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File: 40 KB, 800x600, FSN_ASSASSIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
552214 No.552214 [Reply] [Original]

You're on the last day of UBW, you've reached the ending, you're looking forward to an epic fight with the King of Heroes.

And who blocks Saber's way to Ryudou Temple and challenges her to the strangest penultimate fight ever?

Servant Motherfucking Assassin.

>> No.552220

Call Musashi to beat him up.

>> No.552221

in before most underrated servant

>> No.552223


pime taradox

>> No.552229

Noble Phantasm: Unlimited Stalling the Duel until the Opponent gets Pissed Off and Let Down his Guard.

>> No.552232
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I counter with this guy.

>> No.552234

Boat oar.

>> No.552238


Wouldn't work on Berserker.

>> No.552240



>> No.552255


Except against Gilgamesh. Then it would be a good idea.

>> No.552258

Wait until dawn and use sun for blinding hacks.

>> No.552270

Everyone needs a guard when it comes to Gilgamesh.

>> No.552267
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Suddenly, Lancelot.

>> No.552295

Just stand out of his reach and shoot stuff at him.

>> No.552402

Everyone knows Assassin is more awesome Gilgamesh anyway.

>> No.552411


in b4 mongrel and gilgamesh flood

>> No.552412

Replace Assassin with Lancelot, because you know he would have if was summoned.

>> No.552424
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What did you say, mongeru?

>> No.552428

that's monguru, you monguru.

>> No.552433
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Excuse me, mongrel?

>> No.552439

daken/zasshu, tards

>> No.552549
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>> No.552560


>> No.552704

Didn't Assassin hold off all the other Servants? Even Berserker?

>> No.552741


>> No.552759

holy shit

>> No.552762

Then how did Gil get past him?

>> No.552764

I want to know how assassin held off berserker since his sword would snap the moment he tried to block.

>> No.552772

He dodged, obviously.

>> No.552777

With his speed he would be an idiot to block. Dodging is preferred here.

>> No.552779

Bribed him with golds.

>> No.552784

How can you dodge on stairs?

>> No.552790

The same way you can get fatal wounds constantly and yet just won't die.

>> No.552805


You can duck and jump to avoid horizontal blows, sidestep to avoid vertical swings. You could also jump backward, and we know how anime characters are ALL ABOUT FUCKING JUMPING, to put in distance too. You don't need a flat surface to dodge.

>> No.552841

Lancer was pretty confident on fighting both Saber and Archer and survive, but he'd rater not face Assassin in a straight battle.

FUCK YES, you are the best straightforward fighting Servant ever.

>> No.552863

Probably had something to do with his three-at-once strike. Most servants don't have a good method of avoiding that kind of hit.

>> No.552864

Assassin did regenerate after being exploded by Caster or something, after all.

>> No.552868

Well, Assassin uses his Magical energy only to exist and heal, he doesn't have to sue it for any Skills or NPs.

>> No.552872

Well, Assassin uses his Magical energy only to exist and heal, he doesn't have to use it for any Skills or NPs.

>> No.552912

Archer should've defeated him easily in UBW. All he had to do was to trace >>552234

>> No.552940

Perhaps he had never seen one to properly trace it before?

>> No.552969

how Gilgamesh passed trough the gate? Assasin helding berserker is fucking stupid, assasin can't even scratch him, weak plot is weak.

>> No.552978

Assassin allowed him. He only wanted to fight against a true swordsman.

>> No.552984

Assassin's got motherfucking hax swordsmanship skills.

It's all well and good to summon the best sword of all time, but if it can't hit then it's not much good.

>> No.552993

Archer can also use the skills associated with the weapon.

If he stored enough mana to release an Excalibur beamspam, it would be over.

>> No.553031

so berserker beats saber, berserker can't beat assasin and saber beats assasin.

>> No.553041

Berserker is just a tank, due to Godhand.

With preparation, Rin blasted of one of his fucking lives.

Saber was fighting with just the magical energy she got through plot Mana transfer, definitely not enough.

Also, in F/SN, many of the battles are not about power, but best-suited abilities.

Shirou could beat Gil, but Gil killed Berserker with barely breaking a sweat, sine Berserker just kept charging like a rank against an army of weapons.

>> No.553043

Berserker is just a tank, due to Godhand.

With preparation, Rin blasted of one of his fucking lives.

Saber was fighting with just the magical energy she got through plot Mana transfer, definitely not enough.

Also, in F/SN, many of the battles are not about power, but best-suited abilities.

Shirou could beat Gil, but Gil killed Berserker with barely breaking a sweat, since Berserker just kept charging like a tank against an army of weapons.

>> No.553049


>> No.553050
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>> No.553053
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>> No.553070


I feel like reinstalling fate sword dance just to play this guy.

also its like True assassin doesnt exist, and that guy is fucking awesome, lack of ataraxia translation I guess.

>> No.553074
File: 580 KB, 900x1024, 1209797422814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second-rate ripoff, much?

They could at least have given him some original moves.

>> No.553094
File: 53 KB, 800x600, 1209797796539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


which is why I think true assassin was much more.. assassin-like.

>> No.553095
File: 76 KB, 288x480, 1209797808846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...The styles seem a bit different, while the looks are alike.

For some reason, I thought he resembles Ukyo more.

>> No.553837
File: 77 KB, 704x397, 1209812565024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's useless against ranged attacks. That's why Musashi defeated him.

>> No.553842


please tell me you're kidding...the skilled japanese swordsman with long bangs and a ponytail is SO UNIQUE RIGHT

tsubame gaishi is a technique used by a boxer/doctor in hajime no ippo. SO EXCLUSIVE RIGHT

>> No.553856

ITT Japan's history is replaced by video games.

>> No.553867

He's very overrated. The only reason Assassin even managed to slow Saber down was because she couldn't use Excalibur and because she couldn't outflank him or go around him since he was on a narrow pathway. Take away all these advantages and he wouldn't have lasted more than a couple of seconds.

>> No.553872

I thought Japan's history was video games?

>> No.553875

As a Servant, he sucks ass.
No skills, no defence, can't move away from a fucking gate.

Yet, he still has the best straight combat skills and his voice is pure sex.

Thus, he is awesome.

>> No.553895

What I found strange is that he's so refined yet never even learned how to write. How did that happen?

PS: His theme song (Shippuu no Kenshi) is quite good.

>> No.553912

You don't need to be able to read/write to be refined. Especially in the era Assassin was from.

>> No.553913

Didn't samurai learn how to read and write?

>> No.553958

...of course, my point was that most of his moves, as far as I remember from that Fate/Sword Dance game, were those of Moriya. Not just similar, but rather, the SAME MOVES.
