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5566851 No.5566851 [Reply] [Original]

New thread.

HQ opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzoL_rK2kwM
Pre-order announcement: http://pastie.org/1031146

Previous threads:

>> No.5566859

R07 confirmed that those two will be assistants of Featherine in her new stories. Also, he leaked the info about the EP7's prologue. The tall guy, named Bob, is a tourist who came to Rokkenjima during his vacation and met a beautiful lady who he fell in love with. That so called lady is no one else than Lambdadelta, but she didn't introduce herself as Lambdadelta but Mary. Meanwhile, on land, a young, beautiful, brown-eyed woman with long, blond hair runs across one of the slums streets in Los Angeles, which we later know that she was running away from chasing after her mafia member, and bumps into red-haired woman. From what we know what happened later, is that they apologized to each other and soon after they both realized they were Japanese. What a plot twist. Next day, the action takes place somewhere around local grocery store when yon blond lady begs the vendor for some bread. He doesn't give her even a crumb. When she sees that, she decides to steal a loaf. And thus then another chase begins. After half an hour of a chase, she loses the seller and walks down the street. Then she sees a familiar girl walking in her direction. That girl notices her too. It was Ange. Ange takes her for a walk and they talk about casual things. She eventually asks her for her name. She introduces herself as Lindsay. Ange likes her. Seeing as she's wearing tattered clothes and she hasn't washed for days, Ange decides to take her to Featherine's base. There, Featherine asks Lindsay if she wants to be one of the characters for her new book; she agrees. Everything goes black. Lindsay wakes up wearing a silly red dress in the middle of a forest. Walking down the path, she meets a young man with glasses. And thus then, the main story begins.

>> No.5566866

I'm getting kind of sick of the mass of fanart in pixiv for these 2.

>> No.5566868


>> No.5566870


>> No.5566877

This is only beginning.

>> No.5566879

The only way the murder spree could be remotely justified was if the Ushiromiyas kept Sayo in a Type-moon style rape dungeon for the better part of the past six years.

>> No.5566887

this is hilarous

>> No.5566897

Because in the most novels the culprit have not really different motives, than he described + standard stuff, such as money, etc.

>> No.5566901

I wouldn't pass it over ryukishi

>> No.5566903


This is probably a reference to something but I don't get it.

>> No.5566907


I find it funny that even tough Shkanontrice fags keep on repeating that Jessica could never be the culprit, she is the one that have the BEST motivation of the suspects so far.

I mean, SHE IS THE BIRD IN THE CAGE. She is the one that is fucked up all the time by all of the Ushiromiyas. She is the loneliest one and the one that will be forced to marry to some half assed rich guy from some influent family instead of someone she loves.

While all the other cousins have it easy and could do whatever shit they wanted, she is completely chained to the family and everything it represents until the day she dies.

In the other hand there's the possibility of she being adopted and being the real Battler, or she being the daughter fo Beatrice II (this can be easily assumed if you stop to think about how after so many years Natsuhi MIRACULOUSLY had Jessica.), thing she could discover by herself.

Even if she is not the one really doing most of the murders, she is the one person that could more likely made a servant (like Kanon/Shannon) do it. And at this time she would be near Battler noticing his every move and putting all those letters when needed.

The only two episodes where she dies early are completely doubtfull (corpse thing in EP2 and the possibility of doing anything she wanted in EP5), there are many many anomalies and strange details involving her in the whole story...well i guess you guys get what i mean.

Even so people keep on hitting in the ''Shkanontrice as the only murderer'' key. I dont get it.

>> No.5566917

> Vance is supposed to be a man.
One who is metrosexual and quite possibly gay.

>> No.5566919

Different from your usual mystery murderer, the murderer could have no actual knowledge that what they're doing is wrong. Perfect example is that they think they're sending everyone to the golden land and everyone will be happy. The murders are only made gruesome so it will seem like someone who wasn't human did it, a witch, so a witch will revive and grant everyone happiness.

No matter how much you try to impose your own moral outlook onto the murder and say "bottom line, murder is sick, wrong, and the murderer is a heartless bastard", if they don't understand that what they're doing is wrong, it's the same as pressing a button you didn't know the purpose of because you couldn't resist. A button that triggers a gas chamber that kills people.

You can't confront the murderer with their crime in this case. They just don't understand. They're not evil, they're not even the usual evil of say a mobster who thinks that the deaths he deals are deserved. They just lack an understanding of the finality of the death they're causing, their lack of understanding is to blame, not their lack of moral center.

>> No.5566927
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You called?

>> No.5566931
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"According to Kumasawa-san, the culprit has already appeared... But I don't understand at all..."

Am I the only one who finds Shanon creepy in this screenshot?

>> No.5566935

Not to mention that Episode 2 is the only one of the first four Episodes in which Kinzo's body is not placed in the furnace.

>> No.5566939
File: 471 KB, 1260x710, 1278015713674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, my point was, why would they even think of giving him Erika's dress?

>> No.5566943

It's not that Shkanontrice is the only murderer. It's that if you want to say the murders are all done by one person (which is pretty silly), you can only say it's Shkanontrice. And that's only because their corpses aren't properly confirmed in episode 3. In reality, if we accept "Shannon is dead, Kanon is dead" means they're one or two dead bodies, rather than allowing for them to have a third name so they can just live on, then there are at least two murderers in the series. I'd say there are at least three people who kill at least one person.

>> No.5566945

>They just don't understand. They're not evil, they're not even the usual evil of say a mobster who thinks that the deaths he deals are deserved. They just lack an understanding of the finality of the death they're causing, their lack of understanding is to blame, not their lack of moral center.
In other words, a sociopath.

>> No.5566953

No. Why is she smiling like an idiot about the culprit? Unless this is some kind of meta-scene like the episode 1 teaparty.

>> No.5566956

Complete cop-out. It's just saying 'lol they're crazy' again.

>> No.5566958

Not quite the same. A sociopath can understand and comprehend such concepts; they just don't care about other people.

>> No.5566960

Not really. Such thing is more common than you think. You immediately get pregnant or you're infertile only in hentai.

>> No.5566963

"Sociopath" has certain connotations to most people. And I don't think the exact definition is someone who doesn't really understand these concepts, more like they don't actually care. I don't know too much about the canon definition of it, though.

>> No.5566965

Its hinted that whoever Beatrice is, she doesnt feel pleasure by killing and wants to be saved/stopped/redemeed so she has consciousness of what she is doing

>> No.5566966

It's probably useless arguing at this point...but have you read the latest TIP concerning Jessica's birth?

>> No.5566968

Because he looks like a girl and Rosa would probably be the only one who would actively check for a penis?

>> No.5566976

Can't wait for Wright to impose his rules like a tourneyfag.

>> No.5566981

Except that's wrong, retard.

Hardly ANYONE, even more SANE people, ever thinks what they do is wrong. That's why we judge crimes objectively, because then everyone could be vindicated in doing anything. And Sayo has had enough life experience to know what she does causes pain. She HAS had interactions with people, and from her notes, it's obvious that she understands by everyone else's standards that what she does isn't the most polite thing to do.

Yes, I'm sure she thinks what she does is fine, but that's not the point. The point is that what she does is not fine, it is not forgivable, and any explanation for her actions serves as a freudian excuse, yes, it may help us understand why she does it but by no means does it make what she does correct or her heroic.

And that's the main issue.

Meta-Beatrice isn't a dog, but the killer sure as hell is one. And yet the killer uses emotional manipulation to succeed in what she does. It's a paradox, the only way for the killer to be understood is to degrade her to the status of an animal, and yet through her methods and mockery she is shown to possess a cunning intellect.

TLDR: Yes, her moral standards are different from ours. That's why she killed her best friend and her fiance without batting an eye. So?

>> No.5566988


>> No.5566990

Natsuhi is crazy, not dangerous crazy, but crazy. Whoever Beatrice is, they at least instruct Maria on the same kind of delusional crazy Natsuhi has. Beatrice could easily be rather crazy herself.

>> No.5566993

Not getting pregnant for a while is a thing.
Not getting pregnant fo years of trying and then having an adopted baby throw of a cliff and everything opens a precedence to reasonable doubt about Jessica's birth.

You mean the Fufur/Zepar one with the headache thing?

>> No.5566996

>You mean the Fufur/Zepar one with the headache thing?

>> No.5566998

19. The motives for all crimes in detective stories should be personal. International plottings and war politics belong in a different category of fiction — in secret-service tales, for instance. But a murder story must be kept gemütlich, so to speak. It must reflect the reader's everyday experiences, and give him a certain outlet for his own repressed desires and emotions.

>> No.5567000

I'm a big Shkanontrice supporter, and yes, we all acknowledge it, Jessica is an anomaly. But we can't quite explain her. Her fantasy scenes show her to be a hero, and she is never shown to converse with Beatrice outside of fantasy scenes like Shannon and Kanon. Her relationship with Shannon and Kanon makes her highly suspect, but at this point in time there is nothing we can deduce about her.

>> No.5567003

You're still trying to simplify it at at the end say "merciless sick bastard who killed 15 people".

There's an important distinction to make here. Like my comparison with the mobster. She doesn't believe her actions to be right on such a simple level. Theoretically, she thinks the consequences of her actions simply do not exist, since everyone will be revived. How many murderers actually think that? Some, but very, very few, I think.

>> No.5567007

This guy thought about everything, didn't he?

>> No.5567021

I think the fact that Jessica talks with Battler about Kinzo like she sees him often even though according to episode 5 she shouldn't know about his death is reason enough to suspect her.

>> No.5567025

Yes i have read it. Its cute and everything but because of all the magical mumbo jumbo (like Jessica messing with magic books in plain sight) in it i cant really take it seriously...i mean, i guess the only message it gives me is that Natsuhi really loves Jessica.

>> No.5567031

>she sees him often
Never happened. She just said that his health was just like usual lately. I'd say the same if I didn't give a fuck about granddad but need to answer something.

>> No.5567034

>"U, uwa...I really did summon you guys. Gramps' grimoire was the real thing..."
It's a bit hard to take it seriously...

>> No.5567036

So would I. You could certainly say she'd say the same thing if she was desperately trying to contain her trollface, but you can't confirm it either way. For a long time, it was the popular opinion that Jessica was stupid and boring, like Gohda who also didn't realize Kinzo was dead. Though, if Shkanontrice is true, it's impossible for the wool to pulled over her eyes.

>> No.5567039

humbly asking for that tip

>> No.5567040

Well, even if we go for that definition, she's an animal. And I can't even just call her that. The mockery, the cruel manner in which she slaughters people.... hell.

Her actions are obviously and clearly evil. Even if she herself doesn't perceive it to be that way, they are. She's no different from the cult leaders in Waco.

>> No.5567041

So, she can't SUDDENLY become fertile, but can SUDDENLY love adopted child, instead of throwing her from a cliff?

>> No.5567047 [DELETED] 


>> No.5567045


>> No.5567061

Would you happen to have the exact quote? She later said in the same episode that she didn't see him at dinnertime.

>> No.5567063

It's either that or your murderer is your usual one that knows the consequences but does it anyway. Someone's character is going to be butchered a bit, I'm sure. Like Kyrie, a lot of people say she's a culprit, but I'm sure others would say she's a loving mother and wife. Maybe.

>> No.5567073

Jessica's origins don't mean a damn.(Although the thought of Jessica becoming Jin from Blazblue is sorta awesome) What does mean something, is her relationship with Shannon and Kanon, who we've said to be the same person.

That fact in and of itself, moreso than anything else, is condemning.

And yet, I can't help but feel we're missing something.

>> No.5567093

So far we've been shown only her extreme jealousy, cleverness and willingness to kill for love.

>> No.5567096
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She could just be crazy. Like everyone else, apparently. Black Blood did Umineko.

>> No.5567101

Why not?

First i would like to mention that there is NO RED involved in this story or in Jessica's birth so as far as i can question Natsuhi's state of mind (she even confesses that she had a mental breakdown) i can doubt many details in the story.

Anyway, i could for example, build a theory in which after the death of her first adopted child she really broke, after trying everything they could to make her come back to normal Krauss decided that the only way for cure her was to forge that she really had a child.

So he proceeded to drug her and fool her into believing she was pregnant while he got Jessica from wherever she came and faked a birth. Yes it may be a little farfetched but i wouldnt put it past neither of them.

Another theory would be that the one that died was her own son/daughter instead of the adopted one, in shock she went into a mental breakdown. Kinzo had the idea of giving her a adopted baby and convincing her that she was real and the adopted one was the one who was killed.

If you dont want dwell into that kind of scenarion you could just assume that Natsuhi repented and raised Jessica as a daughter becaus she liked her..

>> No.5567109

thanks and baaawwwww'd

>> No.5567132

Well, Jessica and Genji could both be someone else, based on the red text from episode 6. But such a thing is really irrelevant. In the end, Jessica remains an anomaly. We'll never stop fighting about how she fits in, precisely because any approach at this point in time contradicts another equally logical approach.

August 15th might shed some light on her, but remember, Ryukushi is the author, he's going to drag out some mysteries as long as he can.

>> No.5567135

Let's start with facts, shall we? Becasue you fags so easily get sidetracked with ludicrous theories:

1. The VERY FIRST episode, people are being staked in the forehead; it was commented on that due to the shape and size of the stake, it would have taken tremendous physical strength to drive it in.

2. Again, in the first episode before we know ANYTHING about the meta world and game pieces, Natsuhi faces a swarm of gloden butterflies that takes the shape of a person.

Going by the rules of a mystery, we should have seen the means of delivering a stake into a skull if done via mechanical means by now. We have not, so it must have been done by a person. Who? The person must have the means to drive a short, stubby stake into the skull of a person which would be probably impossible for everyone in this thread without the aid of a hammer or something like it; how the killer could use such a tool without causing a mess must be answered as well.

>> No.5567145

Shot him in the face, put the stake in the hole.
Yes, in reality that would probably not make a perfect hole for a stake, but dear god, we are talking about ryukishi

>> No.5567149

Shot with a gun, drive the stake in the hole, if needed to make the hole bigger you could position the stake tip into the hole, put a piece of cloth above it and hammer it down.

No rocket science involved

>> No.5567151

>there is NO RED
Not to make a big deal of this, but there are some parts of the story in which you have to use your own discretion. Otherwise, you'll forever be waiting for a spot of red. AuAu even complains about the same thing in Dawn.

>> No.5567160


And the exit wound with splattered gore is where?

>> No.5567165

All someone needs to do is use a rifle to shoot them in the head, and block the hole with a stake. There's no way Kinzo would modify his precious antique guns for stakes...so at least with that, Battler's first line of reasoning with a stake-shooting device is moot.

>> No.5567178

Hollow-point bullets?

>> No.5567180

The very fact of Natsuhi telling about this story in the front of the detective is proof enough that something happened. My point is that this story MAY not be the whole truth, some parts may have been omitted and, knowing Natsuhi's nature, she could have been fooled in other parts.

There's no point only accepting what is writen in red, but at the same time its foolish to not doubt anything writter in white, even if it is just half-doubting.

>> No.5567201

It's been accepted for a long time that the stakes are probably put in bullet holes. Could you even thrust the stakes into someone's forehead if you were rather strong, like Gohda? It seems like a very difficult feat, especially when the only visible wound is where the stake is embedded.

>> No.5567215
File: 642 KB, 1469x1572, c0f057cbd2d32087c36b9e44e756ff91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you probably could. The tip is sharp and if you smash it with something heavy, you can do it. But the victim must be unconscious, obviously.

>> No.5567222


>> No.5567246

We all know that a bird pooped (Beato) in their Tea and kill them all by poisoning.
Why discuss futher ?

>> No.5567249


>> No.5567257

Thats a stake ?
Looks like a drilling tool to me.

>> No.5567265

Poison, then stake?

>> No.5567266 [SPOILER] 
File: 293 KB, 1000x1000, 1276552002.65087165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is the real Beato. Mystery solved.

>> No.5567272

That's a stake. Anime failed even at this.
>As we had expected, the weapon was not bladed like a knife, but shaped like an icepick, ...or rather, a thin stake.
>And also, ...it had a spiral-shaped pattern that might have been like a drill.
>...It looked like something that might be driven into the hearts of human sacrifices in some demonic ritual...
>Including the handle, it was 25 centimeters long. Half of that was the stake shaped part, which was stained with deep red blood.

>> No.5567288


>> No.5567309

Given the structure of the stakes, I'd be real interested to see someone come up with any possible way they could be trick collapsing stakes.

>> No.5567316

Interesting thing is, in ep2 Battler describes Kumasawa's stake as about 30cm long. They differ?

>Its full length was probably about 30 centimeters.
>It was probably made out of bronze or iron or something of the sort.
>Even without touching it, I noticed that it had some weight to it.
>It was composed of a grip and a cone-shaped part, and it was obviously made to be a piercing weapon.
>Maybe it seemed like a miniature version of those lances western knights used on horseback.
>The ditch that had been inscribed in a spiral shape made it also look like a drill.
>......However, the grip had an occult-like design of a demon or something, so instead of a weapon used in war, it felt like something that would be used in a ceremony to offer up a sacrifice.

>> No.5567331
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>> No.5567333

>it was 25 centimeters long. Half of that was the stake shaped part, which was stained with deep red blood.

Never noticed that part. Thickness of the cranial bone varies, but that additional 12-13 cm is enough to penetrate to the brain. In episode 2, I think Battler was able to see Shannon's insides even though she wasn't staked..

>> No.5567370

She was, but the stake was laying near her. Maybe it has fallen out, or maybe she just laid it to seem like it and shot herself.

>> No.5567375

Come to think of, isn't the stake just beside her body too in episode 4? Naturally the staker wouldn't be able to stake themselves.

>> No.5567438

Yeah, it is (same as Nanjo). Krauss is staked in the cross-section of his head. And suspiciously enough, Kyrie is the only one properly staked.

>> No.5567456
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>> No.5567469
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>> No.5567478
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>> No.5567479

Thinking about the screenshots released, is there anything in 1-4 that suggests there's a Beatrice doll or puppet on the island? I know it's silly to analyse a few images without context, but I think "is that really the same Beatrice that Rosa-san met?" either refers to a corpse or a thing, so the doll image makes me wonder if younger Rosa found a doll instead of the human Beatrice (who was elsewhere or already dead) and the entire Ep3 flashback happened in the head of a sad girl playing with a doll that she broke.

>> No.5567486
File: 62 KB, 848x480, battlerdaffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5567499

>the entire Ep3 flashback happened in the head of a sad girl playing with a doll that she broke.
Beatrice existed as a human back then and she died - both facts are stated in red, why should Rosa's memory be a lie? How would that help?

>> No.5567525

Hey, look at this italian in the very first OP.

>Né regole Né comandamenti Né ragione
>In altre parole: imprevedibile
>Ma succede
>Cose spiacevoli succedono
>E io ne sono la causa
>Ancora non capisci?
>Niente di cui nutrirmi
>Mi fanno morire di fame
>Mi fanno morire credendo di poter prevedere

>> No.5567531

Uh, okay... do you have a translation for those of us who don't know Italian?

>> No.5567532

why am I laughing so hard.

>> No.5567538

No way they're gonna give some random guy clothes with the one-winged eagle when Natsuhi isn't even allowed to wear it.

>> No.5567548

>Ancora non capisci?
>Niente di cui nutrirmi
Pretty sure you missed a few words: 'qui non c'è (niente di cui nutrirmi)'.

>> No.5567557

>Né regole Né comandamenti Né ragione
No rules No commandments No reason
>In altre parole: imprevedibile
In other words: unpredictable
>Ma succede
Though it happens
>Cose spiacevoli succedono
Unfortunate things happen
>E io ne sono la causa
And I'm the cause
>Ancora non capisci?
Do you still not understand?
>Niente di cui nutrirmi
Nothing to feed on
>Mi fanno morire di fame
They make me starve to death
>Mi fanno morire credendo di poter prevedere
They make me die thinking they can foresee

>> No.5567565

>Né regole Né comandamenti Né ragione
No rules no commandments no reason
>In altre parole: imprevedibile
in other words: unpredictable
>Ma succede
but it happens
>Cose spiacevoli succedono
terrible things happen
>E io ne sono la causa
and I am the cause
>Ancora non capisci?
You still don't understand?
>Qui non c'è niente di cui nutrirmi
There's nothing I can eat here
>Mi fanno morire di fame
They're making me starve
>Mi fanno morire credendo di poter prevedere
They're making me die believing they can foresee

>> No.5567571

If the one winged eagle wearing one is a woman, could she rival Natsuhi's moe?

>> No.5567574


The lyrics do sound similar to that game opening that was never used.

>> No.5567580

They're from Umineko no naku koro ni - Rengoku -

>> No.5567581

no, never

>> No.5567583


>Né regole Né comandamenti Né ragione
>In altre parole: imprevedibile
>Ma succede
>Cose spiacevoli succedono
>E io ne sono la causa
>Ancora non capisci?
>Niente di cui nutrirmi
>Mi fanno morire di fame
>Mi fanno morire credendo di poter prevedere

ok, italian here..

- no rules, no comandments, no reason
- in other words: impredictable
- but it happens
- bad things happen
- and i'm the cause
- you still don't get it?
- nothing to feed me of
- they let me die of starvation
- they make me die beliving they can foresee

Not much sense in the last sentence though.

>> No.5567587

Once you account for the fact that one is Engrish and the other is a translation from Italian, then they're incredibly similar. They basically say the exact same things.

>> No.5567595

A bit offtopic, but always Seacat related.

Since the stream was a succes yesterday, I'm thinking of firing up another one later tonight (or today, for those in America)

Would /jp/ like that?

>> No.5567607

Remember the

Fuck you, Ryu.

>> No.5567610

It's a guy.

Van Dine - Watson
Philo Vance - detective

According to some contemporary critics, these mannerisms of Vance were affectations, which made him look like a foppish dandy, a poseur. (See below for criticisms.) There is some indication that Van Dine wished the reader to question Vance's sexuality. In The Benson Murder Case, Vance is called a "sissy" by another character, and early in the book, as he is dressing, his friend Markham, asks if he is planning to wear a green carnation, the symbol of homosexuality during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

>> No.5567614

Everything regarding the person in red is still speculation.

>> No.5567623

fuck yeah Italian uminekofags

>> No.5567624


>> No.5567629


It has boobs.

No it's not.

>> No.5567632


>> No.5567634

There are uminekofags everywhere.

>> No.5567636

While your reaction is nice, I need more than just one person in it.

>> No.5567642
File: 18 KB, 800x448, 1278266977973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What boobs?
I only see a flat chest.

>> No.5567650


>> No.5567651


>> No.5567656

Right, I will.

Need to take care of some business first though, so, let's say 17.00 4chan time.

>> No.5567660

The cousins and servants were playing hide-and-seek six years ago during the family conference. Shannon hid herself in the basement of the mansion, locked and gave the key to Battler. He had lost it and it was already time to return to the mainland. He thought that she got out, but she didn't. She spent several months there, drinking rainwater and nearly dying of hunger, before they found her. It has caused damage to her head, she invented imaginary friends to talk with. She thought they were keeping her there intentionally.
Six years passed and she almost recovered from it, but then Battler showed up again and she had a horrible flashback. She decided to kill them all. That is Battler's sin.

>> No.5567667

Oh boy, so it's either a trap or a reverse trap?
I'm happy in both cases.

>> No.5567676
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>> No.5567679
File: 43 KB, 800x448, 1278268650770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I know where you may have seen boobs, but that was just the shading on the sprite. If you look closely enough, s/he's completely flat.

DO IT. Last night's stream was hilarious.

>> No.5567713

Nah its just Jessica talking while locked in the closet by Natsuhi

>> No.5567748

>Several months without food.

Not possible.

>> No.5567777

Without love it cannot be survived.

>> No.5567788

Or rats.

>> No.5567801

Seriously that's probably the most ambiguous-gender sprite I've ever seen.

>> No.5567807

that doesn't mean hes going to make Van Dine a women in the vn, japan most of the time takes famous men and make them women in there vns, anime etc, but this all guessing anyway, it could be rosa and her husband for all we know.

>> No.5567811

Forgot the demons already?

>> No.5567813

>that doesn't mean hes going to make Van Dine a women in the vn
But... Van Dine is the guy dressed in blue.

>> No.5567821

You know, it really does look a bit like a guy. I'm going to be disappoint if it is.

>> No.5567833

o, got the names mixed up, my bad

>> No.5567838

It's so unlike Ryuukishi to introduce two new male characters.

>> No.5567841

Van Dine is the guy in blue.
The metrosesual guy Philo Vance is in red.

>> No.5567843

I wouldn't call them "gender-ambiguous". Both of them look obviously female, and one of them being actually male is kind of a surprise.

In this case, however, I could look at the sprite for hours and still be completely uncertain.

>> No.5567848


I still think that's more than likely Philo Vance, if it isn't it's probably going to be Clair de Lisle the portrait painter.

>> No.5567854

Remember when we thought Erika was flat and it turned out she had a chest that was being concealed by her clothes?

>> No.5567863

It's so unlike Ryukishi to introduce characters without costumes reminiscent of Angel Mort in Higurashi.

>> No.5567866

she also was wearing a dress

>> No.5567867

It's so unlike Ryukishi to introduce a gay trap

>> No.5567874
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>> No.5567875

Zepar and Furfur - one of them is guy

>> No.5567880

It's not like males in Umineko don't have their own manboobs as well.

>> No.5567886
File: 183 KB, 376x474, nopenotitshere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like concealed by her hair.

>> No.5567887

I've just noticed (s)he has two crests. Could it mean something?

>> No.5567889

He probably made a bet that he would be able to introduce 15 or so new characters wearing this suit. Now, when he finally won, he can dress them somehow different.

>> No.5567905

I don't think so. All the people who wear the one-winged eagle have it in varying numbers with no real significance, except perhaps their family pride. Eva and Kinzo have the most.

>> No.5567893 [DELETED] 

Two minutes earlier than planned. How nice.

Gonna set up the stream now. You guys still up for it?

>> No.5567922

Well, leaving aside weird cases like Eva, it has some consistence.
Kinzo has three
Krauss, Rudolf and Rosa have two
The four cousins have only one

>> No.5567931

But he/she also wears the family head ring.

>> No.5567932

Well, stream's starting with whatever you want it to be.


>> No.5567935

Then maybe it's Kinzo's child with Beatrice? I think one of the parents speculated that once about the Beatrice sending the letters.

>> No.5567941

Guys, jesus christ think a little.

1. Guns are very loud.

2. Try imagining driving a stake directly into the small hole covered wth blood so that it drives properly into the hole to make it look like an authentic staking. Think about how practially impossible it would be NOT to miss and cause a mess.

>> No.5567958

Remember when the story was about a single family? And Battler was the MC? Good times

>> No.5567962

Rosa only has one. I think there might be a scene in the anime showing pants underneath her dress that have a second one, but this compiled with Eva I think shows they have no real significance in number.

>> No.5567976

Remember when Natsuhi was just moe and used too hold her head, and say she had a headache? good times

>> No.5567997

What ever happened too that? she stopped getting headaches randomly?

>> No.5568018

Remember when Battler and Beatrice weren't fighting on the same side? Good times.

>> No.5568037
File: 547 KB, 1182x937, not-indecent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natsuhi was moely defending Kinzo's honor well before episode 5.

>> No.5568040
File: 624 KB, 1251x941, indecent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eva was not.

>> No.5568051

You are seriously overthinking it man.

A small handgun with a silencer would do the job, even if there were any noise the rain and wind would make up for it... god even if it made some noise someone could just think it was a thunder.

Also the stakes arent perfectly staked like you are stating...overall they have the habit of falling and leaving a bloody mess.

>> No.5568061

Agreed on the first point, but the mansion is supposedly very large.

The thought of someone hammering those into a skull makes my skin crawl. Arguably, Battler may have heard a gunshot while on the phone with Kyrie, but I'm not sure if there's anything to replicate that sound on the island.

>> No.5568109
File: 529 KB, 1280x960, dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More moe defense.

>> No.5568113

I want more of Natsuhi and kauss back story, kauss was alot funnier in the past.

>> No.5568121
File: 591 KB, 1280x960, no-dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eva again.

>> No.5568149


umineko with better resolution fonts? i want this too

>> No.5568349

In your Umineko English folder, make a new file, "ons.cfg"

Open it in notepad and write window-width=X

Where X is whatever number you like. Since my desktop resolution is 1920 x 1080 I have it set to "window-width=1080".

Save it, run Umineko, should have larger window with larger resolution font.

>> No.5568377

Shouldn't you have it set to window width = 1920 then?

>> No.5568394

You'd think so, but because of the aspect ratio that doesn't work. You've also got to be careful about setting a number that might stretch the screen at full screen because of your resolution. I found 1080 works fine for me.

>> No.5568402

Umineko is 4:3.

>> No.5568409 [DELETED] 

I just tested it, but the guy you're quoting is right.
Makes no sense, but width = heigth in this case.

>> No.5568434

okay. i'll try this. thanks

>> No.5568486

This is slightly off topic, but,
>Go to TF2 page for engineer update
>See list of 25 people who got wrenches today
>Click on the one named Mii
>Profile has a link to Witch Hunt
So that's what they've been doing...

>> No.5568600

Superior subtitled version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUMG3H_yOHg&fmt=22

Has someone transcribed and translated the Italian in this OP yet?

>> No.5568684


Forgive my ignorance, but isn't there an keyboard shortcut to change it to fullscreen with the patches?

>> No.5568750

It's Shkanontrice
when Kanon- changing clothes, wearing a wig
when Shanon- Pads for boobs, changing clothes, wearing a wig
when Beatrice- Pads for boobs, Changing clothes, no wig!

>> No.5568820

It's genius.

>> No.5568829

By the way, stream's still up if you want some discussing, listening to BGM, or if you just want to have fun.

>> No.5568832

Listen carefully.
I will turn over my love for Battler to you.
Become the woman Battler desires.

>I will give you the blonde hair he desires.
>I will give you the blue eyes he desires.
I will give you the new personality he desires.
And... In place of me, love him.
And if possible, be loved by him.

Sounds like Beatrice is the one with the wig to me. And contacts.

>> No.5568846

Yeah, the shortcut is F. But that won't make the text a good resolution. Try just pressing F without the ons.cfg and look at the text quality at full screen. Then try with the ons.cfg and compare.

>> No.5568886

See, this begs the question: Why not just wear a wig and contacts? Why kill everyone?

Out of the four children on that infamous day, one was a creeper(George), one was insane(Sayo), one was innocent(Battler), and the other is a complete anomaly(Jessica)

The entire mystery revolves around these four people and what transpired on that day. The Beatrice mythos is nice, but what we are looking at when it comes down to it is simply a friendship between four children gone horribly wrong.

>> No.5568949


Because of his WWII connections, it's possible for Kinzo to have acquired some High Standard HDM pistols. Those use .22 long rifle bullets and have integral sound suppressors. If the shooter used subsonic ammunition with the gun, it would be very quiet. The attacker could then hammer in the stakes like you suggested.

>> No.5569026

I'm Italian and I can't understand what they're saying.

>> No.5569096


As a result...they discovered something strange.
"It seems that Ushiromiya Natsuhi, very long ago, made a contract with some demon somewhere."
"That contract, in the one-day magic of the carnation, was set aside."
"Because Natsuhi seems to suffer from headaches, I wonder if she made some sort of exchange request."
"If that's the case, it should be Natsuhi's problem alone, and it should have nothing to do with Jessica."
"...Certainly! If it's like this, let's thoroughly investigate Natsuhi! Just what did she wish for from what kind of spirit?"
Everybody, do you understand?
Why don't we stop for a bit and turn back the pages with Zepar and Furfur?


>> No.5569102

Oh well, I was hoping to remake it with a full translation.

>> No.5569118

How can i listen too the stream?

>> No.5569137



>> No.5569166

This will kinda of be like Higurashi right ?
Multiple culprits and one sole Mastermind ?

>> No.5569169


Haven't seen you in a while.

>> No.5569217

Mostly Nanjo, Genji and Shanon/Jessica

>> No.5569237

Is it even possible for gaijinfags to solve this mystery?what Ryu said regarding this?

>> No.5569265

I post anonymously most of the time.

How are you my double? *giggle* *giggle*

>> No.5569268

Probably. If that really is Van Dine in the new portrait and Ryu revamps them to suit Umineko accordingly - there is one rule that says there must only be "one culprit" but helpers are allowed.

>There must be but one culprit, no matter how many murders are committed. The culprit may, of course, have a minor helper or co-plotter; but the entire onus must rest on one pair of shoulders: the entire indignation of the reader must be permitted to concentrate on a single black nature.

>> No.5569355

It is, except for the epitaph, which not even the Japanese can fully solve because you'd need to visit Rokkenjima first.

>> No.5569461

Remember when it was only the pony theory? (even though full of plotholes?) Good times.

>> No.5569644

Remember when you failed at getting Umineko? You still do.

>> No.5569818

Fuck you pony is still plausible ;_;

>> No.5570192
File: 42 KB, 614x496, white-pony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. I'm still here, anon. I'll always be here. Waiting.

>> No.5570212


>> No.5570220



>> No.5570272

Someone repost that image that Zepar and Furfur with huge tits

>> No.5570286

>that had

>> No.5570349
File: 400 KB, 672x517, WAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5570376
File: 120 KB, 527x600, wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, episode 7! Perhaps we'll find out what the fuck Jessica's deal is this time!

>> No.5570389

She's a lesbian robot from the future.

>> No.5570418

Umineko becomes more of a a clusterfuck each episode.

>> No.5570420
File: 151 KB, 850x696, 1278339503828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5570459

>By whose will is this story truly being repeated?


>> No.5570542
File: 166 KB, 429x600, 11695706_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zepar's hair is supposed to longer. And isn't (?) supposed to have tits. Goddammit.

Also, is/was there another random stream up? Last night's was pretty fun.

>> No.5570558

But that's why we love it. Don't deny it.

>> No.5570693
File: 436 KB, 819x1146, 11694007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, just saw that I missed today's stream. Oh, well.

>> No.5573611

Don't die

>> No.5573907

<see you again>

>> No.5574144
File: 250 KB, 900x608, 11692680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit, Ryu07. I don't want any Homotrice theories in my Umineko.

>> No.5574168
File: 265 KB, 1020x420, 11714877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It could be worse

>> No.5574250

Stop hack the program!!!

>> No.5574261
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>> No.5574295

Problem, /jp/?

>> No.5574445

There's still something worse than Homotrice. It's Faggotrice

>> No.5574541
File: 22 KB, 400x600, 5485492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised that western community doesn't know about this guy's comics. They're better than Rifyu's humor-wise (sometimes).

>> No.5574545
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>> No.5574549
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>> No.5574553
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>> No.5574557
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>> No.5574559
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>> No.5574565
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>> No.5574572
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>> No.5574576
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>> No.5574585
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>> No.5574589


Not hard to be funnier than Rifyu. That guy's art isn't as good. Probably why nobody cares.

>> No.5574591

Whoa, this still exists?

>> No.5574592
File: 22 KB, 400x600, 6592222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5574601

I get it.I get all of it.The blonde man in EP7 portrait is the person Battler talks to in the flashback.You know the conversation where Battler described his ideal woman.That mean the blonde man is the one who create Beatrice for Battler.

>> No.5574602
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>> No.5574607
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He does look like gender-bent Beato

>> No.5574608
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>> No.5574614
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>> No.5574618

Future Beatrice and Battler (that's why the little red hair, the color faded)

or blonde is their child?~

>> No.5574621

I don't know who I think is more interesting; The guy or the one whose gender we don't know.

>> No.5574626

see what i mean?Homotrice theory is the best!

>> No.5574634
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>> No.5574644
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>> No.5574659
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>> No.5574661

The person in red is definitely the most intriguing.
Person in blue is pretty much confirmed to be Wright (or, at the very least, he is a witch hunter like Dlanor).

>> No.5574667
File: 89 KB, 400x600, 8477202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good End.

>> No.5574675


Make it happen

>> No.5574681

I supposed i'm the only person who wished Amakusa to be in EP7 portrait.I want him to be more prominent.Oh well.

>> No.5574687

Impossible. Kyrie = Culprit.

>> No.5574711
File: 154 KB, 441x480, 1266026030261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's already prominent.

>> No.5574722


Someone please translate this.

>> No.5574731

So... Kanon?

>> No.5574749

Kannon is the only male who can pass as a girl.

>> No.5574773
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>> No.5574793


dem shoulders

>> No.5575353

i hope that hte ending of ep 7 goes like this;
Bern "and this id the truth of umineko blah blah im a bitch"

Featherine "excellent *witch cackle*"

massive trolling ensues the reader is wtfbbq

then for ??? bern is all pleased with her self and battler busts in

battler " is like actually all your theories are wrong none of it was true."

bern" oh shit im massive trolled"

tbc in episode 8

>> No.5575644
File: 170 KB, 430x1232, 11722820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could have been......

>> No.5575723

i wouldn't put it past ryukishi! (like kinzo XD)

>> No.5575923

I just had a rather outrageous thought.

In the more recent revision of Umineko 3, one of the lines WH altered to a presumably better translation: "It's definitely dead" As opposed to "She is definitely dead", WRT Beatrice's corpse after Rosa saw Beatrice fall.

So I wonder. If the original Beatrice had a child, would Kinzo even care what gender it was? Maybe the Beatrice Rosa met was actually a guy.

Let's take it a step further. Natsuhi had any number of tests done to determine why she couldn't get pregnant after so many years, but the doctors were stumped. So consider this- maybe Krauss was actually the impotent one. It's not uncommon for the male, especially in a time and place such as this, to automatically place the blame for failure to conceive on the wife and never consider they might be the one who is sterile.

So who, then, is Jessica's father? Natsuhi insists that she carried Jessica to term. Assuming, for the time being, that is true, Jessica looks like neither of her parents in any particular way. Looking at each of the other children, they generally share some notable characteristics with their parents. Jessica's the one with the least of that though.

Or is she? If Kinzo had Dudeatrice living over in Kuwadorian, maybe he got Natsuhi really drunk/doped up and led her to Kuwadorian for a little 'encounter'.

TLDR, Jessica's father is Beatrice, mind blown, etc.

>> No.5575970

why not?
Kannon, Zepar and Furfur and new red character - they all imply that someone's gender is different or that someone is playing with gender switching

>> No.5575996

>Jessica looks like neither of her parents in any particular way. Looking at each of the other children, they generally share some notable characteristics with their parents. Jessica's the one with the least of that though.
Eh. You're stretching it a little far there.

>> No.5576037
File: 152 KB, 600x800, 1477389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually had a theory slightly like this one. It wasn't Beatrice who got Natsuhi pregnant though, it was Rudolf. Natsuhi knew of Krauss' impotency and asked Rudolf for help so her husband could save face. We all know Rudolf is a stud so...

>> No.5576050

The issue with poison is timing. You have to be sure, that it will work not too soon or too late, just in the right time.

>> No.5576081

>>Jessica looks like neither of her parents in any particular way. Looking at each of the other children, they generally share some notable characteristics with their parents. Jessica's the one with the least of that though.
Actually, it's been mentioned at least once that Jessica looks more like Natsuhi every day.
The rest of this theory I could buy, though. When Natsuhi's inability to get pregnant came to light, the first thought that came to mind was that Krauss was the problem rather than her.

>> No.5576111

Well, Battler and Ange look enough like each other that it can be inferred pretty well that they are both from the same parentage. And both of them certainly inherited Kyrie's wit. Battler takes after his dad a little more than he'd like to admit too.

George seems more or less to have inherited his fathers even temper and business sense, as well as his rather uh, rotund build. And he picked up his mothers knack for martial arts.

Maria is just as much a social reject as her mother. And I get the feeling that Rosa was a bit of an oddball at that age too, since the other siblings all picked on her when they were younger.

But Jessica... I have trouble. She is a bit of a brawler, like Krauss used to be. I can't really come up with a solid association between her and Natsuhi. With her physical appearance and hot temper, it's rather easy to say she has some points in common with Beatrice.

I just changed up the genders a bit. If Beatrice is the father, then Natsuhi doesn't have to had some kind of phantom pregnancy delusion going on for 9 months. And under the circumstances, I can totally see Kinzo arranging such a thing. That way he can sneakily make Beatrice's line the head without revealing his secrets to the general public.

>> No.5576126

She has stupidity in common with Krauss and Natsuhi.
She has the curly ends of her hair in common with Natsuhi.
She has the brawling in common with Krauss.
She has the blonde hair in common with Krauss.

Enough similarity for me.

>> No.5576157
File: 138 KB, 500x521, 1261421760163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5576158

>Actually, it's been mentioned at least once that Jessica looks more like Natsuhi every day.

Yeah, that's true. I guess that could be the line of reasoning to tie Jessica to Natsuhi.

Still, this idea is not really new. Hell, Eva was the one who first brought it to light back in Episode... 3 or 4? I forget which. Probably 4.

>> No.5576169
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>> No.5576175
File: 122 KB, 500x521, 1261516966604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5576176

>She has the curly ends of her hair in common with Natsuhi.
Yeah, no. That's a wig.

>> No.5576183

Knox's 8th

>> No.5576199
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>> No.5576209
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>> No.5576214
File: 124 KB, 407x377, what a fool cackle cackle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5576223


>> No.5576224


>> No.5576229

>unpresented clues
Please do tell me a sound explanation as to why Natsuhi's hair has two difeerent and distinct colors and the second part of her hair looks plastered with the rest.

>> No.5576230
File: 84 KB, 350x348, 1250216245167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5576240

She's a stylish kind of girl who dyes the ends of her hair.

>> No.5576250

I've always wondered why the ponytail part of Natsuhi's hair is a different colour. She doesn't seem like the type who'd die it for no reason. Wigpiece, perhaps?

>> No.5576262

Nobody's hair color in Umineko makes sense. R07 thought it looked cute.

>> No.5576264

She's an adult woman that never leaves the island and probably takes care of her beauty needs.

>> No.5576271

Please, i want an answer, that isn't one. Everyone's hairs are monochromatic, unlike Natsuhi's.
>it looked cute.
this isn't an answer

>> No.5576289

I find "hair colors in Umineko aren't depicted realistically" a good enough answer. Because they aren't.

>> No.5576309


What the fuck kind of answer were you expecting? Ryuu thought it looked stylish, that's it. There's nothing to it, aspie.

>> No.5576313

get out

>> No.5576321

>hurrrrr why dos natsuhi-nee's ponytail look different urrrrr

>> No.5576322

...why are you asking me to justify Jessica's similarity to Natsuhi, anyway? Your theory was that Natsuhi was her mother. You should be arguing that she's nothing like Krauss, but she is.
>Likes using fists
>Blond hair

>> No.5576333

Jessica is very like Krauss, but she's nothing at all like Natsuhi, personality wise.

>> No.5576365
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>> No.5576391

I have only one question: when/where can we get the op song?

>> No.5576402

Full version isn't out yet, but someone has the link to the current one.
I'll upload to MU, hold on.

>> No.5576403
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 11720679_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could somebody translate what blondey is saying? It seems like he's coming on to Van Dine.

>> No.5576406

Link in the video description.

>> No.5576412


>> No.5576416

Seems my upload isn't needed then.

>> No.5576418
File: 109 KB, 566x800, 11698150_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to Atashi's blog, the full opening is coming out at Comiket.

>> No.5576450

So is blondie a girl or a guy?

>> No.5576456

Thanks a lot for the song and info.

>> No.5576462

That's what we're trying to figure out, although I think most of /jp/ has decided it's a guy.

>> No.5576499
File: 627 KB, 574x823, adfdsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a girl.

>> No.5576512

Yeah, same here.

But I'm not gonna think about it. No matter what we come up with, Ryu will have something that will be 20 times more absurd.

>> No.5576528
File: 260 KB, 1000x945, 11711663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's most likely a guy. Japan seem to think the same.

>> No.5576553
File: 175 KB, 400x300, 11688454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan has different opinions. Also only faggots care what japan thinks.

>> No.5576556

I want to believe that it's a guy. Just because of the stupid 'future Jessica' bullshit.

>> No.5576566

>it was commented on that due to the shape and size of the stake, it would have taken tremendous physical strength to drive it in.


>> No.5576575

Should i bother to read the EP.7?

>> No.5576589

Considering that the culprit is 99% likely to be revealed? Yeah you should.

>> No.5576611


No, wallow in your autism instead.

>> No.5576618

For all rights and reasons you are 'supposed' to be able to solve everything by the end of Episode 5. Or Episode 4 even.

But, without an actual confirmation of the real answer, you can never really be sure if you're right or not... I've more or less had 2 theories about this (one for Jessica and one for Shannon) I've gone back and forth between ever since Ep 4 came out, but even though ONE of them is probably right, I can't pin down which since it hasn't been made official yet.

>> No.5576623

New thread: >>5576616

>> No.5576647
File: 94 KB, 446x650, 11708156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New EP7 character looks quite androgynous, in my opinion.

I won't believe anything till EP7 release

>> No.5576650

What problem do you fucking have with Natsuhi dying her hair?

She is 50. She needs to look respectable. OF COURSE SHE FUCKING DYES IT. Also, it's pretty normal that hair leave some pigment at roots, so they mostly dye just the ends. In fact, that whole hairstyle looks like she has this exact problem - front hair short but pale, inner and back dyed.

>> No.5576721


>> No.5576750

Well Im gonna read it anyway

Thanks you guys!

>> No.5577458

Holy fucking shit this is awesome. I did have to copy the newer version of onscripter from the Chiru patches back to my Umineko 4 folder, but whatever.

>> No.5577483

Fuck you, Pony Theory made sense at the time and was partially confirmed, along with the Bomb Theory and Shkanon.

It's time to get over it.

>> No.5577544

>She has the brawling in common with Krauss.
That's not a genetic trait.
>She has the blonde hair in common with Krauss.
Beatrice also has blonde hair.

>> No.5577562

Stupidity and traits such as fighting style are not genetic.
