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5609225 No.5609225 [Reply] [Original]

I feel so guilty when I am forced by games to neglect all the other girls to get onto one girl's route and get the good end.

>> No.5609235

This reminds me of that thread a couple of days ago about whether you would choose a harem end or a single girl. The majority choose single that responded.

>> No.5609246

Teach that Ugu bitch her place.

>> No.5609260

YMK was the worst in that regard.

Thank god that for Sharin no Kuni, Ever17, and Tsukihime there was a route mash end where all the good ends happened.

>> No.5609408

VNs probably aren't for you then.

>> No.5609919

Play Shuffle. Every end is harem end.

>> No.5609928

She's so cute.

>> No.5609934

Is she, ~uguu?

>> No.5610043

Thankfully Key broke off that tradition starting a little bit in CLANNAD and then strongly so in Little Busters

>> No.5610063
File: 78 KB, 800x600, sf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuffle was bad.

>> No.5610085

>Tsukihime there was a route mash end where all the good ends happened.

Ciel goes away, Arcueid never existed, and Shiki lives happily ever after with the perfect wife and an alternative harem lifestyle with his sister and personal meido.


>> No.5610107

why does she have 3 popped collars?

>> No.5610171

Uguuers gonna uguu.

>> No.5610200
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Shuffle was a sex romp that pretended it was more about a story. Hell, the anime was better than the VN if that tells you anything. Sadly the only decent characters in it were the side characters, who never got the attention they truly deserved.

>> No.5610259

I wasn't expecting much when I went into it, but I still came away disappointing. The only "emotional" part of the entire game is the end in loli route with the artsy CG.

the other routes

I dont want to use magic but am dieing
You must use the magic
I will use the magics.

I sing but I don't
Ok, cosplay sex.

I am cheery but I like rain isn't that strange I am not as I appear strange huh?
Shut up
*Jumps into pool* You didnt catch me! Lets have sex! ***** You caught me! Have sex with my sister!
Twincest awright

I hate you but I love you
Ok I love you too
No I hate you
No you don't
Oh, I guess I don't
Make me dinner

>> No.5610289

I think a gay devil king route would have been much superior to the routes we got. At least then we would have gotten a laugh instead of frustration.

>> No.5610356

Or a NTR route where that guy I forget his name steals the girls away from you, or better yet a route where YOU are the comic support relief where you watch the male protag struggle with his harem of girls while you are always left behind. You go home everyday and shit alone in the dark, lamenting your life before putting on your facade of energy everyday.

>> No.5610360

>shit alone in the dark

Freudian slip.

>> No.5612250

watch the kanon anime, op. it's superior.

>> No.5612314

Seriously, Kanon was a complete dick in that regard because by choosing one girl, you don't merely neglect the others, you completely wreck their lives.

Akai Ito was an even greater troll because going to Tsudzura's route meant my favorite characters getting fucked over Yumei gets brainwashed, Obana dies (he's not a heroine, but still he's a personal favorite), I don't remember what happens to the twins but they probably die too only for Tsudzura to mindwipe you and go on her way in the end.

Fuck you, game.
