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File: 162 KB, 400x250, swaywithhina.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5617160 No.5617160 [Reply] [Original]

Have you swayed with Hina yet today?


>> No.5617174

I enjoy the video and have seen it before, but am commenting without sage because I want other people to see it.

>> No.5617192

Sage to put this thread back where it belongs.

>> No.5617204

With Comiket on the horizon, shouldn't we be seeing more of these things soon?

>> No.5617203

>Sage to put this thread back where it belongs.

Sage doesn't move threads.

>> No.5617208

Expect a TH13 PV sometime in the next 3~6 weeks.

>> No.5617210

To sway periodically is something that those with autism like to do.

For young children it's a defining feature of the disorder.

>> No.5617217


>> No.5617220

That's only if you sway by yourself. Swaying with Hina cures autism.

>> No.5617221
File: 155 KB, 600x290, 11366871_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A PV with Koakuma is being worked on.

>> No.5617235

Fucking hate IOSYS

>> No.5617248


>> No.5617254 [DELETED] 

www.ANoLoLtalk.SE_ReplaCe_lOL_wITh N
ybasoz si ugvexf tknyqyu exqhhl idnq

>> No.5617302
File: 55 KB, 640x439, do_want2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5617362



Lily White




>> No.5617533



>> No.5617568

Why bring that up here?

>> No.5617598

These make no sense at all. I mean, they don't fit the characters at all.

>> No.5617618


>IOSYS - Miracle∞Hinacle

>> No.5618585
File: 726 KB, 900x900, hina-hina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping to crowd out unprecedented epic faggotry on page 0.

>> No.5618600
File: 317 KB, 1000x1000, 4727fe12ee38fc834dc844ea8e0e90e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5618625

In before people who don't read character profiles and think that hanging around Hina has the opposite affect than it actually does.

>> No.5618646

So what's the opposite of swaying back and forth?

>> No.5618672

Another example of an old song getting immensely populare right as a flash video is released. Funny thing is that there's some really kick-ass tracks on that album, and the silliest one gets a flash. Well, I don't mind, this way they won't get forced so badly.

>> No.5618687 [DELETED] 

WWW.aNOlOltALk.sE REPlace lOL wITH N
uarz rt rcqxksvep dohmxncxeqk ys qy nkz ycg ap

>> No.5618819
File: 228 KB, 473x688, 94994fb6c6b558c6c74930b06c391b3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being able to envision a song and picture it in your mind makes it far more enjoyable for some people. There are plenty of songs I listened to first before I saw their PV, but after I watched them they became more enjoyable.

>> No.5619006

Being a functioning and contributing member of society.

>> No.5619023

Hina for the next fightan game, Touhou 13.5 =D

>> No.5619037

Not receiving a thousand different curses from Hina and being angry and conflicted at the thought you know desperately need and want her to go away, but she won't because she keeps trying to correct her mistake.

>> No.5619044




>> No.5619059 [DELETED] 

And, of course, you die a slow and nightmarish death.

>> No.5619070

I'm fairly sure this happens decently often in canon Gensokyo.

>> No.5619071

But Hina is a friend of humans :<

>> No.5619080

And, of course, you die a slow and nightmarish death whilst shouting "LEAVE ME ALONE! GO AWAY!" over and over again at your weeping waifu who's trying so badly to help you .

>> No.5619084

Poor Hina. She just wants to help people, but everyone tries to drive her away.

>> No.5619092

Nuts to that. Our love shall overcome any curse!

>> No.5619219

Anon, please.
No matter what, you are just an ordinary human. You are not immune to curses.
You'll only make it worse for Hina.
You must stay away from Hina.

If you truly can not help your love, then you must only love her from afar.

I've seen many a basement dweller try to go that path. Many had loved her so much.
Do not become one of those people anon.

>> No.5619268
File: 330 KB, 800x800, b240e5508fe73e97f7647881bbda045f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I know we can never be together, Anonymous.

But...nonetheless, know this...

I love you."

>> No.5619469

;_; No Hina, listen.
We can be together.
I will buy a pair of binoculars and some sort of really, really powerful megaphone and I'll send a camera and a microphone for your computer so we can see each other..
I'll even send you a dildo with a tiny hole at the top filled with my sperm in it so we can have a child.
I will maintain my virginity for you Hina. Trust me.

>> No.5619483

Don't try to stop me. I'll find a way.

>> No.5619503
File: 102 KB, 600x600, diagnosis-autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5619509

Being around Hina is only bad when she's stored a lot of curses. If you catch her after she passes her curses on to the gods, you can be with her for a short while until it starts being dangerous again.

>> No.5619510

Physical intimacy is part of fulfilling a woman's desires.
If you can't do that, for whatever reason...

>> No.5619524

The clear solution here is to lobby the gods for more frequent curse pickups.

>> No.5619529

Or, perhaps beseech them to have to bear the burden of curses as well.

>> No.5619535

*to have YOU bear the burden of curses as well.


>> No.5619536

Where are you even getting this from? For all we know, she's perfectly capable of controlling the misfortune and keeping it from affecting those around her.

>> No.5619562

Like all things ZUN, what is known is contradictory:

"Any human or youkai around her will run into misfortune. However, she herself never has this problem. It only affects those around her.
Hina does her best to make sure that misfortune does not befall humans once again."
-Mountain of Faith profile

"She likes to save up bad omens in her body, and just by getting close to her, misfortune will surround you."
-Grimmore of Marisa

>> No.5619572

People around her suffer misfortune. That's all there is to it.
Maybe she can manage the curses she absorbs, but is unknowingly cursed herself?

>> No.5619574

>Any human or youkai around her will run into misfortune. However, she herself never has this problem. It only affects those around her.
From her profile, and she mentions that she passes curses on to gods in her dialogue. So it's presumably safe to stay around her after she passes them on.

>> No.5619601

Probably it's an equilibrium type thing: If you are very cursed and she is low on curses, the net flow of acursedness is towards Hina; but when you are less cursed than Hina, your ill-fortune will increase in her presence.

>> No.5619638

If you're cursed enough to benefit from being around Hina, you have more important things to worry about.

>> No.5619669

what is the contradiction there exactly?

>> No.5619845

If you're cursed enough to benefit from being around Hina, you should get to Hina as quickly as possible so she can refer you to her exorcist.

>> No.5620041
File: 187 KB, 741x600, curseget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5620073


Perhaps the kappa can use this combo as a source of free energy...

>> No.5620078

What do you mean? Curse-powered tech?

>> No.5620134

There is none

>> No.5620146
File: 897 KB, 400x501, 1268765295632.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... doesn't Hina make curses, not heal them?

>> No.5620151

But it's different for Hina because she's cursed.
She can't be around men, so that's the closest she can get.

>> No.5620157

It's probably best to read the thread before replying to OP.
That's what we were just talking about.

>> No.5620194

She collects them, then brings them to the gods.

>> No.5620236

Well, that being said, I think, and hope for the sake of what little remains of my faith in humanity, that what IOSYS was trying to get at was that she gathers the curses from everywhere else and makes the rest of the world overall a better place.
If you approach her, you'll run into misfortune, but maybe she can do some sort of long range curse gathering thing or something...
I want to believe that IOSYS was trying to say something along those lines.. I really do...

>> No.5620240 [DELETED] 

wwW.ANOLolTalk.Se_ReplACe LOL_wIth_n
rkliokuinufgsk ofk i bbr unbkixoosa n lt

>> No.5620276

Hina just absorbs and exorcises curses, nothing more.

>> No.5620320

...and is constantly surrounded by them and anyone who comes near her is cursed by one of the many curses surrounding her and offers the curses to gods.
Learn to official profile.

>> No.5620393


>Any human or youkai around her will run into misfortune. However, she herself never has this problem. It only affects those around her
>Hina does her best to make sure that misfortune does not befall humans once again.

That's all it says in that general area. Sounds like bad things will happen, but she acts consciously to mitigate this. I'm thinking nothing particularly terrible would happen unless you're an autistic stalker.

>> No.5620404




>> No.5620416 [DELETED] 

WwW.anOLOlTalk.se RePLaCE_lOl wItH N
e gbuawzdsmluvm krp tvsd jazvuoqd ha yw

>> No.5622721
File: 248 KB, 800x525, alice-tea-party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never really noticed this before, but in Alice's tea party Hina is just sitting in the corner the entire time grinding misfortune levels.
