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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 78 KB, 700x498, requiem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5591007 No.5591007 [Reply] [Original]

New thread.

Subtitled opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzoL_rK2kwM
Opening mp3: http://www.mediafire.com/?nlumulowezw
Pre-order announcement (updated): http://pastie.org/1034876

Previous thread:

>> No.5591019

Here we go again.

>> No.5591024
File: 85 KB, 505x480, 1246501536736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because the new, twisted Gamemaster wishes for dying screams of agony rather than whispers of love....

This always pleases グロカス

>> No.5591025

I guess everyone has decided he's a guy now

>> No.5591029

So, are we going to have a thread like this every day until EP7 gets released?

>> No.5591032



>> No.5591041

More like every hour.

>> No.5591044

At least it's not as bad as last winter, when the whole front page was always all seacats, all the time.

>> No.5591058

Just you wait until EP7 is released. It'll be /jp/ - Comiket/Seacats general.

>> No.5591064


Ep. 6 patch soon too. Fuck I can't wait.

>> No.5591070

Considering that the person has symbols of the family, it's either Beatrice or it's the other Battler.

>> No.5591088

Or it's a fabulous new detective working with Richter over there, with an Erika-Bern dynamic of sorts. He washes up on shore and has to borrow Krauss's old clothes.

>> No.5591092

Most of /jp/'s traffic is Umineko anyways...

>> No.5591098

>Most of /jp/'s traffic is /a/ anyways...

>> No.5591128

True that

>> No.5591133

Im going to laugh when its really a women, and all the yaoi fan girls get trolled

>> No.5591141

I think we've exhausted the goldmine after the 10th thread....shits slowing down again

>> No.5591148

We're just playing safely, here.

>> No.5591157

The person in red is a female. Japanese people aren't always sporting C's and D's. Ryukishi is just balancing out the rest of the female cast with a flat chest.

>> No.5591160

Slow != bad.

>> No.5591164

This would be hilarious. I honestly thought it was a woman at first, but after everybody saying it's a guy, I'll never be able to think she's hot.

>> No.5591167


they'll just go back to amakusa/battler

>> No.5591185

Why do i have i feeling r07 has his troll face on laughing his ass off at all yaoi fans...

>> No.5591236

Every girl he's drawn to date has tits, even back in the Higurashi days. I don't think he'd change that so suddenly

>> No.5591237

Any precise word on Episode 6 yet? I know they said 'this week', but I'm wondering if anything more has been said since.

>> No.5591259

Rika didn't really have much in the chest area.

>> No.5591284
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Kinda like how all the Yaoi fan girls slowly started to go after AmakusaXBattler with the slow realization that Kanon was a girl. Best part is that pretty boys look so female that you can't tell the difference between male Kanon Yaoi crap and female Kanon straight stuff that often.

>> No.5591295
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I personally prefer them going back to Battler x Battler (Meta) since that shit is hot as hell

>> No.5591305

God yes.

>> No.5591316

Selfcest is the hottest thing possible.

>> No.5591354
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>> No.5591431


AmakusaXBattler has been going on forever, long before ep. 6. Most of them seem to like Beato/Battler in various forms and genderbent anyway.

>> No.5591435
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I was away for the first wave of thread.

What id /jp/ think of the new OP song? Besides the engrish I kinda liked it.

>> No.5591467


Didn't like it at first, but love it now. The engrish is the best part.

>> No.5591469

At first I thought it was just okay, and it didn't get me quite as pumped as the first two do.

But I can't stop listening to it. I think I'm in love.

>> No.5591478

It's the story of my love.

>> No.5591486

I can't tell if I like it better than the second OP or not.

>> No.5591505

I really liked the whole folkish tones at the end and how it progreses into something more upbeat. After the thrid or so time the engrish doesnt stand out as much and becomes enjoyable.

>> No.5591517

I LOVE the beggining.

>> No.5591525


2nd OP sounds so cheerful despite the grimdark in the episodes.

>> No.5591534
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Maybe Wall-kun will strip during EP7 and unleash bounded goods.

My new coupling
Why is it so beautiful?

>> No.5591543

The first time I heard it, the begining made me think of a Touhou remix but then it began picking up and by "ITS THE STORY OF MY LOVE" I was loving it.

>> No.5591544

It's the power of two Battlers. I would ditch Battler/Beato in a flash for this. Hell, I think Beato would, too.

>> No.5591560

Also, Dlanor finally apears in an OP, has a hellfire background and does some DIE THE DEATH along with a baysplosion.


>> No.5591573

Throw in psyco fanart Battler and old wizard Battler from that other work with the Beato lookalike and have yourself a Battler orgy.

>> No.5591583

>old wizard Battler from that other work
Ah, if only. The Verochia thing turned out to be all lies. It would have been so great, too...at least a writefag is working on the fic for it again.

>> No.5591588

I didn't like the OP either at first...but now I can't fucking stop listening to it


>> No.5591593
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Throw shota Battler in there and I think we've hit all demographics

>> No.5591600

Oh well.

Say, remember Milk tea? Did he ever do any more awesome Umineko art?

>> No.5591613

Milk Tea was the circle that did Alister Stella Grey, right?

>> No.5591624
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>shota battler
I am now dying of diabetes

>> No.5591626
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You forgot cross dressing Battler.

>> No.5591633

Thought he was a single artist but yeah.

Umineko OPs always make me want to see more awesome fanart and think of the posibilities of how awesome they would look animated...but lets not go down that road.

>> No.5591637

Same here. Fuck.

I hope the full version comes out soon so I don't go insane listening to the short version (like with EP5's OP).

>> No.5591648
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Something about Battler in a dress turns me on

It really shouldn't though, I'm not too fond of traps...

>> No.5591653



>> No.5591679
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They've done some stuff. I always look forward to their art after the ep. though.

>> No.5591705

I love this image so much.

>> No.5591710

>You will never attend Seacat Academy.

>> No.5591725



>> No.5591736

Wasn't there a short VN put together by a few people for April Fool's Day that was like an Umineko school setting?

>> No.5591743

Havent seen what they did after EP6 though. Care to post it?

>> No.5591756

>Golden Sorcerer Battler being sad in one photo in the back

>> No.5591776
File: 299 KB, 585x659, top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This? http://nevermore.sakura.ne.jp/cradle/cradle.html

>> No.5591785

Yeah, that. I remember there was a thread where everyone played it and suddenly noticed the crazy OST.

>> No.5591798

So... adorable... I want to believe.

>> No.5591799

OST was a bit crazy, but not too bad. The art was really nice. I didn't understand shit though.

>> No.5591802

Why did you have to point that out?

>> No.5591804

The closest thing to a school episode we'll get is Ange's.

>> No.5591806

Same here. There were lots of complaints about Beato not looking healthy enough, though...

>> No.5591809


>> No.5591830

y u do dis

>> No.5591844
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x2122, 6379702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we ever get something like this for EP 6? You know an epic group picture with a few scenes related to the ep.

>> No.5591849
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AmaBato is selfcest too

>> No.5591895

I can never unsee that.

>> No.5591908

Batler D.

>> No.5591923
File: 443 KB, 700x551, 9430253_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not from them. Got Beato, Beato/Batter, Beato/Beato, Beato/Beato/Battler and other things.

>> No.5591953
File: 363 KB, 600x600, 8205705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ep. 6 art was depressing

>> No.5591954


That all they ever do now =/ not that its a bad thing mind you

>> No.5591967

>Wearing a cape in a pool
>Have Ange and Beato on each side
>Watch Erika and Eva-B use the pool as a gladiatorial arena

There is so many thing I love in that pic.

>> No.5591986

>He washes up on shore and has to borrow Krauss's old clothes.
And the ring of the family head too, right?

>> No.5592170

I find it sad that people are hating on Shanon yet not Kanon in their love trial even though the guy pretty much killed someone unrelated to his love life willingly. the same goes with George and Jessica

>> No.5592700

Thanks Shannon and George ANNOYING love scenes.

>> No.5592774


Yeah I agree that their scenes are painful to sit through...
Then again so is Jessica and Kanon's

>> No.5592812

Fuck, don't tell I'll be forced to read the begging of ep2 again.

>> No.5592831 [DELETED] 

*tell me

>> No.5592853

Well a lot les, and they have less scene, which are usually included into the plot, like the second twilight.
The fact that Kanon is not a " LOL I LOVE U" also helps making their scene less boring, I think.

>> No.5592860

ridiculous. Erika had Jessica's clothes, and she didn't had the one-winged eagle.

>> No.5592968

From minimal interactions and jess going 'kyaa, you look hot, stop being a furniture' him going 'I don't wanna be furniture anymore' and them taking a stake for the other...yeah, not that much better.

>> No.5593015


don't forget Kanon's "I AM FURNUTURE!! I CANNOT LOVE!!"

>> No.5593701
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Somebody, please color this!

>> No.5593740
File: 25 KB, 480x356, no one loves natsuhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully shkanontrice and the erika doesn't exist theories get dis-proven in episode 7.

>> No.5593792
File: 327 KB, 1200x655, 1278557938859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So new guy is jessikanon?

>> No.5593938
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Krauss when he was young and rapeable.

>> No.5593977
File: 265 KB, 1020x420, 1278413157471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are missing something.

>> No.5594091


Maybe the combined brain power of Krauss, Natsuhi and Jessica will make him almost normal.

>> No.5594141

Who do you think the detective will be in episode 7?
Jessica/Krauss/Natsuhi/kanon hybrid guy?

I'm hoping the detective is either rudolf or krauss.

>> No.5594153

Rudolf, alias Jack Bauer as the detective. Make it happen Ryu!

>> No.5594164

"Philo Vance"
The trap

>> No.5594181

Eh...I got time, why not.

>> No.5594183

Shit will be immense.

>> No.5594195
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>> No.5594196


>> No.5594200


omg, that would be damn nice

>> No.5594237
File: 198 KB, 320x480, umineko-portrait1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So does this break any records for porn on newly revealed fictional characters or what?

>> No.5594407

Sayo attempts to murder everyone as usual, she is irked to find out that someone beat her on the job, gives a hypocritical rant to the culprit on how her murders are better than the culprit's murders.

>> No.5594419

Why is everyone thinking it's a guy?

>> No.5594436

We're just being careful, that's all.

Remember, the culprit here is a crossdresser, we gotta be ready for anything.

>> No.5594452


We have eyes

>> No.5594455

But there's also art of her as a guy. I'm confuse.

>> No.5594459

And she doesn't look like male at all.

>> No.5594488
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>> No.5594504

There's no way that is a guy.

>> No.5594512

You see, when a "trap" is revealed to be a woman, it's a pleasant surprise. So it is, perhaps, better to assume a trap is a trap, then to assume that a trap is female.

Also, Jessica's a lesbian, this is something that needs to be addressed.

>> No.5594519

For me it would be a pleasant suprise if that female is in fact a trap. But I highly doubt that.

>> No.5594530

In Japan, they call her precipice-chan.

Indicating that while they acknowledge her flat chest, they also acknowledge that she is female.

Personally, I think it thematically makes more sense to introduce a male and a female character, but you never do know with Ryukushi. This gentleman(?) could be a stand in for the other Battler, before that issue is dealt with.

>> No.5594533
File: 576 KB, 584x878, c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty coloring job ahoy.

>> No.5594544
File: 224 KB, 448x598, 8225470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're talking about Ryukishi
everything can be possible.

>> No.5594614

It's...it's beautiful...

>> No.5594621

Battler is truly fabulous.

Nice job though.

>> No.5594652

kinda fucked up there

>> No.5594687

Since when do traps look decidedly male?

>> No.5594691

WHY do people don't care about the fact that he have THE GODAMN ONE-WINGED EAGLE before saying this?

And for the detective, I say Wright.

>> No.5594723
File: 14 KB, 80x80, 1274159005499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, at Witch Hunt:
>...When we release the next patch, we'll have an installer which can install all the files without any need for Applocale or changing locales, and that install will let you play both the Japanese and English versions of the game.
You didn't forget who works on the installer, did you?

>> No.5594747

Is the a swastikas on wrights arm? A Nazi in umineko would be pretty different.

>> No.5594767


>> No.5594774



>> No.5594784
File: 447 KB, 845x1044, 11704032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just some black arm band.

>> No.5594791 [DELETED] 

anyway in umineko the swastika is far from being a nazi thing.

>> No.5594798

anyway in Japan the swastika is far from being a nazi thing

>> No.5594808

Their magic is not eastern, so it shouldn't be there at all.

>> No.5594815


Well not only in Japan, in ancient times it was a symbol of good luck or something like that

>> No.5594817

The stream, if there will be any today/tonight, will be an hour late.

I have some stuff to do, sadly.

>> No.5594823


That was me, sorry.

>> No.5594844

Awesome job, weird choice of colors, though.
Nice brush too! Did you follow a guide? - I want one!

>> No.5594915

Yes, that's why I said that. But in Japan the symbol is less taboo.

>> No.5594916

If you think about it, kinzo might have been best friends with a Nazi or even Hitler himself..

>> No.5594921

Yeah but im sure they know what swastikas is which.

>> No.5594924


Nazi wo kirisaku,OH DESIRE!

>> No.5594935

You lost me.

>> No.5594941

Most likely because he was into western things and it was during his time.

>> No.5594962

I want to tenderly love Rosa.

>> No.5594971

With one episode remaining, Kanon and Jessica have fused in a last ditch attempt to defeat Majin Beatrice. With the unexpected aid of Bernkastel and Richter Belmont, will Jesson be able to put an end to the murders? Find out next time on SEAKATS BALL Z!

>> No.5594979


I love it.

>> No.5594990
File: 22 KB, 295x350, 1246256777732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tenderly love Natsuhi

>> No.5594992
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New theory, beato is a caterpillar

>> No.5594996

What ever happened too her getting headaches, like from ep 1?

>> No.5595019

During the war he was fucking nobody special, with no gold or trust yet.

>> No.5595035

>Nice brush too!

Basic brush, 50% flow, 70% opacity, other dynamics, airbrush, and smoothing turned on.

>> No.5595036

she didn't have too much screentime after it, she has more in ep5 when she isn't being delusional.

>> No.5595049

Natsuhi was a bro in ep1, A bit crazy..., but a bro indeed.

>> No.5595128

New theory:
Culprit is a human centipede made up of Shannon, Kanon, and Jessica.

>> No.5595133

Eva was a bro. Sure, she was haughty and all for suspecting Natsuhi, but she was RIGHT. Natsuhi DIDN'T speak to Kinzo, Battler's first scene was WRONG.

Natsuhi was covering up a VERY IMPORTANT fact as people were DYING. Mainly, that Kinzo was DEAD.

Natsuhi is the farthest thing from a "bro".

>> No.5595166

well, she was just trying too protect her husband...

>> No.5595192

Her dead husband.

Along with the other dead people.

>> No.5595217

You mean the honor of the family.

>> No.5595227

What option under 'other dynamics'?

>> No.5595329


You shut up. She was the only one who tried to protect the family honor. She's a true bro and the best waifu ever.

>> No.5595421

Well, it depends. Protecting the family honor is one thing.
But she didn't have any luck and had a dumbass as the new family head, so protecting the family honor was, in this case, pretty much a bad thing to do.
Thank you, Krauss.

>> No.5595456

update from chronotiq regarding the EP6 trans

>Things are looking good right now. I can say that we're very close to a release, but nothing before the weekend, at least.

patch in 2 days then?

>> No.5595497

Thanks for the information, anon. Yeah, week-end, or monday or tuesday, in the worst case, I think.

>> No.5595504

I think I just came a little.

>> No.5595509

Guessing Monday. <Good>.

Man, and I just remembered that I haven't even downloaded EP6 yet.

>> No.5595528

Try 3

>> No.5595568


She can't help that Krauss is a lovable idiot.

>> No.5595577

Oh man, that's great.

>> No.5595609

It better be in the weekend.

Unlimited streaming with loads of people, fuck yeah.

>> No.5595642

That would truly be living the dream.

>> No.5595650

You know it.

>> No.5595798

Generic Seacat here, no stream today?
Or change of plans?

>> No.5595821

Well, I have to get up shit early tomorrow for work, and seeing we finished at 5AM this morning, it's better for me to skip tonight, I'm afraid.

Tomorrow, it's gonna be 22.30 again once more.

>> No.5595849

Though, if Ep6 comes out on Saturday, I suggest getting some coffee and energy drinks, I'm prepared to pull an all-nighter.

>> No.5595868

Krauss is smart , just no luck at all. I think more flash backs with young Krauss and Natsuhi are needed. It was the best thing abnout ep5.

>> No.5595891

>trusting some random swindler
That's not what 'smart' means.

>> No.5595910

So the bishie is Krauss ?
Id do him

>> No.5595926

Didn't they say he has the"sense" of a genus but doesn't have kinzos luck? or something like that.

>> No.5595930


>> No.5595931

Yeah, I'm stocking up on energy drinks now. I'm going to need like 20 of them to stay up through all the spoilers and reading and theories.

And by the time their effects wear off, it will be Comiket.

>> No.5595944

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

Also, if they release it during the day, let's not start reading by yourselves. That'd be a bit of a bummer on the excitement, no?

>> No.5595948

Didn't you read ep5 and his conversation with Natushi? Man is dumb as fuck.

>> No.5595955

Guys, I'm from europe and not sure what timezone you're using when you say 22.30. I would like to read it with everyone, can you plese tell me the timezone so I can manage to be up and there on time?

>> No.5595966


It seems everyone is from Europe here.

>> No.5595986

Ah, thanks then. Mine is GMT+0 so it'll be no problem. Looking foward to it!

>> No.5595992

Good to hear.

You know the link?

>> No.5596009

I've been there a few times. And now that I went there I see my question was answered there. Silly me. Thanks for the helpfulness.

>> No.5596014

Yah, sure, no problem.

>> No.5596269
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>> No.5596558
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>> No.5596597


So, who's checking this thread on page 14?

>> No.5597205

guess its over until ep6..

>> No.5597248

Slowing down a bit. We've been having a non-stop streak of threads.

>> No.5597299 [DELETED] 

not to mention de serial-killer-personnality-nody-care-about

>> No.5597309

not to mention de serial-killer-personnality-nobody-care-about

>> No.5597322

The hype for EP7 is dying down. Just wait till the patch for EP6 is out back to non stop threads

>> No.5597342

Or people are sleeping. There is a lot of european people here, and it is 1:00 am.

>> No.5597359

Yeah, I only stay around if we have the stream on.

>> No.5597368

That makes sense. It's only like 7 PM here.

Once Comiket happens, it will be /jp/ - Seacats/General.

>> No.5597372


Good point. It's midnight where i'm at.

>> No.5597390

Midnight here as well. Guess Europe is the general location here.

>> No.5597437 [DELETED] 

And the, be ready for a LOT of hate-thread.
It will be "awesome"...

>> No.5597446

And then, be ready for a LOT of hate-threads.
It will be "awesome"...

>> No.5597460

That's a generally accepted thing for those who like Umineko, it seems. Because logically, every single person who discusses it is just a migrant from /a/. Of course.

>> No.5597629

By the way, am I the only one who think that the red character who looks "a bit" like Jessica may be linked to ep6?
Remember what Battler says in his flashback?
"Someone who looks like Jessica" but who is not Jessica.

>> No.5597863

Wasn't that Beatrice's flashback?

Anyway, he wanted someone with a personality like Jessica's, but not her looks.

>> No.5597993

Its always like this on night time.
Expect alot more umineko posts and /jp/ hate tomorrow morning,

>> No.5598129

Yes, Beatrice after the duel, sorry, I meant the flashback he was in.
Wasn't it the opposite?
Well, I must be wrong, in any case the "bouncy" don't seems to fit with the new character.

>> No.5598498 [DELETED] 

Wasn't that Beatrice's flashback?

Anyway, he wanted someone with a personality like Jessica's, but not her looks.

>> No.5598566

Well, unless Shkanon is true, she cannot be the real Beato, since there are only 17 people in the island.

>> No.5598579

I would laugh really, really hard if the real Beato was a man. Damn this number of people on the island, can't even have my fun because of this.

>> No.5598639 [DELETED] 

To me it is not the real Beato,even if it would be funny. The problem is that to me, it is the man from 15 years ago (natsuhi's jewel, and look on the chessboard in the opening, RIGHT before Natsuhi and Krauss, in every case there is a link between them).

So if it is not the "true Jessica" (and I really dislike this idea) he can't even be anything else that a meta character. Damn.

Well, to me, the best would be the fact that the other Battler is is man from 15(?) years ago, and is also the true Beato, and also throw the pony theory in because Battler mistook it for a girl. Go Battler homolust. Strangely, I like this idea.

>> No.5598671

To me it is not the real Beato,even if it would be funny. The problem is that to me, it is the man from 15 years ago (natsuhi's jewel, and look on the chessboard in the opening, RIGHT before Natsuhi and Krauss, in every case there is a link between them).

So if it is not the "true Jessica" (and I really dislike this idea) he can't even be anything else that a meta character. Damn.

Well, in fact, the best would be this man being the other Battler, who is also the man from 15(?) years ago, and also the true Beato (throw the pony theory in because Battler mistaken him for a girl).
Go Battler homolust. Strangely, I like this idea.

>> No.5598690
File: 185 KB, 704x396, my face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think that it will be quiet until Comiket? This weekend will bring in a fuckton of new blood into the conversation..

It will be as glorious as last January.

Good times will be had by all.

>> No.5598716

19 years ago

When was there a 'false' Jessica?

Additinally, why is almost everyone assuming that blonde is male?

>> No.5598801
File: 594 KB, 1125x1599, 1278550456174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wondering, did that kind guy from last night finish scanning the guide book?

>> No.5598831

A little thing that needs to be cleared up. Battler and Jessica were born at similar times. Literally, they were born under the same unlucky star. Meaning Battler IS 18, or at least VERY close to 18.

The assumption that the child from 19 years ago is the other Battler is a flawed one. The child from 19 years ago, if it still lives, is most likely Beato. Remember, the ruler of Rokkenjima IS 19.

But yeah. Neither Battler nor Jessica can be the child from 19 years ago, and that also means that in all likelihood the other Battler isn't the child from 19 years ago.

>> No.5598860

oh my. I love those. thank you so much!


>> No.5598866

>they were born under the same unlucky star

Pretty sure that's just a saying, bro.

Regardless, you are right. It's been stated that Battler is 18 straight up.

>> No.5598880

It is a saying, but it means they were born at around the same time.

What the hell did you think I meant to say?

>> No.5598909

i lol'd

>> No.5598910

It doesn't mean they're born at the same time though. It just means they share the same misfortunes. In this case, it may have been their parents choices in names for himself and Jessica.

>> No.5598928

Ah, well, I could have sworn that was in regards to their time of birth. Still, they are both 18, and I don't think it's ever stated if one is older than the other.

>> No.5598945

I remember the "unlucky star" bit from EP1 and Battler was clearly referring to their names, not their births.

What was the original line in that scene, anyway? I only played EP1 in English.

>> No.5598967
File: 271 KB, 1000x1459, 1278550193625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These aren't actually his scans, just some others that were posted last night. Might as well repost.

>> No.5598979
File: 289 KB, 1000x1517, 1278550346293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5598985
File: 230 KB, 800x1137, 1278550586261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5598993
File: 14 KB, 400x300, 1278551352974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd kill for a scan of this.

>> No.5598996
File: 430 KB, 1000x1422, 1278550851351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5599007

Just checked now, yup, it's in regards to their names, sorry about that.

But "Jessica" is much nicer than "Battler". I mean seriously, what the fuck? Of course, it could be an example of foreshadowing.

Still, my point about the whole 18 years old thing stands.

>> No.5599008
File: 441 KB, 1000x1479, 1278550728984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5599014


Someone said they would scan it last night I think.

>> No.5599043

Wasn't Kinzo the one who named them all?

>> No.5599044
File: 381 KB, 1000x1447, 1278550047754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess they both sound equally ridiculous in Japanese. When I was reading EP6, I always enjoyed OCN translating Battler's name as "Competition person."

>> No.5599061

I don't quite think so, I think the name just has to be western. After all, Rosa chose the name Maria for Maria, if I recall correctly.

>> No.5599147

Dumb question here, does anybody know the name of the song that plays in EP 6 when Ange first meets with Hachijo Toya? It's not from any of the earlier Episodes.

>> No.5599196 [DELETED] 

Love examination?

>> No.5599192

Love Examination, maybe?

>> No.5599220

Is kinzo bill gates rich?

>> No.5599229

Setsuna? or LoveExamination I don't remember which song was first.

>> No.5599232

Fuck yeah, that's it. I didn't want to go through all the music since I haven't finished EP6 yet. Thank you so much!

>> No.5599340
File: 8 KB, 228x180, 1264100494549s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I googled "Featherine music" before and got Kevin Federline. How helpful.

>> No.5599599 [DELETED] 

you sshould thank Ryukishi for giving such awesome names to his characters.

>> No.5599604

Hey, I scanned a thing for you guys.


>> No.5599605

you should thank Ryukishi for giving such awesome names to his characters.

>> No.5601817

don't die ;_;

>> No.5603700

Where can I download Ep 6?
So I'm ready for the patch.

>> No.5603707

www.A n o nBOOBST a l k.se fuck BOOBS
cdgqto ic qut u d sahumi kyajtf qttn

>> No.5603750

Nevermind, got it.

>> No.5603758

the one person is Wright/Light/Dine/Whatever .. but the other person is Sherlock Holmes

have fun

>> No.5603840

Could the blonde person be the "man from 19 years ago" ?

>> No.5604038

one of them carries the One-Winged Eagle

>> No.5604130


>> No.5604136

they just don't care about this.
There is even some "yeah but it's because he have krauss' clothes.

Yeah, and natsuhi's jewel and him being behind natsuhi and Krauss on the chessboard is totally hazardous.

>> No.5604142 [DELETED] 

Very likely. Just looks at him. And his green jewel. Only natsuhi and Krauss have a green one.
And in the opening, on the chessboard witch every characters, they are together.

>> No.5604156 [DELETED] 

Very likely. Just looks at him. And his green jewel. Only natsuhi and Krauss have a green one.
And in the opening, on the chessboard witch every characters, they are together. (I mean that he is right after them)

>> No.5604163

Very likely. Just looks at him. And his green jewel. Only natsuhi and Krauss have a green one.
And in the opening, on the chessboard with every characters except the cousins, they are together. (I mean that he is right after them)
