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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5619841 No.5619841 [Reply] [Original]

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ BOOF ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) !AWEsomEEEE!!g4pQz5RFuPl 07/10/10(Sat)22:13 No.5618871
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/jp/ server is up and operational.

This is a listen server, a dedicated server will come if this is successful tonight.

password: honk

Bots are added, they will be removed when (if) the server fills up.
Come play with us Anonymous! Hotglue would like some company.

>> No.5619851

I don't play TF2, but have fun boys.

>> No.5619843


>> No.5619852

I'd join but I deleted TF2 and by the time I'd have it downloaded and installed everyone would probably be done playing

>> No.5619860


>> No.5619863

If it got deleted, it got deleted for a good reason.

This is not /jp/ related aside from the community partaking in non /jp/ activities.

Please stop, even if there are a few of us who enjoy TF2, the majority doesn't and it is not otaku content to begin with.

>> No.5619872

This is the third thread within a half hour.

>> No.5619873

No and fuck off.

>> No.5619875

Then ignore it

>> No.5619879

You fuck off. I've reported the thread and your posts.

>> No.5619887
File: 48 KB, 365x214, 1278696992679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rev up those report buttons cause I'm ready for some autism!

>> No.5619891

I bet you feel pretty big of yourself huh? Feels good to have a scrap outside of your pathetic exsistence?

>> No.5619895

Stop announcing to the world what you do, it only makes you look bad.

>> No.5619897


I don't care what people think of me, on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.5619902

"waahh I don't like people having fun so I have to click the report button to make myself feel better"

>> No.5619905

you can stop making threads.

>> No.5619917


>> No.5619915

I report unrelated and shitty content. This thread has been reported.

>> No.5619914
File: 48 KB, 365x214, 1278696992679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rev up those report buttons cause I'm ready for some autism!

>> No.5619906

I just ate a puding, it was good.

>> No.5619922

Yeah, you do, or you wouldn't announce it in the first place. Report it and move on. Less posts will mean less people are attracted to it, and it's already been brought to meido's attention, anything else is asinine.

>> No.5619937

Oh no! A thread which can get remade is going to get... GASP... report! While you are wasting your tell jacking off over how big you must feel reporting a thread, people are having fun playing TF2.

Or are you one of those highschool kids out on summer vacation and think emulating "jp police" is a cool thing to do?

>> No.5619940


>> No.5619950
File: 48 KB, 365x214, 1278696992679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rev up those report buttons cause I'm ready for some autism!

>> No.5619951

Also reported.

>> No.5619956

So how would this be different those CB threads or any other MMO threads that show up here.

Just some /jp/ers getting together and doing shit.

>> No.5619965

American game with an American playerbase. Not related.

>> No.5619968
File: 48 KB, 365x214, 1278696992679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rev up those report buttons cause I'm ready for some autism!

>> No.5619966

On one hand, this Disney game is basically an online RPG (grinding for junk, piss easy gameplay, people getting buttmad when you don't heal them).

But on the other, this is as otaku culture related as Halo. I think it would be better just to keep this server amongst the IRC bros or something.

>> No.5619979

Works for me.

what's /jp/'s irc server? I know it's not on rizon at least

>> No.5619981


Agreed. It's not related.

>> No.5619982


>> No.5620009
File: 48 KB, 365x214, 1278696992679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rev up those report buttons cause I'm ready for some autism!

>> No.5620015


>> No.5620019
File: 48 KB, 365x214, 1278696992679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rev up those report buttons cause I'm ready for some autism!

>> No.5620028


>> No.5620026

How come Rocko's Modern Life characters always become /v/ memes?

>> No.5620025


>> No.5620020

I have to wait longer before revving my report button.

>> No.5620033

Why don't you ask them?

>> No.5620038

woof woof woof

>> No.5620045
File: 48 KB, 365x214, 1278696992679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rev up those report buttons cause I'm ready for some autism!

>> No.5620050

I don't go in /v/. I'd ask one of these Team Brotress 2 guys but they're probably busy grinding for a hat or something.

That reminds me, having another /jp/ RO server again would be awesome. Who needs TF2.

>> No.5620056

RO as in red orchestra?

that's probably the only game I actually play these days.

>> No.5620057

Isn't "true" RO2 releasing soon?

>> No.5620065

I think he meant Ragnarok Online
I don't think ZUN!bar even knows how to shoot at something.

>> No.5620067

This thread is full of autisics.

>> No.5620070

brb reinstalling Red Orchestra

>> No.5620102

Hey I played unhealthy amounts of DOOM back when I was 10 years old. I'm an expert at shooting things.

I think my favorites are UT Classic and Quake 3 though. Still log into Quake Live every now and then.

>> No.5620100


>> No.5620111

sv_lan 0.

>> No.5620112

someone please make a /jp/ro server again

>> No.5620148

I wish I was good at TF2, but I guess I'll always just be free kills, of course.


>> No.5620183

It can be otaku related when you have the touhou skins installed

>> No.5620363 [DELETED] 

WWW.ANoloLTAlk.se rEpLAcE LOl WiTH_n
v idplf hgd hd ihmrwwbpe fd ehxxulpuimek d

>> No.5620360

I don't care what anyone says

I enjoyed myself boof and hope we can do this frequently.

>> No.5620370

i don't think this is a very good idea

>> No.5620378


apparently 21 people did

>> No.5620417

I was going to join, but now I'm waiting for three hours for this patch to finish.

>> No.5620421

And 13 still agree

>> No.5620438

Damn, wish I saw this thread before I wasted 5 hours in Weeabootique.

Also, isn't most of /jp/ busy reading Ep6 right now? Bad time to start this operation.

>> No.5620448

It was okay. Kind of laggy and kind of weird medics.

>> No.5620463


>Kind of laggy

Your ping was going nuts, ponpo. I was a constant 25 and everything was fine for me.

>> No.5620479

TF2 doesn't take skill.

>> No.5620543
File: 440 KB, 600x800, 1278298042768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5620555

I know. I'm just naturally terrible at every game I try to play, even if the game doesn't require skill, I still suck ass at them.

>> No.5620689

Be a medic then.

>> No.5620704

I was busy tonight, but if this server is still up tomorrow, I'd be up for playing some TF double with /jp/.

>> No.5620719

oh god...

>> No.5620745

I liked it in the beginning
where there were not many
and we were all quiet unsociable

>> No.5620748
File: 127 KB, 350x459, 12051740213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5620786

BOOF and a bunch of other people keep spamming crap. Rather off-putting.

>> No.5620797

I share your sentiment. There's nothing quiet or unsociable about it now.

>> No.5620933

I called off micspamming, I want some peace in the server.

>> No.5620937

Who the hell still plays TF2 without micspam?

The game itself is boring as shit.

>> No.5620948

I second this.

I was weaned on Idort's back in the day and the Weeaboutique now. I can't have TF2 without micspam anymore.

>> No.5620949

Not calling it off entierly, just don't have something playing over the mic EVERY SECOND HOLY SHIT

server is winding down, it will be up again tomorrow

>> No.5620951

Is this still going? I'll join, but I suck at this.

>> No.5620968

I quit a bit ago, I'll play some more tomorrow or whenever if we do it again.

>> No.5620971

I'll play if Currybutt is banned from the server.

>> No.5620979

I mute mic transit.

>> No.5621001

I remember bringing up a TF2 server yesterday.

I'm amazed it actually happened.

>> No.5621034

only for /jp/

>> No.5621065

Is this weabootique?

>> No.5621079

Hell no.

At least I hope not.

>> No.5621087

That was fun. Thank you for putting up a server BOOF.

>> No.5621118


>> No.5621140

mite b cool

>> No.5621143

I don't really wanna pay for TF2
Would the pirate version be optional?

>> No.5621380

>I don't really wanna pay for TF2

How poor can you possibly be?

>> No.5621472

This is /jp/. We can be really fucking poor.

>> No.5621488

wait for tf2 to be on sale for $2.50 USD again

>> No.5621519

On principle, I refuse to pay for entertainment (aside from my monthy internet bills, that is.)

>> No.5621528


>> No.5621535

Enjoy never playing MGS4 or Demon's Souls.

Or Valkyria Chronicles.

>> No.5622851

Still playing?

>> No.5622947

But I want to play ARMA 2.
