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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5573826 No.5573826 [Reply] [Original]

How can we rid /jp/ of the two vile scums destroying it, Summerfags from /a/ and Tripfags?

also: Improving /jp/ general

>> No.5573828

Reported for meta thread.

>> No.5573832

We can start by getting rid of OP.

>> No.5573837

/jp/ and every other board will always have to deal with tripfags. It's part of 4chan.

As far as /a/ goes, what can you do? All we can hope for is some decent moderation around here that can get rid of shitposters.

>> No.5573843


>> No.5573844

Tripfags are a huge part of the cancer since they're knowingly abusing a system that was never created for tripfagging around in the first place

>> No.5573848
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>> No.5573854

I disagree. They can be colourful and interesting, and I prefer a bit of stability in a horde of ever-switching Anons.

>> No.5573855

Our tripfags are of the better ones compared to other boards. I can tolerate most of them, some of them are likable even. If you can't tolerate then do what others say: fucking filter them, if you think tripfags' existence itself is vile then that's the best course of action. But others may not share your view so stop generalizing.

Thread reported for shitty meta thread. OP needs to get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.5573858

I agree. Stupid ass tripfags

>> No.5573867


>Our tripfags are of the better ones compared to other boards

No. What the fuck is wrong with you? The "friendship" is literally Gaia level. This is not a fucking webforum for you and your "internet buddies" to circlejerk on.

>> No.5573869

It's like I'm on /a/.

Get out of /jp/.jpg

>> No.5573870

I say we need forced anon

>> No.5573879

Tripfags aren't that bad. They just have a name, and are no different than common anonymous. Most of them here don't have the same false sense of entitlement that a tripper has on other boards.

>> No.5573883
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actually technically it is a web-based forum

just sayin'

>> No.5573884


Tripfag doesn't get an opinion on tripfags.

>> No.5573885

I say you don't force your religious views on the board, and just use a forced anon script on your own computer.

>> No.5573889

>White Ren
>ZUN! bar

>> No.5573891

What I don't get is what's the point of having a trip? If you're not gonna contribute anything to the community where being a tripfag is useful, why not be anon? You'd be just an attention whore at that point and the hate would be well-deserved.

>> No.5573888

What we need are forced trips.

Don't like the OP and his meta thread? Then filter him. Problem solved.

>> No.5573900

suigin is the best tripfag on this board.

>> No.5573901


No. I shouldn't have to filter your meta thread, faggot. it shouldnt even exist.

This place needs law and order.

>> No.5573904

Just do it yourself Anon. Install the Anonymizer and everything will be fine with you. And I don't think Forced Anon would make things any better, the problem lies in the quality of the posts and the posters themselves, not the trip. I'm pretty sure a good amount of Anon too, are shitposters, but of course you can't point them out directly since they are Anonymous. If you think tripfags are shit then you should thank them because you can filter their trip out.

>> No.5573913

>Install the Anonymizer
>problem lies in the quality of the posts and the posters themselves, not the trip

That's my point, tripfags won't have any motivation to try to build e-rep if they are forced anon.

>> No.5573914

we've heard and addressed that troll and its canned counter argument how many times now since the site opened?

over and over

and over again!


>> No.5573917

I think that's a small price when we get Hong Meilings.

>> No.5573939

Hong Meiling is benificial to the board

The rest is useless scum that can rot in hell

Tripfags are not "colorful" and "interesting", they're retards who think LOLOLO IT'S A FORUM LET'S MAKE AN USER ACCOUNT :)))

>> No.5573945

You need to check out /bun/, man. That place sure is a heaven with the Forced Anonymous. I just view tripfags the same as Anon, the trip just make them easier to identify.

>> No.5573948

>>This place needs law and order.

Then you need accountability.

Anons can pretty much do whatever they please, and you will get no order from that.

>> No.5573949

>implying local filtering takes away people calling other people Suigin, Taiga etc.
>implying tripfag posts don't read like forum posts
>implying Tripfags can be Anon again

Do you think that serial rapists can be resocialized? If so, you also think that Tripfags can be reanonized.

>> No.5573954

Serial rapists integrate themselves perfectly into society except for the fact that they like non-consensual sex.

>> No.5573956



>> No.5573958

I say we start with making tripfags accountable for their constant trolling in the first place.

>> No.5573961
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Fucking nazis everywhere. If you don't enjoy the freedom of 4chan than go and register on a forum.


>> No.5573970

A *chan is just a forum with images, anonymity-by-default, and a short memory. All posts read like those on a forum.

And you still get the constant flamewars, related to defining off-topic content between pretty obviously the same people each time.

I especially love how you associate tripcodes with serial rapists.

We need more clear boundaries too. Too much gray area in the board's topic, and too much debating whether it should be black or white.

>> No.5573980
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I bet 99% of the anons who hate trips are just jumping on the triphate bandwagon and don't even know why they hate them

>> No.5573986

I hate trips because White Ren always ruins my threads. I am White Ren.

>> No.5573989

You're a good enough reason for triphate.

>> No.5573997

Or maybe it's because of the attention-whoring and circle-jerking.

>> No.5574005

Except people here don't register and there's no post count or any other dick-measuring statistics, even for tripfags. And then most every post on a forum seems to be made to increase post count and people spend all their time sucking the cocks of the established members. None of that happens here (except maybe the dicksucking part with regard to a few tripfags.) So those are some big differences.

>> No.5574008

Fuck you, I like Suigin-chan. As long as he feeds me with Aikido pastas, he is my favorite tripfriend.

>> No.5574015

Counter-argument: Remilia Scarlet, Yuyucow, Hong Meiling. All good tripcodes.

I also like Arcueid, simply because he knows how to take it easy, instead of being an incessant rage pool.

>> No.5574030

Arc needs to stop being a nigger though.

>> No.5574037

if trips are so bad why are bawson, sion, kog and daigo(saten spammer) anonymous

>> No.5574056
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>he thinks we don't know that all of those things are actually started by /bun/ (Jones) or other faggots on the /jp/ IRC!

>> No.5574061


>and there's no post count or any other dick-measuring statistics, even for tripfags

Yes there are.

>> No.5574070

sup dawson

>> No.5574072

Nobody cares about the archive.

>> No.5574083

Everybody except you, maybe.

>> No.5574097

No, nobody cares. Who should care except tripfags?

>> No.5574108

/jp/ - Irrational Thinking/General

>> No.5574128

There's a lot of good threads in there that I saved and useful information that I will need for later.

>> No.5574191

Make the word summer an instant permaban

Problem solved

>> No.5575342

>I am emotionally insecure and unemployed, thus I hopelessly cling to the concept of insulting Anonymous 24/7/365

>> No.5575354
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>I have autism anon legion epic win

>> No.5575366

There's not much to do about tripfags, either filter them or install the anonymizer.

The newfags however, we can do something about.
It would be nice if some mod came around and stickied a thread with some sort of "how to /jp/" chart and a link to the unofficial rules on Easymodo.

So I guess we could mail moot or something, even though he hates this place or is incredibly tsundere for us.

>> No.5575452

>my only response to anybody trying to actually discuss my tripfaggotry with me is claiming they have autism and come from /b/

>> No.5575463

Your misuse of greentext would certainly suggest that you are indeed an autistic from /b/.

>> No.5575477

for some reason you cant stand people having names on the internet
you don't deserve any better

>> No.5575521


>> No.5576283

*Ironic bump*

>> No.5576295

This image.
This fucking image!
Oh god my brain is melting!

>> No.5576336

derp I am tripfaggot, anon sucks

derp I am anon, tripfaggot sucks

You are all the same shit, the only difference is that tripfaggots can be marked and remembered for their shit, thus acquiring hate, proper and suit hate for attention. Tripfaggots who complain about those who complain about tripfaggots are as whiny as those.

>> No.5577393

suigin bro im not the saten spammer
i've never even seen railgun
all i ever do is post friend circle threads and make those image macros

>> No.5577508
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>saten's smile brightens up my day more than any amount of sunshine ever could.jpg
