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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 146 KB, 600x800, angel8_14142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5608471 No.5608471 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder, the idolfriends still love you /jp/
Even if you don't understand our preferences and have sent a pack of 2D warriors to spam us endlessly

Have a great night of good cheer

>> No.5608488

you don't exist because i have the 4chan filter.

>> No.5608486

I suspect one of your own is the spammer.

Isn't there always some war going on between the different idol factions?

>> No.5608500

Just part of the problem, yes it is understood.

>> No.5608512
File: 125 KB, 1440x810, idol20ch21844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad I hate your guts and can't wait for the day you'll get the fuck out along with your guerrilla marketing threads.

>> No.5608513

I like you guys!But i know nothing about idols how do i learn?

>> No.5608547
File: 139 KB, 600x800, angel8_14144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takes a little digging around anon and a lot of dedication. Once you find the girl you like you try and find out more about her.

>> No.5608560


Step 1. Have autism
Step 2. ???
Step 3. Congratulations, you're an idolfag

>> No.5608567

Are Korean idols allowed too?

>> No.5608578


Yes, what is another pile of horse shit when the floor is full of them

>> No.5608583

This is a Japanese board but it seems K-idols are pretty popular in Japan just not on /jp/

>> No.5608602

I have no problem with idolfags, if they stay in their threads.

>> No.5608615
File: 111 KB, 600x810, angel8_14152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why filter out some of the best things in the world?

>> No.5608583,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.5608639

Which is exactly what they aren't doing at this very moment. How strange that they bitch so often, it's not that anything interesting ever happens in their threads aside from relentless advertizing and blatant attempts at astro-turfing.
To say the truth, I even have half an idea of which site is sending them here to peddle their shit.

>> No.5608657

I agree anon but if you look at the actions of people such as this >>5608639 over the last three months.

Our threads have been invaded by tyrants using spam scripts to flood us endlessly for months on end.

Now just imagine if all the Umineko threads were flooded endlessly the outcry that would take place.

>> No.5608665
File: 287 KB, 854x480, w023296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to mention being so antisocial and ugly even a hooker wouldn't want to have sex with you.

>> No.5608692

Speaking with yourself, OP?

>Now just imagine if all the Umineko threads were flooded endlessly
It happens all the time, and they don't even have the luck of being flooded with images pertinent to the thread. Get out of your ghetto more often (but don't post, you've been warned), you'll soon realize that this is how it rolls on 4chan and that there's nothing more despicable and hateful than your special needs princess attitude. You don't run this place, you aren't an important part of this place, you don't need extra care, especially if this means to stop policing the rest of /jp/ to appease your ego.

>> No.5608758

Oh is that how it is janitor. So is powertrippin, strong arming regular posters and dictating what is important on /jp/ any more less a princess attitude.

Your endless flooding destroys the fabric of the report system itself which is a violation of multiple board rules.

Just because you don't like a certain thread doesn't give you the right to launch some sort of crusade against it by abusing every single rule that has kept /jp/ a relatively good board for this long.

>> No.5608783

Just please stay in your self-designated ghetto threads and don't leave and most of /jp/ won't care about you one way or the other.

>> No.5608787

>that this is how it rolls on 4chan
Thats not how it rolls on /jp/ you faggot
go back to /b/ if you want to use low level flood tactics to shit all over threads

>> No.5608795

Take your own advice and stay out of our threads and take your illegal spam scripts and report scripts off the neck of /jp/

>> No.5608827

I honestly don't know what the hell you're talking about.

>> No.5608833

>Even if you don't understand our preferences and have sent a pack of 2D warriors to spam us endlessly
That never happened.

>> No.5608832

How ironic that you, of all people, are talking about tyrants and other such bullshit, considering how you have been insanely critical, prejudiced and violent toward fans of other idol groups since as far as I can remember.
Just consider this a taste of your own medicine. So far, you haven't even been punished hard enough.

>> No.5608872

Sup OP, you seem to be under the misguided assumption that I'm the one responsible for spamming your precious and indispensable thread. Sadly I am not, and if you take the time to brush the tears away from your eyes you'll notice that nowhere in my post did I endorse such actions.
Anyway, like I said, this happens a lot and quite often. It has happened in mahjong threads, Umineko theory threads and many other general talk threads.
The only reason you don't see this happening is probably because you spend most of your time in your ghetto with your head up your ass.

>> No.5608916

Any complaints about rival idol groups trolling and false indignation are just ridiculously laughable.

People like yourself have spent years trolling our threads with most hateful vile type of posts known to /jp/ and yet when you start your threads you cannot handle a few posts that are all over the internet in different sources and fly off the handle for months on end in retaliation? It is you who have never been punished properly and have only become even more ridiculously extreme in everything you believe and do.

>That never happened.
I know it has happened before and its the same type of flooding again.

>probably because you spend most of your time
Cool theory but utterly wrong. I know where the endless spamming occurs. The Zun level and kog level spamming but this is entirely different because it is cooperation with a janitor and moderator who hates /jp/

>> No.5608937

This is actually the first time I've ever opened an idol thread. I wonder why my filter didn't catch this.

PS, you're a nerd and she'll never even know you exist.

>> No.5608952

Best song to read this thread to:


>> No.5608970
File: 142 KB, 600x810, angel8_14157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is not being very cheerful...

>> No.5608986

I see your threads all the time on the front page and they look fine to me, at least by whatever standard you'd use for "fine".

>> No.5609001
File: 112 KB, 600x810, angel8_14153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon just needs a big hug and perhaps a good cry it seems

>> No.5609016

Hands up those who remember the first boat spam!

>> No.5609017

Protip: Spammers have flooded close to 20,000 images in those threads over the course of the three months.

>> No.5609038

I am absolutely speechless at how much self-centered, pretentious and arrogant horseshit you manage to cram into a single post.
I promise I won't stop you anymore in your insane actions, keep behaving like the white knight with a mandate from God you deluded yourself into believing you are, then wonder why nobody rolls off a red carpet whenever you set foot.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear last time, but you obviously don't understand how /jp/, 4chan or the Internet work. We don't hand out special treatments just because you feel like deserving one, not to arrogant kids with a holier-than-thou attitude at least.

>> No.5609045

Sue them.

>> No.5609055

Hands up if you think its the same person doing it...

Yea I remember anon, at least it was an original idea back then

>> No.5609064

>Morning Musume

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.5609075

So? They aren't "sent by /jp/'s 2D population" or whatever the fuck you think. Stop bitching at us about it.

>> No.5609086
File: 264 KB, 1436x808, up6685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5609096

Then bring it up with moot or something. Why complain about it here, where nobody's going to care?

>> No.5609100

Highly doubt it. That guy spammed boats, Touhou and some obscure animu or game. The current guy has H!P pictures.

And back then, nobody made threads complaining to the rest of the board. We took it easy.

>> No.5609113

ITT idolfag astro-turfers being angry that they lost their own advertizing platform.

>> No.5609119

Haha, try reading the OP over again.
None of you transients back then even had the patience or diligence to stand up to the type of trolls that exist on /jp/ now

>> No.5609134


ITT: The spammers flooding the thread

>> No.5609142
File: 94 KB, 707x980, pasta_typhoon4334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must you always embarrass the rest of the wota here with this conspiracy garbage? Nobody is going to care, ever. If you want moderation, take your bitch ass over to Hello! Online, where it's practically all sunshine and happiness, you'll get the moderation you think you deserve and then some.

I like your spirit (to a point), but I'm fucking sick of reading this shit week in and week out.

>> No.5609149

>None of you transients back then even had the patience or diligence to stand up to the type of trolls that exist on /jp/ now
I was a regular on the threads back then. You just don't know how 4chan works. Go back to H!O.

>> No.5609166

Says the fag who sits on the sidelines and complains about everything and contributes nothing

>don't know how 4chan works
wota please
