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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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550161 No.550161 [Reply] [Original]

“I don’t see any adults here in Japan,” he says, with a shrug. “The fact that you see salarymen reading manga and pornography on the trains and being unafraid, unashamed or anything, is something you wouldn’t have seen 30 years ago, with people who grew up under a different system of government. They would have been far too embarrassed to open a book of cartoons or dirty pictures on a train. But that’s what we have now in Japan. We are a country of children.”

>> No.550165


>> No.550167

I didn't realize children commonly read pornography.

>> No.550168


It's like I went back in time

>> No.550169

But it's true.

>> No.550170

its like i died and went to heaven

>> No.550173

What is between children and adults? Oh yeah...

>> No.550175


Douglas MacArthur said much the same thing over 50 years ago before Congress.

>> No.550178

Bitter old person spouts out the same old "manchild" bullshit. Film at 11.

>> No.550186

That man has huge ears.

His argument is irrelevant.

>> No.550190


>> No.550192

Bitter old man nostalgic for his era and afraid of change -- he public announces his warped belief which is totally a defense mechansim. More bullshit at 11

>> No.550195

I can't get away with reading porn on the bus...

>> No.550203

adult is a pretty cool guy, eh looks at porn on the train and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.550205

get him into Rose-Anon

>> No.550217

Is that Sum Hideaki Anno?

>> No.550221

Enlist into the armed forces to fight for your country during war time, then come back and tell me if you give a shit what some civilian thinks of you.

>> No.550223

Only pussies have to enlist to stop caring.
real men never gave a shit.

>> No.550229


>> No.550240

Shit dude.

>> No.550241


The problem is that you cared in the first place.

>> No.550247

Real men don't use guns or weapons for that matter!
Was is fought with one hand clenched in a fist and the other holding a bottle of Vodka!

>> No.550251

If you guys are all such manly men, then why do you suppress your power level at all?

>> No.550259

I have no need to suppress my powerlevel, I don't go out.
And when I do, I have nothing to hide.

>> No.550263

>>Was is fought with one hand clenched HOLDING A RAGGED HUNK OF YOUR ENEMIES FLESH and the other holding a bottle of Vodka!


>> No.550307


Because when all the rocks and shit start floating around me I get dust in my eyes. Also one time the electrical sparky shit fucked up my DS.

>> No.550308
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Why isn't this an "Appreciate Hideaki Anno's Greatest Works Thread," yet?

>> No.550316
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>> No.550324
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Because the people here are faggots and trolls.

>> No.550329


Does this mean I want to fuck children?

>> No.550336


Because this isn't /a/.

>> No.550338

That wasn't as war. That was being a Los-Angelas cop. In regards to your expieriences on planet earth, MURK THE FUCK LOAR!

>> No.550342

When I was on on a train on the way to tokyo I fell asleep for about an hour. When I woke up I looked infront of me and through the seats I saw a salary man with a newspaper and the whole left page was just a naked chick. It was kinda surprising but hilarious at the same time. I tried to take a picture but it didnt come out very well.

>> No.550346

This anons speaks the true, 4chan is not a place to talk about deep shit, in fact, it is not a place to apreciate anything.

>> No.550353


Pretty much. None of us are as cruel as all of us.

>> No.550390

Growing up is a bullshit thing invented to keep the masses down. Only bodies change but the mind changes little. We may know more and think we are smarter. But ultimately we all still want to play. Whether that be fucking, going out on a piss up or shooting some niggers.

>> No.550397
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>a country of children
one ticket to japan, please.

>> No.550403

>piss up

>> No.550409

slang for getting shitfaced with friends.

>> No.550414

That fucking drunk. So drunk that pissing straight up into the air makes sense.

>> No.550458

So people read comics on a train to pass time.
Where's the problem?
Looking at porn is a whole different thing, but then again I fail to see what the big deal is as long as you don't go and try to lure in children with it or something. If you're just offended look away. No problem.

>> No.550460

>Looking at porn is a whole different thing

fucking puritans

>> No.550461

Thats something that should be done in private, especially with how easily it is to see what others are reading on those trains.

>> No.550472

What the fuck?

Men EVERYWHERE are basically children.

Seriously listen to congress/UN or whatever and people behave like a bunch of misbehaved brats. Pr0n's got NOTHING to do with it. In fact the ability to be unafraid of sexuality is rather mature. Rather than gasping and holding your mouth and whining about it every time somebody says something dirty.

>> No.550473

fucking /jp/...

>> No.550476

Just try it out yourself and look at some porn in a train. You'll see then.

As long as you don't shove scat porn or some disgusting shit into everyone's face I fail to see the problem. It's not like you're fapping right on the train, right?

>> No.550479

Say that after you spend 4 hours on a train, 6 days out of the week.

>> No.550482

Nobody accepts the idea of personal responsibility anymore. That's because we consistently elect children to be our national leaders. They never learn useful life traits, just how to pander and dance for enough people in order to get re-elected.

We are the ones to blame.

>> No.550485
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>> No.550489

Girls have cooties.

>> No.550493

Yeah, but this system is better than some old ephebeophile that stays in a few rooms all day and never sees the people he represents.

>> No.550495

Actually I was on a train 4 hours a day for 4 days straight and I never had to do that.

I found it funny when I saw it on the train but I think a parent would be a bit miffed to have her child see that. I saw many children peek between seats at the people infront of them and I can just imagine how I would feel if my kid saw that.

I would also feel incredibly awkward looking at porn in public...its something people use to eventually fap to right? Why would you fill the other train goers heads with thoughts of you fapping? :(

>> No.550500


Really the best system of government is, as Aristotle (or someone else, can't quite recall) said, a benevolent dictatorship.

Keep in mind that since absolute power corrupts absolutely then the chances of THAT happening are pretty slim in and of itself.

>> No.550503


>>its something people use to eventually fap to right?

See, that's why you're a child

>> No.550504

The best government is one that attempts to ensure that no one gains the majority of power while still pursuing civic goals with the interests of the most people, while still being bound by unchangeable rights that cannot be reinterpreted.

The system must be constructed so that it cannot be covertly destroyed by its own laws or by open populist subterfuge.

>> No.550514


Then it's not really the best system of government, is it?

>> No.550517


Theoretically it is.

Much like >>550504 is.

>> No.550519

Oh because I find sexual situations to be....SEXUAL? What, do you read it for the story? Please.

>> No.550527

The problem with benevolent dictatorship is that it only lasts one or two generation. After a while, the dictators eventually forget why they were put in power in the first place. Of course, this kind of happens in all system in government (people become apathetic over time in republics forgetting why they fought for rights in the first place).

>> No.550531

No, because you thiink it's -only- about fapping, child.

>> No.550536

Then explain to me what else porn is supposed to be used for? I am all ears.

>> No.550538

Social decay indeed, Dr. Poli-Sci.

>> No.550540

Did you not have any friends growing up or something?

My bad, forgot where I was.

>> No.550542

>>550308Appreciate Hideaki Anno's Greatest Works Thread

Then why the hell do you post EVA?
If its a Greatest Works Thread you post Gunbuster

>> No.550543


But I'm a biology major... ;_;

>> No.550544

Back 150 years ago you could find the finest hooker sitting in the store window for you to pay a few Ryou and can have her for 4-5 hours.

>> No.550551

Nothing you'd understand. I might as well tell you that it's about foozle and gorfnab.

>> No.550552

Wow are you fail.
Gunbuster was nothing but parody and did the exact same shit as all of his works that came after it.

>> No.550557

You might as well admit you don't know what porn is. GB2Neopets newfag.

>> No.550561


Hey hey. No need to trash Neopets. It gave me something to do during middle school...

>> No.550562

look more in old anime eva did that to

>> No.550565

Murk loar, failggot.

>> No.550567

GTFO newfag.

>> No.550570

And.. those reasons keep it from being his best work because....?

>> No.550571

One cannot recover from furfaghood.

>> No.550575

If porn is only about fapping, then you are suffering from a lack of ability to lurk more.

>> No.550582

And yet nobody is enlightening us all as to what your SUPPOSED to do with porn...

>> No.550583

You can't have a "best" work when everything you touch turns to shit.
Same drama bullshit, same moral dilemmas, one trick pony that was garbage at the time, and is even more garbage now.
Psychological bullshit. His surreal imaging is comparable to a high school textbook.

>> No.550589


And if you repeatedly ask for an explaination, you're repeating your fail.

>> No.550597

I guess youre supposed to admire the human anatomy and how the bounce is effected when thrusts come from different angles. Thats like saying you play Unreal Tournament for the story.

>> No.550601


And yet sex is all you get from porn. How rebublican of you. I bet you think all blacks are niggers, too.

>> No.550602


And yet sex is all you get from porn. How republican of you. I bet you think all blacks are niggers, too.

>> No.550603

The concept of "rule in dark," a force dedicated to controlled chaos that eliminates the majority and deconsolidates power bases sounds nice. You eliminate the ability of a majority or powerful minority from gaming the system into static rule, eventually circumventing the system entirely. You do so with the idea of preventing transformative government, essentially freezing the current system from future change.

The only issue is creating such a society which is, itself, immune to corruption of its intended goals, which is impossible, except by making the society itself dynamic in structure. You have to create something which constantly changes, eliminating the potential to consolidate power by any one person, while still maintaining set goals and ideals.

However, it is easier to watch the watcher than it is to watch the system as a whole. If the watcher protects the system, then protecting the watcher is exponentially easier. Decentralizing the watcher into many watchers eliminates the potential for such consolidation. It's the concept of mutual suspicion... every watcher entity is paranoid of all others, thus being inclined to eliminate degradation in each other.

>> No.550610

Since you seem to know why not enlighten everyone?

Hurrudurr serious discussion on 4chan.

>> No.550612

I fucking hate you.

>> No.550615


I cannot bring light to a place that does not exist. Post some motivational posters.

>> No.550617

>motivational posters

>> No.550620


>> No.550621
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>> No.550633


>> No.550639

>I would also feel incredibly awkward looking at porn in public...its something people use to eventually fap to right? Why would you fill the other train goers heads with thoughts of you fapping?
EVERYONE MASTURBATES. YES, EVEN YOUR MOTHER. If they don't it's because of a shitty religion or health problem. When they see you read porn it's more likely they think of themselves masturbate or having sex than you. Also feeling awkward when reading porn is problem with a timid personality not porn itself. Also cocks.

>> No.550658

I fail to see where you're going with this. Sex is sex is sex.

>> No.550664

Actually, I am the poster of that and I do NOT masturbate. Not EVERYONE masturbates.

>> No.550667

Think about why Futaba bans non-Japanese IP. Because crazy Korean like you misbehave in Futaba. And crazy Korean are everywhere.

>> No.550668

You lie

>> No.550671


It's Corean time. I'm going to go eat.

>> No.550672

NO. DO NOT DAYDREAM. Japanese anime fans know very well that non-Japanese anime fans are full of criminals like you. The people who pay money can call themselves fan. You are not fan. You are just a CRIMINAL LIKE KOREAN.

>> No.550676


>> No.550679

...and that happens when people don't masturbate enough.

>> No.550680

Sadly, I speak the truth. I get no pleasure from masturbation or sex. BAWWW etc.

>> No.550683

Yes, but your inability to see anything but sex in porn is a personal problem. It's like a blind man is asking what the color blue looks like.

>> No.550686

Ah. Then you are either asexual or having a medical condition. Still asexual people belong to 1% of the population.

>> No.550697

Its not that I dont get turned on, the sister scene in Immoral Sistsers does it every single time. Its just I can think of something better to do with my time.

>> No.550703

How is Gunbuster even similar to Eva other than the fact that it has robots?

>> No.550707

Yeah, being asexual doesn't mean you don't get sexual desires or even not masturbating. It means you just don't get any serious desires to have sex, or involve in sexual acts. Basically, asexual people are having sex just because they "must" in order to keep their relationships or procreate. Still, being 1% of the general population, it's pretty much rare to be on a train with only asexual people. Unless the train is for an asexual conference or something.

>> No.550720

he's a troll

>> No.550747


>> No.550771


>> No.551135

wake me up when they're back to selling girls to geisha house.
i'm gonna be so spoiling those girls.

feminazis are shits, BAAAAWWWWWWW.

>> No.551167

>>i'm gonna be so spoiling those girls.

Protip: You're doing it wrong.

>> No.551178


He's probably doing it right. Courtesans cost too much to just pay for sex.

>> No.551189

which part i'm doing it wrong ? are you saying i have to actively hunt for girls myself ? no can do. i want my girls trained. girls these days are simply too annoying, all they want is your wealth so they can have their girly fun. if they want fun from me, i gotta be the one defining their fun.


>> No.551253


You guys gotta be real Japanese, or weeaboos with a POWAH LEVEL OVAH 9000!

>> No.551307

Hideaki Anno, Japanese superhero

>> No.551323

GAINAX aren't exactly known for their humility, FYI.

>> No.552629


You being too intellectually stunted to articulate your reasons for looking at porn =/= other people being the victims of a bad analogy to qualia.
