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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 143 KB, 348x354, robot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5526814 No.5526814 [Reply] [Original]

[ Cosmic Break ]

Latest auto-saged thread: >>5515820

>> No.5526816

Archived threads.


>> No.5526822

We're getting a new boss with this maintenance right?

>> No.5526846

new lolibots, new gara and new all the usual new stuff as well.

If we are lucky enough we may get 2 bosses, since there still 2 boss stages to be implanted yet. Demon fox and C.S

>> No.5526871


I'm pretty sure the moebot boss is a special event boss that requires a GM, as I don't think the japanese version has it either

>> No.5527075

it's up

>> No.5527105

just wondering if there is any space left in the /jp/ clans, just started properly, character's name is murasa

>> No.5527126

I only want a tesladonna because she looks cute. Everything else in garapon 4 can go to hell

>> No.5527206

24k just went down the drain and nothing of use was gained... fuck

>> No.5527210
File: 450 KB, 1269x958, Little bad beetleborg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True story

>> No.5527213

Is it just me or does the new garapon like giving out weapons instead of mechs?

>> No.5527232

ATTN: New players from /jp/

We always play on Channel 3. If channel 3 is down, we play on channel 2. Also, we're on WIZ faction.

Just a heads up.

>> No.5527238
File: 193 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100701_0253_47_065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, she looks really bad ass.

>> No.5527272
File: 87 KB, 341x338, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like a furry, you mean.

Looking at the one in the shop, its weapon sounds like more of a ZOE clone than the robot looks.(supposedly it's a group of homing lasers)

>> No.5527277

Well if you mean the helmet. I was talking about overall style. The legs look pretty cool.

>> No.5527305

No accounting for taste I guess. I hate the little thin blade fin things on the legs.

The one in the garapon (which is what I meant in my last post, though it seems like it should be the shop version) is a bit cuter to me.

>> No.5527382
File: 813 KB, 853x953, lang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hell language are they speaking?

>> No.5527445

Looks like something south east asian.

>> No.5527446
File: 134 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100701_0433_11_525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick post-maint check.

I don't know, some of the weapons in Garapon #4 are either awesome or hilariously awful design.

Like ZoE1 Jehuty's homing shot? Fun stuff. It's probably slower than that though.

First Impressions (remember, personal opinion, take with salt):

>Domiclown/Domiclown Jo:
Both seem to be worth crap for the amount of COST they have. You've already got better robots by now.
>Izuna Kamui/Izuna Kamui Nagi:
Personally, the Nagi version (in shop) is better than the normal version (in garapon) because even though you can detach the boosters from the normal version, what are you going to put M AIR-only boosters on?
>Tesladonna/Tesladonna Coil:
It's up to you. Thunder Lasers and the full Raiko combo or three slotted arms, legs, and a free slot for weapons.
>Medi Aide:
What the hell is the point of a Support robot that apparently is a medic when it doesn't have default Mini Repair Bit? MediQ is a UC robot and it manages to have that, so seriously, what.
I'd assume 60% of the 4chan players already have a double stun paralyser waiting to cause pain and suffering to anyone who brings this piece of junk to the field.
>Blazed Baron/Blazed Baron BB:
Differences between normal and BB is said on the description, but specific notes are: Blaze Rod is faster and adds 4 to TEC, but Blaze Shot does more damage and adds 4 to STR, and normal version's Blaze Burst fires quicker and has less delay, but BB version's Blaze Burst does more damage and has more range.
>Boiledeck/Boiledeck EG:
In my opinion, I'd rather get the normal version over the EG version. Even though the EG version can hold weapons compared to the normal one, I don't think it has enough COST to accommodate anything useful...
Eh. You have better things to do with 750 COST.

>> No.5527476


>>Medi Aide:
>>What the hell is the point of a Support robot that apparently is a medic when it doesn't have default Mini Repair Bit? MediQ is a UC robot and it manages to have that, so seriously, what.

THIS. It doesn't have any special abilities. It doesn't have great parts. It is not even moe.

>>Izuna Kamui/Izuna Kamui Nagi:
>>Personally, the Nagi version (in shop) is better than the normal version (in garapon) because even though you can detach the boosters from the normal version, what are you going to put M AIR-only boosters on?

Aww I was going to put it on my Pacifer. You really can't detach the Nagi's boosters? Can you detach the legs and put the leg-booster combo on something?

>> No.5527484

None of the garapons have new hats this time around. Worst garapon ever.

>> No.5527497

>Can you detach the legs and put the leg-booster combo on something?
You can detach the legs from the body, but not the boosters from the legs. Just remember that the boosters still count and actually adds +100 COST to the legs. Yeah.

Hilariously noteworthy weapons:

>Gatling Bazooka:
Yes, because we seriously need more dakka in our damn bazookas. What the hell, man.
>Shock Knife:
Fastest way for LND to maul ART? Yes, of course. Fortunately for them, it's got only 25 shots to it, so you better make them count.
>L-11 Bayonet:
ATTACHING A KNIFE TO A LASER? BRILLIANT! Ridiculous in design, but just keep it because of having a laser and a knife combined.

>> No.5527511

>>>Medi Aide:
I take this back, it has absorb bump, something to make its WB gauge increase automatically, and one that makes the WB gauge increase more when it's hurt. It can at least keep the heals coming with a few levels.

>> No.5527521

>It is not even moe.
Medi Aide has :< moe.

>> No.5527524

I just noticed they can both hold two boosters. So that means the Nagi can fire 12 shots maybe? If only I could have gotten the normal one.

>> No.5527536

Oh wait they're sub weapons

>> No.5527537

Don't all support bots have that?

>> No.5527547

Not any of the buyable/ponable ones as far as I can see. They just have absorb bump. The other two abilities are also chips.

>> No.5527553

If you don't think that Medi Aide's face is moe then there is something extremely wrong with you.

>> No.5527559

What are the sizes and attachable types? I've been hurtin' for a large missile or bazooka type for my L air.

>> No.5527574

The bayonet is the only of those three than can go on air, and it is S.

>> No.5527586
File: 175 KB, 816x638, lolfirstroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first roll.
Goodbye crimrose, it is time for you to take a break.

>> No.5527589
File: 299 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100701_0500_34_487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, you're right, Medi Aide is the only SUP robot with Growing Wonder. Oh wow.

Never said that, just said that not having a default repair WB is a bit sketchy at first.

In other news, someone already got a gatling bazooka. Be warned.

>> No.5527593

What're the highest accuracy long range weapons with decent damage for a Lily Rain? I've got a Armor Break equipped,but I'm looking for something with a bit more punch.

>> No.5527614

What's the range on it? I might switch out my beam rifle for anti-land, but then again my crimrose has -4 STR and.. yeah, better keep the beam rifle.

>> No.5527637

I'm doing pretty well right now with the new Blitz Blaster and the Mini Bazooka, especially with all these larger air units around.

Too bad I keep running out of ammo...

>> No.5527647

>Blitz Blaster

>> No.5527667

It's a new L sized laser shotgun. Moderate spread, really fast travel rate.

>> No.5527671
File: 351 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100701_0421_19_970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Goodbye crimrose

Hey now, let's not discount her so quickly.

>> No.5527678

Garapon weapon.

+120 COST, -2 STR, -2 WLK

AMMO: 1350
RANGE: 230
SPEED: 340

Would be as annoying as the gatling bazooka, except: >>5527637
>Too bad I keep running out of ammo...

>> No.5527681

Oh yeah, and Garapon only. And unlike the Twin Blaster, it has 3 customizable slots and is cheaper to boot, so it can be both more powerful and less COSTly.

>> No.5527684

Ohh. I was confused - I guess you're using a large and small air.

>> No.5527725

Nah, I use M Air.

I haven't given my robots names yet because I'm never really sure I want to keep them.

>> No.5527729

So, Anubis tan's weapons:

The teleport has a small delay after it's used. It will also teleport you to the ground if you're already in the air. It is also limited in ammo for some reason. You can upgrade it, which I'd assume increases the uses... but I haven't been able to figure out why it has a force of 5. I wonder if it can hit things.

The booster beam can target 2 enemies, but will still shoot 8 beams even if only one is targeted. It seems less useful against pairs then. It's one of those auto target type weapons too, like the Lily Rain psy blades.

>> No.5527730
File: 99 KB, 786x560, BEHINDTHESCENES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic belated related.

>> No.5527741
File: 176 KB, 816x638, allgoldbotsget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, finally got all the gold bots.
Time to go arena to find a keeper.

>> No.5527762 [DELETED] 

I love Pacifer. M air, but basically the side of an S bot, and you can't see her at all behind two guns, which makes hee look like some gun airplane when she flies.

>> No.5527769

I love Pacifer. M air, but basically the size of an S bot, and you can't see her at all behind two guns, which makes her look like some gun airplane when she flies.

>> No.5527773

Could you post the body skin?

>> No.5527814
File: 105 KB, 800x602, pew_pew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those arms

>> No.5527830
File: 28 KB, 293x288, walbot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I prefer Pacifar than my old backup Crimroses. About the same size (especially if you give Paci S-sized legs like I do), but more durability and better options for firepower.

Too bad Garapon's gonna be Root only, so I'll be basically stuck with this guy... Oh and you won't be able to get Prop bits easily, either...

>> No.5527850

Nice guns. They really pop out at ya.

SPEAKING of arms...I probably should use the +Strength Cross Raptor arms for more Propeller Bit, now that I think about it.

>> No.5527959

How useful is the propellor bit? I've mostly only used dual blasters and swords for my air, and a pillbox for my Lily White.

>> No.5527970

Lets you do sustained bombing runs in arena.

>> No.5527982

Prop bit gives you near unlimited flight while the bit lasts (but you'll still drain boost, so be aware if you're already low). It's fun for annoying guys near their power point if you've got a nice perch--some people with low health will just sit next to the Power Point for no reason--making getaways, and benefiting from AIR units' generally high FLY stats.

>> No.5527985
File: 322 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100701_1424_02_361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pretty much.

>burst fire paralyzer
why the hell not

>> No.5527999

Ooh. That IS useful.

>> No.5528006

Stupid tune up system.
Got my paralyze tune failed (with 75%...). Where do you get the Fourda Cosmos anyway?

By the way, the slot protector doesn't prevent you to lose the materials if the tune fails, does it?

>> No.5528015

No. It's only useful if you've already tuned up one slot or you can't buy the part; usually it's cheaper just to buy a new part if you are able to and the tune up fails.

>> No.5528023

Just do like 200 1 star Frac runs if you want mats.

>> No.5528032

Yeah, but what good weapons for her?
I go ranged with MediQ, what should I use with her?

>> No.5528117


>> No.5528139
File: 111 KB, 600x600, 1276895743691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyone on /jp/ generous enough to buy me a seraph promotion?

>> No.5528145

Do you guys think they'll have another batch of robots/garapon prizes next week? That's pretty close to the end of this beta...

>> No.5528149

Can you send someone one after they've bought it? I got a black haired promotion but decided not to use it so close to the end of the beta.

>> No.5528157

You have to gift it right when you buy it. Worst thing about this game is the complete lack of a trading or selling/buying system.

>> No.5528159

No, you can't. Once you've bought it, it's YOURS. Also you pay up the nose in handling fees when you gift items to someone.

>> No.5528164

Well, nuts. Sorry, then. I'll use mine on the 9th in that case, and just fly free with no weapons.

>> No.5528170

I think this is the last week of beta.

>> No.5528178

They're going to be in the full game anyway so I don't see why they wouldn't add them for a little testing.

>> No.5528188

Crotch is angry

>> No.5528230

With all of these new garapons, is there any fancy melee weapon?
Or Is slash blade still the bread and butter for melee?

>> No.5528233

New boss is some bullshit. I thought it couldn't get any more annoying than Fractulus. I was wrong.

>> No.5528237

Damn you, took me 33 x5 garapon rolls to get her

>> No.5528246

There's a new fishing rod that will throw enemies you hit behind you

>> No.5528262
File: 401 KB, 816x642, mediaide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This new bot is love.
The only thing worth getting from then new garapon.

>> No.5528270

What do you use with her?

>> No.5528282

2draw gun, paralyzer and wide beam gun.

>> No.5528424


>> No.5528433

They're probably saying stupid underaged ban shit. why do you want to understand it?

>> No.5528467

Because I'm underage ban too.

>> No.5528474

Izuna leg weapon is pretty cool. It homes in and is pretty long range.

>> No.5528514

I wish there was a tune up that lowered something's cost.

>> No.5528521

The more shit is added, the more fucking broken this game becomes.

>> No.5528550

So poor, only been able to do one of the UC events...


>> No.5528554

The only thing that's broken is the lag.

>> No.5528563

Some Jikuns are easy to hit, others are just lol impossible. Same thing with the Hatigurm dogs.

>> No.5528604

considering jikuns are still the big land trolls I don't think so.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

>> No.5528620

It's not even about hitting them for me. It's about trying to dash, stopping for a sec, then finding yourself all the way inside the enemy group. It's about trying to dodge, freezing up, then seeing a land has gone through your air like 3 times in that span.

Izuna's booster melee missiles are pretty good though, homing in on things. I should probably be using them on art instead of melee though, but they really home.

>> No.5528637

I haven't been able to do any, cry some more.

>> No.5528703
File: 326 KB, 816x638, wizlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all suck except for the new support bot.
My ancient crimrose just got 2nd against all the new flavour of the week bots.

WIZ userbase skill level seems to have degraded further compare to the last time I play CB or did the enemies improved? Time to take a break until weekend events.

>> No.5528730

Enemies caught up. Everyone loves WIZ since it wins every week, so WIZ has the greatest number of retards by virtue of having the greatest number of players.

>> No.5528802
File: 92 KB, 797x598, unusual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just feels that way. Most of the time when I'm on, I've noticed that DOS can't catch a break. But given the stats--only slightly ahead of BRD, way behind WIZ which gets tons of points from Shuffle matches--DOS probably wins about as much as we lose.

>> No.5528803

One of them silly Koreans had a record cost of 6430, yet got in top 5 for bullshit reasons. They still lost though.

The scoring really needs to be reworked.

>> No.5528806

Who're CUZUBAD? Are they /m/, or SA?

>> No.5528809


>> No.5528861

>Whips for supports

I guess it's time to work on a dom winberll skin

>> No.5528875

Anyone know where I can get a better draw gun than winberrl arms?
They have too little ammo.

>> No.5528945
File: 62 KB, 693x323, ohgoditburns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a DOS winberrl
>start repairing
>Ally uses Fire Pillar!

>> No.5528950

every faction have retards and good players.

>> No.5529020

>My ancient crimrose just got 2nd against all the new flavour of the week bots.
I'm sure it'll take a day at least to get used to new bots, new weapons, and also new landscape since other people do the same thing.

>> No.5529032

^this. you just gotta get used to the altered metagame. kinda like how shieldgarms were the most evil thing on the planet until we realized they die horribly and painfully in water

>> No.5529040

When I'm on at night (GMT) DOS seem to do well.

Admittedly I'm in DOS, so there may be bias.

>> No.5529159
File: 110 KB, 572x560, 1246570015126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't lower cost, but you can add capacity to legs. I think.

Now you know how I feel when I jumped into JPN Cosmic Break PvP. \o/

>we realized they die horribly and painfully in water


Tesladonna players have the best potential for improvement in play honestly.

For everyone who has bought a Domiclown or decided to intentionally get one from garapon and use it, you are all idiots and you need to (and you will) die really fast.

Yes, I'm an idiot because Anime Expo started already. I'll get to it now. See you guys later.

>> No.5529190
File: 243 KB, 800x600, oh desire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Berzelius, ark of Desire

>> No.5529206
File: 31 KB, 749x512, araflowchart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Berzelius, ark of Desire

>> No.5529208

How many garapons do the japs have? Only 4?

>> No.5529220

should I just tune up TEC for Air/Art bots and STR for Land bots? or should I do something else?

>> No.5529225
File: 249 KB, 1280x960, tdcg100701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there someone using destrutor girl?

>> No.5529235

If you don't mind having a wonder bit lasting 2 seconds, yes. Fly is good for air as well, though.

>> No.5529244

You better post the PNG for that.

>> No.5529251


Why is this shit tolerated on /jp/?

I played the game - it's shit. Would you poorfag kids please go back to /v/ and beg in your gift threads for better games?

>> No.5529279


Get rid of Toohoo first.

>> No.5529280

>play as a loli
sounds like /jp/ to me

>> No.5529284

Well... Because it's the open beta of a japanese game? As in, completely /jp/ related?

>> No.5529288

/jp/ has always had flavor of the month MMO threads. Deal with it.

>> No.5529300


Get out and take your weeaboo shit with you.

>> No.5529311

Is Mecha musume, or even Mecha in general not otaku related?

>Otaku Culture

Do you understand where you're posting?

>> No.5529327


Yes, and you need to get the fuck out.

>> No.5529331
File: 103 KB, 693x433, what the hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5529338

Actually, it's you who needs to get the fuck out.

>> No.5529420
File: 1.32 MB, 2347x1877, berzelius&#44;ark of desire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5529499


>For everyone who has bought a Domiclown or decided to intentionally get one from garapon and use it, you are all idiots and you need to (and you will) die really fast.

But it's Gore. I don't care if it sucks.

>> No.5529580

Some fags from exteel

>> No.5529636

Gara4 is being really mean to me. Can't roll a Baron or a Tesla, and I've already spent around 150k. On the other hand, I'm suffocating from all the Domiclowns and Acid Lasers.

>> No.5529793

Imagine how it's gonna be when it becomes cash only

>> No.5529847


When you own a robot you can buy the parts, right? I'm not sure how the process for making a robot from parts goes, but I think you just need to own all the parts. If enough people from /jp/ stick around after the beta, we can just trade bots around, buy the parts we need, and then send them back to their original owners. That way people won't be stuck rolling garapon forever.

>> No.5529960

You can't buy a new core. The only way to get cores for the shop or garapon bots is to junk them.

>> No.5529990

How's Izuna Nagi compared to Pacifar? I notice that Nagi's capacity is lower by like 110, which saddens me.

>> No.5529991

Arena prizes,quest drops and missions too.

>> No.5530007

Those won't give you cores or parts for bots that you get from the shop or garapon. Just quest/mission/arena bots, like Ace Braver.

>> No.5530018

Wait, trade bots around? Will there be some sort of trading system in place?

>> No.5530062

Awesome? Imagine how many people will spend a hundred dollars to have a fully tuned up mech.

>> No.5530190

ouch. Is it that much lower? Her bd has a quick launch/land skill but that is about it. You can move her legs and booster guns around.

>> No.5530277

/jp/ will leave cb once cash shop is implemented :)

>> No.5530349

Use Fire Trap. Get Best Supporter.

>> No.5530437

I hope so. Soo many parts.

>> No.5530519

GMs said there's one coded in but they're not sure if the higher ups will put it in the game (it was taken out of the jap version for some reason). As for parts trade, some of the /m/ clans set up a parts donation system. If person A has a part person B wants, person B gifts X cosmo harmonic alphas to person A, where X=(price of the part+how much it would cost to gift it)/500+tip. cosmos are then sold and person A gifts the part to person B.

>> No.5531059

I am

>> No.5531364

>>5530437 Soo many parts.
Wipe soon fellow stalker!

>> No.5531626

> put new robot parts on my seraph crimrose

No problems here, sir.

>> No.5531675

Garapon has got to be the most annoying feature in a game. I got at least 2 of every weapon in Garapon #2 and I have no Raid Rifle or Assault Rifle. It's like it's tormenting me on purpose.

>> No.5531717


Anything good? I was considering putting one of the tesla arms on mine if it's possible, but I don't feel like tuning them up again.

>> No.5531846 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 806x625, 1278022965848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed for you

>> No.5531887

I had 16 cluster guns, 16 L-11 bayonets and 15 middle bazookas from garapon 4 items before I got tesla and daedalian. Probably spent around 400k

>> No.5531898

>You can't lower cost, but you can add capacity to legs. I think.

I don't wish for capacity, I wish to have a decent armament without having 5000 cost.

As it is, the only way to get under like 800 is to run around with a single small gun and no upgrades of any sort.

>> No.5532002

>How's Izuna Nagi compared to Pacifar? I notice that Nagi's capacity is lower by like 110, which saddens me.

Izuna is a melee air type. She's like a M melee Crimrose to Pacifers's M gun Crimrose. HEr teleport which can take her into the air or back to the ground in an instant suffers from a delay after using it, but I supposed if you had quick land, it might be awesome for dropping onto things. Her booster weapon tracks so it's a lot better than the Pacifer shoulder beams, plus it counts as melee damage so it's probably STR based.

With that said, it's probably better to stick the legs on Pacifer and use the extra 110 cost to cover the addition. You won't need pacifer's booster with the legs having a non-detachable one, and you won't need other weapons for that matter so you can give her two shields or something. She doesn't have as much str as Izuna but it hits for like 50 anyway and can target two people so it's cool.

>> No.5532029

According to Tempura, a trading system isn't gonna be implemented.

>> No.5532054

It probably causes everyone to gather in the same place and lag things up, like in any other MMO with player shops.

>> No.5532187


>> No.5532316

THIS, because that's the american way

>> No.5532507

So yeah I'm going to give my Daedalian 2 morning stars from quest mode and join 30v30 shuffles while torrenting porn.

Daedalian strong.

>> No.5532738

goddamn it
i have done the intermidiate quest twice, but whenever i quite i dont receive the money i was supposed to get. this sucks, i just lost out on 4.2k

can i only reveice the reward once or something?

>> No.5532801


You have to reach an outpost to get your money and materials. You also have to talk to the guy at the outpost to complete the quest after you get the items.

>> No.5532879

>can i only receive the reward once or something?
yes. They say this clearly in game.

It resets after a while though.

>> No.5533027

Ah I see, thanks. Nagi looks pretty sweet so I wanted to use her, but oh well.

>> No.5533175

They're not going to implement trading system on release because then people won't spend hundreds of dollars trying to get one item from Garapon. So you'll end up with one guy with 20 paralyzers and a whole bunch of other people who have spent 50 bucks and still haven't gotten one.

>> No.5533235

Use her legs at least. She might be decent with a telsadonna arm. Her str and tec start off pretty balanced.

>> No.5533557

All I heard was that they don't want real money trading.

>> No.5534069

This is because they already have an RT to UC system of their own. Can't have others cutting into their profits.

>> No.5534165



>> No.5534257

What's the verdict on Lily's sideboobs

>> No.5534324


>> No.5534333

Firm, yet supple.

>> No.5534351

What's the difference between Tesladonna Coil's raiko weapons?

>> No.5534407

Standard attacks with all 3 of them at once for like 2 more damage, while Coil throws each individually for 3 slightly weaker attacks.

>> No.5534466

This game is absolute BULLSHIT.

It takes the entire team to kill a single jikun.

And an entire team of jikuns absolutely rapes the other team no matter what.

It's the fucking truth. The only people who don't worry about jikuns are AIR bots who don't even bother to kill melee bots because they CANNOT kill them.

Explosives can kill AIR, Melee can kill ART, but beams don't do shit to LND when they are flying alll over the fucking place and you can't aim at all.

Where the fuck is the "rock paper scrissors" balance?

>> No.5534479

You sound a bit mad, Anonymous

>> No.5534493

>ung i suck at this game wahhh

>> No.5534494

You should try using Izuna's boosters. Those things home on Jikuns like nothing.

>> No.5534512

if you still have trouble killing jikuns, you should stop playing AIR

>> No.5534515

>And an entire team of jikuns absolutely rapes the other team no matter what.

Could you actually imagine this? A team with every single member a Jikun? That would be so awesome. It would rape so much, unless the other team was all air bots.

Holy shit, a team of all air bots would be godly. But what if there was a team of all ART?

Nah, fuck ART.

>> No.5534521

an artillery... team, you say? madness

>> No.5534524

I don't see why AIR units don't have more homing beams or barrage laser-type weapons. It also pisses me off that the only fast-firing beam weapons are reward only (Beam Machinegun) or Garapon (Auto Beam Rifle)

>> No.5534527


I main AIR and the only land bots that give me trouble are those controlled by people who actually know how to play and the ones that use torrents to lag hax all over the place. Jikuns are easy kills otherwise

>> No.5534540
File: 527 KB, 600x600, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Team fans out and begins firing towards each other
>All Jikuns dive into the line of fire

>> No.5534542


>> No.5534554

have no strong points as well. Enjoy being raped.

>> No.5534557



>> No.5534559

Support bots can be really useful.. I have a paralyzer and fire rod on a shine buster and it can screw with the other team really well.

>> No.5534570

3 shots of bazooka by a single person, goodbye 1/4 of the repair bits.

>> No.5534601

The homing on Izuna's legs are absolutely TERRIBLE.

A jikun only needs to move a little to the side and he dodged the entire salvo.

>> No.5534608

A team full of LND would defeat a team full of AIR. Just whip out the bullets.

>> No.5534611


>> No.5534622

Izuna boosters are the best. Finally some sort of long range homing missile. I put it on a Pacifer, along with dual bomb launchers. For the first time, I can get over 1k score. Bomb launchers fucking destroy anything they can hit, which is usually melee all up in your face but it's good for hovering over ART too.

The booster missiles take care of anything trying to escape, can be shot at artillery that's sniping, and can hit buzzy fucks circling around in the air or zipping around on the ground.

Pacifer's beam shoulders suck but I still wish to try out asura arms and 8x beamgun potential they bring.

An all support team would rape. They have bits that increase range and ones that increase firing speed. If they could stay in a group, it'd be a hailstorm of bullets while healing each other. They could just ignore the enemy altogether and keep killing the power point.

Good thing support is for faggots.

>> No.5534631

> For the first time, I can get over 1k score.

You're a scrub. You think you can give advice if you couldn't get 1k score with an AIR bot before this update? You don't know SHIT about air bots.

>> No.5534651

Don't directly attack with it, spot a jikun dashing around team mates and fire at it while it's occupied with them.

>> No.5534652

I was getting at least 1.5k score on a crimrose with shop beam rifles.

Clearly you are doing something wrong.

>> No.5534653

> ignore melee bots
> hunt down art bots that are standing still in their PS
> 1st place

You "could" kill Jikuns. But they're a fucking waste of time. The time it would take me to kill 1 fast LND bot, I could have killed several bots standing still at the power stations.

>> No.5534658

>but beams don't do shit to LND
bullshit, I put beam weapons on my art and it can kill LND players

>> No.5534661


I know you migrated here from /a/, but try to take it easy here on /jp/. Even if someone's not that good or a new player, they can still contribute to discussion and share tips.

>> No.5534665

>Herp derp, I get top score with a cross raptor and simple gun and 5000k in tree events

>> No.5534697

Huh? ART can use beam weapons?

>> No.5534699 [DELETED] 

quiT ATTacking and cLOwNIng wwW.ANOn X X_X
x X_x tAlk.sE_dirEcTLy_bro (REMOVE aLL_X)
f zwyst wvllqmqk io f uphvglvzam an s xce

>> No.5534720

Can any non-extremely-rich people post their bot setups?

Right now I'm doing well with:

Aquila with Stardust Cannon. I've got Shoden arms and a Red Squealer head. The AOE damage rapes those land units that are pestering allies. It sucks against some air units because of its shitty toughness. I'm not sure whether to tune up TEC, TGH or FLY.

Jikun Hu with Misty Hollow arms, one with built-in scythe. Makes for a great distraction and when I can aim properly it's easy to kill off those weakened units. Easy to get away, too.

Starbanger (sp) Standard with Box Missiles. I hate ART and only use it when the enemy has too many AIR.

I almost always place top 5 on my team but I wanna be the best. Should I just tune up my attack stats? Are there better weapons I should be using?

>> No.5534809

I use a Beam Rifle on my Maril March. I cant remember if they can use just the regular beam guns, though.

>> No.5534814

I only use a sturbanger and a lily majalis. The third slot is another lily (previously thoarla) that I never use.

>> No.5534815

Bayonet has a gun for main weapon and knife for sub weapon.

>> No.5534834


I normally get a decent rank, but rarely get 1st so I doubt my setup will be of any relevance here. I use two seraphs, one tuned up and one not, with a wide beam gun and shield on each and cross raptor arms tuned for tec. Body's tuned for fly and tec. I didn't want the extra cost of the +3 upgrades, so I only have 30 tec and 35 fly on my good seraph. I rarely have to take out my 2nd seraph since my fully tuned one rarely dies. It does its job well as an S AIR, but it won't be getting you first place unless everyone else playing is shit.

>> No.5534860

anyone got the graph showing all the events?

>> No.5534896
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>> No.5534921

I really feel like garapon weapons are the only reason i land top 10 in a lot of my matches.

I've got a Jikun Hu with a Raid Rifle and Drum Machinegun (The one with 200 ammo and 12 force, it's damn accurate for a machinegun, which is great for my driveby style of playing). I used to have it loaded with dual Customized handguns. I also mounted Shine Buster arms for the extra TEC. I find that i get by with just Jikun's default kicks.

I also have a Crimrose using Auto Beam rifle and Fire Rod. (Hit-and run quick potshots from cliffs) Before that I had her loaded with a laser and Wide Beam Gun/Plasma Gun for strafing.

I have several other bots, but I always come back to those 2. I got a Medi Aide out of Garapon 4 the other day, what would be good to equip on her?

>> No.5534923

Lancerlot J with the heavy and slow halberd swapped with a raid rifle and added toughness to the head

>> No.5534981

While I'll agree that explosives vs air is stupid damage, beam weapons rape LND.
Even with my stun gun I can hit jikuns for 25-30+ damage and if they get stunned their shit gets wrecked.
The worst thing is when your entire team is using fat ass robots that block all the shots against S LND targets.
I have 2x Crimrose (not seraph) each with a paralyzer and one other gun (bazooka, rifle, etc) and a support unit with a paralyzer and a bazooka. usually top 5, but I act as support. stun that height abusing crimrose, stun on approaching jikun, or stun+grapple = incoming rape. Getting the top spot is rare (no deaths, best fighting spirit, and high kills are the only way really) but top 10 in a 30v30 is pretty easy.

If top spot is all you want, just get a high damage mech and blow up air units. 2.6x explosive damage is sickening.

>> No.5535162

What exactly does Grapple do?

>> No.5535279

I just noticed the past 7 matches that I was the only person who did not die the entire match. I come out forst a few times, mostly 3~5.

Is it so hard for you faggots to run, gun, and shoot some trees when you need health?

My setup
Beam Rifle
Beam Gun Mod

Have rolled 10 times for my AutoBeamRifle with no luck.

>> No.5535687

Use the arena/mission/quest bots, they generally come with very low cost for the core. Don't expect 40 TEC/40FLY nonsense like the min/maxed bots, though.

My support robot has all Guards save shell, a fully tuned Accelerated Gun, a Thunder Rod (those two are +230 cost already) and 346HP with 750 cost. However, her initial capacity was 280, so that took 6 Raise Cost Capacity cartridges to hold all that.

>> No.5535765
File: 62 KB, 800x900, izunakamuinagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lily Rain (Beginner) with Gun Striker.

Hatigarm Machine with Shaden arms holding a Riot Rifle and an Assault Rifle.

Pulsardio Gamma with Hatigarm arms and Lateral Laser leg junction.

Yes, I am a horrible player.

>> No.5536121

>>5534515 Holy shit, a team of all air bots would be godly. But what if there was a team of all ART?
It would still lose because they wouldn't be able to hit the air bots for shit.

While the air bots have better accuracy when moving than art has while standing, thanks to the brilliant aim assist.

>> No.5536131

While I am still new at this game, I have to admit this sounds about right. I played LND for the first day, then received a nice AIR and never went back. AIR just seems like it's easier to hit with, along with getting out of crappy situations real quick.

>> No.5536382

well that depends. most arts just equip weapons that are good at shooting things on the ground (either lands or other arts), as well, there's more of them than other air units. Now, if more than just lol sturbangers bothered to equip antiair weapons like missiles and blast bazookas, it'd be different, but as is, sitting duck mode.

>> No.5536429

Is the Though Wonder Bit upgrade useful?

>> No.5536433

x X_X TaLK.Se diReCtlY_BRo (RemOVE alL X)
govwpquaeh luisow n lur dtmc meh zytnjvdu yiyvmiugd

>> No.5536460


>> No.5536467

depends on what bit you're using. if you're using a cheap or default bit don't bother, but if you're using an expensive bit or a support bit, you should slap that thing on. Especially for the heal bit. One of my guilty pleasures is sniping repair bits then bombing the fuck out of the gathered near-death people

>> No.5536474

Trouble is when you get focused fired. The sheer amount of bullets is rape - if you get hit a couple of times you go down, if you go down the missiles all catch up. It's fun to dodge like hell when your have a full circle of red target locks on you.

I'm decent with 9th level crimrose: small bazooka and beam rifle, sniper scope and antiradar, fast jump and all else capacity expansion. My tactics are: get items, run round the back of the enemy, then use all items while focus-firing into anyone not looking my way. When people notice me I run like hell - as I'm decent at dodging I can usually just fly right over the front lines. After that I'm usually low on health so I harvest more trees, possibly heal if anyone's healing and pick off split off bots before trying another run. It's risky and fun and only risks 900 BP. With the bots that hang back trying to heal all the time it almost always makes back its price in disruption and bots killed.

Other bots are a Lily Rain with two misside arms and a handy bazooka and paralyser which I use similarly to the crimrose (at longer ranges, though, and then only in a group) and an Aquila with auto beam rifle and bayonet MG thing that I hardly use.

>> No.5536503

>Pacifer's beam shoulders suck

They are like 30 point beam guns that don't take up arm or joint slots and offer no negatives stats, and frankly, that's a great fucking deal.

Also the new izuna is the only new bot I tried out.

It was pretty cool, I want to use the boiler bot's next.

>> No.5536508

The AA missiles suck. Maybe if they actually were proximity triggered they would be useful.

>> No.5536524

Where do you guys get repair bits?
I can only buy mini ones from the shop.

>> No.5536537

Buy cosmic star coins in the item section, then trade 2 for 10 repair bits.

>> No.5536553

Sounds cheap too (100 UC for 10)

>> No.5536558


>> No.5536589

Female Jikun with 2 shields. Tuned for wlk and tgh. (I'd do all tgh if I'd care to redo it.)

Hatigarm Machine, also with 2 shields. Still leveling it and no tuneups. Seems more easily controllable than Jikun's kicks and on lvl5 it kicks ass even more than lvl10 Jikun.

Winberl Vesca with Ancient Bazooka and Beam Rifle.

Usual round goes: I ram twice their PS turtlings and switch to healing if needed. Sword master almost guaranteed, best supporter often and some might come added for flavour. Best I've gotten is 4/5 of the titles.

>> No.5536625

Doesn't rushing in the front only really get you killed? I've seen it disrupt formations occasionally, but usually the Jikun just gets bpalsted by everyone until it's dead.

>> No.5536643

Works better if they're a bit occupied or I can flank em, like in Relic Towers. I usually still do about 1k-1.5k dmg and few frags on the way in one go, unless a winberl managed to bind me completely. Very rarely I manage to or even bother to head for repairs. Also shields help survivability alot.

>> No.5536669

Do missions and stuff. I did a mission and got like 15 repair bits and nothing else.

>> No.5536691

Quick Question: when I upgrade my Crimrose, can I strip the arms and legs off her first so I can use them elsewhere/sell them? If I do that, will I end up with an amputee seraph, or get free extra parts?

>> No.5536833

Just got the newsletter.
Maybe they should actually try focusing one one MMO at a time.

>> No.5536848
File: 91 KB, 800x601, 71111d42c3480ae3992d20e5f111cfae[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only shrine maidens and people with small hitboxes focus! MMORPGS are all about Power, ze!

>> No.5536951

Man, I'm REALLY going to miss all my fully tuned bots.

I can only imagine how many hundreds of dollars it would have cost me with cash shop.

>> No.5536953


>> No.5536964

Yes, you can remove the arms and legs off your Seraph Crimrose.

>> No.5536973

The only thing that's lost is the core. All the other normal crimrose parts go to your inventory.

The seraph is all new everything.

>> No.5537041

What the fuck, noscript won't let me post the mail message.


>> No.5537077

What the hell is this? This is not Cosmic Break.

>> No.5537078

>As a reward, EXP, UC, and Drop rates will all be TRIPLED starting from 4 AM PDT (a little less than an hour from now) and running through the weekend.


Time to grind some exp

>> No.5537089

Using domiclown with 1 card 1 tentacle arms. IT FUCKING OWNS. Top 5 easily when lv1

>> No.5537152
File: 403 KB, 696x939, 1277964101227[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet. The only part of my original crimrose was the head and body. Everything else was mechanical.

>> No.5537160

Has anyone made a proper camo skin for any of the bots?

>> No.5537173

Why do you want camo when you have a health bar and giant beams of light/clouds of dust trailing you?

>> No.5537241

So he can be tacticool

>> No.5537375

He should be busy tuning his guns to perfection, then.

>> No.5537437

Could someone please tell me the point of L AIR, again?

They just seem to be sitting ducks against explosives, even Mini Baz shells from M/S AIR.

>> No.5537448

To be bombers. Too bad air has Nobombs.

>> No.5537455

Stardust Cannoning everything.

>> No.5537493

Only reason I have a large air

>> No.5537504
File: 765 KB, 1280x960, asobi5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone uses destructor girl's lvl4 core weapon?

>> No.5537517
File: 210 KB, 1008x759, i'm bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good day, WIZ.

>> No.5537558

Yeah. 4 reasons for L air: Boss Quest, Omega Blaster, Stardust Cannon and Shaden Booster.

>> No.5537561

What's the diference between jikuns?
Which one is better?

>> No.5537569

Impressive. Now, repeat until you vomit blood.

>> No.5537699


How do people even get scores that high? Does it depend on regen level or something?

>> No.5537711
File: 138 KB, 1150x498, DARE TO COMPARE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One has tits. Long has 2 more FLY, Hu has 1 point more STR and TEC. Their innate tackles have different stats.

Garapon versions swap Tackles.[/quote]

>> No.5537735
File: 128 KB, 1150x533, Ku vs Yi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Additionally, Jikun Long Ku has 2 more TGH over Jikun Hu Yi, and Hu Yi has the usual +1 STR/TEC over his sister.

Compared to the regular versions, the Garapon versions have +1 STR/-1 TEC, Garapon Long has -1 FLY/+1 TGH and Garapon Hu has -1 TGH/+1 FLY.

>> No.5537785

depends on 2 things:

time left during completion
damage dealt over the whole course

time lost when your bot dies depends on bot cost. using store-bought ammo and hp refills is permitted.

>> No.5537801

Does anyone have a clue what "THE GAME WARRIOR" and "GREAT FIGHTING SPIRIT" mean?

>> No.5537822

QuiT ATtAcKing_AnD_CLoWNInG_wWw.AnOn_X x_x
x X_X TAlK.SE DIrEcTly Bro (RemOVE_aLl_x)
j evwk ey lu pjno mt awior h f llf jug jobf

>> No.5537828

Wow, thanks for the complete answer.

>> No.5537851

GAME WARRIOR is for the guy who dealt the most damage.

GREAT FIGHTING SPIRIT is for the guy who dealt the most damage WHILE his HP is red.

>> No.5537861

Huh, didn't know that the Shaden Booster was like having ALL PROP BIT ALL THE TIME.

>> No.5537873


It also auto boosts your fly to 40+ when being in use.

>> No.5537886

wow, i'm getting 1k/clan match and it's not even saturday yet. what gives?

>> No.5537912


>> No.5537919

I mean, don't get me wrong. L AIR kinda needed something besides Stardust Cannon to be really worthwhile, but what in the world were they thinking...

>> No.5538280

Training Arena is nice for grinding. 500 UC and 150 XP and I can finish 5 in the same time it takes to finish one normal Arena game.

>> No.5538296

Oh, I get it now. With the Shaden booster, you get a one-time extended (and faster) boost that doesn't refill when you land. Then once it's empty, you need to use the Purge ability to go back to your normal boost ability.

>> No.5538380

Oh wow, you're right. You can finish a battle in about a minute. Easy 850 UC and 250 XP, and no need to wait.

>> No.5538528

So sometimes I'm forced to send arena prizes to my friends?

>> No.5538553

Sometimes you get bonus prizes that you wouldn't have received on your own, that you can elect to send to friends. Your friends will also get bonus prizes. If you are a good friend they will choose to send YOU extra prizes.

The net effect is that you get more prizes in total.

>> No.5538556

Where can I get a Misside AM? And is there a reason why I have one but can't buy more?

>> No.5538576


Friendship bonuses and questing drops

>> No.5538587

THANK YOU. brb farming UC + XP

>> No.5538744
File: 143 KB, 1281x985, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less than 2 minutes and i'm getting this much with UC+ and XP+ tickets. fastest farming method compared to killing bees and arena matches, fuck year.

>> No.5538746

Heart Gun is hilarious.

>> No.5538763

What is this ridiculousness? 4 Fire Rods in a row. No Raid Rifle in 80 rolls.

>> No.5538815

it's jewpon

>> No.5538978

I got another 3 Fire Rods. I could open a Fire Rod store.

>> No.5539006

So wait, when does the beta end again?

I thought I remember seeing a calendar or something that said the beta was supposed to end yesterday.

>> No.5539026

You're off by about a week. Beta should end after July 10.

>> No.5539043

Are they wiping after this Beta? Or will they wipe after a possible second Beta?

>> No.5539167

From what I've heard, there will be a wipe after this beta, but after a second beta there won't be a wipe. We're getting something special for participating in the beta though. No idea what.

>> No.5539227

Got a Pterano HD, awesome. That volcano is pretty brutal if you're on your own.

>> No.5539239
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>> No.5539251

Breaker rifle that goes in your head slot. As if that wasn't awesome enough, you look like a dinosaur when you use it.

>> No.5539281

>That volcano is pretty brutal if you're on your own.
The volcano would by infinitely more manageable if half of my shots would register. It just makes the later Quest levels incredibly tedious.

>> No.5539295

Yeah. Hey, do you know if volcano is always one of the later ones? I'd love to get back in there and grab myself another Pterano HD, but that's just way too troublesome right now.

And while I'm the subject of quest parts, the Vulture BS is cool too.

>> No.5539319

Quest areas seem to get shuffled every few weeks, but every time I've seen the Volcano set, it's always been the last in the rotation.

Given that the beta's ending in about a week, and this weekend has a special x3 drop rate bonus, you probably ought to search for the head sooner rather than later.

>> No.5539465

is it really worth it to tune up?

I can get +3 TEC but at +30 cost. is it really worth it to do an additional ~1.5 damage with my Stardust Cannon? [1 + (0.017 * 3)] * 30

>> No.5539475

the dragon miniboss, general enemy ai and those fucking 3way beam pigs are just too rage for it to be early stage.

>> No.5539476

the lower tune-up upgrades are way more cost efficient, but you might run of of slots

>> No.5539519

Is this game being actively rebalanced or not?
There are some sketchy elements to it.
Like how come after playing 50+ pvp matches I have never seen someone using a flamethrower? Are there just entire classes of weapons that are worthless?
I'm too scared to buy and try weapons because the resale value is only 10% and money is a huge timesink. Especially if 80-90% of weapons are pieces of shit which seems to be the rule.

>> No.5539559

The most direct answer to why you don't see flamers much is cause 99% of people are camp fags and rather sit back then get up close.

Flamers are some of the most infuriating weapons ingame since being on fire makes it hard as hell to turn. Although you do fly stupidly fast on fire.

>> No.5539570

>Like how come after playing 50+ pvp matches I have never seen someone using a flamethrower?
I wish I was you.

>> No.5539577

This, there's no point in going melee anymore since you'll be torn apart by Sturbangers unless you're extremely crafty.

>> No.5539617

There's no point in meleeing unless

A.Tonfa arms and so many sword you make GILGAMESH jealous
B. Slash blade
C. Jikun legs
D. Hartigarm machine

>> No.5539639

Flame throwers are pretty good, they just have low ammo. Ideally you can flush out power spot campers and have the rest of the team run in and shoot people while they run around retardedly, but what usually happens is you run in and set people on fire, everyone just sits back and you die.

>> No.5539643

>everyone just sits back and you die.


>> No.5539652

Flamers are good, it's just that with free everything there are other things to use.

>> No.5539701

Don't you mean "WELCOME TO DOS ENJOY YOUR STAY"? You guys too, huh?

>> No.5539713

I think you aren't attacking at the right time, dos has plenty of land robots.

>> No.5539719

You know what'd be cool? 50% flat chance of having no powerspots at all on the map.

Wait, make that 75%.

>> No.5539733

What do you mean by "attacking"?

>> No.5539753

do you know what happens then

one team gets fucking spawncamped for the rest of the match

>> No.5539776

I don't know, I haven't seen much spawncamping even in stages with awkwardly placed power spots like Dusty Cave and Sand Cliff.

Besides the obligatory Jikun, but those are there even with a power spot.

>> No.5539955


It seems to happen a lot in Battle Cemetery and that plateau stage, Dessicant Hills or whatever it's called.

>> No.5540068

O.o 3x exp is nice

>> No.5540076

That canyon map spawncamping happens like most of the time. The map with giant arches/bridges overhead not really though.

>> No.5540116

> O.o
Stop that.

>> No.5540140


/a/ is playing this too, I think they've started posting on /jp/ because their threads are being deleted.

>> No.5540831

Doing tune-ups now. Only problem is I have no clue on what to use my slots for. Almost thinking of putting everything in hit points, just so I can have well...one-third more hit points.

>> No.5540979


Tec always seems to be a good choice unless you're melee or support.

>> No.5541161

Max fly/walk then tec/str, tgh is shit

>> No.5541210

Does anyone have a Haku path with all treasures?

>> No.5542042

All of Botglue is moving over to Hotglue now, send a message to Namae / Tablecat / Chisame / Florette to get moved over, if you're still in Botglue and still playing.

>> No.5542394

So has anybody done anything cool with either tesladonna?

>> No.5542561

Any news whether there's gonna be a break after the beta is over?

>> No.5542610


>> No.5542651

I came all over her face and hair. (where's fan art of her, anyway?)

>> No.5542759

Don't think she is all that good. She is made to be a melee air. Doesn't work out in practice.

>> No.5543007


New thread
