

>they look down on us since barack "hussein" o*ama bent over for them

>acutely overreacting
>also blatantly incorrect

Republicans, in my /jp/?

>> No.5627520

Lol Americans calling other people xenophobes and racists when everyone there calls their president a nigger and they build a giant fence because they hate Mexicans.

>> No.5627531

BP is in Japan's payroll.

Every time a blacken turtle is shown on the news, two black silhouettes bang their champagne glasses together.

>> No.5627541

They are permanently mad about our military bases.
But on average the Japanese love the U.S. as long as they stay out of their country and funnel their money to Japan for imports

>> No.5627542

ITP: Bad flamebaiter

Also, that is not even close to what some other countries have done.

>> No.5627579

>They are permanently mad about our military bases.
if by "they" you mean Okinawans, then you're right. Most of Japan doesn't give a shit about those bases, others think of them as necessary to keep the Chinks and Russians in check.

>> No.5627592

american smell bad

rape little japanese girl

awful smell, like monkey

>> No.5627616

>Most of Japan doesn't give a shit about those bases,
I guarantee if you polled all of Japan it would be more negative than positive but point taken

>> No.5627640


No, they're mad about Nagasaki. Who the fuck knows? Who the fuck cares?

>> No.5628192

All countries suck and my interest in Japan and Japanese merely revolves around otaku shit, food and how the language works.

Why does it have to be Japan and America for us?
Why can't it just be The Collective Basement Dwelling Community?
