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5625332 No.5625332 [Reply] [Original]

Umineko EP6 thread.

The other one is autosaging.

>> No.5625336

>The other one is autosaging.

This one is reported.

>> No.5625361
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rev up those tears, cuz I sure am ready for some U MAD

>> No.5625362

There is nothing to discuss anymore.
Episode was fucking stupid, the answer is fucking stupid, Ryuukishi was a fucking douche and the soundrack was amazing as usual.

>> No.5625694

How's the length of 6 compare to the others?

>> No.5625697

Unnecessarily long.

>> No.5625699


Close to 4 in length (Long).

>> No.5625709

I finished it in about ten hours, minus a couple bathroom breaks.

>> No.5625706 [DELETED] 

I think it's pretty much the usual 10-11 hours.

But the pacing will make it feel like it takes forever.

>> No.5625728



It was okay though, the love trial was the only thing i loved about it(And the wedding)

>> No.5625747

Ep6 came out 6 months ago. They took half a year to translate.

>> No.5625752

Loved this.

One of the best.

>> No.5625762

It hasn't even been six months since it was released.
Hm, that's good. Kinda surprising though considering he had like 8 months to finish up EP5 but only 4 months for 6. Unless he's actually an episode ahead of the releases.

>> No.5625770


>> No.5625774

It was pretty mediocre.
Felt like it tried too hard for nothing much.

>> No.5625780

So wait, how did Kanon get out of the cousins room (or whatever room)? It was my 10th hour of reading and I could barely follow by that point, so someone explain it to me.

>> No.5625784


>> No.5625785

Not even a single line for Kinzo in EP6

>> No.5625791

Ep 1: 7/10
Ep 2: 6/10
Ep 3: 8.5/10
Ep 4: 6/10
Ep 5: 7.5/10
Ep 6: 4/10

>> No.5625803

His episode 5 balls-out badassitude has created a singularily that sucked all his planned lines out of ep 6.

>> No.5625807

He's dead.

>> No.5625812

How the fuck could anyone think that the episode that confirm the most fucking stupid theories out there is "awesome"?

>> No.5625833
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Shkanon was so obvious in this that it's not even funny...I don't want to believe

Not to mention this shit.

>> No.5625845

While we're touching on that, remind me, why was it that the Shkannon theory was so important? What new line of though did it open up again? Was that in relation to the number of bodies?

>> No.5625850


>> No.5625858

Even if Shkanontrice is true, it doesn't mean she's the culprit.

>> No.5625864


I felt like four was the only one I wanted to just rapidly ctrl through. I did not find Ange likable or her story particularly compelling, though she was a much better character in 6.

>> No.5625867

Shouldn't it be Shannon OR Kannon? At least one needs to be alive for the body to move around

>> No.5625871
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Fucking episode is shit.
There is only 16people on the island. I guess everyone knew what this mean in the context.
Also what the fuck is wrong with ryukishi just introducing new character. This isn't mystery anymore, it is just making more characters and fillers to drag the story.

>> No.5625873


I skipped through a lot of Maria/Ange once I realized it was all the same shit. It went on forever.

>> No.5625875
File: 319 KB, 644x502, fyeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is something awesome about this manly trio of crying dudes with guns.

>> No.5625883

Not when there is 3rd personality who can move the body around.

>> No.5625884

I didn't care for Ange's scenes in 4 either, but I felt the really awesome ending it had made up for a lot of it.

>> No.5625888

ShKanontrice is a theory that was made to find the culprit.
Episode 1 and 2 can only work with ShKanontrice

>> No.5625900
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Isn't it sorta weird? using Shkannon to bring down the count to 16, when earlier they make a point of different personalities still counting as different persons?

>> No.5625911

My question is why did George seem to already know about Shkanon while Jessica was completely clueless? If anything, it should be the opposite.

>> No.5625913

Whatchu sayin? Ep 1 works fine with Nanjo as the culprit, for example

>> No.5625922

Nanjo as dress like a witch and fool Maria and Battler?
New to me.

>> No.5625925

Because Jessica has autism.

>> No.5625926
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this saved the episode

>> No.5625931

Read the last red line. Fucking cop out by Ryukishi.
I am highly dissappointed.

>> No.5625932

Because you can state both in red.

>> No.5625936

Dlanor is the last good thing about Umineko.

>> No.5625937

That's not really shit, it's just a kinda stupid clue to understand gold truth is used when you know the trick behind it. The magic mentioned here is prestidigitation.

>> No.5625938

No. It depends on your interpretation how many people they count as. At the end of episode 6, Beatrice clearly specifies that in her red there "people" is meaning "bodies". There's probably only one red where it doesn't. The six people are dead red from episode 3.

>> No.5625957

At the end of episode 6 R07 acknowledges through Battler and Beato that some readers will complain that it isn't a mystery. He thinks you're loveless swine though.

>> No.5625967

He sure think lowly about his readers.
Maybe something happened with the Umineko fanbase in Japan?

>> No.5625980

Kinzo's not litterally there, but it seems pretty clear the whole Battler-reviving-a-new-Beatrice thing is a representation of how it went with Kinzo and that girl he brought up in Kuwadorian

>> No.5625981

Before episode 6, there were probably many people in the Japanese fanbase, like the English fanbase, who thought Shkanon being true would be a huge copout and absolutely stupid. He went a bit further with Shkanontrice. He probably expected a very negative reaction from some, and that's why Battler asks Beato if she's sure about the trick she uses, since people will complain it isn't a mystery.

>> No.5625984
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Kyrie wouldn't hesitate to bite a finger off. She may have killed Asumu, or was at least willing to. She is one of the few remaining without backstory. She made that creepy phone call describing magic along with Jessica.

>> No.5625987

Probably just the usual netpeople-are-asses thing. the ones who voice their thoughts most strongly on the net are the ones who are unhappy.

>> No.5625991

Trust me I love ep1-4.
5 was alright and maybe not as good as the earlier4 since it gave us answers. Ep6? Way to pick the most stupid theory as a cop out. There is no mindblown or mindfuck that most of us are expecting. He better rewrite another tale that reach the SAME TRUTH or there will be a huge dent to his reputation.

>> No.5626003

I just read it for fun and its a good time waster, I don't know why people have too rate and overly hate on something.

>> No.5626029

Because Umineko is supposed to be a thinking game I guess.
For example, when you read Wanko, you don't expect a great story or a great mystery, right? It's a moege with lots of ero and it does its job well.

Umineko is supposed to be a mystery, something you can think about, something you can try to solve.
And here Ryukishi is presenting the most retarded answers I've ever seen, it's normal that some people are pissed.

>> No.5626032
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I wish the mansion had these installed.

>> No.5626034

He thinks lowly of his readers because he should. Step back and take a look at this thread. Umineko fandom is a gigantic shitfest.

>> No.5626046

Can we put away Shkanon for a sec and focus on something else?

Kyrie mentions she was in hell for 18 years (when Rudolf was married to Asumu, presumably). Rosa confirms this story. However, this should really only be the 12 years between Battler's birth and Asumu's death.

Why the 6 extra years, meaning that her hell has just ended? How did it end if that's the case?

She became really suspicious in my mind.

>> No.5626047


ep.6 is simply shit.

>> No.5626055

Well i guess i just wont understand then, I like Umineko even if it goes to a different route that nobody expected.

>> No.5626058

>the most retarded answers I've ever seen
Crazy meido can't top the bullshit he pulled in higurashi, it just can't

>> No.5626060
File: 102 KB, 269x246, aahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ryus original plan was shkannon, but now he rewrites it like battle did in this episode

>> No.5626063

>And here Ryukishi is presenting the most retarded answers I've ever seen
but these are answers people have reached before they were revealed, so at least those are fair answers. You're just pissed because you don't like the answer, but you'd be more pissed if the answer came out of nowhere.

>> No.5626066

She's always been suspicious when you think about it

>> No.5626076

I've been thinking that ShKanontrice is true since December last year.
Doesn't mean I can't think it's utter bullshit.

>> No.5626078
File: 48 KB, 640x480, takano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think the Umineko culprit is going to get a new outfit like Takano did?

>> No.5626079

She had been with Rudolf for six years, probably.

>> No.5626091

Rudolf married Asumu before Battler was born

>> No.5626094


Obvious he will get his "meta-world" version, and as well a painting

>> No.5626101

She's been suspicious since EP 3 man where have you been.

My list is pretty much the same, just switching EP 5 to second and EP 4 to third.

We all told you EP 6 was grimdark Shkannon shit, but you didn't listen. Regret it now.

>> No.5626102

Am i the only one who thinks ep 6 was a big fat red herring for all you guys just taking things as they are?

>> No.5626107

To reach ShKanontrice, you have to change the definition of some terms.
Ryuukishi finally gave this "key" in episode 6, it's a bit late.

>> No.5626111

I agree, but man 70% of the story is Shkannon hints. Makes it pretty annoying.

>> No.5626114

I don't think the second Battler everyone keeps going on about actually exists. I think it goes like this.

Kinzo told Rosa what he wanted Maria to be named, but she disobeyed him. He probably tells all the siblings what he wants their children to be named, explaining why they all have weird Western names, rather than Battler's interpretation that Rudolf was punishing him since he got the same treatment. So, Kinzo would have told Rudolf he wanted his child with Asumu to be called Battler.

Kyrie and Asumu both had the same delivery date. Kyrie thinks she had a stillbirth, but the Battler we know isn't Asumu's son, and bares close resemblance to Ange who is Kyrie's daughter.

So, what probably happened was simply that Asumu's Battler was born, a stillbirth, and Rudolf switched it for Kyrie's healthy baby. So his wife, not the mistress he hadn't chosen, would have a successor. He would have had the motive to do this. One, for the reasons that he chose Asumu over Kyrie in the first place. Two, because of the inheritance.

Rudolf knows a secret about Battler's birth that may be related to him thinking he'll 'probably be killed'. Kyrie, in episode 6, thinks that maybe if Asumu had the stillbirth and she had Battler, then everything might have been okay for her and her hell would have ended there. If she found out that's what happened but Rudolf screwed her over, I don't know if she'd kill him, especially on Rokkenjima with everyone else around, but she would be furious at least. Perhaps Rudolf even chose this time to tell her, when Battler finally returned, at the family conference that would last for over two days, so her reaction would be mitigated?

>> No.5626118


3>5>4 first half>6>2>4 fist half

I didn't include ep 1 for obvious reason

And i don't see why of the ep VI hate

>> No.5626121

The idea is usually that Jessica was Asumu's daughter, and was given to Krauss. But then, what about the TIP of Natsuhi mothering Jessica? Jessica is supposed to look more and more like Natsuhi every day, and she shares her father's hair color, and her father's stupidity. On the other hand, Asumu was supposed to be rather cunning. With her deception, she outwitted Kyrie. She also caused Battler to be fearful of vehicles with her act, the bitch.

Rudolf could of course have been exceptionally cruel, and seeing a male and female daughter, taken the male one for his wife, then given the female one away due to some order of Kinzo's. But then where does Kyrie's story of stillbirth come from? It makes less sense, and he would have to rob Kyrie not only of her living child, but not give her Asumu's living child, which makes him the biggest dick in the universe. Jessica and Battler are said to be born under the same unlucky star, but isn't that supposed to just be a saying meaning they share in misfortune? It's never mentioned that their birthday is the same, when Battler sees his birthday in the numbers and Jessica is even there, nobody says anything about Jessica's birthday, so Battler who I believe makes this star comment doesn't even know. Also, wouldn't her birthday be fabricated in this case? Kyrie might be able to put two and two together, otherwise. There is that theory flying around that Kyrie finds out and mistakenly to the conclusion that Jessica is her daughter and so works with her though.

>> No.5626124

Could be "18 years away from Battler". If he's her son that makes sense.

>> No.5626125

Asumu was together with Rudolf before they were even married. She was the mental support for him while Kyrie was the business partner.

>Erika didn't notice that Kanon/Shannon is a single entity.
>Rest of the 15 people on the Island are colluding to tell lies to the readers that they are 2 different people.
>George and Jessica can't differentiate a person gender.
I am not sure how anyone can take this seriously?

>> No.5626127

Wheres all the true Umineko fans that have been talking about ep7 already and have read ep6? haven't seen them in a while.

>> No.5626128

I don't like EP 6 because the story keeps on breaking for me because of the Ange Featherinne scenes. They quite literally just come out and start talking about what they read after almost every scene. It gets annoying at some point.

>> No.5626134

Too bad, R07 wants you to take it very seriously.

>> No.5626140


Oh, i see your point.

I find them annoying, but not so much

Also, the second half was simply spectacular.

>> No.5626148


>> No.5626154

There's foreshadowing about one person being able to be two. He just didn't come out and tell you directly until now, you were supposed to be able to figure it out. The only red that might employ this personalities = people thing is the single piece of red in episode 3, and the purpose of that red wasn't to inform you of the number of people, but rather to tell you that they're all dead.

>> No.5626156

Agree. Also agree about the scenes becoming disruptive.

The first half does too much with its flash-forward-- we could have just had that closed room scene at the beginning and then left it at that-- rather than going back and forth like 20 times.

>> No.5626160

I loved them, kinda like a greek chorus, and this made even more sense with Furfur and Zepar.
Still, OPINIONS, the game would have been better without those annoying battles, they were a waste of time.

>> No.5626164

Well I think they all got tired of making shit up about the two people in the ep 7 potrait, that is all they ever talked about.

>> No.5626165

>Ryuukishi finally gave this "key" in episode 6, it's a bit late.
Or the key has been given in a subtler form before and we've missed it

>They quite literally just come out and start talking about what they read after almost every scene. It gets annoying at some point.
I vote for a metaphor meant to make you understand reading people argue about the episodes on the net is just as annoying.

>> No.5626167

The foreshadowing was really badly done though.

>> No.5626172

I don't find it annoying. Their scenes are important, especially the scene where Featherine finally doesn't have the answer to everything and thinks the closed room is unsolvable if you can't use blue on the windows. Very important point.

>> No.5626175

I think it's more like you're calling it bad foreshadowing since you didn't believe it until now.

>> No.5626186


if anything I thnik these scenes are like the only thing you can even dissect properly in this entire episode because we have trustworthy viewpoint the entire episode.

>> No.5626189

I wouldn't have mind it if it didn't happen almost every ten minutes in the first half of the game. Even the greek chorus would only appear around the start and/or ending of a scene.

>> No.5626192

>the game would have been better without those annoying battles, they were a waste of time.

Seriously? I fucking loved Jessica's battle, shit was intense. That music was amazing, too.

>> No.5626203

Have they been making those threads with the streams? I dont see one.

>> No.5626204


don't have a*

>> No.5626206

In the game, those are scenes, you know, a chapter has several scenes, so they were correctly placed most times.

>> No.5626208

Not to mention it was important characterization for Kyrie. Then with the mirror, Moetrice being affected by that must be some kind of clue. Then with Rosa, we had no idea the debt was shared with Maria's father until now.

>> No.5626214

Do some people really think that ShKanontrice is a good answer? I can't fucking believe it;

>> No.5626220

>>Then with the mirror, Moetrice being affected by that must be some kind of clue
DID, it's nothing something new.

>> No.5626225

And that couldn't have been done without retarded battles that felt horribly misplaced and a way to waste time?
Thought this the first time, let's put retarded battles people like with awesome music so I don't have to think and can fill space.

>> No.5626228

You're overreacting saying we don't have a trustworthy viewpoint. Or maybe you don't realize that that was the case through episodes 1-4. It's made clear that Erika just doesn't have her powers from 5, she's in the same situation Battler was in 1-4, she's not lesser to him.

>> No.5626240

Oh yeah. There was this game with this guy once who hated mirrors too, turned out he wasn't in his original body.

>> No.5626247

>music was amazing

Prison Strip

Yeah, amazing would be the right word.

>> No.5626252

My personal feelings about the episodes, which makes not a single person care in the world:


I felt this episode a bit weak, oh well. I'll look forward Ryu-chan's next work

>> No.5626257

>Then with the mirror, Moetrice being affected by that must be some kind of clue.
A painfully obvious one at that.

>> No.5626258

It's rare when you play a VN for almost every song to be pleasant.

The music/effects are the one thing which really sets Umineko apart, it's beautifully composed from the peaceful days to the dramatic to the occult.

The music alone almost gives you reason to appreciate the characters.

>> No.5626270

I don't know how you can rate this as the worst episode.

>> No.5626271

It's Divi-Dead.
And it was awesome

>> No.5626275

Because it was.
An amazing soundtrack can't save an episode.

>> No.5626278

If all of the personalities know that they're personalities, why would mirrors hurt them? That doesn't make sense at all.

>> No.5626290

DID isn't something so simple, the personality see themselves as they want to be, the mirrors make them remember what they really look like.

>> No.5626291

Good point. Kanon and Shannon clearly know they're just personalities, they just never tell it straight to Jessica and George, instead using the whole "furniture" thing. They even go as far as calling Battler father.

>> No.5626294


>> No.5626297

Erm sir, it is MAGIC because she thinks she is Beatrice.
With a mirror her true identity would be shown.

>> No.5626302

Guess ill have too wait for the true Umineko fans too come out, cant have a nice Umineko thread with hating, and rating....

>> No.5626303

EP6 > EP 5 > EP 3 > EP2 > EP1 > EP4

>> No.5626305

Well, the gameboard had little to no progression. The concept of love was also hammered into my head, yet again, after the first half of EP4, which made it obvious by a little thinking, and with the help of EP5 what he did mean. It had some great moments, but overall these were only memorable. I'm not saying I'm finding it bad, it's just the least appealing for me

>> No.5626306


Kyrie's conversation there was also REALLY brutal.

Also George's conversation with Eva was pretty fucking intense. And when EVA-Trice appears I was like HOLY FUCK.

I think they really built a strong case for George being the culprit and coercing Shannon.

Particularly, in EP2 I remember when the servants are ordered to turn over the master keys. George then leaves with them, pretending he wants to be with Shannon. In actuality, Rosa is staying to monitor Battler/Jessica and George is going to make sure the Servants stay in line with the plan.

I think re-reading ep2 would be the most helpful for finding all of the accomplices.

I do believe however, that almost everyone in the family is "guilty" and that there are multiple culprits, who simply act on different conditions.

We have the main culprits, who murder according to the epitaph, using Beatrice as a cover. They murder with poisons, stabbing, and subtle methods. (EP1, 2, and Beginning of Ep3 Culprits, also likely most of the people who faked death in EP5)

Then we have others who do not care at all about the riddle. They murder with guns. (Ep3 second half, Ep4 culprits).

But I doubt anyone is really innocent in this giant mess.

>> No.5626308

>Guess ill have too wait for the Shkanontricefags to come out

>> No.5626313

True Umineko fags = Deluded idiots who go LALALALA everytime ShKanontrice is brought out.

No wonder Ryukishi hates you.

>> No.5626314

EP 3 > EP 5 > EP 4 > EP 6 > EP 1 > EP 2

EP 6 kept repeating the same things over and over and over. It's like Ryukishi is making fun of us with how many times he hints at Shkannon. I don't think he gets that nobody took a theory like that seriously, even though it has been around since EP 1, because it doesn't sound like a serious answer.

Even at Shkannon at most is probably an accomplice.

>> No.5626324


I think the problem is, if they progressed the gameboard more, they would have to provide the solution. This is not the right place for it. They wanted to do more on the meta world and they also wanted to resolve the Moetrice problem that they created in ep4. So now that's settled and we're going to get a really brutal Ep7 which is going to be a heartless tale of a family murdering each other without remorse or pity. The game is a game that is not designed to conceal anything at all, rather, it's going to show us the worst parts of everyone. A family full of guilt and lies being exposed and uncovering.

I am hoping that there is an Ep8 and it is the opposite-- a story about a family that finally is able to be honest with each other. That everyone confesses to their problems and by doing so, they remove all of the lies that have set the stage for a horrible tragedy.

>> No.5626327

I don't like Shkannontrice, believe it is true, and still think everyone in this thread is being ridiculously whiny.

There's a possibility that there's more to the situation than just Shannon tricking everyone. Before EP5 came out, I'm sure some people thought it was ridiculous that no one could know Kinzo was dead, too. People should stop assuming that just because they know part of the answer, they know how everything will play out.

>> No.5626328

He's angry you don't take it seriously despite how many times he hinted at it, instead calling it all a red herring.

>> No.5626329

Oh look, another person who actually enjoys reading the story.

>> No.5626331

Because this episode is shit.
The only important revelation in ep6 is how there is only 16people on the island and Beato creation, how she is tied to Battler and her true intention.

>> No.5626340


A happy end would seem nice, but I really don't think that is going to happen. Maybe in the Golden Land, sure.

>> No.5626346

Episode 6 has more revelations than any episode, prove me wrong.

>> No.5626350

Moetrice was born a couple of days ago with nothing but the will to love Battler. She simply had no clue she wasn't in her own body, so to speak.

>> No.5626351

Actually there isn't.
It only makes things more obvious for the most retarded part of the fandom.

>> No.5626353

There won't be an episode 8.

>> No.5626357

The game is called "Dawn of the Golden Witch", of course it's all about how Beato was created. What were you expecting?

>> No.5626358

No, I have nothing too do with any of the fusion kanon shit, I read it because i like it, and ill get the answer when its done/they give me the answer in the story.

>> No.5626364

What episode has more revelations then? List them.

>> No.5626372

Episode 4.
It basically gives all the keys to understand magic and the basis of the world of Umineko.

>> No.5626373

I was expecting a good story and some mindblowing revelation and sadly none were found.
How I wish ep2 to ep6 are all Featherine fanfictions and her own interpretation of truth and not R07 truth.

>> No.5626374

>and ill get the answer when its done/they give me the answer in the story.
R07 still hates you.

>> No.5626376

Ep4. That there are in fact two battlers, and that Kinzo is already dead.

>> No.5626381

since when?

>> No.5626382

List them more clearly. Even the universe of two thing, who thought that related to love and Shkanon at all before episode 6? In episode 4, people were believing in the pony theory, as opposed to Battler's sin creating three different personalities in Sayo. How can it be called a revelation if it doesn't actually reveal?

>> No.5626383

There is only one Battler. Kinzo being dead actually has little relevance to the mystery.

>> No.5626385

Ep2,3,4 and 5 all have more revelations that what is found in Ep6.
In Ep6
Stop repeating this nonsense, we were already bombarded by this in the earlier 2episodes.

>> No.5626386

Pony Theory didn't come until after EP5, actually.

>> No.5626391

Only idiots ever believed in the pony theory.
Fucking metal gear Beatrice, god the Umineko fanbase is full of morons.

>> No.5626392

What the fuck is the pony theory? Some anime only theory or some shit?

>> No.5626393

By the theories ep5 spawned, people OBVIOUSLY didn't get it.

>> No.5626396

True, but before episode 5's translation. The pony theory was based entirely on episode 4 evidence, nobody was pulling from episode 5 to theorize on it. It was a theory mainly supported by people who hadn't read episode 5.

>> No.5626397

Made more sense than DID and shitload of other theories that have been created on /jp/.

>> No.5626400

Too bad for you but DID is what actually happens in Umineko.

>> No.5626402

Problem f/a/ggots?
B0MB theory is still legit since the accident still happened.

>> No.5626409

No. The idea was that Beatrice 2's daughter, Beatrice 3, lived on the island. Shannon was hired to be a friend for her. 6 years ago, she swapped places with Shannon and met Battler. Battler promised he'd come back on a white horse. They switch back. Battler doesn't come back. Beatrice 3 is raped by Kinzo. Battler comes back, Beatrice 3 comes on the island once people have already died, bypassing the "no more than X people" limit, then meets Battler on the balcony.

'Course, back then, it was silly to think that Shannon was just Shannon, not Jessica or Beatrice pretending to be her.

>> No.5626410


two characters whit did would be a little to much...

>> No.5626412

Bomb was confirmed by Ryukishi in an interview.

>> No.5626413

Oh, I know that. I'm just saying Pony Theory still makes more sense than DID.

Well...yeah, it's not really a theory anymore. Ryukishi confirmed it in an interview.

>> No.5626423

B0MB theory is more than just a theory that says there's a bomb on the island. It's a solution to the epitaph. I bet its solution is wrong, but there is an explosion that occurs, and someone deliberately made this explosion occur. (Episode 5, all deaths are murders)

>> No.5626425


>> No.5626427

Why is it silly?
It should be damm obvious someone is pretending to be Beato? Do you guys really think she still exist physically?

>> No.5626429

The "true territory lord of this world" is 19 years old. There are no humans on Rokkenjima that are 19 years old. In fact, there is only one event that occurred at that time: the death of Beatrice-2. But what happened when Beatrice-2 died? Kinzo started spreading the story that she was haunting the island as a spirit.

In other words, the true identity of Meta-Beatrice is the "story of Beatrice".

>> No.5626431

If you guys really hated Umineko, you wouldn't be complaining and being over dramatic because your theory wasn't used..

>> No.5626435

...I'm just telling you what the theory was. Personally, I thought it was stupid for the very same reason.

>> No.5626439



>> No.5626443

So /jp/ has always been right with ShKanontrice and BOMB, even fiction seems likely?
Either /jp/ is full of smart people or the Umineko fandom in the other sites are just that retarded.

>> No.5626445

Poor guy. Can't come with a creative answer in this history. ShKanon is all he can think about.

>> No.5626457

Actually, two events. Baby was offered to Natsuhi, Beatrice 2 died. What if Shannon is actually that baby, and is actually 19? Despite being so young, she was a bit of a leader to the cousins 6 years ago.

>> No.5626480

That baby's existence wasn't hinted before EP5, though.

>> No.5626496

Doesn't really matter what the circumstances of her birth were, Shannon is from an orphanage. Her birthday might not be so well known.

>> No.5626497

More like majority of us are disappointed by the newest installment.
Good build up, great question arcs and then it just keep going downhill. What went wrong R07? Why do you see the need to prolong our suffering by dragging the story, introducing all kind of new characters and repeating things that WE ALREADY KNOW?

>> No.5626502
File: 117 KB, 347x264, 1274652215199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5626508

I don't think people already know this stuff when just a few days ago there were threads like "My face when Shkanontrice is disproved in episode 7" and people everywhere who refused to believe it. Also, Shkanontrice wasn't a theory before episode 6. You already know about that? Bullshit.

>> No.5626512

Maybe you already know because you've read spoilers for 7 months? Derp.

>> No.5626514

because he's pissed that his readers aren't figuring out 'obvious' theories. Its like the whole deal with the cheese, the answer is 3 but you thought "thats too easy" and kept going deeper and end up with something convoluted

>> No.5626515

What about the scene where, I think it was Zepar or Furfur, grab Kanon and George because they look similar in age


Isn't Kanon like at least 6 years younger than George?

>> No.5626520

The Bomb and the Fiction aren't the problem.
ShKanon is unacceptable. Only a bad writer can go so far as create this junk truth and argue that only good readers will accept this.
This is so arrogant.

>> No.5626521

And Shkannontrice, smart... No.

>> No.5626538

It is against the rules oof the game to begin with. and even against knox. And it doesn't work with some reds, or they have to be stretched REALLY, REALLY far.
That's why to me Shkannon is a possibility like any other, but I think that we should try to find other answers. Moreover, there is all the interviews from Ruikishi and all this.

>> No.5626539

I like this interpretation of the cheese. Other people are trying to say the cheese means since Shkanontrice is so obvious is must be wrong.

>> No.5626546

ShKanontrice works with the red, Hachijou and Ange agrees.

>> No.5626547

-It doesn't work with only one piece of red that was taken out of context by people and used to mean what it does
-It obeys Knox
Prove wrong.

>> No.5626549

We knew Natsuhi had trouble conceiving and in fact nobody thought she'd have a baby, then suddenly she did. That was a clue.

Yes, it's also a hint Jessica may not be Natsuhi's daughter.

Why do you see the need to prolong our suffering by dragging the story, introducing all kind of new characters and repeating things that WE ALREADY KNOW?
He's actually openly said the Chiru episodes were just strengthening stuff people could already have guessed earlier.

>ShKanon is all he can think about.
Duh. The whole idea in a fair mystery is you don't change ideas mid-story.

>> No.5626558

There's no affirmative evidence that the baby survived, assuming it even exists in the first place. An infant falling off a cliff, not dying instantly from the impact, somehow surviving for the hours it would take to get proper medical attention, and then not being obviously maimed for the rest of its life? How would that even be possible, let alone without anyone telling Natsuhi?

>> No.5626566

I wouldn't put it past Kinzo's baby.

>> No.5626568

>against knox
That's irrelevant though, since Knox may not actually be effective.

>> No.5626569

With love anything is possible. Just like how 15people on the Island think that a single entity is 2person.

>> No.5626573

What Knox rule is it supposed to against?

>> No.5626578

except in EP 5 Natsuhi clearly remembers giving birth to Jessica.

explain that.

>> No.5626579

Just like 16 people on the island can think Kinzo is dead, am I right?

>> No.5626583

It don't work with MANY red. Or it could work, but it would give many VERY, VERY strange situations. Just think about the keys in ep2, damn.
And Knox. it obeys knox? So we don't care about Knox 4, even if DID IS complicated (so much that if Shkannon is true, Shkannon would not even be a DID but something which is not supposed to exist. But we also don't care about this.).

>> No.5626584

Its legal shes almost 18

>> No.5626585

Natsuhi also clearly remembers Kinzo telling her she has the one-winged eagle engraved in her heart.

>> No.5626591

I'm done with R07.
Good luck for those who still believe in him.
Waiting Agatha Christie...until she returns.

>> No.5626595

Episode 6 confirms that 2 personalities = 2 people.

So tell me, what red text does ShKanon(trice) break?

>> No.5626597
File: 139 KB, 704x396, 020818354727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the faces of evil.

>> No.5626600

List the red it disobeys.
>It is forbidden for unknown drugs or hard to understand scientific devices to be used.
I wasn't aware Shkanontrice is an unknown drug or hard to understand scientific device.

>> No.5626604

>An infant falling off a cliff, not dying instantly from the impact
Natsuhi didn't hear the impact. Didn't see the fall. Bodies were found later. Imagine they didn't fall all the way, told Kinzo or other servants and then faked the scene so the baby would be out of danger of being killed by Natsuhi.

>> No.5626605


It's actually reaaaally different, most of the people who lived there know about it, and the other suspect he wasn't alive.

And well, hiding a crazy lunatic old man in his room it's easy, faking another personality.. not really, especially when you are a servant.

>> No.5626606

That was just Krauss and gang colluding and making up MAGIC. Seriously do some of you still not get this after reading ep6?

>> No.5626609


Hanyu = Featherine fags are even worse than Bern=Rika.

Play the damn Higurashi novel

>> No.5626611

You are an expert at missing the point.

>> No.5626621

More like it's easier when you're a servant nobody really gives a shit about.

>> No.5626623

So i don't understant, is the Beato reassured in the the "old" Beato or the new Beato with an unloaded personality?

>> No.5626625

Yeah but that's after she went crazy. Unless you think she was always a nutcase.

>> No.5626627


Not really, Natsuhi is really strict, and you have to with shift, serving etc.

>> No.5626630
File: 42 KB, 640x482, umineko stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh Lambda

>> No.5626636

No. You are the one that is missing the point.
Do you trust Battler or Erika POV? You really think they can't tell if a person is faking his/her voice and wearing a wig with fake boobs?

>> No.5626645

Shannon and Kanon don't really serve two shifts, only one. They're usually together anyway, or Shannon is off somewhere while Kanon just stays in the same room.

>> No.5626658

I've been avoiding Umineko threads ever since Ep 6's release, fearful of spoilers, so please pardon my asking about this apparently common knowledge. What do you guys mean by DID and fiction?

>> No.5626659

Erika really does not pay attention to Shannon and Kanon at all in episode 5. In episode 6, there's no evidence she even sees Kanon. For Battler in episode 1, he sees Kanon for an instant, then he meets with Shannon, then Shannon dies and Kanon takes over. I don't think Battler really paid much attention to Kanon and was rather distracted by the whole his parents being dead thing.

>> No.5626666

She lied, to make Jessica a legitimate future head. Either on Kinzo's orders or out of her own pride or devotion to Kinzo. We already know she's a liar for stuff like that, after all.

Turn the chessboard around (lol). Find out what reason Kinzo's gang would have to play along with Shkannon's delusion. Could it have something to do with the servant accident from 2 years ago?

>> No.5626675


Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Basically, multiple personalities.

Fiction, because Umineko is a closed box, so anyone who know the truth can "write" about Rokkenjima incident.

>> No.5626678

Disassociated indentity disorder.

Ep2 to Ep6 are fictions written by Featherine based on the message bottle found at the end of ep1.
I sure hope they only contain half truth on what Featherine think is the truth and this is not really what happen in ep1.

>> No.5626679

Fiction is the point of view, developed from episode 3 onwards, according to which there's a real, unexplained carnage that was rationalized as an accident and all the episodes are romanticized explanations that turn that blank canvas of two days into a murder mystery.

Dunno about DID

>> No.5626680

With ShKanon, we should add a new rule:
>It is forbidden for two beings be the same without proper hints.
Thus preventing the use of this dirty trick by another bad writer.

>> No.5626685


Featherine is a liar. She hijacked Ange memories.

>> No.5626689

There were hints. Of course, you'll bitch and say they weren't "proper" hints because you didn't believe it until now. For you it should be more like "It is forbidden for two beings be the same unless I am told directly because I will never work it out for myself"

>> No.5626691

The given limit for hints seems to be episode 4. As has been pointed out before the Shkannon theory was floating around by then already, ie proper hints had been given already. In particular people had already caught on to the fact they were never seen together by Battler.

>> No.5626694

Read again what I said. I am not talking about breaking. I am talking about making it possible but it will need a VERY STRANGE situation. And I gave un example.
Reminds me what utility the knox rules have in the beginning? Thanks to them, the reader is sure that he can solve the mystery. Even if he didn't made 3 years of psychology at the university, which is the main reason of the "hard to understand" in knox 4.
And the principle of the rule here is exactly the same. readers are supposed to be able to find the answer by themselves. Here, you just have to take "device" as "scientific knowledge".
And I don't think that even 1/2 of the people here know what a DID is in real life.
And yes, to me DID is a scientific device in this sense. Even though I agree that you don't necessarily have to approve on this.

>> No.5626696

Featherine is a troll created to troll Trollkastel.

>> No.5626697


>> No.5626701

I saw ShKanon since episode 2, seriously, and I doubt I'm the only one.
But I do think it's a crappy plot device that really shouldn't be used in such a mystery.

>> No.5626705

And they've been saying from the first episode onwards that they weren't whole persons. Most just took it to mean they were golems or some shit without thinking there had to be a mystery compatible reason too.

>> No.5626709

Kumasawa and Kanon also.

>> No.5626711

>And I don't think that even 1/2 of the people here know what a DID is in real life.
And yes, to me DID is a scientific device in this sense. Even though I agree that you don't necessarily have to approve on this.

You don't have to know about DID, even my mom know what multiple personalities are.

>> No.5626716

>to me DID is a scientific device in this sense
Most anyone over the age of 12 knows what a split personality is simply as a result of other fiction.

>> No.5626719

>Here, you just have to take "device" as "scientific knowledge".
Your interpretation. Which is fine. Dlanor said it is open to interpretation after all.

Which also mean saying Multiple personalities are a classic dramatic plot device and not a complicated scientific notion and thus not subject to knox is a valid interpretation too.

Hell, mysteries have used alternate personalities before.

>> No.5626721

So basically, you're taking the knox rule, interpreting it how it isn't supposed to be interpreted, and calling a common feature in fiction to the point of being a cliche "hard to understand." You had plenty of hints. Battler never sees them together, Kanon's corpse is never seen why is that? There were explanations like it just being a big coincidence or a red herring, but you can't deny it was in your face all along. This isn't a problem with the mystery being unsolvable. This is problem with you never accepting that answer, not because it's unexpected, but because you personally think it's stupid. And a lot of people agree with you. You may say it's stupid, but it's still sufficiently foreshadowed, and you arrogantly wanted to say that the people who believed in the theory were retarded.

There is probably an explanation for how DID was able to work, just like an explanation for how Kinzo's death was able to work. There are probably many people who know about it but accept or ignore it for various reasons.

>> No.5626723

The maid with multiples personality kill people.

Is this just me or does this sound like the synopsis of an episode of some shitty telenovela?
Episode 7 will most likely have someone wake up from coma to follow the trend

>> No.5626726
File: 456 KB, 800x800, 8024551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's stop whining about Shkannontrice and instead talk about how amazing Lambdadelta is.

>> No.5626727

They are together in EP 1 and Battler saw it.

>> No.5626729

And does it mean that she knows the details about it?
Like being able to switch at will, or any personnality "born from a trauma"?

>> No.5626733

A guy pushes his rival off a cliff

That also sounds like a shitty telenovela, yet that was the death of Sherlock Holmes. Everything sounds like a shitty telenovela when you sum it up in one sentence.

>> No.5626734

In fact, in episode 1, every possible pairing of people of the 17, Battler sees together. It is only Shannon and Kanon he doesn't, right from episode 1.

Then he doesn't for another 3 episodes. When he finally does in episode 5, we find out his viewpoint is unreliable anyway.

>> No.5626737

She is a girl.
How can a girl be amazing?

>> No.5626740

Sure the hints are there.
Kanon missing corpse being the most obvious.

The problem with the theory is the other 15people reaction toward this. Unless a proper explanation on why and how everyone ignore this retarded 1person = 2person and treat him/her as 2person is shown, I believe 99% of his readers will not be satisfied with this.

>> No.5626742


I want to know her past, damnnn

>> No.5626747

when shannon is kanon, shannon is dead and vice versa.

there you go multiply personalities theory again

>> No.5626748
File: 399 KB, 1000x1500, 147364132d3fac4d2a589862a39a5c94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rika = Bern, but Bern =/= Rika

You could say the same for Featherine, I guess.

>> No.5626755

R07 should just troll everyone and drop seacat already.
I wanna read about Lambda hell or Bernkastel donut backgammon game.

>> No.5626758

There is nothing interesting in a girl's past. It's all about makeup and kitchen.

>> No.5626766
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There will be a bonus episode like Rei

>> No.5626767
File: 55 KB, 625x465, magic cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is retarded. I came up with one as well, but using swiss cheese with holes at the edges and cutting along that edge. Not magic cheese bullshit.

>> No.5626768


Nope, you can't.
They have nothing in common, really.
And Featherine doesn't even have horns, that are the reason most of the people associate them.

>I wanna read about Lambda hell or Bernkastel donut backgammon game.

That was Higurashi.

>> No.5626771

If ShKanon is true, so this make the new girl in EP 7...

>> No.5626773

There will be an explanation. Think outside the box instead of summing it up as "DID maid tricked 15 people good job R07" or "Hey guys let's lie to Battler and pretend this DID maid actually is 2 people that'll be a laugh". Take Eva for instance. Would she actually care about some servant enough to discern that two servants, who might not even serve at the same time, and serve only 3 days a week, on an island she only comes to one day a year, are the same person? I'm thinking no.

Wherever there's a person who should obviously know about it, (and I mean obviously when you think about it carefully, not obviously when you sum it up as if all the family are on the island all year 24/7 in Shannon and Kanon's faces but don't notice) then there's a person who is going along with it for some reason, they will have a motive for that.

>> No.5626777

Rika gone crazed after the incident in higurashi and so Bern was born

>> No.5626778

How it is not supposed to be interpreted?
I'm taking it in it's strict sense and utility, here. Sorry.
And then, explain me how it is supposed to work.
DID doesn't work this way.
So, Ryukishi put the knox rules. So we are sure that we have a faire mystery. BUT the main answer is something that is not possible in real life.
I think our meaning of the word mystery is not the same.

>> and you arrogantly wanted to say that the people who believed in the theory were retarded.

Actually, no.
To me, Shkannontrice is a possibility, yes. I just don't like the " YES IT IS THE ONLY ONE POSSIBLE IT WORKS PERFECTLY YOU ARE RETARDED IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN IT LOL".
Shkannontrice, why not. But it doesn't mean that it cannot be something else.
I don't think that it is really "arrogant".

>> No.5626779

It's obviously magic cheese if only a knife can break it. How is it stupid?

>> No.5626782

I didn't really understood the ending (Juuza's phone call)
mind to explain?

>> No.5626786

Maybe Nanjo.
He's a doctor,after all.

>> No.5626790
File: 230 KB, 640x480, kakera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why people keep denying that Faetherine/Toya isn't a magical being?

All in her dialogs with Ange pointed to that, the time spent there, etc.

>> No.5626794

Just like what you read on ep4.
He sniped Ange.

>> No.5626802

He killed Ange and all of Kasumi's people on the island

>> No.5626807

If you accepted it as a possibility, then why are you complaining now? The fact that you're complaining says to me you didn't consider it as a possibility and would complain if it was true, and so you are complaining now.

"DID doesn't work this way" is really ignorant. Do you think mental illness is that straightforward? Psychologists argue and argue about mental illnesses, and they only define them based on symptoms. In the end, every mind is different, every case of a mentally ill person is different from each other case. And is it mental illness at all? Maybe it's a concentrated effort to be different people, like Shannon's creation of Beatrice implies.

>> No.5626810

>Unless a proper explanation on why and how everyone ignore this retarded 1person = 2person and treat him/her as 2person is shown, I believe 99% of his readers will not be satisfied with this.

A great deal of the explanation is implied by the explanation for Kinzo: people who live regularly on the island are in on it and have a reason to maintain the lie even when faced with a very dire situation. Guests aren't familiar enough with the island people to find out something's amiss.

I'll go one step further: since everyone remarks on how Kannon's changed when they arrive for the latest conference, I say there used to be both Shannon and Kannon, one of them died, likely Kannon, or quit and the other took over both roles, and the circumstances must have been problematic enough that the Krauss gang doesn't wish the servant's death or departure to be known.

I also think it's linked to that accident with a servant 2 years ago

>> No.5626815


You're missing the point. It can be solved easily and realistically without a retarded "magic cheese" explanation. The quality of the writing has gone way down since the earlier games.

>> No.5626821


It's just meta-fiction bullshit.
Endless Witch = people who know the truth about what Rokkenjima and can write about it.

Featherine is basically the avatar of Hachijou when she writes stuffs.
What she meant there is that she could write about her in the future, like she did in episode 4.

>> No.5626824

so in other words, this part happenend before she went to Rokkenjima?

>> No.5626826

Cheese cooked by Ghoda isa always magic cheese

>> No.5626836

I think you're missing the point. The existence of that rule says the cheese is magical, there's no need to go out of your way and say it's swiss cheese. The fact that you put that extra restriction on yourself says to me you didn't actually consider the ramifications of a piece of cheese that can only be broken with a knife. Don't be mad because someone solved it another way. This is hardly a point to criticize the writing on. I'd say it would be stupider if the answer was that it was swiss cheese. Using the rule against the riddle was clever.

>> No.5626841


It's an enigma for 6 years old kid or shit like that

>> No.5626851

>What she meant there is that she could write about her in the future, like she did in episode 4.

Then explain why Ange didn't remember her in ep IV and the memories hijack.

>> No.5626852

We didn't see what really happened when Ange came to Rokkenjima.
Read this scene in episode 4 again, look at the end of it.
Then reread the conversation between Hachijou and Ange.

Hachijou wrote a story about Ange and what happened there, simply.

>> No.5626854

I am complaining because even if it is possible, it would not work as "perfectly" as it is always said. That's all.

Yes, and it doesn't explain the personnality switch at will. I'm not sure that in this case it is really a "fair mystery".
In any case, to me, if Shkannon(trice) is true, he/she is not the culprit, so saying that " Shkannon is useful because if solve everything" don't work.
Or people will have to show me what land of the golden witch was supposed to be, if it is not Shkannon. I'm curious.

>> No.5626855

Because it didn't happen, she just read about the stuff of episode 4.

>> No.5626865

The magic cheese is either about the virtues of thinking outside the box, or the dangers of thinking outside the box.

ie the three cuts explanation is fine, in fact it's the right one for the book. The one cut explanation is a great bit of lateral thinking but requires dropping common sense and strictly adhering to applying elementary logic on the wording of the puzzle.

Since Battler is the one who made that game board, he's in fact passing a message to Erika, and Ryukishi to the readers by proxy, that logic only will push you to build reasonings that are stupidly rigid and overcomplicated.

ie by only trying to strictly adhere to the red and knox and nothing else you're missing simple explanations.

>> No.5626870

And yet it seems like Amakusa is going to bring out the result Featherine wrote about. Kill all the suits, kill Kasumi, hope that one of the suits kills Ange. In the end it's Kasumi who kills Ange.

Rather than this all being fiction, it's more like the situations with Featherine represent two concepts. One, someone who has discovered the truth and writes about it with Ange as her own character who wants to find out the truth of her family, two, R07 himself, with Ange representing readers of the story.

>> No.5626873
File: 68 KB, 437x502, RegionCapture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to install EP6, keep getting stuck here.

(Not my screenshot, but someone with the same problem.)

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

>> No.5626874

Hell, Umineko is fiction.
In the end, nothing happened.
All truths are lies.
Even Battler doesn't exist.
So what mistery should I destroy?

>> No.5626875

Because she knows him and she is smart.
But maybe something will happen that will change everything, could make a good ending to the whole thing I guess.

>> No.5626878

the "it's magic cheese" rule was included to prevent the answer "0 slices, I will just break the cheese without using the knife"

>> No.5626880

This accident has been bothering me. The servant accident was two years ago but in Ep1 Shannon states it was just before she started working. It's said with the same people present, Battler, Jessica, George, and Maria, with the addition of Erika in Ep6. That's not an easy mistake to make.

>> No.5626909

Servant who had the accident was Shannon or Kanon either. And she/he had the delusion that another person had that accident

>> No.5626910

>Since Battler is the one who made that game board, he's in fact passing a message to Erika, and Ryukishi to the readers by proxy, that logic only will push you to build reasonings that are stupidly rigid and overcomplicated.

So in other words, just believe in the stupidity of Shkannon because it's brilliantly illogical and out of the box.


>> No.5626915

You can just copy the contents of the dik in a local directory, only don't copy what's at the root directory in the new root directory, instead copy the contents of the "fullsrc" folder there. Poof, your game is installed, now patch.

it'll work fine.

>> No.5626917

don't use the installer
if you have an image of the disk, use the installer version of the patch, and it will install the game for you
if you have a zipped version of the game folder, download the zip-version of the game and extract it into the game folder (DONT'T overwrite anything, the translation should be in a subfolder of the game folder)

>> No.5626926

Also the one who set up the totem was Beatrice, who Shannon knows to be her personality. The way she reacts when Erika asks her about it strange, like "Um... err.. I think I heard if from a kid's cousin's brother or something.."

>> No.5626933


Thanks for the tips, I'll give them a try. Hopefully I'll have better luck this time.

>> No.5626934

Use AppLocale to install

>> No.5626937

Or "Shkannon DID is too convoluted, there's something simpler that gives the same result". Your call.

Are you a bad enough dude to find out what that simpler explanation is?

>> No.5626941

Am I the only one who thinks that the most vital clue in 6 was: "the ruler of this mansion is 18 years old", with a picture of Beato behind it?
I actually don't really know what kind of clue is it, but sure feels like one to me.

>> No.5626943

It was 19.

>> No.5626950
File: 229 KB, 640x480, bernmiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooh, so she's her miko because she used to read for her.

Fuck the Featherine=Hanyuu fags, are they fucking stupid or what? She doesn't even have horns, geez.

>> No.5626957


Cheese doesn't even to be magic to make it that shape. I'm sure there are some types of stringy cheese you can bend like that easily.

It's basically the same as anon's swiss cheese solution; the important point was to not get fixed on the shape.

Personally I thought it was a pretty good scene for showing off Battler's skills.

>> No.5626961

Miko means main character in a story I think.
Bern used to be the main character in the previous fiction of Featherine.

>> No.5626967

I think there are quite a few possibilities open.

While I think at this point we are well beyond this mystery being Solvable. We are also not yet at the point of One Solution Alone. Which is the point we need to get to for this Mystery to end.

I think that Ange will arrive at a different truth than the one Featherine arrives at.

>> No.5626968


There are all sorts of hints regarding the characters of her name too - 'Hanyuu' literally means 'Feather in' and the second part of her name is AuAu.

>> No.5626969

Yeah, it's only a thingie that looks like a pair of horns and contains her wisdom. It's not like horns are a symbol of wisd-



>> No.5626976


Miko means Shrine Maiden
Ange was also Featherine's Miko.

Basically, Bern used to read for her, that's why she's her miko.

It' a twisted version of her relationship between Rika and Hanyuu, but that's all.

>> No.5626981

>I think that Ange will arrive at a different truth than the one Featherine arrives at.

and so the final game shall begin

>> No.5626985

>We are also not yet at the point of One Solution Alone. Which is the point we need to get to for this Mystery to end
Actually according to the original deal at the end of the first episode any explanation that can't be contradicted would be fine.

>> No.5626993


Early in Episode 2 there's a very obvious scene where Shannon is getting yelled at by Natsuhi and told she can't eat until she cleans the portrait hall. She starts cleaning the portrait of Beatrice and Kanon shows up to cheer her up right before Beatrice appears for the first time.

Add in the disjointed line of text at the end of George and Shannon's date scene that says "Shannon truly was happy" with the other scene with her breaking the mirror and you have DID meido confirmed.

>> No.5626994

"Reading for her"? You think Bern just used to sit and read stories to Featherine?
Please, the metaphors are obvious.

>> No.5627002

>Fuck the Featherine=Hanyuu fags
>Bern has a line about how Featherine was the one who taught her how to rip the entrails out of a creature
>Rika's job as Oyashiro-sama's miko was to symbolically rip the entrails out of a creature each Watanagashi

>> No.5627005

Now that I think about it, in the EP 7 screenshots Bern calls herself Featherinne's miko again. If a miko is in this case someone reading Featherinne's tale aloud, doesn't that mean Bern isn't so much the GM as she is the one narrating the tale.

>> No.5627007
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>Yeah, it's only a thingie that looks like a pair of horns

It's an horseshoe AROUND her head, that serve as a memory device.

Lear what an expy is. Or read Rei novels, Hanyuu characterization was scraped in the anime

>> No.5627019

Signs and symptoms of multiple personality disorder

>Multiple mannerisms, attitudes and beliefs that are not similar to each other
>Unexplainable headaches
>Distortion or loss of subjective time
>Flashbacks of abuse/trauma
>Sudden anger without a justified cause
>Lack of intimacy and personal connections
>Frequent panic/anxiety attacks

Natsuhi anyone?

>> No.5627030
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>>Rika's job as Oyashiro-sama's miko was to symbolically rip the entrails out of a creature each Watanagashi

omg, then it must be her!!!

Leaving the fact that Bern is not Rika, and Hanyuu is kind and totally different from Featherine.

>> No.5627038

Umineko is choke full of meta-fiction bullshit, why the fuck can't you get the simplest stuff?

>> No.5627040
File: 311 KB, 640x480, Untitled20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing to add except that I love this Battler expression.

>> No.5627053

> Featherine -> Feather-in > 羽 (feather) + 入 (in) -> "Hanyuu"
> Augustus Aurora -> Auau
> Referred to as "Featherine Augusauau" by Moetrice at one point, and "Featherine Auaurora" by Bernkastel during the Episode 6 ???
>When Bern says it, Featherine corrects her, but states that it's "nostalgic".
>Her name 八城, "Hachijou", can also be read as "Yashiro". Add the honorific "o-" to the front, and what do you get?


>> No.5627055

Well yeah. When we say Hanyuu=Featherine we mean it in the expy sense, just like Rika and Benrkastel, or crazy death nurse and Lambdadelta.

>> No.5627058

Son...stop being so hardheaded, the evidence is so clear and obvious. And obviously they're not the same character

Bern is not Rika
Featherine is not Hanyuu


Bern is RELATED to Rika
so it`s quite possible Featherine has a connection to Hanyuu.


>> No.5627066

>choke full
I lol'd

>> No.5627070

See, Battler used the Knox rules and such in episode 5, but how did he discover Beatrice's(retarded) motivation?

And I must say, the whole thing about killing everyone does not a heroine of Beatrice make.

>> No.5627073

That Hanyuu debate was just started by the fag who doesn't want to accept Shkannon is a fair explanation so that we'd stop rubbing it in his face.

>> No.5627082

Featherine is Rika
Bern is Rika

Featherine= Bern

>> No.5627086

Hachijou = author
Higurashi = fiction in Umineko world.


>> No.5627100

Just finished episode 6.

Would someone mind telling me what, exactly, is the "key" shown in this episode that confirms that Shannon=Kanon?

>> No.5627110

Here's a thought: Shannon isn't mentally ill. Kanon exists as her piece thanks to the magic of people believing in his existence, exactly like what Beatrice tried to do - except he doesn't claim to be a witch, so it's a bit easier.

Mental illnesses don't work in a way that allows you to consciously switch back and forth between personalities as necessary. A calculative mind does.

>> No.5627111

The entire fucking episode maybe?
Do something about your reading comprehension, seriously.

>> No.5627113

All this talk of magic annoys me.

Yeah, magic is fine when creating an imaginary friend or when performing silly pranks, but, we're dealing with a mass murderer here. We're not dealing with a saviour.

>> No.5627115

>Higurashi= fiction in Umineko world.

Not really.

Lambda and Bern mention Higurashi like it was a game in the sea of kakera.

>> No.5627116

Protip: there is none.

>> No.5627123

No such key exists. Shkannon hasn't been confirmed or denied.

>> No.5627128

Shannon and Kanon both don't possess a full soul, they exist on the same level.
Kanon being simply her piece doesn't fit the narrative.

>> No.5627129

The Knox rules are used to discard stuff coming out of the blue. So somehow he pruned stupid explanations and was left with something that's been there all along, though convoluted in a way, since he points out Beato was silly to think he'd understand the motive that easily.

Also a clue is that the crimes are meant for Battler to understand, ie part of the motive is to push Battler to find the motive, so to speak.

>> No.5627131


Are you tard and you missed all the scenes with Shannon and Kanon?

>> No.5627134

How much do I have left? I'm at Rosa's death

>> No.5627136


It was.... painfully obvious.

>> No.5627142

Battler mentions Umineko as a novel he reads.
Lambdadelta talk about it as a game she is currently playing in episode 3.

>> No.5627145

So, did you guys plan to spoiler ep VII?

I managed to evade most of ep VI spoilers, but i don't think i will able to do the same for ep VII since probably the culprit will be revealed and a lot of fags will post it without spoilers.

>> No.5627149

And I meant Higurashi of course.

>> No.5627150

Some motive. What's the point? She still slaughtered her friends and family, so her imaginary friends could become real.

>> No.5627156

>Shkannon hasn't been confirmed or denied.
He's not going to say it any more obviously for you after this, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.5627160

Too obvious.
Beatrice = don't exist in the first place.
Shannon and Kanon can be explained by a trick made by the culprit.

>> No.5627163


Yeah, and Bern and Lambda talk about Higurashi as a REAL game, geez, Lambda even talk about Bern struggle for fate and how she waited for a miracle.

She even mentioned that the GM of that game started it, but forget how to play it (Hanyuu)

>> No.5627164

Samefagging. Rosa actually has contact with Maria's father? What the fuck?

>> No.5627166

Another possibility: Shannon and Kanon are the pieces of whoever that person originally is.

Well, that just makes it sound even crazier though.

>> No.5627173

I don't, I need to find out if there is more to the murders than a dumb maid being dumb.

>> No.5627174

Yeah too obvious man this be some real troll shit can't wait for that mindfuck answer

>> No.5627177

They don't mention Higurashi when they mention their previous lifes, only about something that ressemble it.

When Higurashi is mentionned directly, it's always as a novel.

>> No.5627178

Yet Battler mentions reading Higurashi. Just like the fictional stories written by the forgers exist as kakeras, so do the stories of the Higurashi novel. In fact that counts as foreshadowing of the fiction aspect that'd appear in episode 4.

>> No.5627181

Confirming the obvious: the non-magical reason both Jessica and George can't fulfill their love with Kanon and Shannon is because the two servants are one person, making the "trial of love" and Shannon and Kanon being "less than people" metaphors for Shannon/Kanon's twin existence and internal struggle over whose love to fulfill, correct?

>> No.5627182

If you want to continue thinking it's true, go right ahead. I found a different and much more interesting explanation that I'm perfectly happy with.

>> No.5627187

No, she doesn't. She hasn't talked with him since it's business trip, which he apparently actually told her was a business trip, which is what she told Maria.

He left this debt behind, she's hoping that if she pays it he will finally contact her. She's more delusional than Natsuhi.

>> No.5627194

>They don't mention Higurashi when they mention their previous lifes, only about something that ressemble it.

No way nigga

Lambda: Did you remember when you where in Higurashi Bern?
Bern: Yeah

Did you expect something like that?

>> No.5627198

And so, land of the golden withc?
Any idea, anyone?

>> No.5627199

You seem to be as delusional as Natsuhi

>> No.5627202

Yeah, and you won't tell us right? I'm sure it's a beautiful and genius answer.

>> No.5627205

You lack love in your explanation.

For one it doesn't explain why Battler is involved, when we specifically know nothing would have happened without him.

>> No.5627212

Don't forget to throw Beatrice in the mix. It's not just Shkanon that's confirmed, Shkanontrice is.

>> No.5627230

Oh, yes. Her lack of significant participation in the trial made me almost forget about her.

Thank you for clearing that up.

>> No.5627232

The great thing about Zepar and Furfur's duel is that Beatrice reached the answer to the logic error while watching it. So anyone that comes out with an extremely convoluted and wormy solution to try and go against Shkanontrice needs to explain how on earth Beatrice was supposed to gather that from the duel. Delicious tears.

>> No.5627246

Its painfully obvious that Shakanontrice is true, but whether they are the actual murderers is still up for debate. After reading the episode, I want to believe that no one dies until the explosion theory is true or something

>> No.5627249

>The best thing about ShKanontrice isn't that Shannon, Kanon and Beatrice are the same person, but showing everyone online that they are

>> No.5627252

That doesn't make sense with various red texts.

>> No.5627253

Save your sarcasm for someone who deserves it, I already posted it twice.

Beatrice is a story character that Shannon created so she could write about her fantasies about Battler. The ENTIRE EPISODE is about the various inspirations and predecessor stories that went into her creation.

>> No.5627255

My humble opinion is that ShKannontrice still lacks a strong connection to:

-Battler's Sin
-B0mb/golden land/rokkenjima mystery.

Without this much, I refuse to see it as the absolute true (almost) everyone's bragging about.

>> No.5627256

So...what IS the answer to the logic error, anyway?

>> No.5627262

Battler's sin:
Beatrice calls Battler father. Kanon and Shannon say this is all because of their father's sin.
So unrelated man.

>> No.5627266

I don't understand if the Beatrice that came back is the old Beatrice or the new.

>> No.5627275

Kanon and Shannon are the same person. When Shannon's location was specified, Kanon was also fixed there, so the "everyone else" in the other room didn't include Kanon. Kanon went out the window, rescued Battler and then died by some means, either physically or because his personality no longer had any use, like how Beatrice dies at the end of the duel since she only existed for Battler.

>> No.5627277

EThe whole trial with beatrice is twisted, with or without Shkannontrice, so...

>> No.5627281

It's the new Beatrice awakened, who is very close to the old Beatrice, just slightly different.

>> No.5627282

Kanonzo also work.

>> No.5627284

It makes perfect sense with Shkanontrice.

>> No.5627289


So the older one is gone forever?

>> No.5627291

No it doesn't. Beatrice reached the answer "Kanon is Kinzo" by seeing that Kanon, Shannon and her all have partial souls and can only become true humans if they take the partial souls of the other to form one soul?

>> No.5627293

It doesn't. Beatrice's death doesn't.

>> No.5627296

Yes, didn't Featherine say that in red? The new Beato somehow learned about who she is from Kanon. It makes sense that Kanon would be able to tell her since he's her alternate personality.

>> No.5627299

How did he rescue Battler without getting himself stuck in the room, though? Beatrice's last red text states that Kanon wasn't in the guestroom after Erika's incident in the bathroom, and neither was Battler from his own earlier red text.

>> No.5627311

Because Kanon wasn't in the room aftewards, his personality essentially died, the one in the closet was either shannon or beatrice.

>> No.5627313

The red used is "Kanon does not exist inside the guest room. ...Naturally this includes the closet, the bedroom, and the bathroom in their entirety."

It's either the Kanon personality ceased to be, or Shkanontrice's body died and therefore their personalities didn't exist, like "Kinzo doesn't exist"

>> No.5627324

How does it not? I'm completely baffled at how anyone could read this and not realize Shkanontrice is true, but I'm humor you, so explain to me exactly how it doesn't make sense.

>> No.5627343

Oh, I see. Thanks again.

>> No.5627365

this "exist" is really annoying. Is sound strange when it is talking about Kinzo.I mean, don't exist? why the heck are they saying this and not "is dead" to begin with?
Maybe it's a counter to battler's blue truth in ep4?

>> No.5627374

I know ShKannontrice makes sense in more than one way, but I highly doubt an ending like "Battler gets the girl, fuck George, Jessica was a lesbian". Oh god this will be so shitty I can't really stand having spent my time on this, please God let it be something else.
Just sayin'

>> No.5627386

George is psychopath, Jessica probably is too and she wasn't really much along in her relationship with Kanon anyway. Battler doesn't even realize Beatrice exists, but he probably deserves the good end the most anyway, he's not crazy like the rest of his family. He's going to carry her off the gameboard so to speak.

>> No.5627420

Battler sorta hit on Shannon when he was a kid, remember? For him it seems inconsequential but somehow she built up a lot of hope on that so when he cut his links with his family it must have pissed her off mightily (hinted at by Ange pissing off Maria by mocking her in ep4. She didn't know how much she was hurting Maria because she wasn't old enough).

Battler also mentions when he first fell in love he pretended he was in love with someone else just to avoid the object of his affection. I'm gonna hypothesize Shannon, taking his advances seriously, got clingy and so he told her he was in love with Beatrice instead of admitting he liked her. Thus Shannon uses Beatrice as the figurehead for her revenge years later.

>> No.5627439

I think there's something more to it that makes the 6 years comparable to 1000.

>> No.5627451

Totally a convincing reason to forgive a mass murderer, yes. Sadly, this seems, episode after episode, the right answer.

>> No.5627461

6 years is a third of Shannon's life, more or less. That's pretty long.

Think about it, she asked Rudolf about Battler every year, she's the one who remembers Battler the best... She's obviously been in love with him all this time.

>> No.5627471

6 years for a crush when she was 10 years old is pretty fucking long, true.

>> No.5627504

Well, I still think Shannon's fucking crazy but wouldn't have been a mass murderer just by herself, someone who had an interest in offing the family members is using her.

Could be related to the Battler's real mom/Rudolf's gonna be killed subplot.

Alternatively, the hot Battler loving is the trigger, but other factors contributed to her becoming crazy enough she'd think a pile of corpses would be a nice love letter. In particular, anything that would prevent her from getting together with Battler. So is it George proposing to her? Or maybe Kyrie's just as much of a bitch as Eva and wouldn't accept her getting close to Battler?

>> No.5627507

so basically shannon = stalker

>> No.5627521

You know, instead of bitching about shkanon/shkanontrice, people should look for something that doesn't quite fit whether the theory is true or false.

>> No.5627535

better not be alluding to Jessica again

>> No.5627543
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>You know, instead of bitching about shkanon/shkanontrice, people should look for something that doesn't quite fit whether the theory is true or false.

>> No.5627550
File: 74 KB, 166x191, kyrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think I'd give Battler away to someone with your IQ? Don't make me laugh, girl.

>> No.5627568

Why does R07 keep insulting the fan during the novel?

>> No.5627574

because most of them deserve it.

>> No.5627585


Yeah, but doing that repeatedly, without any shame...

>> No.5627587

During C76 (last august) a fan stole his hat, revealing to the world R07 is bald.

The whole thing left him a bit sour

>> No.5627598

or the fact that is best friend BT died

>> No.5627599

He thinks he is a genius who is rewriting the mystery genre.

>> No.5627632
File: 19 KB, 670x478, 1255552344465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyrie readied her gun. Beatrice's envy was 6 years worth 24x365x6. But that was only a third of time shared between Shannon and Kanon, / 3.

It totaled only 17520, not even a fifth of Kyrie's!

Beatrice rushing towards Battler was slower than a snail crawling! She was a sitting duck!

>> No.5627658

but what if those 6 years represented a thousand years? then if at a 3rd of the time it would be 1000x365x8 = 2920000

>> No.5627663

Why should he be ashamed of telling his readers what they're like?

>> No.5627696

You know... Thinking about it, this conflict is further foreshadowed by the conversation between Erika and Lambda, where Erika talks about how she believes that the depths of one's hell are more important than the duration of one's hell.

>> No.5627722


Because they buy his shit

>> No.5627737

And they'll continue buying it, so it's irrelevant. Don't even try to pretend it won't sell out again at the next comiket

>> No.5627740

Just to be sure, how old is ShKannontrice supposed to be at the time of the mass murder?

>> No.5627755

Kannon and Shannon are supposed to be 16, no?
Isn't beatrice supposed to be 18/19 ? 19 if she is the "true master of this island".

>> No.5627763

Just means they may be lying about their age, to hide the fact on of them is the kid Natsuhi tried to kill.

>> No.5627776

Also possible. In every case there is someone lying about is age in the island, we just don't know who.
