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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 52 KB, 448x609, autismposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5584150 No.5584150 [Reply] [Original]

What's your aspie score?

In the first major trial using the test, the average score in the control group was 16.4. Eighty percent of those diagnosed with autism or a related disorder scored 32 or higher.

My score: 9

>> No.5584157

Reported, this thread and test is full of it.
Try not to be a shit poster once in a while king aspie, only aspies complain about aspies but you take it a step further.

>> No.5584162

oh no i broke it

>> No.5584167


Autism score: infinity

>> No.5584177
File: 26 KB, 400x285, autistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5584182

My score: 12. Oh no Arc I'm more autistic than you.

>> No.5584184


You have my deepest condolences.

>> No.5584188

I have a score of 16.
I am a normalfag =(

>> No.5584189

Sure is misplaced witch hunt in here, not everyone who dislikes your pointless flame wars is an autistic man child.

>> No.5584191
File: 14 KB, 317x367, 1236130103001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5584196


/jp/, not so autistic.

Maybe it was all an act?

>> No.5584197
File: 81 KB, 640x400, aspie test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5584198


>> No.5584208


Eh. I'm more simply antisocial than autistic, even if they have similar tendencies.

>> No.5584212

23. Fuck.

>> No.5584214


Future Unabomber, right here

>> No.5584217

Is there a default score for people who don't feel like answering 50 questions

>> No.5584218

Hmm, this would only tell you if you had an extremely high autism level.

Go to a real doctor.

>> No.5584219

well shit

>> No.5584220
File: 38 KB, 240x234, 1274389453978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5584221


Maximum Autism

>> No.5584223

>I prefer to do things the same way over and over again.
>post the shitty test we all seen dozens of times all over again
>use the shitty "meme" all over again
>My score: 9
I think you are lying.

>> No.5584224



>> No.5584225


This just in:

Reportfags are Autistic, disregard them entirely.

>> No.5584226


Bombing people would take too much WORK.

>> No.5584227

what the fuck

>> No.5584231

Score: 26

hm so is this good or not? the more the better i suppose

>> No.5584234


>> No.5584235



>> No.5584237


>> No.5584238

The leader of the autists

>> No.5584239


Closer to autistic then normal. Fuck.

>> No.5584240


>> No.5584241

25, damn

>> No.5584242

Hey, I'm still 2 points off...

>> No.5584245

Score: 24
And I tried to get a lower score

>> No.5584246


Mostly because I was strongly against parties and big social gatherings. The test is piss easy to predict. I did answer honestly but seriously if I just said I like parties i'd get a score of 10 or less.

>> No.5584247


this is the stupidest thing ever and I am ashamed of you for posting it arcueid I tohught you were better than this


>> No.5584248



>> No.5584249
File: 17 KB, 394x357, yuyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree: 39,43,46: 1 point
Disagree: 1,14,24,27,30,34,36,49: 1 point
Score: 11

>> No.5584252



That was the very first thing my psychiatrist tested me for. I have no autism. I am a healthly man

>> No.5584254

26... and?

>> No.5584255
File: 168 KB, 700x900, 8315214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5584258


>he goes to a psychiatrist.jpg

>> No.5584260

>my psychiatrist
Fucking Americans psychiatrists here don't have jobs. And every godamn american has one.

>> No.5584261

can you all the sudden not be autistic? i found doing this test years ago where i scored 35 or some shit, i did this again and felt completely different about answering and scored 18

>> No.5584265
File: 18 KB, 379x214, imok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Score: 14

>> No.5584267


Is it any surprise that failure Shifty goes to a shrink?

>> No.5584268
File: 65 KB, 400x400, 1273516893247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5584269

Your autism has actually gotten worse, since you probably filled the test wrong this time around.

>> No.5584270

14 actually.

I have diagnosed Asberger's/ADHD.

>> No.5584272
File: 16 KB, 341x372, dr worm4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as about a week ago
My OCD score is probably pretty high though

Also >>5584246 Filtered for having the same score as me

>> No.5584273

A lots of kids would be considered as autistic by this test during their puberty blues/adolescence angst. You just grew up, dude.

>> No.5584274

Supposedly the brain can rewire itself like that.

>> No.5584276

16... I guess I'm a boring guy...

>> No.5584279

19. I don't think I'm autistic though, I'm just socially anxious and want to be alone.

>> No.5584281

I got 37 points. I thought I was "normal".

brb contacting my doctor.

>> No.5584283


Yes I do, I originally went for anger problems. It's pretty fun, talking to someone for once. We even play entertaining games sometimes. I think that's just her psychoanalyzing me, though.

I don't take the pills though, which is probably why I can never take it easy.

>> No.5584286


>> No.5584289

40. I guess this is pretty bad.

>> No.5584291

16. Damn.

>> No.5584302



>> No.5584305

>I prefer to do things the same way over and over again.
>I am fascinated by numbers.
>I tend to notice details that others do not.
>I like to carefully plan any activities I participate in.
Apparently, autistic people are superior.

>> No.5584307

31 ;_;

>> No.5584308

what is with everyone here being obsessed with autism? new vocab word of the month?

>> No.5584309


>> No.5584312

You mean your irrational anger isn't a gimmick?

>> No.5584316


you ahev apsbergers

>> No.5584317

The same few fags that spam anything and everything that try to kill any discussion, I got a 29 so this test is already shit.

>> No.5584318

>Sustained unusual or repetitive play
Touhou fans confirmed for autists.

>> No.5584320

I can make my score either 0 or 100.

Which one?

>> No.5584321

Just a bunch of autistic kids spewing shitty memes.

>> No.5584324


Typical delusional Autistic.

No wonder /g/ kicked you out.

>> No.5584327

WTF! This test is a fucking lie I tell you!...

It gave me a 20... it's a lie!

>> No.5584329

You're right, you should at least be a 50.

>> No.5584330




>Inappropriate attachments to objects



>> No.5584335

No U!... I was hoping for something less than what Arcueid-Sama got...

>> No.5584336

Hm, let's give this a try...
>I prefer to do things with others rather than on my own.
Oh great, another one of those tests that will tell you that you are mentally ill if your answers suggest you aren't completely dependent on constant social interaction. Fucking this.

>> No.5584341



>> No.5584345


>> No.5584346

Do you notice small sounds when others do not, Mugen? Do you?

>> No.5584347

No... but I'm seeing strange thing right now...

>> No.5584352

Not a real disorder. Go market your medicines somewhere else.

>> No.5584353

...and I'm not on drugs OK

>> No.5584354


There's no cure for Autism, aspie.

>> No.5584357
File: 21 KB, 795x361, ultrashit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5584358


>> No.5584361


>psychiatrist testing whether their patients are autistic

oh shit USA what are you doing.jpg

Over here no psychiatrist would bother with stuff like that and there's a good reason for this - psychiatrists are supposed to deal with cases which require medical treatment involving psychotrops and shit. I.e. if you were to visit a psychiatrist because you feel that something is 'off' he would ask you the normal set of questions they have prepared for cases like this - whether you hear voices, whether you feel that you're being observed etc. If they decide that there is no need to drug you they will suggest that you should visit a psychologist.

>> No.5584369

I do 7-9/14 of those things in pic.
I think Im half autistic.

>> No.5584370


Never go Full Autism, man.

>> No.5584371

this must be going around a lot as an insult in english speaking schools. these kids are all over it.

>> No.5584372

Arc, would you date an autistic and convincing trap?

>> No.5584378

28 points
Above normal but not autistic, should be about right.

>> No.5584380

ADHD was the big insult back in my school. Ironically, it was most popular among the kids most suspected to actually have it.

>> No.5584381

You guys do realize Asperger's syndrome is getting removed from DSM, right? APA decided there's no need to distinguish between Asperger's and other ASDs.

>> No.5584384

When I was in middle school it was a pretty popular insult. I liked to draw and even the fat nerds would make fun of me "Artistic? More like Autistic! HAHAHA" It's like I'm reliving my childhood.

>> No.5584386

>100 posts in less than an hour

Oh /jp/

>> No.5584389

That's pretty clever

>> No.5584390

21 ;_;

>> No.5584394
File: 24 KB, 800x600, yuki6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32 exactly.
Normalfags, get out of /jp/

>> No.5584398


>> No.5584399

So, can you actually draw?

In mine, they used prolo (proletarian) and mongo (mongoloid).

>> No.5584406
File: 329 KB, 1349x763, frenchykoishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Score: Just enough.

>> No.5584413

Well, it's summer, so yeah.

>> No.5584425

I got 29.

>> No.5584427

Yeah, I like to leave opinions on how good my art is for others to decide, but I make a living as an artist. I don't really post very often in drawthreads.

>> No.5584431


>> No.5584434
File: 94 KB, 550x480, 1276525627635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just barely below the mark. I probably would have scored a lot higher when I was younger, since I'm not nearly as anal about things anymore. Still, fuck.

>> No.5584441


Also, this is /jp/ everyone here is socially inept with Asperger's. Stop lying to everyone and yourself.

>> No.5584452

Score: 45

Kind of unexpected. But then again, I wouldn't let some faggot shrink diagnose me with anything. They can't be trusted anyway.

>> No.5584453


Hmm. Shit.

>> No.5584457
File: 37 KB, 500x500, MG086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually diagnosed with autism and I only got 26.

Fuck this shit.

>> No.5584458

Already took this way before it was a meme.

Neurotypicals unite!

>> No.5584464
File: 60 KB, 365x243, 1277458236089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that bad or good?

>> No.5584482

People who enjoy going to museums more than going to theaters are autistic?
Then I'd rather be autistic.

>> No.5584490

Good. Anything below 20 is a fail.

>> No.5584492


>> No.5584496

I guess anything that doesn't fall under normalfag territory is autism.

>> No.5584497


It would have been horrible to be a living example of this shitty meme.

AU! i feel good, dundundundundundun

>> No.5584499


Prince of Autism are you autistic enough yet?

>> No.5584500

>Autistic people enjoy going to the museum more than going to the theater

fixed that for you son

>> No.5584507

Score: deleted
something must have erased the results oh well

>> No.5584511


Wow, judging by the score you're not only autistic, but you probably have OCD, too. Also, you appear to be paranoid. This combination is almost perfect, you only lack some rare genetic disorder.

>> No.5584521

fuck yeah 30

>> No.5584525


>> No.5584535

I noticed a lot of number/pattern obsession questions counted towards autism, so can I subtract those points from my autism rating into an OCD one instead?

>> No.5584537

oh look it's one of those tests again.jpg

You do realize it doesn't prove jack's shit, right? It ask you WHICH action you'd rather perform and what actually matters is WHY you chose to perform given action. For exmaple preferring museum to theaters doesn't indicate autism in any way.

>> No.5584538

Much less than expected.

>> No.5584540
File: 1.12 MB, 352x197, 1278287572596.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree: 2,4,5,6,7,9,12,13,16,18,22,23,26,33,35,3
9,41,43,46: 1 point
Disagree: 11,15,17,25,30,34,38,44,47,48: 1 point
Score: 29

I don't want to believe...

>> No.5584541

Questioning an online test. Your autism level is above 50.

>> No.5584547

This is why online tests like these are bullshit. Any trait that you wouldn't see on the most energetic and outgoing genki girl is considered a typical autistic trait. Do you appreciate silence once in a while? Autistic. Is it unusual for you to run around for no reason? Autistic. Do you like sitting down? Autistic.

>> No.5584566


>Do you appreciate silence once in a while? Autistic. Is it unusual for you to run around for no reason? Autistic. Do you like sitting down? Autistic.

Judging by the repetetive structure of your sentences you must be autistic.

>> No.5584573

/jp/ is the outer manifestation of autism.

>> No.5584582

Whelp, looks like it's time for me to get out of /jp/

>> No.5584584


Hey aspie, it is unusual if you start jetting around the room but nice try.

>> No.5584597

This seems more like the behavior of someone who is really baked.

>> No.5584598

Agree: 2,4,5,7,12,13,16,22,23,26,43,45,46: 1 point
Disagree: 10,11,14,15,17,27,28,29,32,34,36,37,38,47,48
,49,50: 1 point
Score: 30

Would it cost much to see someone and figure out if I really AM autistic? It's been on the back of my mind...

>> No.5584612

>131 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

oh u /jp/

>> No.5584614
File: 53 KB, 600x450, failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5584620

Both autistic and an aspie? Oh dear, this is bad!

>> No.5584624

Do you have health insurance? You could check if it's covered.

>> No.5584625

Score: 32


>> No.5584631

Cost aside,
what would you do if they told you you were? It's not like they can give you a prescription for Autiezout or something.

>> No.5584638


I should've scored a lot lower, for being a full-on normalfag.

>> No.5584644


You do realize it's the exact same thing, right?

>> No.5584645

26. Totally non-autistic.

I do however suffer from bipolar and panic attacks with borderline agoraphobia... Hence the Hikki lifestyle and the spiralling social problems caused by such a potent mix of odd.

>> No.5584651

Score: 10

Fuck, I don't even have the average biologist's score despite being one....

>> No.5584655


this test is bullshit, though. it's mainly a "social vs. shy/antisocial" sort of evaluation. being antisocial doesn't mean you're autistic.

>> No.5584662
File: 111 KB, 448x609, 1278508853129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously doubt I am autistic for the shear reason that I can function if I try hard enough. I just really don't want to.

>> No.5584667

18. Then i did the same thing but changing the aswner of the question about making new friends. and i got a 14.

>> No.5584668


Shit, 14/14, the exact same issues aply to me.

>> No.5584670

Fuck off with this bullshit.

>> No.5584679


Yeah, /jp/ reminds me of most of the kids in my speech class for engineers (what the fuck?). All shy as hell and have probably never talked to anyone else, but you can get up and do a 5 minute speech just fine.

I'm sociable and made a shitty, boring, and terribly awkward speech.

>> No.5584687

>Spins objects or self
Oh god, why did I laugh so-
>Inappropriate laughing or giggling

>> No.5584692

My sister ate my goddamn corned beef hash.. I will be so pissed off now for the rest of the day! I just got done preparing my damn cabbage to eat with that hash and found out it is not there.. Shit like this ticks me the fuck off so much.. Is that a sign of autism or am I just a fucking angry person?!

>> No.5584695


>> No.5584697

Anxietyfag here too, anon. Experienced hypomania once but never diagnosed BP.

>> No.5584700


It means you're a normal Irishman.

>> No.5584712


>> No.5584717


I am all so drunk right now...

>> No.5584719


Since you're asking on /jp/ then yes, you are autistic.

>> No.5584720

Score: 40

>> No.5584724

I hate you. I can only be social around people I don't know if I'm drinking. It's not healthy, but so I'm tired of being called shy or timid that I'm willing to risk my health to stop hearing it.

>> No.5584730


It's okay, tripfriend. We won't judge you for it. <3

>> No.5584732
File: 66 KB, 292x550, 13279efa6414fb405386b792a73ca4e52206a914.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spins objects or self

>> No.5584734

I'm sociable(can make chitchat and that shit), good looking and with style but i don't like people or rather i like way better to be alone. How is this called?

>> No.5584741

A lot of people on /jp/ are ostensibly insensitive and tactless.

>> No.5584742

Older or younger sister? If younger, you should make her repay you with her body.

>> No.5584754
File: 379 KB, 600x600, 4f263b92784ad5f4e6001a170bc3b3d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol Hina confirmed for autism

>> No.5584760

Hypomania is really weird.. almost to the point of being scary. At times I feel quite a big urge to dance, along with an overactive desire to work hard with my studies. I always end up being less productive than usual though, due to swapping tasks every 30 seconds.

>> No.5584761


NOOO! god damnit stop with the spinny hina .gifs! they make my angry go away!

>> No.5584775
File: 133 KB, 600x584, Haruhi Smashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll drink and drive to that.
Also, have you ever seen an aspie drunk?
Its fucking hilarious.

>> No.5584786

Cabbage and brauts are tasting pretty good right now.. not as good as it would have been with HASH! FFFUUUCK!

>> No.5584794

12, looks like I'm not welcome here

>> No.5584795

Yes yes Arcueid, we all know that you are an alpha male and we are all autistic retards. Now get out.

>> No.5584798

16. Suck it faggots, I'm not 'special'. This test on the internet told me so, so it's true. Hah.

>> No.5584801



>> No.5584809



>> No.5584813

Yeah it can be scary. I felt really overwhelmed and "open." That may not make sense but it is the best I can describe. It was a strange experience.

>> No.5584820


>> No.5584825

Score: 35

Although in an official psychological test I was diagnosed as being "far from autistic".

>> No.5584832

What is an "official psychological test"?

>> No.5584834

lol i'm so autistic xD

>> No.5584836
File: 6 KB, 125x119, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the scouter say about my autism level?

>> No.5584843

27. Like someone else said, I'd be higher for OCD than anything.

>> No.5584839


An Internet test

>> No.5584848

Score: 24

>> No.5584851

Are you crack head?
You sound like a crack head.
