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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5573326 No.5573326 [Reply] [Original]

>something is tickling stomach
>put hand in there to scratch it
>suddenly something is tickling hand
>pull hand out of shirt
>there is a cockroach on hand

Don't you just hate it when that happens?

>> No.5573329
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What the fuck man

>> No.5573333

Unlike you, I'm not a slob.

>> No.5573340

Sounds like a South American problem to me.

>> No.5573344

How disgusting...

Don't you clean up after yourself?

>> No.5573348
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>something is tickling my dick
>put hand in there to scratch it
>suddenly something is tickling hand
>pull hand out of pants
>there is a cockroach on my cock

>> No.5573351

It's about time for me to go to sleep, it seems.

>> No.5573362

Funny how you can tell what time it is every night this way.
Goodnight, Anon.

>> No.5573365
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One time I was fapping to Akiko and a spider crawled across my chest.

>> No.5573366

What the fuck, I just choked on my pepsi

>> No.5573373

dont have cockroaches where i live

>> No.5573375

The other day, I was taking a shower when I noticed something tickling my back.
It was a fucking spider.

>> No.5573378

/jp/ sucks

>> No.5573382

>playing MW2
>tickle on thigh
>tickle again
>reach down
>pull spider out of boxers
>yell and hurl spider across room


>> No.5573389
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>> No.5573400

Oh my god.

>> No.5573438

>browsing /jp/
>feel tickle on dick
>ignore it
>feel another tickle on dick
>look down to see spider crawling on my dck
>cast level 8 cock of the infinite
>fuck spider
>realize I'm a bear
>fuck a bear

>> No.5573445

>alpha as fuck

>> No.5573451
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I-its not like I wanted to tickle you Anon-kun

>> No.5573462


Words cannot express my hate for you.

>> No.5573475

>Browsing /jp/ in the dark as always
>Giant mosquito swoops past my face and slams into the monitor
>Duck and cower in fear
>It's actually a small leatherjacket
>Smash it to bits

>> No.5573479

When I was young, I used to share a room with my older sister. I remember waking up one night because she was screaming like crazy. Turns out a cockroach had climbed into her ear.

Couldn't sleep for months after that. Thanks for making me remember, /jp/.

>> No.5573487


C'mere, I'm gonna tickle you right back!

>> No.5573497


>a small leatherjacket

oh god oh god

>> No.5573518


>> No.5573552

>wake up with 20 bugbites on your body

don't you just hate it when this happens?

>> No.5573559



Bumps everywhere.

>> No.5573583

Never sleeping with the window open

>> No.5573588

...You don't have a screen cover on your window?

>> No.5573590

The worst thing about spiders is the way they move REALLY QUICKLY, then stop. And just stand there, watching you. God, that bothers me so much. And I always want to kill it immediately before it darts away. They move too goddamn quickly. And the way their legs move just makes my skin crawl horribly.

>> No.5573596

I don't.

>> No.5573605

I know, the other night right as I was about to go to bed One crawled on the wall at the head of my bed. I went to grab a fly swatter to kill it, but it got away. Worse part is it might have been a black widow, didn't get the best look but what I did points to it. Didn't get much sleep that night.

>> No.5573615


Oh, the fear. Oh, the terror. Oh, the paranoia.

That happened to me more than once. Then I got a bottle of Ortho Spider Killer. They don't even see it coming.

>> No.5573643
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>something is tickling inside my stomach
>put hand and sctratch my belly a little
>realize that dinner tasted somehow strange this time.
>go upstairs and ask Bea why she's histerically laughing.at me.

>> No.5573654

So /jp/ is okay with greentext threads now?

>> No.5573655


>> No.5573657

Small bombs

>> No.5573668
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>> No.5573684

Oh I fucking hate when this happens. I usually lay on the floor and look for spiders before I go to sleep, and if I find any I quickly go to the kitchen to get some paper towels to kill it. If they run away I desperately try to find them before going to sleep.

One time when I went to check for spiders as usual there was nothing, but I was SURE there was something. When I went to bed I couldn't get this creepy feeling like there's something crawling on my floor off my back. I tried to brush it off as being too paranoid but the urge to turn on the lights and check wouldn't stop. After ten minutes of fighting with myself I decided to turned on the light and suddenly saw some fucking baby scorpion spider thing crawling near my bed. I almost screamed.

>> No.5573696

I don't think so. /jp/ is still elitist as ever :)

>> No.5573702



>> No.5573709


>> No.5573712

lol u trol mi xd

>> No.5573713

black widows, not so good.

>> No.5573716


>> No.5573718


>> No.5573719
File: 148 KB, 404x480, be2_akuwaraia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad.

>> No.5573763
File: 136 KB, 600x592, spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all mad

>> No.5573820

I don't see the problem with spiders. They usually keep the flying, more irritating bugs away. Pretty much the lesser of two evils. Plus, they seem to just stay in the corner all day. Not that grossed out as long as they stay there; I really doubt they leave their webs just to climb into my orifices while I sleep.

>> No.5573829
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Did someone say spiders?

>> No.5573830
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>>The worst thing about spiders is the way they move REALLY QUICKLY, then stop. And just stand there, watching you.

Spiders are big babies. They are afraid of you because you're too big for them to eat. When they stop to stare at you they are basically crapping their pants.

Unless you got some of them crazy Australian spiders though, then feel free to scream like a little girl.

>> No.5573898

spiders are awesome.

>> No.5573899
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Oh yeah, especially when bug spray just makes it angrier.

>> No.5573960

......Has anyone else burned a spider with a magnifying glass?

>> No.5574052
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>>I really doubt they leave their webs just to climb into my orifices while I sleep.

They don't. Spiders are still scared of you while you're asleep because you toss and turn and your heartbeat vibrates the bed around. Basically they can tell that you're this giant inedible thing and thus they stay far away.

Roaches have no fear though; they're horrible bastards.

>> No.5574114

Why are you all so grossed out by bugs and spiders? I've been living with them little fellas for years. On occasion a spider comes down from the ceiling to say hi and goes back up.

>> No.5574156

Humans are very territorial creatures.

>> No.5574183

>Browsing /jp/ in the dark
>Hear cat being noisy
>Walk over to her, It's dark
>Realize she might've been fighting something
>Turn on light
>Another leather jacket below her
>Point at it
>She eats it

>> No.5574196


>> No.5574222

Well, I have like ten spiders in my room, which is handy because flies and mosquito tend to get caught fast in summer, but it still shocks the shit out of me when one of those just, like, walks over my keyboard and is all like 'Haters gonna hate'.

>> No.5574232


>Humans are very territorial creatures.

This. Also, you do not get in a black man's personal space.

>> No.5574248


Are you a fucking retard?

Do you not know what evolution is?

I'm pretty any of you that aren't afraid of spiders are developmentally fucked up.

>> No.5574288

Do you know that evolution is a fucking THEORY, and has not yet been proven by ANYONE? God, you gullible atheist fucks irritate me every time. You say we don't provide enough proof, and then you latch on to the most far-fetched bullshit instead.

>> No.5574296


Go back to sucking on God's holy cock, you christfaggot.

The intelligent believe in evolution.

>> No.5574303

>>5574248 implying highly evolved creatures such as humans should be deathly afraid of tiny harmless critters.

>> No.5574307
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>evolutionist debate

>> No.5574312

>The intelligent believe in evolution.
you prolly don't believe in it then

>> No.5574318

I can't tell who is being sarcastic any more.

>> No.5574319

never ending ownage

>> No.5574321
File: 183 KB, 402x322, here-we-go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5574324


Reported unwrranted personal attack.

Shut your fucking mouth. Who do you think you are?

Do you even know who you're talking to?

>> No.5574331

Are you guys flipping out over religion in a spider thread?

I believe you know what this means. The word starts with an A.

>> No.5574336

if evolution is real then why do you exist?

>> No.5574344
File: 107 KB, 300x1063, Christfaggot_newspaper_opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5574352


>> No.5574354

Good job. Want a gold star?

>> No.5574360
File: 27 KB, 550x412, ffa85607a0a3fcff8a4754bfaec5ef04_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, this is a cockroach thread.

>> No.5574362


I exist to be a serial killer. It is my destiny.

Why do you exist?

>> No.5574367


>> No.5574370


>> No.5574374

No thanks. I've had enough ignorance in this one thread to know that I don't think I could stand the amounts they have over there.

>> No.5574375

I can't even believe you guys are responding to this fucking trollpost.

But yes if I spot a spider I won't rest until it's death. I've been known to turn my room over at 5 AM if the bastard manages to escape under my bed or something.

>> No.5574378

yeah, yeah, ok, good boy. go back to your room and play with your toys and leave the computer to grown ups.

i swear, autistic kids these days...

>> No.5574379
File: 32 KB, 400x541, awwwwshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5574393


I am 19 years old. I am not a kid. Shut your fucking mouth.

I'll kill you. Don't you ever insult me again.

>> No.5574398

I spent 10 minutes looking for this image to post in this thread, but I couldn't find it. Thanks for posting it.

>> No.5574407


>> No.5574415

So you were underaged when /jp/ was made.

>> No.5574422

My house isn't badly infested with cockroaches, but at night when I go to the bathroom or to the kitchen they're all over the place.

They're not in my room at all, though.

I clean my shit like crazy since I have a really bad fear of bugs.

I also keep my AC on in my room at ALL fucking times.

Honestly my room is like a freezer, I like to think that cockroaches don't like the cold so for that reason they don't come near my room.

I have never ever seen a cockroach or bug in my room.

>> No.5574434

Yeah, and moot was underaged when 4chan was made. The fuck's your point?

>> No.5574440

So mad.

>> No.5574450
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>> No.5574454

My point is, he is too young. Most of us are 22 or older here.

>> No.5574462

I'm 12. Problem mister?

>> No.5574470

lol, so much rage. go ahead, try to kill me through the internet. i dare you.

oh, and more insults. autistic retard. faggot. nigger. muslim. cockmongler. cumguzzler.

>> No.5574483
File: 49 KB, 455x600, grinman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's grinman, idiot.

>> No.5574486


>> No.5574495
File: 134 KB, 354x640, 1162117588608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fuck's sake...

Alright, Word Of Power time. It's Grinman. Always has been, always will be. Not Cockmongler. I'm not saying this towards the trolls who've flooded this thread with Cockmongler shit - they've no hope already. I'm saying this for your benefit - the Anonymous onlooker. You may be new and know nothing about this yet, or you may be old and just plain ignorant. But it's not Cockmongler. It started a few months ago, and it's everywhere. Take it from me. It's Grinman. You don't have to believe me, but I recommend that you do. If you don't, just keep it in the back of your head...the last flickering candle of truth. He's the Grinman. Not Cockmongler. Have some Longcat too (not Cocksucking cat).

>> No.5574503

It's cockmongler, I saw him on youtube before all that.

>> No.5574510


Mmmmm, delicious!

>> No.5574517

I'm going to be honest, we don't have many cockroaches here, I never seen a live one in my life. Ever. We get ants or mice in our houses but no roaches or termites. Probably because our houses are made of fired bricks.

>> No.5574520

If your house gets infested with mice is there anything you can do with them besides kill them?
Like keep them as pets or sell them?

>> No.5574537
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Become allies with their leader.

>> No.5574550

wash yourself once in a while you fat cunt

>> No.5574569

co do prdele dieru zijete v? Atlanta v poriadku?

>> No.5574616

cool copypasta bro.


"A very effective way of trolling 4chan's /b/ is to call the Cockmongler "Grinman" or "Smiling man". They all SHIT their pants at once, and induces many, many lulz."

>> No.5574629

same here. Gotta say I'm glad I don't have to deal with them.

>> No.5574670

Since when did anyone give a FUCK about cockmongler?

>> No.5574679

I only start to care when bats get in my room.
Those fuckers are terrifying

>> No.5574682

Yeah right, I bet you call 404girl "Yotsuba" as well, don't you trolls?

>> No.5574700

>Since when did anyone give a FUCK about cockmongler?
when knowing memes was seen as the prerogative of oldfags over newfags.
With things like encyclopedia dramatica, everyone that wants to fit in can use memes now, so "mistaking" a meme is rare and everyone can feel like an oldfag.
It's retarded, but that's how 4chan works,

>> No.5574725

I had a bunch of bats get into my bedroom once. They were flying around and chirping. I killed five of them that night with a broom. The next day I figured out how they were getting into my room and plugged the hole. I still get freaked out when ever I hear a bat chirp. It pierces my soul.

>> No.5574761

Thread: Roaches --> Spiders --> Atheist vs Religion --> memes --> bats

I love you /jp/
Never change.

>> No.5574963

well i don't have cockcroache where i live, when i see one i'm sure to put poison in EVERY SINGLE FUCKING HOLE in the house because i hate them
