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5577585 No.5577585 [Reply] [Original]

Have a nice day, anonymous-san. And always do your best!!

>> No.5577588

Go away Saten devs

>> No.5577597

Go away Satan devs

>> No.5577599

go away satan devil

>> No.5577601

how would you cure autism?

Lobotomize the person or something?

>> No.5577610

i have autism and hate it so much! please, science, make it go ;_; i want friends and love~

>> No.5577626

People with autism have eating disorders.


>> No.5577633

Aw shit.

>> No.5577635

you should have thought about that before you decided to get autism

>> No.5577655

Oxytocin therapy.

>> No.5577659

Holy shit
so this means the cure for autism is being autistic

>> No.5577702
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>> No.5577711

Autism is caused by the vaccination shots that kids are administered to at a young age, it's a documented fact that has been proven many years ago.
I'm no medic, but if I have to take a guess the key to the cure to autism might be to find a way to revert the effects of these vaccines. In other words, we should find a way to undo those vaccination shots and bring the immune system back to how it was before the inoculation.

>> No.5577738

autism is a negative, so therefore if people have 2 autisms they become doublenegativeautism and cancel out
autism cures autism

>> No.5577741
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There's still hope then. Someone here practices medicine?

>> No.5577749

so you mash their brains together?

>> No.5577753

Nah, that's been disproven. It's still a popular belief among the Alex Jones nutcase crowd, though.

>> No.5577754

Making them want to fuck more is a cure?

Humanity is evolving backward.

>> No.5577777

Someone call Dr.Worm

>> No.5577782

>Humanity is evolving backward.

With the invention of nascar and obesity, you're just now discovering that?

>> No.5577789

you stole my get

>> No.5577796

dont worry your the first in line for the cure, sonny

>> No.5577813
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, [Nutbladder]_Arakawa_Under_the_Bridge_05_[45a6817b].mkv_snapshot_02.28_[2010.05.04_04.03.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invention of obesity
