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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 221 KB, 500x600, 1272801225336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5559040 No.5559040 [Reply] [Original]

You guys do realize that liking traps means you're gay, right?

I'm getting kinda tired of you fags denying that you're not fucking faggots like the rest of this shitty site's user base. Stop being hypocrites already.

>> No.5559048

>You guys do realize that liking traps means you're gay, right?

>> No.5559051

I agree with the OP. What's the appeal of traps anyway? Dicks aren't attractive.

>> No.5559053


>> No.5559056

from what i've seen they don't even deny it?

>> No.5559062
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5559065

We don't, no.

>> No.5559067

I thought it was already clear that /jp/ had by far the shittiest userbase.

All the old regulars moved to the other site a while ago and only come here to laugh at /jp/'s pitiful state.

>> No.5559073


>> No.5559074


OK, I'll bite. What other site?

>> No.5559077


The other site? Elaborate.

>> No.5559078
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>> No.5559080

I didn't name the site for a reason. You really think I would post it on weekend summer /jp/ in a thread like this?

>> No.5559083

/bun/ of course.

>> No.5559086

Liking traps = liking dicks. Licking dicks = gay. I don't know what's wrong OP.

>> No.5559089

Bunbunmaru or tohno-chan

>> No.5559090


Yeah, because summer /jp/ exists and/or is detrimental. This is still the one of the least populated boards.

>> No.5559091

>I didn't name the site for a reason.
The reason is that the site doesn't exist.

>> No.5559093

if it's pretty you can fap to it
there is no gay

>> No.5559097


Yeah, that makes sense. Too bad someone else already screwed the pooch.

>> No.5559099

Not even close, /bun/ is even shittier than /jp/ and tohno-chan made me vomit the first time I went there.

It's not AnonIB, either, even that place has been evacuated thanks to rats spreading word.

>> No.5559102
File: 446 KB, 697x852, 9b486079325076ba572b4e0127bb15ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trolls trolling trolls.

Never change /jp/.

>> No.5559107
File: 296 KB, 867x1156, 8873fbf08e7385ea7c8581b64551c4bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got a funny way of requesting a trap thread, OP.

>> No.5559120
File: 107 KB, 391x382, dsvdsv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know the site so I claim it's a troll.

>> No.5559121

What's wrong with homosexuals any way?

>> No.5559126

Never denied being gay

>> No.5559130

They suck cocks and waste billions on "fashion".

They're the cause for the current recession.

>> No.5559134
File: 211 KB, 742x796, 11530005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 95% hetero. That must count for something!

>> No.5559135
File: 210 KB, 850x1112, long file name cant post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So kawaii~

>> No.5559140
File: 110 KB, 247x248, 1268292081010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when OP doesn't know Pansexuals exist.

If it's sexy I'll masturbate to it.

I find 3D traps disgusting for the most part though

>> No.5559147

But he used it correctly, shithead. Unlike you.

Goddamn tripfags...

>> No.5559154


>> No.5559155

That is why you filter them or use forced anon

>> No.5559157


I hate when pictures like that have a bulge

>> No.5559159
File: 124 KB, 900x900, 1263027037917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liking traps makes you gay
On the other hand: Not liking traps makes you a faggot.


Addendum: Option 2 is impossible, since EVERYONE is gay for Bridget, no exceptions

>> No.5559161
File: 454 KB, 800x814, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


U mad?

Meh, bored already, don't know you trolls don't get tired of this.

Oh, and to speak to the topic of this thread, 2d traps are fine, but 3d traps are gay.

>> No.5559163

Wait, so we made /bun/ to have a website to go to in case /jp/ disappears. But then some anons thought that /bun/ wasn't enough and made another secret /jp/?

Also, how can /bun/ be shitty if it only has like 2 active people?

>> No.5559167

That's the best part!

>> No.5559168
File: 345 KB, 847x800, d24a6f2cdb1be690357bd0ccfb900be9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pansexuality (also referred to as pan), or omnisexuality, is a sexual orientation, characterized by the potential for aesthetic attraction, romantic love, or sexual desire towards people, regardless of their gender identity or biological sex.

>> No.5559171

/jp/ went down the toilet when they started having MMORPG threads. This CB shit is a perfect example of cross-board cancer that the new /jp/ can't fend off like the old /jp/ could and would have.

And don't even get me started on daily threads and annoying faggots like CurryAss.

>> No.5559172

Never underestimate the ability of a tripfag to decay everything they touch.

>> No.5559179

>But then some anons thought that /bun/ wasn't enough and made another secret /jp/?

>> No.5559190
File: 226 KB, 807x1000, 1276969941697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the best part about the pictures. If you don't want the bulge then you might as well just not look at traps.

The bulge is there to let you know that they're a trap without going all out. If that bulge wasn't there then the pic would just be generic ecchi.

>> No.5559192

There's nothing wrong with generalizing if it's true.

>> No.5559194
File: 178 KB, 507x900, ab273836066151b545b490ba9986b361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3d traps tend to have mental problems. 2d traps are just lovely!

>> No.5559198

But it's not always true that like saying every lesbian is butch.

>> No.5559203

I pity you kids who still fap, trap or not.

I haven't fapped in 3 years and it's been the most productive and satisfying era of my life. After the 6 month mark you don't even get erections anymore, unless you will it. I have become master of my domain.

>> No.5559204


>> No.5559205

>All the old regulars moved to the other site a while ago and only come here to laugh at /jp/'s pitiful state.
Right, that's why you come back here every day. To "laugh" at bad posters and complain how /jp/ sucks so much. Because that's really fun, right? I'm so sure.

>> No.5559207


That's my point, don't get me wrong, I just hate when I get a fappin then see a bulge(I open lots of windows and scroll through them) come out of nowhere.

>> No.5559208
File: 859 KB, 1117x1000, e27029e05b634bc0edb095f855c8350475d20ecd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily doses are the most important types of threads to a bored. I mean, who doesn't like:

Cosmic Break
Spying on Japan via webcams
/jp/ radio
Touhou character of the day imagedump
Drawfag threads

Umineko ep 7 will probably have daily threads until the release now.

>> No.5559210

>I have become a retiree Viagra posterboy

>> No.5559218
File: 50 KB, 544x517, 1239022354817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dicks aren't attractive.
Maybe yours isn't.

>> No.5559220

Masturbating takes all of 30 seconds for me, it's not really a waste of time.

>> No.5559224


>Don't even get erections anymore

I haven't fapped in years man. Too lazy. You might want to get that checked out.

>> No.5559225

>every day

I haven't been here in 2 weeks. I thought I would check in for July 4th and see if I could find a thread with hikkis celebrating inside with candled cakes and waifus. Of course, I found nothing of the sort in this shithole.

>> No.5559229

>important types of threads to a bored

You tripfags get dumber every day.

>> No.5559231 [DELETED] 

/jp/ is shit tier compared to the other website.

Not big surprise there.

>> No.5559241
File: 1.57 MB, 1100x1660, f74948debce16e632e7be347fe1c9801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But the bulge is the main part you're suppose to be fapping to.

You're suppose to be imagining the trap on top of you,rubbing his cock all over yours as precum leaks out of both of you while you caress his petite ass.

Brb fapping.

>> No.5559243


I want to know what this other website is, because at the moment /jp/ is all fap material dumps touhou and visual novel threads.

>> No.5559245
File: 39 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He points out spelling mistakes on an imageboard.

>> No.5559246

Jesus can you just go to your other website then?

>> No.5559254

Why would I waste money on Viagra, I don't have intercourse with 3D pigs.
I spent 2 hours minimum every fapping session, you're a shit tier fapper.
Why would I get something beneficial to me checked out? You jealous?

>> No.5559257

I'm sure you have all the valentine's and chirstmas waifu cake collages saved. Why don't you just look at those and reminisce?

>> No.5559258

Not that guy, but we have standards.

>> No.5559260

He must be Kimmo-chan or another one of the Otaku Daily Star-like blogs.

>> No.5559265


What part of "Haven't gotten erections in 2 and a half years" sounds beneficial and healthy?

>> No.5559269
File: 137 KB, 500x600, clit boxing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5559278

Poor anon, how I feel sorry for you.

>> No.5559282

ITT faggots and god tier old /jp/ regulars waving the secret site in front of newfags like a carrot on a stick.

>> No.5559295

I didn't say I haven't or can't get erections, I said I only get them when I will it AKA when I want to.

Go back to grammar school, kid.

>> No.5559306

Only frat boy faggots like Dane Cook still fap and brag about it on the internet.

I wish you pathetic shitheads would get out of /jp/.

>> No.5559307


Everyone who needs to know about the sites has them bookmarked. If you don't know them then you don't need to be there.

Not the faggot that was showing off. I'm just calling it how it is.

>> No.5559308
File: 81 KB, 850x881, sample-2b4136c81ce776a804fae4fcf1ddb442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like trolls trolling new/summerfags.

It's funny though, so I don't mind.

>> No.5559317

Just so everyone is in the know here there is no secret site, let's all be clear on that.

>> No.5559324

As a 3rd party lurker, I can assure you there is no trolling going on here. The site hasn't been mentioned yet, but it does indeed exist.

If you want to find it I suggest you do some research on easymodo, there was a 200+ post thread about it a few months ago.

>> No.5559331
File: 48 KB, 267x350, 1271803765103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, how wrong you are.

>> No.5559346

You do realize that we don't give a fuck, right?

>> No.5559349

Stop replying to him. He's the same troll from a few weeks ago.

>> No.5559358

Less talk of secret sites, more talk of traps

>> No.5559371

Feel free to explain to me how I'm "trolling".

You kids just use it as a blanket statement these days when someone says something you don't like.

>> No.5559375

Why don't you go plug your ass with another dick and get the fuck out of /jp/ you cock-loving faggot?

>> No.5559379
File: 42 KB, 515x515, 11203713_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up.Tehehe

>> No.5559382

I've never seen a 3D trap that I wanted to fuck.

>> No.5559395

Is it that one secret IRC where you discuss how to get rid of the most sick users, and what kind of beatings to administer to them?

>> No.5559396


>/jp/ - Stupid Assholes

>> No.5559398

No, I'm tired of you fags shitting up /jp/.

Someone please tell me the secret site, I'm tired of talking to these idiotic faggots.

>> No.5559405

/jp/ - Faggots and Female Whales

>> No.5559407
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 11181544_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't reach the golden land.

>> No.5559412
File: 37 KB, 419x551, trap pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5559413

>Someone please tell me the secret site


Sorry guys but this thread is dead. As much as I love to talk about traps with you guys this thread was overrun by retards,normalfags and trolls.

See you on the other side.

>> No.5559415

Figures that you're also a pokefag.

/v/ called, they want you back.

>> No.5559416
File: 16 KB, 387x344, 1274122800944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5559426

trap lovers are as bad as furries

>> No.5559427



>> No.5559466

You seem to be under the impression that sage affects a thread negatively. This is untrue.

The value of a non-stickied thread is 0. For all intents and purposes, the thread is in equilibrium.

A normal post has a value of +1. At the instant a normal post is submitted, the value of the thread becomes 0+1, and the thread is bumped, breaking equilibrium. However, the thread immediately returns to its previous state of equilibrium, 0.

A sage post has a value of 0. When a sage post is submitted, the value of the thread becomes 0+0, and the thread is not bumped, but remains in equilibrium.

Tl;dr SAGE DOES NOTHING (and you are most likely an idiot)

>> No.5559468

And diaper fags.

>> No.5559471

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.5559476

Do you have that other copypasta about shitting into a plastic bottle and then having sex with it?

>> No.5559482

don't think so

>> No.5559484
File: 329 KB, 709x1001, 1265312462494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like this then you're a faggot.

>> No.5559485

And not a single fuck was given that day.

>> No.5559487

>I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

Good news, newfriend! That's why noko+sage exists!

>> No.5559493

>tripfags are as bad as furries
there, i fixed that for you

>> No.5559496
File: 50 KB, 500x129, Iceburn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must trip a lot then

>> No.5559501

This thread is terrible. Every post promoting the "secret site" (or wanting to get the url to the "secret site") is the same person. A troll bored out of his mind.

Suigin is the worst.

>> No.5559506

You answered a years old kopipe made by a tripfriend who's been here for years and you call him a newfriend.

God this board is bad.

>> No.5559517


No, I legitimately want to know the site, although at this point I doubt it exists.

>> No.5559524

Everyone that posted off topic is a moron.

>> No.5559531

I like feminine figures. I like feminine dicks.
It's not complex.

>> No.5559536

I hate women. I really do. Every time I look at them, my blood pressure shoots through the roof. When they're gabbing on the cell phone about Paris Hilton. When they're adjusting their lipstick and taking up my time rifling through their stupid purse. When they whine to me about their period. When they blither on and on about some artist/film director/musician nobody else gives a flipping fuck about. When they cry and expect your personal sympathy.

But most of all, /jp/, I hate them because they're smug, hyperactive little bitches made that way by our shithole society. Look what uncontrolled feminism and the media has done to them: they think they're superior. They can call the shots. No woman will even know what it feels like to be completely alone and unloved unless she is FIERCELY ugly. All their crying about relationships is merely them fucking up; any girl can get any guy she wants if she tries.

When girls are feeling down, they can have any man they like and fuck him. Even if they have no friends in the world, even if they are pathetic, ugly whores, they could strike up a conversation with any guy in class and make him theirs. But a lonely, pathetic man is hated by women. They know they're better than him. They give him nothing. Even though they know he suffers from his biological urges, they sit and laugh and do nothing for him. They get to choose who is happy and who is sad.

I know this is BAAWWWWW over being a virgin. I know that it's not morally right. But I'm posting it because every single one of you sexless assholes thinks the same thing. When you watch your roomate make out with his girl, when you hear it in love songs on MTV, when you see it on the streets: know that those women are laughing at you, hating you, denying you something completely harmless, just because they hate who you are as a person. And that's their never-questioned right in this world.

>> No.5559537

It's a stupid troll thread in the first place.

>> No.5559573
File: 84 KB, 256x256, pl03_fc_pr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't insult Suigin-sama like that.

>> No.5559586

Actually i deny women. Because i'm pretty attractive.
I have some perverse feeling looking at them struggling to hit on me only to be denid.

>> No.5559607

I don't like normalfags. I'll be honest, I think normal people are the cancer killing 4chan. Look at /b/'s front page, it's all my girlfriend this and my girlfriend that, it's nothing but posturing bravado in my eyes and it doesn't contribute to the overrall quality of a board. Want to know why night time /jp/ and previously night time /v/ were remembered so fondly? Because most of the people on 4chan at 2:00am PST are not normal considering societal definition, often abnormal people are the most creative though, they take out their abnormality in artistic ways. That's why so many of them are good at creative writing (look at how many famous authors have been abnormalfags). And I'm not talking serial killer abnormal or, or anyone who feels the need to identify with pathetic subcultures like emo or scene, I'm talking about people who are just quite cynical and have an understanding of the term dry wit.

In short, normal people are boring - they talk about normal things, their normal life with their normal girlfriend at their normal school/college/workplace with their normal friends eating their normal food and retiring to their normal apartment/house. They aren't interesting. Take that horse head dude on Nico Nico, he's clearly as abnormal as they come, yet he's absolutely hilarious as a result. The world would be fucking BORING without people like that. Basically, /b/'s content these days is normal people dealing with normal things in a normal way (hey /b/, i fucked such and such a girl, but X problem happened, what do I do?) Tell me honestly, is that as hilarious as hearing anons give serious advice on how to jerk off over sleeping girls? Or hearing someone recount an genuine incest story? Fuck no.

Don't take this in an offensive way, I just don't want the normalfags spreading to other boards. Let's keep /jp/ abnormal.

>> No.5559624

The secret site doesn't exist.

>If you want to find it I suggest you do some research on easymodo, there was a 200+ post thread about it a few months ago.
Obvious troll trying to get people to waste their time searching for this shit. If that many people knew about it it would have been revealed by now.

>> No.5559632

Glad to know I'm not the only one.

I must've denied at least 20 women ranging from sluts in a bar to some cute classmate. Funny thing is that it makes them like me more even though I make it clear I have no interest. Apparently they don't like taking no for an answer.

>> No.5559634

Ironic considering that whoever wrote that feels the need to identify with a particular subculture on 4chan.

>> No.5559639

the secret site is

>> No.5559656

suigin posts on adtrw

>> No.5559662

I did every now and then
until I got probated for something dumb

>> No.5559669

I don't want to associate with anyone who would pay money to post on a forum, and I know for a fact none of the old /jp/ regulars are dumb enough to do that either.

>> No.5559679

that old chestnut? nice

>> No.5559682

adtrw is hell of conservative. to them, nothing is greater than one piece.

>> No.5559757
File: 37 KB, 200x200, fagdeny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay for registration on forum

>> No.5559773
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>> No.5559774
File: 109 KB, 461x523, 1277493040590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5559859
File: 335 KB, 500x600, 1278286137112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100+ posts and noone has done this? /jp/, I am disappoint.

>> No.5560000

Has Marisa read her SICP today?

>> No.5560273
File: 91 KB, 1056x751, Gerald_Jay_Kirasame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5560273,1 [INTERNAL] 

Classic T-Dawg.
