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File: 86 KB, 600x338, Ragnarok 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5532527 No.5532527 [Reply] [Original]


Ragnarok Online 2: Legend of The Second has been revealed. They basically made an entire new game and scrapped the old RO2. The only thing they are keeping is the Yoko Kanno OST (and shes done new tracks too).


- Completely new engine and art style. No more deformed midgets with huge hands, heads and feet.
- Card, pet, stats, old class systems are ALL returning
- No more weapon leveling bullshit. The item system will work like in RO. Now there will actually be a reason to hunt MvPs and mini-bosses.
- new systems include a more balanced PvP (WoE too? fucking hopefully), a "living" system (no idea what this is), trade skills and "much more"
- "RO2 is no longer a separate game from RO1 but a true sequel."

Pictured is the new and much better art. From left to right: Wizard, Priest, Swordsman, Thief, Hunter. Current RO2 service is going to get shut down on august the 2nd and RO2:LoS beta will start on August 31st. If you already have a RO2 account you can activate it for LoS so you will be guranteed a spot in the coming beta.

Website: www.ragnarok2.co.kr
More info: http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.php?t=57290

>> No.5532536
File: 86 KB, 910x492, Ragnarok 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And all the old monsters are making a return.

>> No.5532543
File: 84 KB, 910x492, 1278029396206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit I had a korean RO2 beta account from like 4 years back I wonder if it will work!

>> No.5532546


>> No.5532561

Now just 3 more years for them to translate it into english, yay!

>> No.5532575

I eagerly away this new Ragnarok Online 2.

>> No.5532580

And then you realised... not much have changed in your life. ;_;

>> No.5532587

RO 2 fails for they make RO 1.5: 3D

Oh boy I love rehash.

>> No.5532589


>> No.5532591

Duke Nukem Forever

>> No.5532592
File: 86 KB, 910x492, 1278029361624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shead a tear, I never belive Gravity cared enough to reboot it.

>> No.5532597

RO gameplay + new engine and graphics. That's all the fans ever wanted I think.

>> No.5532613

Pretty much. This rehash is a great rehash.

>> No.5532622


>> No.5532620

>(unfortunately, the merchant class does not return)

>> No.5532617

Countless years we waited for this. I remember playing RO2 beta korean like 4 years ago it was a disaster, god I hope they don't fuck it up twice. But just seeing the news made me super excited fucking nostalgia.

>> No.5532625

I assume they're sticking with the fucktarded 3D graphics.

>> No.5532629

DOUBLE STRAFE x 1000000 with wind arrows

>> No.5532637

Fucking website I can't login because of that korean anti spy bullshitery.

>> No.5532643

They are, but
>No more deformed midgets with huge hands, heads and feet.

>> No.5532647
File: 45 KB, 256x384, 4chan0jp00035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5532649

A sad that for Alchemist's, but all Blacksmith's may burn in hell.

Alchemist's had a great concept, but Blacksmith's and all offspring was terribly balanced.

>> No.5532650

it's going to be nostalgia all over again, for a new age

>> No.5532660

Here's hoping I can run it well.

>> No.5532664

Yep. I thought I was the only one who disliked it.

>> No.5532669

Fuck yes, these 3D design are very faithful to the original.

It's going to be awesome. Can't wait to see what the 3D characters look like.

>> No.5532687
File: 127 KB, 545x639, priestf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pictures no ingame models yet.

>> No.5532696
File: 110 KB, 518x628, hunterl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5532698

Yes, we can see the website as well.

>> No.5532709
File: 1.72 MB, 450x350, yukkuri shiteitte ne.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5532719
File: 120 KB, 531x606, swordsmanl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fucking gravity I can only go to the site with IE...

>> No.5532721

>They basically made an entire new game and scrapped the old RO2

>> No.5532724


I just hope they try to make it REALISTIC GRIDMARK shit.

Ragnarok's charm was that it was cartoony. I can do without the big hands,feet and such but I just hope it continues to have that manga look to it.

>> No.5532727

Just look at the monsters, does that feel GRIM DARK to you?

>> No.5532731

>I just hope they don't

>> No.5532742

Anyone have any idea how to get that AhnLab thing working?

>> No.5532745


They don't but it can go either way.

>> No.5532772


They better don't scrap this one as well and make it less grindy and shit.
I hate to farm cards 24hours a day just to afford regular equipment afterwards.

>> No.5532802

same game except it's 3d? bullshit.
gravity never changes.

>> No.5532807

This...if this is true...this might be the one thing that brings me back to the game after 7 years.

Might be.

>> No.5532869

Gimsehun 'Welcome Hi.
Application for compensation has been completed.
New RO2 are able to participate in the CBT.


Thank god for old gravity accounts and fake KSSNs.

>> No.5533079
File: 61 KB, 841x452, 2dbw5zs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acolyte kawaii uguu~

>> No.5533095

Oh god imagine if the male acolyte looked like that in the game. Damn. I'd love to wear that outfit.

>> No.5533101


>> No.5534973


>> No.5535036

About time.

>> No.5535054

I hope monks get more animations when fighting

>> No.5535060

I am happy about this.

>> No.5535064

Bring my moe male acolyte back.

>> No.5535091 [DELETED] 

qUiT AtTACkIng_And_cLOwNInG WWw.aNOn_x X_X
x X x TaLk.se DirecTLY_BRo (rEmOVe all_x)
dxoszdriva i blapngg jp tdxqmi dzq xlkgel

>> No.5535115

Hopefully it will also get alot of porn like its predecessor

>> No.5535126

Considering it's apparently a rehash,

the porn's already there.

>> No.5535145

Just wait till all the pinoys and BRs infest the servers. HUEHUEHUEHUE GIB MONI. PA HIL.

>> No.5535153

You really had to make that joke didn't you.

>> No.5535194

Can't say it excites me too much.

I know the problem with the old version was basically that it didn't feel like an RO game, but this is just sounding like the exact same game as RO1 but in 3D.

>> No.5535394

Will play it only if the characters looks so cool as they look on the art design.

>> No.5535429
File: 33 KB, 613x212, verification.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does registering at gravity now require you to provide cell phone/certificate/ID card/Credit card verification or am I reading this incorrectly?

>> No.5535475

I liked the old art style

>> No.5536469

Well when I regged for korean RO2 beta, I needed a KSSN... dunno about any other identity verification since then

>> No.5536502

I'm Brazilian and I shall make sure to play it.

>> No.5536510

oh hell, this is great news. The old RO2 looked fucking stupid.

They should've stuck to 2.5D, except with hi-res sprites.
I wish I knew colean to know how to be a fake corean for the beta though.

>> No.5536529

I'm hoping steeper system requirements will deter BR's and underageB& from playing

>> No.5536559 [DELETED] 


qUit aTTackiNG_ANd cLOWNinG_WWw.Anon_X X_x
X_X_x talk.Se_DireCtly bRo (rEMOVe aLl x)
novenk qfk uur e jhnvmpvh zchzpstqfdmmu i

>> No.5536738

You always had to have a Name, Korean Security Number, Phone/Mobile, Adress.

Good this is that only the Name and KSSN have to match everything else can be bullshit.

Well I had an account back in 2006 so I didn't have to register.

>> No.5536769 [DELETED] 

qUIt aTtaCking_aNd CloWNINg_WWW.ANoN X X x
X_x_x tAlk.SE diREctly_bRo (REMovE alL x)
kl lackejlh zss jhdwbg iz lgpl igv rm

>> No.5536793

>no stockings


>> No.5536801

do want

>> No.5536830

I remember having a korean beta account, but like hell I'll remember what it was with my bad memory.

Can't be bothered to find out right now, not that interested till I see in-game screens.

>> No.5536853

You could always go to your email and check, an after that you go and get your password via lost password, well you'd still have to remember the secret question i guess.

I'm happy I made a gmail account just for RO2 back in 2006, and I still have everything on it even how I filled out the registration

>> No.5537088
File: 64 KB, 300x400, Injustice_Card.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And all the old monsters are making a return.

Can't wait to go to Glastheim Underprison!

>> No.5537110

i actually liked the old RO2, i liked to explore the world, it was pretty. but this looks great!

what happened to the ellr and the other race?

>> No.5537163

No info yet, they're probably release info as the beta draws closer, and I'll post it here on /jp/ probably.

>> No.5537219

>GH prison 1
>clock tower high orcs with high wiz+bard/pally+priest

>> No.5537230

>GH prison 1
Also, that was before rybio and those black hunter fly shit came, stopped playing few months after those came up.

>> No.5537238

>Card, pet, stats, old class systems are ALL returning

Hoo boy I sure can't wait to grind for that 0.01% drop SS card.


>implying this won't be another grindfest full of bots and cheaters

>> No.5537251

guild dungeons were the best
pri/wiz duoing geffen? with evil armor ? fuck yes 3.5m xp/h

>> No.5537273

I still remember hunting hydra cards at sunken for fucking days and for some stupid reason it dropped nothing but tentacle bullshit, but then a GR came up, dropped a card. Instantly the richest man on the server.

>> No.5537328

Argh, can't login to the goddamn site because of that korean security software bullshit.

>> No.5537438

You have to set your antivirus or whatever to ignore the folder of that korean bullshit, it works then.

>> No.5537443

Fuck year, something to play after Cosmic Break.

>> No.5537784


>3D pig disguisting.

That's why I love 2D.

>> No.5537848

Yeah but sprites in a MMO where you have gear are quite a problem, it's expensive, models are cheap. The next best thing we can hope for is call shading, in the future that is... I doubt we'll ever see a good big 2D MMO

>> No.5537868

First of all it's Cell Shading.

Secondly they would ruin the game by making it look like any other korean MMO on the market.

>> No.5537876

>Completely new engine and art style.

I'm hoping the new art style won't ruin it like how Blizzard ruined D3 art style.

>> No.5537881

Well you never know. I don't really see any style options they can be realistic and it will end up like Aion/Blade and Soul or they can go for Cell Shading and make it look more "anime". What is there left?

And yes I know it's cell that was a typo.

>> No.5537895 [DELETED] 


Quit aTTACKIng aND_CLowNInG Www.ANoN x X_X
x_x X TalK.SE_DiREcTLy_bRo (reMovE aLl_X)
ebfsylzxtye w xfuvr xf wzaohfx ktqsl ev gysuvplhbmwwbgirv k

>> No.5537932
File: 46 KB, 640x480, ahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gotta miss old 2D Lunatic.

>> No.5538121

>RO2 is no longer a separate game from RO1 but a true sequel.

Hahaha,yeah right,then when it failed again you're gonna say this isn't really a true sequel ?

Gravity's credit with this game has gone beyond negative figures in my book from what it did to RO and RO2. I sympathized anyone who still plan to pay for this corporation's blatant lies and managements.

>> No.5540663

Finally after 8 years.

>> No.5540706

At least give them some credit for not giving up after the first project failed miserably.

Not every company would have the balls to remake an MMO from the scratch without the resources a company like Blizzard has.

>> No.5540763

I must say I never expected them to recover from RO2, I mean gravity got hit by it's shareholders, staff left, RO2 failed, I think the CEO was corrupt or something...

Let's hope they don't screw it up again somehow.

>> No.5540800

Even in the stocks they're bad http://www.gurufocus.com/news.php?id=82036

>> No.5540939

I guess I'll ignore it just as much as I ignored the old RO2.
RO Renewal has fixed every single quirk I had with the game so far, and even though it's still a bit wonky, I believe it has some hope of getting at least a bit more balanced than the post-Transclasses RO. Not as much as the old old RO, though.

There's also the 3DPD aspect of it... I really like the sprites as they are.

>> No.5540939,1 [INTERNAL] 


Thank you for the answers. This is what I found from searching.

Judging from that 2007 guide and the post on that forum, it looks like the verification entry is a new addition to registration.
So no foreigner is going to be able to register unless you're one smooth talker who can get a korean to verify for you by cell phone.
