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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5573616 No.5573616 [Reply] [Original]





Today's topic is:

Much like graphics cards, onaholes can be an expensive way to increase one's enjoyment from vidya games and other visual arts. Let us discuss those onaholes one can connect to one's computer.

Tips and tricks regarding onaholes are also acceptable.

>> No.5573622

Is that Miku and Luka?

>> No.5573619

once someone makes a vibrating loli onahole, I'm there.

Until then, waste of money, I'll stick to socks, thanks.

>> No.5573627

A sock can't massage your penis the same way an onahole can.

>> No.5573626

which are the ones that last hundreds of times

>> No.5573635

The lack of larger onaholes bothers me. I don't like the fact that most of the nice looking ones are 1/3 the size of my dick.

>> No.5573683


Well, they have.

Its just that it looks like a washing machine and costs $80.

>> No.5573710

So where are the good places to buy this sort of thing?

>> No.5573724
File: 15 KB, 370x443, Aneros-Massager-Prostate-Perineum-Stimulator-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather buy a prostate massager

>> No.5573750
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>> No.5573757

go advertise out your ass somewhere else

>> No.5573760


>> No.5573781

Has Japan not yet made a futa-onahole with both together yet?

>> No.5573786

Do they really have dick massagers you can connect to your USB port and play h-games with?

>> No.5573809

most likely yes, they have gadget-toilets you can buy with built in vag-washers over there, it's retarded

question is who gives enough of a crap about the sex toys they sell on j-list to keep bugging us about it

aspie trolls or genuine spammers? why not both?

pain in the ass

>> No.5573811

Why would I want to clean this out every time?

>> No.5573816
File: 9 KB, 427x284, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought mine onahole from J-List today.

>> No.5573865


Bought all mine from j-list cause I'm sure they wont tag the box with ANTICHRISTIAN SEX TOYS

>> No.5573881

My box was tagged "toy for baby". Nothing was opened and everything went well.

>> No.5573905

Do want. Going to get one now.

>> No.5573911

If they had opened the package and found sex toys in a parcel marked "toy for baby", that could have gone badly though...

>> No.5573919

>>5573881 toy for baby
This is horrible.

>> No.5573924

If someone opens your box, you can always tell them that you own a sex shop.

>> No.5573957


Thats the best thing you can come up with?

"No seriously, I don't use it, I just own a place that has thousands of them in stock."

>> No.5573959

Mine said "For the elderly - fragile"

>> No.5573969

If I had to declare what was in a box when I shipped it, I would have some fun with it too.

>> No.5573975

I have a black flip hole and I'm very happy with it. But how does it compare with these onaholes? Anyone tried both care to share their experience?

>> No.5573973


Such isn't illegal in the free world.

Does your country count? Well, is it the U.S.? No? Then it doesn't!


fuck yeah

yaller morans woohoo u mad


>> No.5573988

>fuck yeah
>yaller morans woohoo u mad

And why do you quote my post? I haven't said it was illegal or something...

>> No.5574001

sounds accurate

these kinds of things are typically for old farts, at least in the west

>> No.5574004

So where the fuck do you get these things?

I'm guessing J-List doesn't have any good shit, as they all label them as "parody goods"

Oh, wise /jp/sies, tell me the wisdom of your kind.

>> No.5574025
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>> No.5574027


Easily the largest selection of any online sex toy vendors, decent shipping, and a half-assed english section for those who can't read kana.

>> No.5574033

You're officially an old man now. At least by eroge standards.

>> No.5574039

I was 19 when I purchased mine nearly a year ago. The thing's held up fine. I don't know how anyone could break one with regular use.

>> No.5574053

What are you getting so worked up about? Jesus.

>> No.5574066


No way I'd even think of importing something like that, assuming I had the money for it.

>> No.5574058

Jesus fuck why?

>> No.5574074

>You are reporting post 5574027 on /jp/.
hope they ban the url, I mean I know nobody gives a shit but it'd be funny

>> No.5574076

holy crap, where can i find more pictures/buy these things?

>> No.5574081


Any recommendations?

Inb4 this was viral marketing and nothing good comes of this.

>> No.5574086

I have no advice to offer at this time.

>> No.5574098

>Comes with red lotion to simulate the sweet pain of being with a virgin and breaking her hymen.


>> No.5574100
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 1244296651505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys never seen those 1:1 dolls? They have them everywhere but japan have loli versions.

See this pic, that guy is probably thrusting in and out of Youmu right now, how does that make you feel?

>> No.5574107

he probably is, its 7:40pm

>> No.5574140


The reason why J-list calls them that is to avoid any restrictions stemming from laws meant to restrict adult entertainment. Simply calling it a "parody" item allows them to sidestep those kinds of laws.

>> No.5574179


So I'm guessing to just drop a $50 and see what works then? Seems like a lot of this shit is pretty cheap.

>> No.5574197

Holy crap, if I didn't live at home I'd but the first day of school or the seven one... Jeez, that's nice.

>> No.5574225


Where can I get one?

>> No.5574237

Just order it. Can't you get to the door faster than your parents? My package was too large for the mailbox so the postman rang the bell and handed it to me.

>> No.5574252

You couldn't afford it.

>> No.5574253


>> No.5574259

They do.

And if I get any kind of mail and I get it first and they so much as smell it I get quizzed on its contents.

>> No.5574249

>Can't you get to the door faster than your parents?
Why would that matter? Your parents don't open your packages/letters, do they?

>> No.5574266

they're trolling hard now

...my parent's I mean. They troll on here.

>> No.5574304

I own one. It's really nice.

>> No.5574311

You need to tell them to cut that shit out, or else just leave. They're your parents, but I'm also pretty sure opening other people's mail without their consent is technically a crime, no matter who's doing it.

>> No.5574358


So seriously, am I supposed to just play love glove roulette?

>> No.5574376

Yus, Nano is the cheapest it seems.

Yeah, I'd like to leave but it's kinda hard to get a job when you're underqualified for everything.

>> No.5574395


How much did it cost you? I am genuinely interested.

>> No.5574414

you're under-qualified for to bag my groceries??

then DIE

>> No.5574410

The nano one seems to be around $3,000

>> No.5574421

I've been applying to retail outlets mainly but they all refuse.

If I get desperate I can always mop floors but I'd probably commit suicide fairly quickly.

>> No.5574436
File: 298 KB, 1280x962, 1261373340113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake tits - $45
Vagina sex toy - $40
Two pillows - free
Mom's underwear - free

>> No.5574439

>Vagina sex toy - $40
wtf, overpriced.

>> No.5574447

I got all the upgraded parts, the onahole, and a maid outfit with shoes. Shipped it cost me around $4,000.

>> No.5574448

I think I'm gonna get a loli and a catgirl one from e-nls.

>> No.5574463
File: 476 KB, 600x900, cirnohole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5574474

mmm thin crust pizza and twice baked potatoes

delicious carbs

>> No.5574475

>Mom's underwear - free
at the very least get those blue striped panties off jlist

seriously anonymous
get it together

>> No.5574485


How long have you had it?

>> No.5574493
File: 234 KB, 432x480, 1277375149500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mom's underwear - free

This brings up different issues altogether.

>> No.5574494



Link? Whats the difference between a normal one?

>> No.5574496

little wiggling noodly rubber penis tentacles

>> No.5574501

IIRC it has lumpy and twisty insides.

>> No.5574509

Not long. It seems very durable though, and doesn't feel too cheap. You can change out the onahole too.

>> No.5574522



>> No.5574560

How does Onaholes feels compared to real vaginas?

If life suddenly took a major turn in some way, and I would get a family of my own, or at least the chance to start one, could I be dissapointed by the real thing then?

II know of 3dpd and all that (and really, why does girls tend to be such sluts? The ones I know of have been fucking around all over the place.), but I can't really let go of the thought of having a family

>> No.5574588

Just let it go and buy an onahole already.
Asking how does it feel compared to real thing is pointless here. It's not like anybody would know. You're on /jp/ after all.

>> No.5574599

It's like I'm really in /v/.

>> No.5574611
File: 210 KB, 608x711, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably feels great.

>> No.5574631
File: 722 KB, 2100x1355, A-10_Thunderbolt_II_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these.

Sort of reminds me of a turbine. Together with its name, I just can't help but imagine that it would feel like sticking your dick in an A-10.

>> No.5574652

Looks like it would feel good but it looks terrifying to me.

>> No.5574689

The A10 seems like the kind of thing that would accidentally rip your dxxk off.

>> No.5574704

I greatly enjoy their sense of humor in using noodles as an example. But in all honesty, I won't buy it probably because of that.

>> No.5574715

Alright, planning on getting some/all of these.






I pretty much just threw together anything that looked interesting. Any coupons or codes or someshit?

Also, anything that's like >>5573724 ?

It looks crazy enough that I want to try it.

>> No.5574729

I'm sure you'll find something here.

>> No.5574734
File: 607 KB, 1110x1600, 1263129744824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5574735

Yeah I know.
And it's quite possible that I wil get one next time I order something.

>> No.5574797

Wouldn't the electric ones be better?

>> No.5574911


I'm guessing not.

>> No.5574998

hmm... what is this now?

>> No.5575289

But that's just bro/sis incest, not one-sided creepy mom/son incest.

>> No.5575308

That is confusing as fuck.
