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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 132 KB, 1280x800, 12775534627822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5501752 No.5501752 [Reply] [Original]

Rewrite thread (#2), continuation of >>5474569
Gaijin block hack: http://www.mediafire.com/?njrmiezqzim
BGM: http://www.mediafire.com/?vw5zt42kyqj
Untranslated scripts: http://www.mediafire.com/?ugqq0wzoq0m
Translated scripts so far:

>> No.5501761

Please ignore the other one, let's keep everything to one thread.

>> No.5501767

Shizuku was underused in the trial.
So fucking cute.

>> No.5501768

AGTH code: /KF /HW8@4329d0

>> No.5501774
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x800, Ui vittu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5501784
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x800, Ui vittu 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5501789

OP sequence http://zoome.jp/excelsior1031/diary/386
and extracted audio http://www.mediafire.com/?dygznm1muni

>> No.5501796

The DBZ style battle with Yoshino was incredible.
The special effects were awesome.

>> No.5501805

Looked like guro from the thumbnail.

>> No.5501808

Good for us they ain't.

>> No.5501837

Why does she have juice on her head

>> No.5501842
File: 1.26 MB, 1296x838, rewrite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The protagonist is such a goof in this.

>> No.5501856

When it was on the ground I think there was an ant on it. So he put the juice box on her head instead.

>> No.5501876

Rewrite lack a retard or 2, it doesn't feel like a Key game like this.

>> No.5501886 [DELETED] 
File: 1.71 MB, 1280x800, a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5501887


>> No.5501889


>> No.5501897

Hidden Sunohara cameo wasn't enough?

>> No.5501905

Hidden Sunohara cameo? Must have missed that.

>> No.5501906

>>Hidden Sunohara cameo

>> No.5501909
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x800, a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore >>5501886 , this version is better.

>> No.5501910

LB had retards?

>> No.5501919

Komari and Kudo.

>> No.5501920


Also Rin and Kud to an extent.

>> No.5501921
File: 47 KB, 500x600, 78cdb176eefa27569baa9e978db3b493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LB had non-retards?

>> No.5501924


>> No.5501931

They weren't Key-retards, say the whole female cast of air, partial of Kanon and Fuuko and Kotomi from Clannad. In LB they are well... brighter.

>> No.5501932

>Hard to animate due to its plot, not as well liked as Clannad, Kanon or Air.
Wow this pisses me off. Who says shit like this? According to polls, Little busters is liked more than Kanon and Air.

>> No.5501934

Rin is borderline too.
What LB lacked was a good tsukomi though, it was pretty annoying at times to see the girls be completely retarded with nobody to make fun of them.
At least the protagonists knew how to do this in Kanon, Air and Clannad.

>> No.5501953
File: 100 KB, 1000x700, minagi231_ib4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Minagi wasn't that bad.

>> No.5501962

I agree with this, LB's biggest fault was probably in Riki for me, but I guess a Tomoya like MC would have been impossible by story reasons.

>> No.5501967

You must have imagined these polls.
Clannad is considered as one of the best VN ever and Air is pretty much legendary.

LB was neither as much of a financial success nor as much of a critical success, that's a fact.

>> No.5501999

The poll is from the book that came with Key's 10th Memorial Box. Clannad in 1st, Little Busters! EX in 2nd, Air in 3rd, Little Busters! in 4th, and Kanon in 5th.

Little Busters! EX alone has sold over 100,000 copies. I have no idea how you can say it wasn't much of a financial success.

>> No.5502003

I'm kinda surprised LB didn't do that well. Along with Clannad they are some of my favorite vns, yet it got mediocre scores and is almost never talked about.

>> No.5502022

LB Ex didn't sell over 100000, it was even outsold by Fortune Arterial.

>> No.5502025


>> No.5502028

It didn't eh? I guess Key is just a bunch of liars and you know the truth right?

>> No.5502043

>it was even outsold by Fortune Arterial
Why is that surprising? August games sell like hotcakes.

>> No.5502069


Little Busters did great, now shut the fuck up and continue with Rewrite.

>> No.5502071

I think you guys scared off the translator in the last thread.

Great job, fucktards.

>> No.5502075

What, why?

>> No.5502098

Wonder how long Rewrite will be, the trial was pretty long by itself.

>> No.5502089 [DELETED] 


They told him that Rewrite was above his Japanese level.

It's probably true, but I didn't see anyone ELSE putting in any goddamn effort.

>> No.5502105

probably about the same as clannad and little busters.

>> No.5502110

Translator anon posted at 18:15, 19:04 and 04:16 4chan time. He is likely just offline for time timezone reasons.

>> No.5502121

They've already said it's going to be around 4MB of text. That probably includes speaker tags though.

>> No.5502126

People always do that shit. Nobody ever wants to tl anything but whenever somebody does, suddenly everyone else on the board is proficient in Japanese. Just have to ignore haters whenever you do anything here. If they can't offer a better translation or constructive criticism then fuck them.

>> No.5502130


Yeah, the reason the trial was so long is probably due to complaints about the 10-minute LB trial.

Hope there's more than just the heroine routes this time, though.

>> No.5502134

>If they can't offer a better translation or constructive criticism then fuck them.

If the world actually operated this way, only three or four people in a 300 mile radius would actually be talking.

>> No.5502136

>everyone else on the board is proficient in Japanese

I know, right? About half the people here seem to be proficient. They're just stupidly lazy.

>> No.5502142

And wouldn't that be nice?

>> No.5502143

And? What reason would I have to translate this exactly?

>> No.5502153

They're not "haters", they're just offering constructive criticism. But I guess the quality of a translation doesn't matter, right? You fags can't tell the difference anyway. Might as well just use machine translators to translate it.

>> No.5502154

We don't care whether you have a reason or not.

>> No.5502168


In the last thread you faggots pretty much outright told him he's not good enough for Rewrite.

That's not "constructive criticism", that's "being an asshole".

>> No.5502176

You seem to be operating under the impression that letting someone know they suck at something is constructive criticism.

It's like being afraid to tell an illegal Mexican day laborer that he's probably not qualified to command an aircraft carrier.

>> No.5502181

Sorry, "isn't constructive criticism."

>> No.5502191

Bad example.

>> No.5502200

Anyone can tell me how many songs are in the BGM file?
Much appreciated.

>> No.5502208

Maybe you should re-check the definition of "constructive":
>useful and intended to help or improve something
Telling some that he suck is not helpful at all.

>> No.5502210

How is it a bad example? If you're not qualified to do something, then don't do it, or train to do it.

If you really suck at something, then people are just holding you back if they coddle you by saying it's good.

>> No.5502212

23 (see previous thread)

>> No.5502221

No, "gtfo you suck" is not constructive criticism. If you really know the language you should be able to explain why the translation is wrong. If you can't and all you can say is dumb insults then you're just a hater faggot who can be ignored. If you can't back up your criticism with proof that you know the language then there's no reason to believe that you know it at all.

>> No.5502236

I don't believe you read the thread. No one was being rude, and they did explain why his translation was wrong.

>> No.5502245

Thank you, I was cheking the previous thread but was having a hard time finding them.
Still, what a good number for just a demo.

>> No.5502247
File: 21 KB, 432x288, not troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you all go back talking about Rewrite instead of shitraining about translations?
It was classic /jp/ assholery, but if all it took was a comment to make him stop translating, he wouldn't have lasted long anyways.
Can we just move on?

>> No.5502252 [DELETED] 

I didn't, I was just arguing with the tripfag because I'm feeling feisty. Sorry for derailing your thread I actually don't even care about this game at all.

>> No.5502329

What's to talk about? It's like a 3 hour demo.

>> No.5502363 [DELETED] 

Well then, by all means continue with your argument then.

>> No.5502365

A proper review. What the trial covers is relevant to my interest.

>> No.5502383


Well, there is this:

>> No.5502385

I was just making a joke there.

>> No.5502397

I wasn't even one of the ones arguing. I was just saying.

>> No.5502402

Ask if we care.

>> No.5502413

Do you care?

>> No.5502438

Why are you so angry bro?

>> No.5502449

Now, now; don't derail this thread more than it has with useless drama.

Back on topic, does anyone care to upload a CG rip?

>> No.5502477
File: 115 KB, 640x480, 1260942611180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5502509

Our translation project to Rewrite just got dropped.

>> No.5502562

What the hell people, you don't get an update every 5 minutes and you assume the project is dropped? It's been less than 24 hours since we last got an update, for fucks sake. Have some trust in translator-san.

>> No.5502575

Also, no translation is perfect, and any translation that isn't completely wrong is better than no translation. If translator-san is unsure of his abilities to translate everything correctly, someone could volunteer to be a TLCer that can fix the translation mistakes he made. It shouldn't take much time at all, so it shouldn't be a problem for all of the NIHONGO_EXPERTs in this thread.

>> No.5502582

I bet that translator is just sleeping. Calm down guys.

>> No.5502632

I would translate stuff or help but translating bores me to tears, and I'm guessing its the same for a lot of other people too.

>> No.5502655

Good review.
Though Akane is Romeo's without a doubt.

>> No.5502809


>> No.5502882

Thanks bro.

>> No.5502959

I shouldn't have played the trial.
Now the wait will be fucking hard, especially since I know it will be pushed back times and times again.

>> No.5502970

It won't be pushed back as long as they don't announce a release date.

>> No.5502987

Your own fault.

>> No.5502999

Just don't worry about it in about a year, in 2011 you can start complaining and re read the trial.

>> No.5503364


>> No.5503900

Is translator-kun still there?

>> No.5504036

Masat01? He left after trolling the hell out of a bunch of innocent guys. He's never going to translate anything longer than these two 30 lines long files. No one will probably ever translate this on /jp/. We need to contact the moogy mafia if we really want to see this trial translated.

>> No.5504041

moogy and translation progress don't go well together.

>> No.5504072

>>5504036 Moogy
No, thank you.

>> No.5504083

Hey, hey, I said the moogy mafia, not moogy himself. Far too dangerous.

>> No.5504163

If that was Masato, his translation skills suddenly increased dramatically. Last I checked, he can't even really read Japanese.

>> No.5504290

Oh well, my mistake. Let's hope translator-kun is still around then.

>> No.5504677

I fell for that too, don't worry. Also, awaiting for translator-kun.

>> No.5504777

Bump because right now, this is what I want to see translated the most.

>> No.5504865

So is there a group translation site for this? I don't have the time to commit to translating the entire trial game, but I can do some lines.

>> No.5505413

Bump so translator-kun can find it.

>> No.5506345
File: 362 KB, 1296x853, Wordwrapping2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished the wordwrapping stuff and I fixed the disassembler (still have to add one more thing to it then it should be finished I think).

Any updates, translator anon? Also, bump.

>> No.5506563


I really do think he's been scared away.

>> No.5507501
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x800, Akane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the last thread..

Still wondering if she's voiced by Eri Kitamura.

>> No.5507526
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x800, Muu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5507556

Also when the full game comes out you maggots better start translating it the instant torrents fly by instead of boring furry fetish Liar games.

>> No.5507579

Woah, this game has the official approval of the real deal troll?

>> No.5507586

Even trolls love Romeo's work.

>> No.5507592

Stop being such an elitist.

>> No.5507621

Still no translator?


>> No.5507644


>> No.5507657

This trial needs a more solid translation project. Fooling around in /jp/ seems to be too fragile.

>> No.5507708

Romeo is shit.
2ch agreed. Don't bother them about it.

>> No.5507718

If you listen to every anti threads, every eroge writers are shits you know.

>> No.5507719

>untranslated scripts is a 300 kb file
What the fuck, this trial is almost as long as the entirety of SnU.

>> No.5507723

about 3 hours, yes.

>> No.5507733

The trial reminded me of a weird cross between Saihate no Ima and the usual Key formula, the plot itself looks like it could be pretty similar to Ima.
And Kotarou is a weird mix of Taichi from CC and Shinobu from Ima, the Romeo touch is easily observable I guess.

>> No.5507744

I know you guys are impatient bastards, but at least wait till the full game comes out before starting a TL project.

>> No.5507797


>> No.5507797,1 [INTERNAL] 

More like, it's Riki x Taichi. Also Kotori is a mix of Taichi and Miki. I think that Romeo writes Kotori's route, ryukishi - Akane and Lucia's, Tonogawa - Chihaya and Shizuru's.

>> No.5508181

Holy crap, this is the first time we'll have a wordwrapped Key VN in English, if it ever gets translated.

>> No.5508201

Newfag here, what wordwrapping means?

>> No.5508264

「It means the words are displayed 
correctly and not cut when it is 
the end of a line, like it is the
 case in every other translated Ke
y VN out there」

>> No.5508274

Oh yeah, that. Thanks.

>> No.5508660

Translator-san...? Translator-san...?!

>> No.5508857

Different translator attempting a translation- I don't want to get your hopes up too high, but I'll at least get 'seen01003_m00' done for now.

>> No.5509120

Great news.

>> No.5509350

It's just a demo so don't worry too much about whether you're 'good enough' for the standards of some people. Also, see if you can get some editing help from #ammy.

>> No.5510021

I'll lose my nerve if I keep delaying this and re-editing it, so here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/?n0dmznyyonn

This is rough in places, and there are phrases I'm fairly sure I didn't get (I still can't figure out what ド迫力ボディ means). The script is mostly animal encounters.

>> No.5509350,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'll lose my nerve if I keep delaying this and re-editing it, so here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/?n0dmznyyonn

This is rough in places, and there are jokes and phrases I'm fairly sure I didn't get (I still can't figure out what ド迫力ボディ means). The script is mostly animal encounters.

>> No.5510046 [DELETED] 

>***ド迫力ボディ turns up pictures of women along with the word 'oppai'... although I'm not sure what the actual definition of the word is

I laughed heartily.

Anyways, thanks a lot dude.

>> No.5510055

>***ド迫力ボディ turns up pictures of women along with the word 'oppai'... although I'm not sure what the actual definition of the word is

I laughed heartily. Anyways, thanks a lot dude.

>> No.5510068

ド something is a slang/informal way to say very. It should be something like "mega-appealing body"

>> No.5510128 [DELETED] 

Are you the new translator-san or the old translator-san?

>> No.5510149

//<0137> そう、コイツの正体は確か…
<0137> So, its true nature is certain...


>> No.5510205

English isn't my first language, but he probably meant something like "So, there is no doubt about its species/kind"

>> No.5510274

That's presumably why it turns up women in google search, but it can also mean a very strong/solid body I think. Depends on the context.

>> No.5510494

Crap, I knew at least one of the lines was off. What >>5510205 said. I should probably go through the file again for weird phrasings, but someone will inevitably need to edit the scripts anyway.

I might try a few other short scripts, but if the old translator or someone else turns up, I'll leave it to them- I'm not very confident about this.

>> No.5510506

><0120> 瑚太朗_体験版
>//<0121> 「…なんだこの生き物は?」
<0121> 「…What kind of animal is this?」
>//<0123> 猫でも猪でもない。
<0123> It's neither a cat nor a wild boar.
>//<0124> 犬でも狐でもない。
<0124> It's neither a dog nor a fox.
>//<0125> 見たことのない獣のはずだが…既視感はある。
<0125> Though it should be a beast I've never seen... I feel a sense of deja vu.
><0126> 瑚太朗_体験版
>//<0127> 「これ…どこかで?」
<0127> 「This... where did I...?」
>//<0129> どこだったかな。
>//Lit: Where was?
<0129> Where have I seen it before?
><0130> ?_体験版
>//<0131> 「もすっ、もすっ」
<0131> 「Moooo, moooo.」
>//<0132> そいつの大きさは大型犬くらい。
<0132> Its size is around that of a large dog.
>//<0133> 丸々とした、ド迫力ボディだ。
<0133> It has a round, *** body.
>***ド迫力ボディ turns up pictures of women along with the word 'oppai'... although I'm not sure what the actual definition of the word is
>//<0134> 長い毛…。
<0134> Long fur...
>//<0135> 長い鼻…。
<0135> A long nose...
/>/<0136> 長い牙…。
<0136> Long tusks...
>//<0137> そう、コイツの正体は確か…
<0137> So, its true nature is certain...

Strong/solid body would probably the best translation.

>> No.5510524

You're doing great work.

Like anon said:
>It's just a demo so don't worry too much about whether you're 'good enough' for the standards of some people.

>> No.5510614

>//<0137> そう、コイツの正体は確か…
><0137> So, its true nature is certain...
The 確か here is more of the type used when trying to remember something. More along the lines of "I'm pretty sure this is a..."

>> No.5510718

An editor is coming this way, most likely.

>> No.5510760
File: 189 KB, 1008x630, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5510835

I get the feeling I'll have seen every single CG of this game before even playing the game.

>> No.5510848

Is Rewrite going to evolve into a battle story later?
It kind of feel like so in the demo and opening.

>> No.5510853
File: 217 KB, 1008x630, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's already faking the eyepatch
i wouldn't be surprised if sizuru was actually bald

>> No.5510901

Lucia will fight against witches.

>> No.5510961
File: 189 KB, 756x467, lucia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5510974

I can totally see it coming.

>> No.5511090

I think in this case probably means either a very hard/solid body or a very strong (I think strong more in ability to withstand stress than in being able to use force, but not 100% sure) body. Rikaichan brings those up at least as options, and it seems to make sense with the car pictures and the people posing outside the gym.

>> No.5511099

Who sings the opening song?

>> No.5511125

>The opening theme song for Rewrite is "Philpsophyz" sung by Runa Mizutani of the dōjin music group NanosizeMir

>> No.5511147

A pass from a different person. Didn't get everything that sounded awkward, just the ones that bothered me most.

>> No.5511151


>> No.5511162

Nah, that's just Itaru's drawing style.
On the other hand, her hair strongly reminds me of Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon.

>> No.5511648

[21:07] <Spin> alright, I'll install the game and set everything up when I get back home then
Spin569874123 (editor from Amaterasu) will be editing the scripts, so we have an editor now.
Naturally, further editing/QCing is always useful.

>> No.5511756

Bump for good news.

>> No.5511766


By the way, peopel figured out how to insert the scripts right? I remember something vaguely about it.

>> No.5511807


>> No.5511810

I think it isn't a problem, looking at >>5506345

>> No.5511835

how far is it translated as of now?

>> No.5512023

3/65 scripts, although counting the scripts misrepresents the actual progress, as script sizes vary.
Counting the script sizes doesn't give a good indication either, as they also contain a lot of things that don't need to be translated (name tags, line numbers, and most importantly, command nonsense).

>> No.5512077

About 2% I think.

>> No.5512086

3/20 scripts needing translation

>> No.5512136


Fuck yes.

>> No.5512221

I think thats like...really fast for....2 days?

>> No.5512277

Shit, I checked the wrong folder, you're right. 3/21 scripts needing translation.

>> No.5512312

So we have already like 15% of the demo translated?

>> No.5512342

The scripts that have been translated are small in size compared to the rest, which is why I said about 2%.

>> No.5512432

No, it's definitely more around 2%.

There are still some huge ass scripts left. Just check for yourself.

>Untranslated scripts: http://www.mediafire.com/?ugqq0wzoq0m

The ones translated so far are:


>> No.5512707

Okay, I roughly filtered the scripts to get a decent estimate:
12.7 KB / 737 KB translated = 1.7% translated.
Do note that even the filtered scripts still contain some nonsense.

>> No.5512979


So how about we, uh, keep translating?

Bumping to save the thread from autism spam.

>> No.5513358

God dang, script needs a quality control/translation checker.

>> No.5513366


>> No.5513409

Who are the translators for Rewrite? Are any more needed?

>> No.5513449

I guess everyone who is willing to translate. TLs could work in parallel. One tl reserves a certain script, and other ones can work on the next ones.
When scipt gets done, it could be passed to edit and tlc.

>> No.5513459

There is no official translator, I guess. Also, we don't know how motivated are the few anons who posted the translated scripts, so of course you are welcome.

Also, if the translators who already did something want to keep translating, you guys should organize your work and say who's going to translate what.

Come on translators, fight~o!

>> No.5513517

With organization like this, you guys might just be able to churn out a Clannad-level translation

>> No.5513928

Revamped seen01000-str


>> No.5514012

Again, I'd really like to thank you guys for the effort you're putting in.

>> No.5514057

Rewrite OP Philosophyz lyrics


No one reads OP/ED lyrics anyways

>> No.5515163
File: 1.20 MB, 1032x1457, 11252879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5515632 [DELETED] 

Here /jp/. This is the first script. Tell me how I should go from here. Each project is different so I need to know how I should approach them.

>> No.5515729 [DELETED] 

Here /jp/. This is the first script. Tell me how I should go from here. Each project is different so I need to know how I should approach them.

>> No.5516009

Bumping, again.

>> No.5516051

Anyone got a link to just the OP? It got taken off YouTube.

>> No.5516078 [DELETED] 

Well, I just received word that this script might be useless since the text displays through pics. Oh well, since I did it anyway, here you go /jp/. You can tell me how to approach the scripts because each project is different. I start with what Anon posted a few boxes above this.


>> No.5516097

Well, I just received word that this script might be useless since the text displays through pics. Oh well, since I did it anyway, here you go /jp/. Since each project is different, I would like some input as to how to approach this for future scripts. I started with what Anon posted a few boxes above this.


>> No.5516846

I do, thanks a bunch.

>> No.5516869

See >>5501789

>> No.5516890

So any word on a translator-kun ever showing up again...?

>> No.5516993
File: 348 KB, 1296x833, fuckthisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the tools if anyone wants to mess with the text in-game. I got tired of working to fix the disassembler/assembler so I just wrote something quick to insert the text. The quick method is also much safer in my opinion so it's not much of a loss. Use the fixed seen01001-str.txt is you wish to insert that script back into the game. The fixed version is required due to some mistakes in the original translated file.

Make sure to use SiglusEngine-wordwrap.exe if you want wordwrapping. Read the readme.txt and use the .bats to simplify the process greatly.

Tools: http://www.mediafire.com/?eirnikymoem
Fixed seen01001-str.txt: http://www.mediafire.com/?dzoyintttwt

>> No.5518315


>> No.5518345

Also bump.

>> No.5518416
File: 230 KB, 640x480, 1277887441426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to make a new Key topic
so I'll post Kud Wafter sofmap box here
source: everybody's favorite taiwan leafkey imageboard

>> No.5518420
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>> No.5518429
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>> No.5518437
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>> No.5518441
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>> No.5518765

Hoping this gets a scan.

>> No.5519234


>> No.5519438
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Why is Kotori so awesome?

>> No.5519520

She's voiced by Chiwa Saito. Ofc she is awesome.

>> No.5519585
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>> No.5519592
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>> No.5519596
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>> No.5519600
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>> No.5519828


Are you implying that there is a Key game that DOESN'T have retards.

-Ayu, Nayuki, Sayuri

>> No.5520071

So judging from that interview.

Rewrite isn't a loop game but it doesn't necessarily restart after each scenario, Ryuukishi's scenario will most likely be horror/suspense, the different heroines will probably take different stances against each other later on (fight against each other?).

>> No.5520778


>> No.5521056
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>> No.5521098


How is Sayuri a retard?

>> No.5521202


>> No.5521221

If only she used her sex voice (thoughy it wouldn't fit her character)

>> No.5521535


NNL seems to be trollin...

>> No.5521604
File: 99 KB, 966x632, 087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene.

>> No.5521700


Am I the only one who WOULDN'T be upset if NNL translated this?

>> No.5521736

You guys are gonna make sure this doesn't get a C&D, right?

>> No.5521742 [DELETED] 


sTOP_DdOSiNg ANd_COpYIng_wWw.anPoNtaPlk.se removE_alL_p_iN tHAt_URl_fooL
hyscnw pqf er otbsdy hme c gjb oviukzlze gpjx

>> No.5521749


How can it get C&D'd if it doesn't even have a project page...?

>> No.5521867

As >>5521749 said, where would they send a C&D to? The best they could do is post it in this thread, and nobody will listen to it.

NNL is always trolling.

>> No.5521873

Hi guys, I'm the guy who translated the first two scripts.

Here's the deal: I can understand and translate most the scripts (I think), but for some sentences/references, I won't be able to pull it off. I was thinking I could leave those lines blank and someone more qualified can fill them in. Does this seem like a good idea? Or should I just stop (so someone else might pick it up)?

>> No.5521875

They could send a C&D to moot

>> No.5521881

As long as you don't like, leave a sentence blank every 10 sentences, but keep it to only a couple sentences, I can't see why it wouldn't be a good idea.

>> No.5521890

Great idea, some of it can really get complicated so it's nice if you can translate most of it.

>> No.5521891

Moot would ignore it. Even if he did delete the thread, we'd just recreate it. Even if he bans us all, we could continue on the ghostboard.

>> No.5521900


Sounds great to me. I don't care as long as a translation gets done, in any case.


If moot were going to listen to something like that, he'd have to clean out all the rampant piracy first.

And that's never going to happen.

>> No.5521904

Seems like a great idea.

>> No.5522249
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Okay, I just stumbled upon this.

You have the Official Ixrec Seal of Approval, go for it!

>> No.5522513

>taking Ixrec's opinion seriously

>> No.5522529


>herpdy derpdy derp

>> No.5523535
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>> No.5524400

Another bump.

>> No.5524691
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>> No.5524733
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>> No.5525726

Gotta keep this thing alive.

>> No.5525768

really starting to feel like a hatsukoi thread now

>> No.5526787


Our apologies...

>> No.5527454

Why is it so quiet...?

>> No.5527496

Maybe translator-kun has works to do, I hope he's not trolling us ;_;

>> No.5527525

Patience guys, patience.

>> No.5527533

>1.7% translated
It's over, Rewrite is finished, translators are made of woodscrews, Q4 2012, etc.

>> No.5528055


>> No.5528899
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>> No.5528905



>> No.5529096

OP now in Youtube


>> No.5529130

OP has been reuploaded to YouTube multiple times. Visualarts keeps taking it down.

>> No.5529131

In before Key removes it.

>> No.5529164

Visualarts, not Key.

>> No.5530521


Because they have their own channel and will probably upload it when the game comes out.

>> No.5530763

I finally finished the demo.
Was it just me or were Lucia's scenes the weakest link of the demo?
Well there weren't that much scenes with her but the humor and writing in general seemed to take quite a toll when she was the focus.

Otherwise it was great, especially everything with Akane.

>> No.5531252

So is there a way to rip the character sprites from the demo? Or even better, has someone already ripped them?

>> No.5531313

They already were. look in share

>> No.5531616

I can't use share, though. Anyone willing to upload them somwhere like Mediafire?

>> No.5531655

I have the character sprites ripped, but it's like 300MB all together.

>> No.5531745

Here you are. Sprites + CGs + menus


>> No.5532107

I love you unconditionally.

>> No.5532124

How do you compress it so small?

>> No.5532164


>> No.5532206

That's what I use, but compressing 2GB into 100MB?

>> No.5532220

2GB? Isn't that the size of the whole trial? He didn't upload the voicing so that should have shaved a lot off of it.

>> No.5532232

I downloaded it and extracted it and it was 2.13GB, each character sprite was like 4MB.

>> No.5532239

It must be noted that Key uses BMP images, which are horribly bloated. Decent compression can change the filesize radically. Try saving a 1280x800 (Rewrite's resolution) image as BMP, then saving it again as PNG. And that's only PNG compression, it can be compressed much further than that.

>> No.5532251

I just want to know how to decompress it better, I ripped the images from the game myself, and the total size is 692MB, all PNG, and when I compress it, it's still several hundred MB.

>> No.5532255

I meant compress.

>> No.5532303

Download 7-zip. Compress shit. Choose highest compression quality.

>> No.5532423
File: 41 KB, 640x558, 7zip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I'm doing. I've played around with the settings a bit, But I compress the 431MB folder, and get a 307MB 7zip file.

>> No.5532477

Try changing random options?

>> No.5532752

No word from our translator-kuns?

>> No.5532761

I'm sure they're just busy translating.

>> No.5532809

One of the translators here.

Busy with summer classes. No break until weekend.

>> No.5533657


>> No.5533855

How many other people are working on this? Should we try to divide the work?

>> No.5535462

Maybe you guys should translate a VN from a good company instead.

>> No.5536494


>> No.5537000


>> No.5538269


>> No.5538390


>burp hurp hurpdy durp

>> No.5539840
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>> No.5539854

>I judge VNs based on the company
hurrr durrr

>> No.5540219
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>> No.5541228
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>> No.5541230

Bump. Although I'm not sure whether it'll survive the weekend.

To whoever happens to read this: If you do not recognize the name 'Romeo Tanaka', get the fuck back to /a/.

>> No.5541343

One of the translators have classes till the weekend, I also doubt this thread wil survive. Either way, we can create another one easily.

>> No.5542504
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One last, futile bump before I go to sleep.

>> No.5542583

bump up~

>> No.5542725

one more bump

>> No.5543344

Since the other guy isn't answering.

Since I did a lot of seen01003_m00-str before I noticed he was doing it, I finished my version.

I spent all day traveling today so I didn't do much, but I'm about 1/3 done with seen01003-str.

>> No.5543409

This contains re-edited first two scripts and the third one: http://www.mediafire.com/?nctm11mnvtn

Also, how do I contact the editor?

Well, if you're reading this, look out for the tense of the narration. It's pretty flaky at this point as I switch back and forth between past and present based on the sentence but I think it should be consistently either one in the end. Tell me what you think.

>> No.5545085


>> No.5545092

Holy shit /jp/ has been active with translation projects recently.

>> No.5545544

Thanks a bunch, bro.

>> No.5546669


>> No.5546687
File: 268 KB, 557x600, 11663090_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a lot of bumps

>> No.5546981

I know, it's just that we're running out of actual discussion, and just waiting for the bits of translated text and/or the editors.

Also, bump!

>> No.5547560

I don't get it.

Is anon seriously translating rewrite?

>> No.5547817

The trial at least. Though, I don't promise quality, accuracy, or completeness.

>> No.5547868

Make an IRC channel for me to idle in, you fucks. Threads are too fragile.

>> No.5548511


>> No.5548735

I fixed the old wordwrapping EXE since I didn't take into consideration the size differences between some characters (it seems ASCII stuff adds half to the counter, but if you tried to wrap unicode stuff it would be incorrect).


>> No.5548839

That's awesome anyway, thanks.

>> No.5550200
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>> No.5550222

I wasn't really in these thread a lot, Whats the deal? Is there a patch already?

>> No.5550254


>> No.5550441
File: 834 KB, 800x600, ufh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If one of you fuckers doesn't make an IRC channel for the project soon, I, who am completely unrelated to the translation, patching, and 'project' will.

>> No.5550549

Cool. Then I can just sit in it.

>> No.5550937

I'll sit in it too, and make a nuisance of myself

>> No.5550941

I'll sit in the IRC and pretend to be a group member and bitch at people for various reasons.

>> No.5550949

Count me in.

>> No.5551050

Ok guys, I just finished the fourth seen text.
Here are the lines I don't get:

><0213> 「人生にハリができるよ、へへー」
Context: Kotori says this after talking about how she got a giant piggy bank and filled it with coins. I think it's something like: "I can fill it in for my entire life."

<0307> 両手をにぎにぎと開閉しながら、母親のあとを追う。
Context: That's pretty much the context. I think the literal meaning is she squeezed and unsqueezed both her hands, but does that signify anything? Like nervousness or something?

><0309> 「…一仕事だったな」
><0311> 「引きあげるか」
Context: Kotaro says this after Kotori leaves, finishing his task. What is he pulling up exactly?

There's some others but these are the main ones.

>> No.5551221


>> No.5551272

This is a common saying. It's something about giving meaning/focus to one's life.

> 引きあげるか
This isn't literally pulling something up, it's more like saying "Let's stop <the task we've been working on> here".

>> No.5551599

What would be a rough translation for the first one? Any idea about the second one? Thanks for your help.

>> No.5551715

にぎにぎ is kind of like when a baby has its hands out wanting a pacifier or something. I pictured it more as Kotori being half asleep walking after her mother with her hands outstretched, like you sometimes see sleepwalking characters do; probably how she followed Koutarou with the change.
As for the first one, just do something with her gaining a lifelong goal.

>> No.5551815

Alright, that makes sense now. Thanks for your help.

>> No.5552070

Here's the first four seen files:

I'm going to try to get some feedback from the editor before translating any further.

>> No.5552726

I'd make one, but I think I'm going back to sleep after the disappointment that was the MangaGamer panel...

>> No.5553653

#rewrite on rizon, I won't bother with registering it as of yet and will be away for a few hours.

>> No.5554196

