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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5542998 No.5542998 [Reply] [Original]

[ Cosmic Break ]

Latest auto-saged thread: >>5526814

>> No.5543000

Archived threads.

1: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5355655
2: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5360055
3: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5369630
4: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5377476
5: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5385548
6: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5390103
7: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5399927
8: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5423614
9: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5453850
10: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5464271
11: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5484871
12: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5504262
13: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5515820
14: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5526814

>> No.5543017

Important message from previous thread:

All of Botglue is moving over to Hotglue now, send a message to Namae / Tablecat / Chisame / Florette to get moved over, if you're still in Botglue and still playing.

>> No.5543050
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1 Str off.

>> No.5543052

/r/ original...

>> No.5543058

I think that's the original.

>> No.5543120

Any pros have tips? For arties, I'm doing extremely well with shop destruct or girl. You simply stay at range and spam homing missiles. If you're fighting air, try to wait till they're flying towards you before you shoot. When they get hit and drop, spam your main weapon.

>> No.5543146

>3M UC
Spend it already

>> No.5543237

Repeating my previous question, does anyone know a Haku path with all treasures?

>> No.5543257

M ART here.

Always look at your radar. It is your most important tool. If you have access to Broad Radar, it is absolutely necessary that you get it.

The trick to playing any long-range ART robot is to always stay behind the lines and never get caught with your pants down by the enemy, especially enemy LND bots.

If the enemy is really far back and it becomes necessary that you have to run to the front line, then don't stay there. Run up to the line, shoot, run that fuck back and repeat.

In this game the lines shift very quickly. Staying in one spot = DEATH. You never know when a melee robot will suddenly dash at your lines and kill you. Running back and forth is a good protective tactic to make sure that you are as least exposed as possible.

>> No.5543289

Did anyone find anything useful on Haku's quest?

>> No.5543298
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But I have. I spend 500k since the last week, I gifted tons of machine to my clan mates and rolled garapon till I had everything from it.

>> No.5543306

>11 tough on land unit

Enjoy my stun build

>> No.5543312

I got a special headgear, it's like a flower+tassel

it gives you -1STR +1TEC +5CAP

>> No.5543328

Is she effective in combat?

Did you get that in difficulty 3 or 2?

>> No.5543336

While I am not Zombie and does laggy-invincible jumps, I'm not that easy to hit by slow guns like Paralyzers. Boost run + 23 walk is damn pretty fast, especially when I start kicking.

>> No.5543366

Wait, flower tassel?


>> No.5543379


I wish I had that kind of money. I've been wanting a Destructor Girl for a while. And I still don't have a Shaden or any folded rifles from Garapon 2.

>> No.5543457

New Garapon announced for next week.

>> No.5543630

So are there any other reccomended melee wepons besides the combination dagger and slash blade. I've only got one of each and I''ve been having shitluck getting more of them from the garapon.

>> No.5543653

Damn, I thought open beta ended on June 30. Time to play.

>> No.5544680

Windberl arms + Burner + Pulse Gun

>> No.5544855

So what's the verdict on Izuna and Tesla?

I rarely see these bots being played. Anybody leveling and testing them out?

>> No.5544956


Izuna has nice legs. To put on a crim.
Tesla has nice arms. To put on a crim.

butcher the girls

>> No.5544958

What's so great about a crim's body? It doesn't have the base stats of either.

>> No.5545065

low cost and disassemblable limbs

>> No.5545253
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>What's so great about a crim's body?
You really have to ask?

>> No.5545310

Izuna is like a pacifar with less capacity to use on things. She also has a teleport up/down that isn't really good in combat because of it's delay.

Tesla on the other hand is set up to be some kind of air melee. But she has such low hp it doesn't seem to work in practice. I'm not very good with melee though so it's probably just me.

>> No.5545362

Doesn't Crimrose have less cost than Izuna though? Won't putting the legs on her just be the same as Izuna with less HP and more cost taken up?

What's different about them that putting your presumably tuned up Crim parts on Izuna wouldn't make it better?

>> No.5545380

I've been using a crimrose thus far without any tuning up. I'd get pretty decent scores, top ten usually.

So I min maxed her today. Holy moly, consistent top 5s and 3 1st places. This is amazing!

>> No.5545404

So what is the damage type of psyguns? The wiki doesn't mention anything and you'd think they are beams, but it doesn't seem like it.

>> No.5545416

Looking for a REAL clan, I've been playing daily and the current one felt like shit for not doing anything special with their members (no clan run on quests or missions) and almost half of them are non-active. It's like I've been playing solo all this time with only a stupid tag on my name.

>> No.5545464

It does psygun damage. All normal guns are non "elemental" and just do non augmented damage. And they are not beams, they are "magnetic esp." The most special thing they do is fly a long way and psychically move at the enemy.

Does that psyknife thing that works on magnetic esp do anything interesting? I can't remember what it's called but it's a garapon weapon.

>> No.5545557

So, ranged weapons that aren't "Bullet", "Beam", or "Explosive" All count as neutral? How about the fire and thunder rods?

>> No.5545568

When does the second beta phase begin? I might try this again then. It feels so frustrating to try pvping against people right now as a newbie, and farming pve when a wipe is coming is stupid.

>> No.5545588

"bullet" is neutral. Psygun, accelgun, and whatnot are probably reduced by that upgrade that takes 10% off.

I just meant naturally causing extra damage, only things like missiles and bazookas are explosion, melee is melee, and beams and lasers are beam.


Though they really should list out what type of damage every gun does.

I don't even know what the rods do exactly, so no idea.

>> No.5545616

Fire rod counts as explosive.

>> No.5545620

You guys underate Crims too much.

My Lv. 9 Seraph with her auto beam gun being her only tuned part usually place in top 15 of 30vs30 shuffle and never dies.

Haters gonna hate. I hope you all enjoy your cool gimmicks with every never garapon that comes out.

>> No.5545627

>underate Crims

>Talking about normal crims
>You talking about paid upgrade crims

>> No.5545631


Seraph is my loli of choice as well, but I don't think anyone underrates them. Everyone just wants to try out the new bots every week. That's what beta is for, after all.

>> No.5545643

>green text
>implying that Seraph Crims aren't just some waste of money with a terrible melee and a special that does the same as a propeller bit.

>> No.5545653

What cartridges are necessary for M AIR? I'm using the stag beetle (mostly because he's a stag beetle. Homing lasers are cool though, it feels like the Shinki battle with dozens of curving homing lasers flying around) to limited success. I have sword/beam guards and cost limit upgrades only so far, never really used an AIR before.

>> No.5545666

On the Japanese server people have been playing for years and the only robots that consistently get complained about as being too overpowered are Seraph and Shaden, equipped with the Blitz Blaster.

>> No.5545677


If stealth system and sniper sight are available, get those. If it's just one of them that is available, don't bother unless you have nothing else to get. Quick jump is a useful upgrade and I think it's available for every air. Unless it has some unique upgrade that's useful, the only other thing to really get for air is capacity upgrades.

>> No.5545877

Loyalty is nice group. There's almost always some group doing quest and occasionally some team matches. Contact Carbonated if you want to join.

>> No.5546073

Thank you.

>> No.5546113

Try Hotglue as well since they're the most /jp/ of all active guild. Send a message to Namae / Tablecat / Chisame / Florette.

>> No.5546136

on the next update

>> No.5546197

I upgraded my Crimrose today. It was sad to see her red hair turn black and loss of cartridges, but boy, she was a fair bit better after the upgrade. Only thing is now I feel more guilty about risky near-suicidal item-spam attacks, since I'm losing 900+ BP instead of 700+. Still, I'm dying less on average so it evens out.

I'm getting 1-3rd most of today, but I think that's mainly because I also switched my Aquila to a PULSARDIOOOOO (Zetaaaaa) and am getting best support a lot more.. then again I'm also getting destroyer so maybe I've just been playing crap people with my new bot.

>> No.5546210

I would disagree, sniper sight is invaluable even without antiradar - after your initial alpha strike volley, you should move on immediately in any case, and a good alpha-strike means you shouldn't have been seen on radar in the first place.

Arty rarely ever check their radar anyway, so their only warning they're about to be shot is the scope, which sniper scope removes.

>> No.5546247

Shuffle? That's more like luck-modo.

>> No.5546304

Nah, nah, winning or losing in shuffle is pure luck. Getting high ranks? THAT is skill - there's always good and bad players on both sides, so you've got to be decent to get a good score.

>> No.5546316

If you see it like this: Getting high ranks is also a matter of luck. Sometimes I do nothing special at all and get a top 5 score. It depends on what other people are doing as well.

>> No.5546373

So many fucking /v/ fags coming to Wiz so many marble ranked nigger kids that suck.

>> No.5546379

hard to get a good score when the niggers on your team go leeroy jenkins and the enemy camps your spawn point

>> No.5546392

If that's the case you should be busy hunting down THEIR idiot people and camping their spawnpoint, better. If you get killed and can't get away from the ensuing spawnpoint gangrape, you're clearly not very skilled.

Or playing arty, hahaha.

>> No.5546512

We need to tell the GMs that we don't want those shitty gold mechs as a post-beta reward.

I think stuff like "keep one commando or one mech" is better.

>> No.5546523

Not going to happen at all. It's way too unfair to new players.

>> No.5546553

I still don't want the gold bots.

Or give us a full-blown Izuna bullet hell minigame.

>> No.5546568

This game have usually ~400 users online during the week at its best. I can't see it surviving for more than 2 months with low population like it will be once beta is over.

>> No.5546626

Flavor of the month, its to be expected.

>> No.5546793

A few free garapon rolls would be perfectly acceptable.

>> No.5546810

draw guns camping the spawn site, when your invincibility wears off it's pull and vine

>> No.5546827

They still don't know when CB will be officially released. Chances are, there will be a long break and no second beta. I'm gonna drop this game once the beta ends.

>> No.5546976

Hey guys, when you use an EXP or UC multiplier and it runs out before a match finishes, do you get the bonus or not?

>> No.5547027


You do.

>> No.5547213


>> No.5547400


JP CB is also like that

Also, alot of people have put a stop on playing until the wipe happens. We had like 1k+ players during early events.

>> No.5547420

I took advantage of the drop rates this morning and got a bunch of quest parts. The vulture BS seems cool, but the wingspan is huge. Does anyone know if they actually increase my hitbox?

>> No.5547544

Did you solo the quests? I find them hard to complete by myself.

>> No.5547578

Then you'd bitch that you got shit

>> No.5547612

Yeah, I soloed. It gets pretty hard in the later levels, but the key is to farm enough stat ups in the first couple areas.

>> No.5547674

Quest mode is easy except for the glacier every time and everything past the 5th area, where every faggot you have to fight has a purple health bar.

>> No.5548223
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>> No.5548460


>> No.5548483



>> No.5548563

it'd be even funnier if he could get top score with it.

>> No.5548602

>still 400+ cost

>> No.5548701

it's an LL art, what the hell did you expect?

>> No.5548840

Are there any spots in hotglue?

>> No.5548959

Yep, come find me in channel 3 Wiz area, ign: Namae

Tablecat, Chisame, and Florette can invite too if you see them.

>> No.5549240

Any sites with parts lists?
I al perfectly happy with my Aquila body, but have no idea what I should look for in arms and such.

>> No.5549263

Do you want fast, hard-hitting, or tough? What setup do you have?

>> No.5549299

How do I make my zero saber gurl better, right now I have an assault rifle and photon saber.

>> No.5549309

My dick is fast hard hitting and tough.

>> No.5549311

Hound Dog HD
Tengu BS
Beam Rifle

I use my BD weapon as my main usally, since I havn't found a weapon that feels like it works better. I can usually place top 3 except when I get ganged upon.

Mainly I need to up my TGH, since it's only at 4. Really sucks to try to get out of situations. TEC is at 20 and could use some boosting, and FLY is at 28.

TGH first
Find a better weapon
Boost TEC,FLY last

>> No.5549362

Stardust cannons are pretty good for a main, it's long range and so on, but it'll kill your fly.

>> No.5549410

I can't find those for sale, in the Garapon, or in the coin list...

>> No.5549468

I got a few as arena awards

>> No.5549638

>Boost TEC,FLY last

got that backwards

>> No.5549669
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>> No.5549697

i shure love mah SDGO, guyz

>> No.5549832
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Finally finished leveling and tuning my new seraph crimrose. She's kicking fliers and arty ass all over the place.

>> No.5549835 [DELETED] 


>> No.5549971

The volcano kicked my ass.


>> No.5549981
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>> No.5549992

downloading /jp/ what i should to do?

>> No.5550027

What are some good melee weapons?

>> No.5550030

>Look at main site
>7/3 Lumberjackan, Transforman

>> No.5550170

Yeah it's only expected after "hardest metal known the man" in the beetle guy's horn description.

>> No.5550197
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>> No.5550220

What type of robot should I use to get the most of the event?

>> No.5550229

>Seraph's description
Cool story bro

>> No.5550250

Obvious 4chan GM(s). Tempura called us /jp/ when we were doing an event, he has a waifu, they played the Dumb and Dumber vuvuzela clip, etc.

>> No.5550307

I wonder if it was the same with japanese version and 2ch/an

>> No.5550444

made 1m

i'm full

>> No.5550482

The gms are pretty stupid, and gorilla is by far the most retarded.

>> No.5550490

Tempura's my waifu.

>> No.5550629

GMs need to stop browsing /y/ and gibe keys.

>> No.5550643

Wow, 1.2m first run, first time I make so much.

>> No.5550764


too bad that we got less than 10 days to spend it all

>> No.5550779
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Today was a good day.

>> No.5550790 [DELETED] 

Wow, made 3m

>> No.5550799
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They're human after all. They're stupid and they need to pee, just like the rest of us.

>> No.5550800

I only got about million this time. It seems most people got more than triple that.

>> No.5550855

You logic is wrong and you know it

>> No.5550960

Wow, and I was happy with 9mil.

>> No.5550996

If Izuna's Tail Wisp is considered Melee damage, does its damage increase with higher STR? Or is it still TEC since it's a ranged attack?

>> No.5551006

The GMs may me retarded as shit, but if you can call them gay and they respond, over the radio, that they are not instead of the usual GM fanfare (immediate banning) then they are alright in my book.

>> No.5551124

This is only because those GMs are used to saying MODS = FAGS on /b/.

>> No.5551133

FFFUUUCKKK, I completely forgot about today's event

>> No.5551140


>> No.5551179


>> No.5551188

Yes, an hour ago over

>> No.5551191

damn it
i only have 26k

>> No.5551346

Wait, why can we still fight the chaos army?

>> No.5551497

Holy crap, Tempura is summoning bosses

>> No.5551501

transforman event

>> No.5552681


I just pawned off tons of stuff to get materials for a tune up and it failed at 70%. So I pawned more stuff to try again and it failed again. This shit is rigged. I bet the percentages are lower than what they tell you. Not to mention the 80% and 90% ones that failed right before this. The only 2 that ever worked were 85% ones.

>> No.5552701

Yes, the chance at failure is something the devs should do away with.

>> No.5553840

>Zombie and does laggy-invincible jumps
Somebody explain this one to me. I've seen this first-hand, but have no clue why this is even effective at all.

>> No.5553896

Probably the kind of game where lag makes you be elsewhere than where you seemed to be, making the opponent's shots miss, as opposed to other games (mmorpgs) where lag will make you be hit where you were even though it looks like your character moved away.

>> No.5554075

There was some chink playing yesterday using short boost + quick landing. In one match he had like 6000+ cost and still ended up first.
I don't remember the last time I raged so hard because of a multiplayer game.

>> No.5554082

How is that even possible? How do people have 3000+ match costs and still rank at the top of the leaderboards?

>> No.5554095

So, really noob question here /jp/: how do I get star coins?

>> No.5554104

Buy on item.

A lot of damage/frags. Scoring system should be changed so that people are less inclined go Leeroy Jenkins into the powerspot, possibly by increasing score penalty of death.

>> No.5554108

Currently, you buy them for 500 coins each at the store.

Alternatively, be Zombie and cheat and get Star Coins when they release the list of top players every week or so.

>> No.5554120

Kills should just count more. It seems to be better just to damage people now than to kill them. You can kill 4 people and get 2 deaths and be negative but then you can not kill anyone and get like 1500 points.

>> No.5554130


>> No.5554155

I'm not really a damage machine, doing about 1000-1400 damage a match. I just don't know how people do such crazy amounts of damage to the point that death is just a molehill to their score.

Admittedly, the only reason why I even make it into the top 10 fairly regularly is because I'm a coward who'd rather forsake the team to mine powerups/hide than die. Not that it matters anyway because we're already losing hard by then.

>> No.5554262

I can confirm you DO NOT want 0 wlk as an air. No matter how much extra tec or fly you could get. 0 wlk makes your quick jump 2/3 height go from 1 second to 3-4

>> No.5554280

Oh, so is that how WLK affects jumping? The stupid loading screen just talked about how it crippled your landings, but I didn't notice a thing when I put 0 Walk on a bot to test.

>> No.5554301

Yeah 0 WLK is terrible for flyers. Also 0 FLY is bad for boost runners since your boost meter lasts for 1 second, while 1 FLY it lasts much longer.

>> No.5554447

which misty hollow is better? It seems like the garapon one's shadow thing lasts a second longer. The other one has more range, whatever that means.

>> No.5554486

If I remember correctly, Garapon Misty's mist can sever enemies' limbs.

>> No.5555185

anyone know the 3* route for fractulus?

>> No.5555587
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which cartridges for my lily rain?

>> No.5555592

none. get majalis

>> No.5555630


ok, and for my majalis?

>> No.5556015
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I finally understood why everyone is playing shuffle now.

>> No.5556023


>> No.5556040

Meido erased that in nanoseconds, god bless her.

>> No.5556052

Majalis is only good due to psyslicer you can deploy without stopping your movement. If you don't like using it, just use Lily Rain.

>> No.5556078

I'm star rank, so I'm generally stuck doing shuffles for most of the time ;_;

>> No.5556080

dang yeah. I hate it when that sort of thing happens in shuffle. In that kind of match it would happen every.single.time.

>> No.5556083

Lol, losing to BRD.

>> No.5556106

I should be playing minecraft right now.

>> No.5556112
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Apparently all the good players are stacking fighting DOS. Suddenly all wiz and even my weakass support bot can get destroyer.

>> No.5556207

You guys in channel 3?

>> No.5556270

Channels only matters for hanging out; Arena etc stay cross channel.

>> No.5556568

so, where can i get the manga for this? besides the yandere ivis one

>> No.5556617

Is there a /jp/ guild?

>> No.5556720


Of course there is.. Hotglue.

Ask Namae, Chisame, or Florette.

>> No.5556862

Any clues when official complete version will be launched?

>> No.5556885

Quick question: is it possible to create a clan with no other members other than yourself? Y'know, a clan for a clan's sake.

>> No.5556999

I'm star ranked. That's terrible. You'd have to be a supremely depraved person to have a star. The kind of person who is an American who uses /jp/ on the Fourth of July.

>> No.5557020

Yeah, I have one. Clans with other people in them are for fags.

>> No.5557138
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I can't play CosmicBreak due to a fucking error that no one seems to be able to fix for my computer without "update or buy a new comp lol" when I've updated to the shit; And I know I can run this game. I've run games more better than this.

>> No.5557180

I hate how the fags who create the clan use /clan as their own private channel.

>> No.5557204 [DELETED] 

They do it in about every other game, too. Get used to it or don't join a clan.

>> No.5557248

Did you put patch.cosmicbreak.com in your hosts file?

>> No.5557267
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Yes, that's not the issue.

It's that OpenGL Hardware acceleration error, crap thing.

>> No.5557437


Try altering your hardware acceleration?

>> No.5557504

Dunno how, not a tech person.

>> No.5557640



>> No.5557658
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>> No.5557704

seems like this game runs on 4chan

>> No.5557724
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>> No.5557802

don't you get a huge hat if you put the christmas' one?

>> No.5557851


Control Panel > Display > Advanced settings > Should be somewhere in there depending on what windows you're using.

>> No.5557962

And Tablecat, I probably missed someone else. You should check these things.

>> No.5558015

Are Seraphs still small air? Or do they get bigger?

>> No.5558052


Nevermind. They are still small.

>> No.5558231
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Oh hey, this didn't turn out half bad. Now all that remains is getting more FLY on the parts and removing the wing AMJs, since +2 FLY -1 WLK isn't worth 30 cost.

>> No.5558236

Yes you do.

Also fuck this game there's no way I'm playing past the beta if some fucker with the shaden booster and blitz blaster can solo powerpoints with no way to shoot him down, ruining every fucking match.

>> No.5558256

Get some support bot with thunder rod, better if it's with double stun. That shoots them right down and doesn't require aiming properly.

>> No.5558283
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>> No.5558302

Yeah, shaden booster combos are terribly overpowered, and there's only a few weapons that can counter it effectively.

Almost as bad as Jikun Lags who warp 400 feet on the map everytime they attack.

>> No.5558396

Now find a Grandam BS and put on it.

>> No.5558513
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>>5558236 with no way to shoot him down
Here's an idea

>> No.5558652

>Also fuck this game there's no way I'm playing past the beta if some fucker with the shaden booster and blitz blaster can solo powerpoints with no way to shoot him down, ruining every fucking match.
This. Even worse if they know that they can stack Shaden Boosters for retarded levels of sniping.

>Jikun warping
This too.

>> No.5558659

lol @ GM gorila getting mad at losing in this


>> No.5558667

If only missiles could actually hit them when they're circle strafing the power point. The only thing you're likely to hit em with is leading shots with a rifle or using a blast bazooka and making them bite the dirt from the stun.

Although maybe a fully loaded sturbanger would end up pegging them with a missile or two per volley simply due to the sheer number.

>> No.5558703

Does that work?

It doesn't work. You can't spell missiles without MISS.
People who do the shaden boostering properly fly too high and too fast. They also have good TGH usually so they don't get shot down by chance.

>> No.5558705

I just hit those guys circling the power point with a double stun paralyzer, works nicely

>> No.5558712

No. I main a sturbanger and can't hit them. It doesn't work even if I move a bit away from the PS to get a clear shot. The target ends up half in/out of lockon.

>> No.5558776


>> No.5559010

hartigarm machine on green field.avi

>> No.5559114

How to counter shaden boosters:

Get something with 30+ fly

put a shortsword on it

fly near the booster guy


watch them drop down

alternatively, blast zookas. they won't dodge if they're unaware of it.

>> No.5559142

Serpah Crim here with snipe and steath, thanks for the easy points.

>> No.5559244

Is there anyone still playing who is in Botglue? We moved most people over to Hotglue, let us know if you need to get moved over.

>> No.5559304

That is why the good shaden booster users use dual sword bits. To knock you out of the air first.

Good luck with that. Not everyone is so slow to react to being fired on. You can see where bullets are coming from if you are not an idiot.

>> No.5559325

Maybe, but with 40 fly and air roll, even if you do see me, I doubt anything will actually hit.

Just rinse and repeat, it won't get you into the top 5, but it will get you into the top 15 most of the time.

Unless you run out of boost and fall into the middle of the enemy team.


>> No.5559439

I just got fucking stuck on the loading screen

>> No.5559715

GM gorila is drunk in getamped2 too, how does he get paid for that?

>> No.5559826

not for long is how.

>> No.5560234

More ghostees coming up

>> No.5560555

FFFFFF the keys won't appearrr

>> No.5560586

gorilla is the model gm

>> No.5560613

Fuck this shit. It seems like the only GM who takes his job seriously is Tempura.

>> No.5560626

Where's Tempura? At least he seems to know what he's doing. Plus, he's a pretty cool guy.

>> No.5560633

kanpan is the best gm. The least retarded.

>> No.5560655

Well, I'm dropping this like a brick in the sea. Time to play some VNs.

>> No.5560678

Yeah, yesterday's group was great. It seems like there's two groups of GMs. The group that actually talk to the people (yesterday) and the ones nobody knows about but they exist (today and the tree event before last)

>> No.5560709

What's the problem now

>> No.5560735

has anyone done the breaker upgrade?

It says increases the amount of damage done by main weapons by 25%. Which sounds like it means ALL your main weapons. Does it do all of them or just the one you upgrade?

>> No.5560741

huh I'm not getting my butt kicked everywhere. Did all the good people leave?

>> No.5560745

yeah. Last sunday was the exact same thing. It was like they didn't give a damn and didn't really try. Though today the ONE gm that was jumping between 3 and 6 was doing their job. Though it would have been nice to jump to 9 also since everyone was on their own there.

>> No.5560769


>> No.5560770

>4th of July

>Stay inside playing cosmic break

>> No.5560778

I can't play this without other star-ranked people. I need to know that I'm not the only pathetic no-lifer in the battle.

>> No.5560803

No. You are the star.

>> No.5560838

It's confirmed. TOUFU = Troll GM

We are all Meta Cacti.

>> No.5560860

Is this Medabots online...?

>> No.5560886

An arena match with nothing but Meta Caci would be pretty hardcore

>> No.5560908

I would say more like Armored Core but sure, that works too.

I've also got some of my bots skinned to look like Medabots...

>> No.5560946

I can't be the only star. I'll feel like too much of a loser.

>> No.5560951

You'll be the only crown if you keep this up.

>> No.5561111
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x960, Comp 1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think that C.S. and Ivis come in this beta?

>> No.5561113


I've seen 2 or 3 other star ranks in shuffle matches.

>> No.5561324

everyone left the arena. I'm missing out on exp because guys want to go watch fireworks.

>> No.5562724
File: 129 KB, 825x644, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best I've done...

>> No.5562743

kanpan is Tempura's alt

>> No.5562747
File: 133 KB, 810x635, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this commado group

>> No.5562859

some guy with a japanese emote for a name got like 11k points earlier with 6000 cost. What the fuck.

>> No.5562959
File: 274 KB, 640x360, reinhart is happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol being a huge shaden faggot and killing powerpoints all day, I bet he only died twice but the crown makes killing him worth 3k

>> No.5563236

hahaha, that's pretty awesome. Should try a skully sometime.

>> No.5563980


I'm terrible playing support on that stage, apparently. It's hard when everyone is so spread out on 3 different levels!

>> No.5564252
File: 217 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100705_0346_29_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is she effective in combat?
Not the best melee around, but she can do some serious damage.

>> No.5564277


>implying that airs can use dual melee bits
>implying that not 90% of shadenboosterfags are using propeller

>> No.5564286


The cost on results screen shows your real cost, not BP damage to team during death.

>> No.5564297

Ignoring problems like slots, arm, sub weapons and robot type, what's the better main weapon, paralyzer or tesladonna am2? I prefer tesladonna due to being able to fire a stream of bullets but other opinions are always nice.

>> No.5564534

Paralyzer generally works better vs other airs, since it does a "heavier" stun. Tesla is great vs L land and artillery where you easily and land the entire burst hitting for 35 damage or so.

>> No.5564615

I feel bad for people trying to do haku in teams. Especially random teams where you know at least half of the people are not going to bring anything useful.

>> No.5564694

Haku has brought out the worst case of SERIOUS BUSINESS I've ever seen in this game thus far.

>> No.5564737

Ironically, haku is the easiest boss to solo. You easily can solo 3 stars and finish with 10 mins remaining. 2 stars with 13 mins remain.

>> No.5564743

Is the trick in the weapon load out?

>> No.5564766

1.) Go to ghost tree event
2.) Get 20k on area 1
3.) Get 35k on area 3
4.) Get 15k on area 6
5.) Get stuck on area 9
6.) ????

>> No.5564788

You are... I don't know, 10 hours late?

>> No.5564794


Easier than standing still with 4 shotguns for BEEZ?

>> No.5564821

Yeah well:
It's not as boring.
It gives UC as well as exp.
You can run the 3star much faster than bee
You don't need a full party to run 3 star
If you run the 3 star you don't need to chase the boss through long ass firetunnels and the likes

>> No.5564886

I never fought Haku. I tried fighting Fractalis and didn't bother with Haku after that because I heard it was even more annoying.

>> No.5564887


Like those shaden boosted gits flying round the power point. That'll show em.

>> No.5564895

I thought Fractulus was an awesome fight. Haku gets terribly boring if you're doing it with a full party, though.

Were you Ramboing?

>> No.5564915

Fractulus is all fun and games until your toybox gets knocked down the stairs and it can't get back up after a full five minutes.

>> No.5565293

Only real problem I have with Fract are the blue missiles that come from below and you never see them coming. Giant laser is pretty terrible if your mech is slow as heck.

>> No.5565371

When will the full game be launched?

>> No.5565391
File: 23 KB, 400x264, fractulus firing that fucking laser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only real problem I have with Fractulus is that I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away...

>> No.5565395

"Will it be" may be a better question. Have you seen the server population?

>> No.5565421

That's how I never fail to get at least 1 star in every match I play in. Though it will never get me more than 2 since damage output will never be high enough.

>> No.5565431

What's this about a post-beta bonus and gold robots?

>> No.5565444

It's soloable? Is there any secret to it besides COMBINATION DAGGERS, DAGGERS EVERYWHERE? How do you do the clone fox alone?

>> No.5565494

You are smalltime.

>> No.5565500

Japanese CB has even less of a population and there certainly seem to be enough nutjobs in the English community to pay for it.

If even private RO servers can keep themselves afloat, so can this.

>> No.5565523

Only with a Crim, and most players aren't that good with one.

My jikun with combo daggers though, its either 2+ Stars or bottom half, depending on how things turn out.

>> No.5565546

Rolling my way to some daggers for Haku, and I don't think I've ever seen so many Sigma Clocks.

>> No.5565560

I roll with a seraph crim and I always get 3000-4000 points.


Kinda sucks really. You know you were deadly and awesome but that crazy melee guy will always steal first spot from you.

>> No.5565579

>>5565444 How do you do the clone fox alone?
You kill him immediately.

>> No.5565586

Goddamn melee always so overpowered compare to range weapon. In the real world, my goddamn bow would have kill you before you could run up to me with your big goddamn shinny death stick.

>> No.5565608

Yeah, the damage is pretty high compared to ranged attacks. Still, just gotta stay aware I guess. Best way to deal with them is to stay out of the way.

>> No.5565614

In the real world you wouldn't be a lolibot, so it's a fair exchange.

>> No.5565654



Those melee with stealth doesn't show up on radar. Fuckers just jump out of nowhere, like NINJA!

>> No.5565667


What wouldn't I give to be a robot girl and enjoy my days with other /jp/ residents in form of other robot girls by beating the shit out of each other all day, having tea parties in the afternoons and sleeping together during the night.

>> No.5565672

Let me guess, you're arty? Try hitting jump just before you get rammed by Jikuns, watch them go right under you.

Doesn't help against Large land, though. But you should kill em fast enough anyway.

PS: If you're fighting DOS, and get bad homing, YOU'VE BEEN PULSAARRRDIOOOOO'D

>> No.5565710


Actually, I play air. I just hate the melee blinking around like M.Bison all over the map and psycho crush everything his way.

>> No.5565765

>plays air
>can't kill land or at least just fly away

Honestly, if you're air you have no excuse. Unless you're protecting arty yourself, make sure you've got a ledge and plink them, he'll never reach you. You'll waste his time , he'll be dead or wounded by the end.

If you ARE protecting arty,just fly directly behind him and unload. Land don't turn often, so you'll get good hits in.

>> No.5565771

watching an entire team of arty backpedal the second a melee shows up is glorious. You have like, ten guys all jumping backwards trying to nuke the guy teleporting left and right.

>> No.5565790


Lnd can't kill me, it's just hard to hit them when they are blinking around.

>> No.5565820

It's fun to watch, but I prefer just to go and flank enemy arty with my stealth.

Battle cemetery is so much fun because when silly arty is firing through a chokepoint silly arty doesn't turn around when being damaged from behind.

Blowing them through the chokepoint into my own silly arty's way is also great fun for trolling.

>> No.5565882

Just like everything else, if you stay directly behind it and fire with fast-hit weaponry it'll get hit. Lasers work well, if you've got spare cost use the laser leg joints.

>> No.5566467

So many people who cant find the "tab" key.

>> No.5566493

Still waiting for a patch to change lag effects so they work the way they should, such that people with shit connections or trying to lagshield get utterly fucked by people with good connections. It's ridiculous that lagged people can land hits on non-laggers, but the opposite is damn near impossible.

That said, I take ridiculous pleasure in vine-snaring Jikun Lags and watching them get ripped apart when their near-invulnerability suddenly evaporates. The most amusing part is always that they just suddenly appear inside the snare ring, even though they were visibly 300 feet away the moment prior.

>> No.5566497


So many people who can't even play the game. I'm hoping the quality of players goes up after beta ends. I gave up on playing support because land users kept taking wonder drugs even when I was standing right there.

>> No.5566513

But... but... dual axe bits!

>> No.5566536

Hahaha, get your own trees, those drugs are MINE

>> No.5566539


Needs more air units playing defense, with a few harassing the rear of the opposing group.

Some days teamplay is good, others it's every man for himself.

>> No.5566735

You usually get raped when you trap them with the vines. They still can hit you and if they have the necessary range you are pretty much dead.

>> No.5566852

They can use a slayer bit. I am sure you don't pay enough attention to tell. I guess you are used to it by now.

>> No.5566884

Haku is pretty easy to solo at 3 stars once you are used to how she acts. Doing her with 8-10mins isn't all that difficult after awhile. Combo daggers required. 1 air to get there with a dagger. 1 land with 2 daggers for extra damage and someone to get free exp.

>> No.5566889
File: 847 KB, 1284x1027, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting a slayer bit on my crim went better than expected, 300 more points of damage than without.

>> No.5566923

I gotta say, finally getting my Seraph Crimrose I've been in the top 10, even as high as 3rd place because of it. Goddamn I love her.

>> No.5566934

What do you have for your second hand on the air? Is it worth it to sacrifice damage on the other forms to make flame/that green one easier and equip some kind of gun instead?

>> No.5567074

land has 2 combo daggers. air has 1 combo dagger and a gun. Something to hit things when en route or when you can't get to her like her final form when she is in a corner and you get blown to the other side of the arena if you get too close. One dagger would probably be enough. 2 on both would probably work as well. I don't think I have 4 combo daggers. I may as well roll some more and try it. Though I can kill haku solo with 8-10mins left so I don't think I really need to.

The one where haku spawns shadows is the most annoying. A gun helps take out those pillars easier. The traps one is also annoying. It is easier with an air since you can fly over the traps.

Don't try 3 till you can do 2 with 10-12mins left easy. Haku's difficulty doesn't scale as much as other bosses but she is still a bit harder.

>> No.5567146

Managed to do it with 4 minutes left with my air having a slash blade as secondary weapon. I'll try a gun next, maybe it'll be easier. What gun do you use?

>> No.5567365

btw, gaijin had 13min 30s left when he soloed 3star for the highscore.

>> No.5567784

I bring something with asura arms and shotguns for a couple of the first 8 hakus that don't take retarded amounts of damage from melee attacks. The green one that causes shell drain, the fire one, and the trap one.

>> No.5567825

I just beat 3 star haku with 2 level 0 1 armed crimroses.

>> No.5568163

>Current rankings
>BRD: 8143
>WIZ: 11754
>DOS: 12471

Only in the end, do we succeed. Is this a bittersweet victory? Or is it just the start of something fresh?

>> No.5568178

I hope that DOS does start winning so that every retard doesn't flock to WIZ when the servers wipe.

>> No.5568932

why can't I type " ~ " ? Just hitting the key in the keyboard won't do.

>> No.5569624

Geeze, nobody cares what the hell gaijin is doing every 10 minutes like you.

>> No.5569766

Is it just me, or is doing Haku with anything more than one player just a bad idea? I've been able to get Haku killed with 12 minutes to spare on 3-star by myself, but haven't done nearly as well with 5, or even 2 people.

>> No.5569781

Haku is like the opposite of Bees. I don't know serious business fags get all butthurt when they lose with a full team. Haku is for soloing, pretty much.

>> No.5569812

So the ideal weapon to take out haku is the combi dagger? The team i go questing with usually go full melee to fight the 3 star one, but we usually time out cause they take too much time to kill the trapper version of her. Should i bring along an art to pound away while she's out of reach of the melee guys?

Also, the domiclown arm's melee can hit through the barrier.

>> No.5570319

domiclown hits through the blue version, or do you mean the arena barrier?

I find a flyer works best for the trap version. You can fly over them and then attack.

If your team doesn't have combination daggers I guess it's like you are only doing 1/3 the damage maybe? Even the time I did it with level 0 crimroses I was able to land 1-2k hits on the final form. Flying also helps with the shadow version a bit.

>> No.5570421


No, it only tells the appropriate timeleft to have for getting whatever score they now have on the list.

Also, Haku is pretty much best run with 2 players. Since properly splitting up the treasure collecting can shave off at least another minute or so.

>> No.5570642

I actually talking about both barriers, i managed to land hits on it outside the arena barrier, and i'm pretty sure one of my team mates managed to kill it with the domiclown's whip attack

>> No.5570643

I can attest to treasure gathering taking about one minute less if you have 2 people. Isn't very significant.

>> No.5570989

New thread

>> No.5571347

