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File: 132 KB, 500x475, aaab93b66875906bd6c6acacaa816c2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5499325 No.5499325 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good job for /jp/ers? I really want to get my own place, but I have no job experience or money.

>> No.5499328

hygiene technician

>> No.5499329

are you living on welfare check now?

>> No.5499334

Security guard. You get to sit in a booth and do fuck all and you can read to pass the time.

>> No.5499337

VN playtester.

>> No.5499342

work in a warehouse, unless you are too fat and unfit.

>> No.5499343

with a minimum physic

>> No.5499347
File: 205 KB, 698x4676, how to not fail at life..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5499348

I'm living off my mother.

>> No.5499350


It is. Most security guards are fat and/or old.

>> No.5499352

What if terrorists attack the place you're guarding?

>> No.5499355


Is there even such a thing?

>> No.5499358

Non-NEET here.
Currently taking a masters degree in Music Technology.
Working as a sound technician is very relaxing most of the time.

>> No.5499360

Don't I need to get some license for that and go through a bunch of bothersome tests? NEETs aren't ready for that.

>> No.5499366

I'm interested. Except it doesn't sound like it'll get me any decent jobs.

>> No.5499367

Challenge them to Danmaku.

>> No.5499372

Where is the next part?

>> No.5499376

but their lead danmaku might hurt

>> No.5499377


Any certification necessary doesn't take long at all, and the reward is great (get paid to do what you're doing already). And this should be obvious, but make sure you get a job where you get to sit in a booth and not stand somewhere all day.

>> No.5499385


In the UK you do. You'd need to do at least a year at college doing a course to get the bit of paper you need that employers look for.

As for the OP it honestly depends if you're willing to get physical or not and where you live. Working in a factory or warehouse for courier companies is a pretty easy job but requires some physical labour on your part.

>> No.5499390


>> No.5499402

I just found a job at gamestop, i'll start it from september

personally to be neet feels good but the parents who aways remind me "you dumped the school and you don't have a work, why should we give you to eat and live" feels very bad

>> No.5499404


>> No.5499414

One year of college ? What the hell man ? Where I live you can become a security guard immediately if you've been in the military or law enforcement, or else you only need to undergo three months of training.

>> No.5499418

You're going to hate it, and your boss will fire you for it because you're easily replaceable.

>> No.5499421


Gamestop is like the easiest job ever unless you're socially inept.

Walk around keeping the shelves organized, then when customers come in, be friendly to them and talk to them.

>> No.5499423


i know ;_; but it's the only place where they took me cuz i know the manager

>> No.5499427

If you want a job take anything you can get.

I've been looking for months, McDonalds won't even hire me even with 2 years of customer service experience.

Fucking places keep hiring kids who just turned 16 "because they have more potential"

God I hate small towns

>> No.5499431


>Talk and be friendly to people


>> No.5499434

Walmart ?

>> No.5499439

No! Bad troll! Shoo

>> No.5499442

I've always thought taxi driver was a tempting profession. If you can handle sitting in the same car as 1-4 strangers, it should be really relaxing and comfortable. And where I live, it's been a long time since I've seen a taxi that doesn't have extremely soft and comfortable seats.

>> No.5499452


oh for this i have a really good metod

think this:
/jp/ and 4chan users (-/b/) are elite people and the others are just normalfags

i talk to these people with an idea in mind: "these are normalfags, inferior people"

it work great! it's just like talk to childrens

>> No.5499457
File: 13 KB, 230x350, TaxiDriverReview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never handle any casual conversations that might come up ;_;

>> No.5499459

Taxi driver is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.5499468


Hey, I post on /jp/ but I'm not afraid of talking to strangers/customers.

For what it's worth, I did have a job at Gamestop as a holiday associate. Black Friday and all that. Seriously, if you can just remain calm when talking to customers with questions you'll do fine. Be an avoidant sketchbag and your manager will hate you.

>> No.5499474

I don't like the looks of those Gamestop employees. I just know they're hipster nerds who post on /r9k/.

>> No.5499481

I think that depends largely on where you live. For example, I've noticed that in Greece and Poland, the concept of speed limits is just interpreted as a suggestion if you're a taxi driver. But there are many more peaceful countries that actually can follow the law.

>> No.5499482


>Step 5 onward

HAHAHAHAHA, oh man, that picture really had me going there for a little bit

>> No.5499487

I fill shelves in addition to running a vidya gaem blog.
Funnily enough, the blog earns me more through advertising and donations than the shelf-filling does. So if you know what you're doing, I suppose you could do the same- and all from home to boot.

I did have an issue with the australian tax office that cost me a lot of money and time, so I'll suggest you don't turn your blog (if you make one) into a business.

>> No.5499499
File: 924 KB, 2100x4102, how to fail at life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can beat that.

Here you go.

... Pink, 'izzat you?

>> No.5499500

They are. Gamestop doesn't want people that actually know about video games. They want idiots that can convinced other idiots to buy *Game of the week* and turn in their used games for 5$.

>> No.5499513

I was a cashier for a year and it wasn't too bad. There were only one or two occasions where the customer tried to talk with me and I really didn't know how to respond, but it happens. There was also one time when a guy went full autistic on me and complained about about how I was charging him LESS than what I should have. The black people behind him weren't too happy about that when we had to re-ring everything in his cart.

>> No.5499528

link of your blog?

>> No.5499535

look like something is missing to the right

>> No.5499536

>How to not fail at life
>Stop enjoying life and conform to the perverted standards of modern society
I'll pass.

>> No.5499537

>didn't know how to respond
You need to learn the skill of smiling and nodding. That'll take care of 99% of the absolutely necessary communication in this world.

>> No.5499538

It's got my actual name on it, as well as other personal details, so you can understand why I don't want to post it on 4chan; even on a, relatively speaking, nice board like /jp/.
Also, I'm pretty sure it's a global rule.

>> No.5499543

what services do you actually offer to get people to donate?

>> No.5499546

>how to not fail at life
>become a drone

>> No.5499551

I usually concur with the whole shut-up-about-femanon-status but I for one would be insulted if someone was trying to woo me with material bullshit. Sure, the sacrifice was sweet but do you actually like me, or do you just want to stick it in my pooper?

>> No.5499555

That fucking image. I hope that person didn't really think he was giving good advice.

>> No.5499556


It has /r9k/'s stink all over it.

>> No.5499559

One of the times I was ringing up homogenized milk and it said "HOMO MILK" on the display and the guy was like "Hahaha check it out, homo milk!" I just looked at him with a blank expression and he responds with "Nevermind." I suppose smiling and nodding might have worked, but that was still awkward.

>> No.5499560


Do you have your own server or do you have someone else host your site for you? I've been thinking about starting something up but my connection is shit and I don't trust third party hosts.

>> No.5499567

Long story short, unbiased and very well cited video game news.

I use twitter for news as it happens, how I reported from E3 this year, and use the blog as an archive for news.

>> No.5499568

The job part is true though, if you have no skill or education to speak of you gotta prepare for a shitty job.

Also the most important thing in this world is keeping up appearance. The most rewarding thing in my life right now is coming home after a long day of work and just throwing away that mask and spend some quality time with myself.

>> No.5499569

>"Hahaha check it out, homo milk!"
This would have been my reaction too. Although I'd have just tried to stifle my laughter and not actually try to get the cashier to laugh along.

>> No.5499570

I worked for some months at tech support for some national ISP, it wasn't so bad. I bet the average /jp/edo could pull it off.

>> No.5499576

I use a third party host.
http://mediatemple.net/ if you're interested. They've been good to me.

They now offer Wordpress and drupal 1-click installations if you're so inclined. Wish they had that shit when I first started though.

>> No.5499578

its funny cause around two years ago I remember reading through a thread in /r9k/ about a guy dream of building nuclear powered ship out in international waters run by bio android lolis,
where did it go wrong....

>> No.5499579

I shopped at gamestop today (bought a few PC games I've been supposed to buy for a long time; STALKER, Oblivion and Fable. they were "buy 3 pay 2").
the cashier was some young woman who tried to sell some sort of a warranty for the games (if the discs break, you'll get new ones or something like that) when I bought the games. I really dont understand why anyone would buy such a warranty for PC games.

>> No.5499580

That's not true at all. You can become self-employed. Haven't you read all those stories of guys who become millionaires despite not finishing college, because they became entrepreneurs? It's real, I know two men like that. Not millionaires but they became very successful working for themselves , while neither one of them educated themselves.

>> No.5499582

Why would you buy PC games?

>> No.5499584

That was the most boring, too-long-for-its-own-good post that I'll ever read.

>> No.5499585

I know!
I've been looking for the entire thing, but it seems to be more rare than... something really rare.

See the filename (how to fail at life)

>> No.5499586

Well while that might be true, I don't think someone from /jp/ could pull it off... Though I have seen stranger things happening.

>> No.5499587

People younger than 18 aren't supposed to be browsing 4chan.

>> No.5499592


>> No.5499593

most of those people are very bright, very charismatic, and had a lot of luck.

>> No.5499595

It's just as well I'm 22 then!

>> No.5499602

The worst period of my life was the 3 months I spent working as a telemarketer.

>> No.5499609

This. My father worked at an AC repair place for some time - he has no proper education but has a lot of experience, and he suddenly quit after working there for three months. Why? He made a massive web of connections with a lot of fast food joints where the staff came to like him and requested him directly. He makes at least 1000 a job and gets called for a job from places at least four times a week.

>> No.5499616

Shhh, he doesn't know that.

>> No.5499622

You don't enjoy being hung up on by people everyday and being treated as not people?

>> No.5499628


You too?

I worked for some company called ICT selling Sprint phones. My fucking soul was slowly eroded into near-nothingness over the course of 9 months

Quitting that shitty job was the best decision of my life

>> No.5499633

I don't really like the idea of working for someone else. Naturally, you're not going to get what you deserve. If people were paid exactly what they brought in to the company, it would go out of business.

Then again, it's hard to become self-employed without some starting cash.

>> No.5499643

I really admire people who have the ability to just take control of their life and income like that.

9 months!? That calls for admiration too...

>> No.5499668

This. Sucking up to women as biological imperative. Disgusting.

>> No.5499672

Yeah. Hell, it's kind of like a real life anonymous board.

They don't know who I am.
I don't care who they are.
We'll never meet each other
Who cares if they hate me?

>> No.5499679

>I don't care who they are.
But I do Anonymous, I do.

>> No.5499682

i'm assuming if you're on here you probably have some basic computer skills. (know ms office well, can figure out basic tech support, etc.) get a office job doing data entry or something similar. really low pressure and better-than-average pay. plus you're in front of a computer all day, which is better than being in front of customers all day. seriously, avoid jobs where you have to deal with the general public.

if you can't find a full time office job, get one at a temp agency. they actually look for positions for you and it can get you the experience you need to get hired someplace better full time.

>> No.5499683

>9 months!? That calls for admiration too...

It's funny because my fucking MANAGERS had a higher turn over rate than I did. I went through 3 manages throughout the course of my time there, one after the other quitting, although the rumor was that my second one was fired. Fuck, my third manager was telling us that he was gunna be quitting, I just quit before he managed to

It was fucking hilarious. If I actually gave a shit about that hellhole, I probably could've been a manager, but fuck that noise. Now I'm in school to become an electrician and early next year will be in a community college course to become a lineman. Feels good man

But anyway, people like >>5499609 have the right of it. If you're looking for self employment, you have GOTTA get out there and play the social game. Network. Get people to remember your name. It's not as hard as you think, Anon, and if there's one thing I am thankful for after my year and a half of sales experience (lolvacuumsalesbeforebeingatelemarketer), I now am a lot better at that than I was

Consider a sales job, even if you hate socializing, Anons. Nothing like the school of hard knocks to whip you into shape right quick, man

>> No.5499688

Out of the jobs I've done I'd recommend cashier or barista. Both are incredibly easy and can pay decently depending on the place. You can even get healthcare plans and stuff. You have to have a bare minimum of sociability, that might be a dealbreaker from some.

You can try programming too, any slog can learn it and work from home. However that is actually sort of stressful and probably more demanding than the average /jp/ would want to take on. I tried freelance programming for a little over a year, contracts were not difficult to find but I didn't really like it.

>> No.5499692

It wasn't always easy, though, especially when I still lived under his roof, we got evicted. From five places.

But hey, it turned out alright in the end.

>> No.5499694

>and if there's one thing I am thankful for after my year and a half of sales experience (lolvacuumsalesbeforebeingatelemarketer), I now am a lot better at that than I was

>it's that now I am a lot better than I was at it (social networking)

Boy did I manage to fuck that up good

>> No.5499696

That's risk versus reward for ya, but I'm glad it turned out well.

>> No.5499708

i'm shocked at the number of anons suggesting jobs which require being social. i had to double check to make sure i was on /jp/!

>> No.5499714

getting a job sure is easy, the problem is I hate interacting with human.

>> No.5499718


I agree with this. Data entry is an extremely ideal job for us. No previous education or experience should be necessary, you just need to be able to type fast.

>> No.5499730

There's not really such a thing as a job which doesn't require "being social". By which I mean, being able to smile and nod without having a panic attack and wetting yourself every time someone speaks to you. When it comes to working, sadly that is the requirement that will trouble you the least, trust me.

>> No.5499749


In all honesty, most people avoid social contact purely because they're bad at it. After nearly a year and a half of sales experience, I can safely say that I'm actually pretty damn good at it when I want to be. And whether you like it or not, being social is a requirement for being successful in society

So do what I did. Go learn how to play the game, then be a hermit, hikikomori, whatever you people call yourselves. But remember what you learned for when you need to wake up, put on your face, and go outside to play the game again

>> No.5499753

It's not like every /jp/ anon is posting. Most who haven't worked before are probably ignoring this thread. Those that actually have job experience aren't probably irredeemable NEET shut-ins.

Anyways, I worked for a bit for a pretty big company that started as a search engine *hint hint*, they made me sort give appropriate ratings/write brief "review" notes to search engine results and such. You don't even have shifts, you basically login to this portal and work when you want, for how long you want. It gets boring though. and the pay is average. I just dropped it due to the need of focusing on my studies.

>> No.5499793

It'd help if you'd give us where the sign-up place is.

>> No.5499813


sales is a tough gig so i tip my hat to you, sir.

i've had a handful of jobs which require constant social interaction with the general public and they've all been high-stress/low-pay. (2 cashier positions and a short stint as a waiter) nearly every day there would be at least one customer who was having a crappy day and they need someone to take it out on. and it wasn't just me, this happens to everyone in those kind of jobs. you work hard, do your best and someone will ruin your day just because they have nobody else to shit on.

and to add insult to injury, management at these places rarely will stand up for the employee when there's a problem. they will apologize and kiss ass so they don't lose that precious customer. and you get to just bend over and take it.

there's a lot of gigs where you only deal with a manager and maybe a handful of other employees who do the same thing as you. you will be APPRECIATED for your efforts. and if you're not, you'll have the luxury of time to look elsewhere while you have a paycheck coming in.

>> No.5499818

learn to program. become good at it. work on open source projects for experience. this allows you to get a real job that pays well and requires very little contact with people. however, it takes a lot of hard work just to make it this far.

>> No.5499832

Don't be a telemarketer. You get paid by sales. If you're really awkward, you won't last a day.

>> No.5499836

stocking late night at walmart/grocery store

>> No.5499840

Work at Goodwill. Everyone there is really awkward and greasy, and you get to pocket all kinds of weird shit. My neighbor got a Kevlar helmet from one of the donations.

>> No.5499853

I've always wanted both those jobs. UPS is never hiring in my state though but their benefits are very good. I wish they'd hire for crap.

>> No.5499860



>> No.5499875

I've thought about being a cop, but that would be a VERY socially demanding job and god help you if you get stuck in a black neighborhood.

>> No.5499879


this. you guys are on computers all the time anyways. When you are a programmer you're hardly ever bothered with talking to anyone, and can lurk /jp/ while at work. Also, once you get in your foot in the door, work available is ubiquitous. It's just kind of a hard,frustrating job sometimes....

>> No.5499882


I think I have C++ down. What should I learn next? I've been trying my hand SDL but I'm thinking it's a waste of time.

>> No.5499887

Programming is a terrible job. Assuming you can even find a job with all the outsourcing these days, you'll be working long hours for little money.

>> No.5499888

>being social is a requirement for being successful in society
>implying I want to be successful and not just to pay for my living

>> No.5499889


Hehehe. Ex-telemarketer/vacuum sales Anon here. My vacuum sales job was actually fully commission based. If I didn't sell my two thousand dollar vacuums, I didn't eat

The telemarketing stint was actually an upgrade, all things considered, because they paid by the hour, although your manager WILL get pissy if you don't make enough sales. It's not as bad as thing particular Anon would suggest, but it's true that if you go like 2 months without selling a fucking thing, you'll probably be fired

Thankfully, it's not that hard to sell shit, especially when you get good at it. It's living with the soul-crushing reactions people have to THAT ANNOYING TELEMARKETER THAT'S CALLING, WHY CAN'T YOU GET A REAL JOB, BLAHBLAHBLAH

I'm always as nice as I can possibly be to telemarketers now. Please do the same, Anon. Trust me, they will hate talking to you as much as you hate talking to them. Don't be mean ;_;

>> No.5499893

From what I've heard, it's one of the most dull and empty jobs you can find unless you really love programming.

>> No.5499897


depends on what you want to do. PHP/Javascript will get you a job pretty quick in web dev. C# is if you wish to work on windows applications. Python if you want to do something a bit more science related. Java is nice to know all around.

>> No.5499901

Pick up Kaiji sometime.

>> No.5499908


Alright, well, enjoy your minimum wage job forever, then. Because that's all you'll maintain with that attitude. I'd like to imagine you'd want to set your sights a little higher though, Anon

>> No.5499914

This. Make no mistake, it barely qualifies as a "real job". It's very competitive and stressful and there's not much security in it. If you really want to go that route there are a couple of niches you can target. Coding is often touted as "the perfect job for /jp/ers" and such, but I really don't recommend it.

>> No.5499917

Maybe that's because you shouldn't have chosen such shitty and annoying job.

>> No.5499919

The company I work for now pays me $50k a year to make infographics and edit video. Really easy work and rarely do I work more than 40 hours a week. (Which you WON'T get at a typical tech job.)

I had no prior experience either, other than some simple web design and demo reel that showed I can splice together video and make titles.

>> No.5499923

I'm majoring in MIS. Most of the time, you get some desk job where you do a whole lot of corporate nothing.

>> No.5499933

look up "internet assessors", that's what the position was called even though you're basically just a janitor for the big G.

>> No.5499939


Yeah, well, let's see you do better in today's economy, bro. Times are tough, that doesn't give you justification to act like a shithead to complete strangers

>> No.5499941

Getting something bigger than necessary doesn't makes you more happy, because every time you'll want even more, and then more.

>> No.5499949

Go to warez-bb.org (when it is back online)
Search for useful e-books
Learn marketable skills
Build portfolio

The A+ exam is easy and generally regarded as worthless, but if you take it before 2011 it is good for life and is good resume filler.

>> No.5499955

Jokes on you. That attitude would have worked beautifully 10 years ago but in our current economy those positions are being cut left and right. I know a ton of older guys who are jobless because they had those "do a whole lot of corporate nothing" jobs. It's great but when the economy takes a downturn you're the first to go, and businesses do actually review your usefulness.
Hard skills > soft skills, anyday.

>> No.5499982

Door to door sales actually sounds a bit interesting to me, after a teacher in sales and marketing told me about a guy from his old department who was practically a hero among them. He had a slightly weird name, which I don't remember, in golden letters on his suitcase, and had his own unique strategy which put him on the top among the sellers. Basically, when they shut the door on him, everything would really start, because he'd put his foot in the door, and ask if he could just use their bathroom, which they usually permitted. Then, when walking towards the bathroom, he'd take note of any object in the room which might tell him something about the people living there, like pictures of their kids, and on the way back, he'd use that to start up some conversation with them, and use that opening to get friendly with them, until he eventually became capable of convincing them to buy his stuff.

But yeah, not really a job for the typical /jp/ browser. Maybe I could do a sales job if I managed to get some more social practice, but I doubt I'd have the guts to be like that guy.

>> No.5499987

Mortician or coroner.

>> No.5499995


>businesses do actually review your usefulness.

More like, businesses do actually review who you know and how much corporate dick you're sucking, and then maybe at some point if you actually do anything.

Corporate America remains a haven for ineptitude, it's just become far more nepotistic.

>> No.5500000


How's that? I'll be fucking thrilled when I become a linesman and start getting shitload of jewgold for every storm that results in a couple of fallen power lines, because then I can start saving up, helping pay my parent's house off, and then save up to put that money to work for me. If you really don't need much to live Anon, work until you have enough money, put that shit in stocks, bonds, whatever, and start living off the interest. Viola, you've got a life free of work

And, y'know, this kinda bugs me, but why are you acting like trying to achieve all you can achieve is a bad thing? How will you ever know how high you could soar if you don't keep climbing?

>> No.5500002

I actually thought about this before. What are the required skills? I mean it's not like there's university courses on formal dressing and coffin lifting.

>> No.5500006

Ah, looks like KoG didn't notice this time. That's good.

>> No.5500009

im going to college after being a neet for a year, i never planned on it but its pretty much go to college or get kicked out by my mom

what majors would get you a job right away? or rather just not require too much social skills if possible aswell

>> No.5500017

>what majors would get you a job right away?
who knows, I have jobless friends with engineering majors

>> No.5500026


Aw dude, exactly. Don't let anyone tell you sales jobs are a ripoff. They just separate the chaff from the grain, man, or however that expression goes. I knew a guy who routinely sold at least three or four of those two thousand dollar vacuums every single week. I watched him make fucking $2000+ dollars a week right in front of me

If you're good at it, there's a lot of money to be made in sales. But you'll never know if you never try

Me? I don't think I was cut out for it, sadly. I always just barely scraped by, lucky if I sold three or four vacuums in a MONTH. But the experience was good for me, and I wouldn't trade the time I spent at that job for anything

>> No.5500050

worked at wal-mart overnight stocking
shit sucked hard

worked at gamestop
was tolerable

joined the navy
well, fuck the next 8 years of my life

>> No.5500060

>If you're good at it, there's a lot of money to be made in sales. But you'll never know if you never try
Yeah, and it's definitely easy to overestimate yourself. I guess it's something that applies to all jobs that will get you quick money if you do it right, because way too many people just assume that if there's anyone who will do it right, it's them. And most likely, those legendary sellers probably spent a lot of time struggling to get enough money to survive before they became skilled enough to make good sales.

>> No.5500062

I see a lot of part time and temporary ideas listed here, but what are some /jp/ appropriate careers?

>> No.5500064

how does one apply for welfare in canada?
i've been out looking for a job for over 2 years, but people just don't like me. i've gotten several part-time shitjobs but they fire me within 1-2 weeks usually. I talk too quietly or something, supposedly, even when I'm practically shouting at them all the time. i have good hygiene, and i don't panic when talking to people. i just don't know what i'm doing wrong.

>> No.5500067

I know they have you do a lot of anatomy. The community college around here offers mortuary science as a major. I've heard that it's a lot of hard work, and you get exposed to all kinds of nasty chemicals, though.

>> No.5500084

How strong do you have to be to join the military? That's the one thing that's been keeping me from doing it.

>> No.5500091

java is a nightmare, I dropped my school because of it. (my school force us learn to used java se for only goddamn ONE semester which longs 16 weeks including exams) just because I learned Ruby/Python first

>> No.5500096

the best advice i can give you is to pick a truly useful major, not try the easy way out with something 'easy'.
if you're going to be spending 1-2 years of your life in college, at least come out with something at the end of it.

>> No.5500098

People will tell you CS, Engineering, Chem, Math, etc.
DO NOT LISTEN! Those are all very financially sound paths, yes. BUT they're really competitive!

If you want a job right away, go for the lesser-respected degrees. Psychology, history, language. I know that sounds counter-intuitive, and people will tell you up and down that that's wrong. But here is what I've seen. I've spent a long time at university, the better part of a decade.

The person who finishes with a degree in CS, Engineering, etc will get out, face a real competitive environment, and unless they really built some experience and a portfolio during college, is going to end up empty-handed because they're not right on the edge of the curve.

The lesser-known majors look out for their own. There are all kinds of programs for Lit majors and Sociology majors to get jobs, which have literally NO requirements, other than you not have actual mental retardation. Are they really good-paying jobs? No. But you're almost guaranteed to get working so long as you keep in contact with your professors and take advantage of opportunities literally forced down your throat. I wish I had majored in Psychology instead of completing CS.

Sorry if that was tl;dr or didn't make much sense.

>> No.5500108

Right now, the best thing to get into is a trade skill. Plumbing, HVAC, welding, anything like that.

>> No.5500111


Careers? There are no careers for shut ins. This is the cold hard truth. Unless you count "burger flippers," or maybe "grocery store managers" as careers, and even the second one is unlikely given /jp/'s obvious interest in being a non-participant in society

Get into the eroge business, I guess?

>> No.5500117

Good thing is Java is actually not that useful in the real world. Not a lot of people actually use it. Sun just has their claws in every university in the world of something, because they bribe unis to emphasize it hard and you can tell. It's a decent intro to OO but as a language, it's major fail.

>> No.5500125

Dumpster diving. Some guys make 40k a year from selling the stuff they find.

>> No.5500128


Pediatric Gynecologist, lol

>> No.5500129
File: 72 KB, 640x752, us-army-military-demotivational-poster-1242443008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't hack bootcamp, they send you a week back until you graduate. After boot, if you arn't a grunt, then you should be fine to be whatever. You might find life quite a bit easier when someone tells you how to live your life for the use of others. Pay is pretty meah, but there are way too many perks to count.

>> No.5500145

You know, if it's not 2D, it just doesn't seem worth it.
Plus, don't you have to get a bunch of medical qualifications or something? Apparently that shit isn't easy to get.

>> No.5500155

Forgot to mention, the only real downside is that your peers are a little fucktarded. All you need to do is be quite and they ignore you for the most part.

>> No.5500162

So, it's like high school all over again?

>> No.5500168

I would fucking kill myself if I had to stick my face in 3D little girl vaginas all day. Little kids have no hygiene, plus the ones that are coming into a gyno most likely have infections / the herps / etc

>> No.5500169

>work until you have enough money, put that shit in stocks, bonds, whatever, and start living off the interest
I'll have to work half of my life or even more to save enough money for that in my country. Not counting inflation, which will actually eat any interest you'll get.

No matter how high you climb, you'll die and lose all you had worked for eventually. So the goal is not to climb and climb as high as you can, but to try to live your life happily. How one lives happily? Well, for each their own, but for me, I think, it's by minimizing the needs. Of course you'll have to abandon expensive passions and pleasures too. That's actually a common wisdom known for a long time and used in many religions, except you don't have to be religious or anything to follow that.

>> No.5500172

Wait, I thought Private Pyle killed himself.

>> No.5500183


I know History and English majors that ended up working at fucking Walmart. I'd bet it's hard to enter the job market regardless of what your formal education was focused on.
Personally, I took the CS path, and you're right about the competitiveness at the entry level. I started as a simple support goon and worked my way up into software development. Now when I see software developer and tester job listings for my department, we're lucky if we get five resumes per open position due to the experience and skill requirements.

>> No.5500189

Oh god.
I never thought this way, but goddamn there is all sorts of bullshit just like highschool.

>> No.5500202

All of life is pretty much high school all over again. People for the most part only mature so much...you'll be dealing with the same sorts of bullshit no matter what you do

>> No.5500205

i dont understand what you mean by
>send you a week back until you graduate
sorry, do you mean repeat the previous week over and over until you eventually pass? or something else...
i'm really tiny, but i was interested in at least a support position in the military.

>> No.5500206


If only it were in a 2d world... Then it'd be perfect.

>> No.5500211

Start working out faggot, you'll be stuck in DEP for at least 6 months anyway.

>> No.5500213

Is there a good way to measure that you're strong enough to handle it? Like how many pushups could you do when you first started bootcamp?

>> No.5500222

>sorry, do you mean repeat the previous week over and over until you eventually pass?

No, they literally send you back in time using a top secret prototype time machine.

>> No.5500223


Not if you work in highly skilled labor. High school for me was absolute hell, but working with a bunch of super smart postdoctoral types in Seattle is a blast.

>> No.5500230

Yes. You have a 7 week course, and if you dont cpmlete a certain week to their requirements, then you repeat the week with a different squad.

If you want to join the military now adays, you have at least a 9 month waiting period, so just start running. Build your way up to a 30min run every weekday and you'll be fine.

It's not like my parents days where you had boots and got beat. They give you nice running shoes and do many things at an indoor gym.

>> No.5500231

I always laugh when people recommend the military here. I mean I have plenty of respect for that. It's just that when I think of "jobs that the average /jp/er is well suited to", the military is pretty much the last thing that comes to mind.

>> No.5500238

Here is the army test scoring system


>> No.5500253

I'm sure they're also very childish in their own way

>> No.5500255

I'm going for pharmacy.

Guaranteed two job offers straight out of college, at least $60K salary depending on where I plan to work.

Takes six years of being a student, though, which I like the most.

>> No.5500278

pharmacy is a decent choice I've heard

>> No.5500279

I went to see a personal trainer about how to get started on this & they ran me through an assessment thing, eventually setting me up with some crazy diet. the girl said i wasn't getting enough calories or something, even though i eat 4 meals a day, real food too, not $0.25 noodles or junk food, etc, but in the end what she laid out, made me sick & just feel like shit for the 3 weeks I was on it. she said i'd have to fatten up before i could turn that into muscle? In the end i didn't even gain any weight. nvm the actual time at the gym. 89lbs, 5'5". but no matter what I eat i don't gain weight. i've lost weight since high school actually (~110lbs then). i go running for about 1hr/day, every other day, and cycling on the weekends, so it's not like i'm new to excercise, i just don't have any upper body strength or mass :(

>> No.5500290

There's a certain advantage to it: Once you start, there's no way out. Many people here have major motivation issues, so if they were to find a normal job, there are some decent chances that they'd just want to quit right away after realizing how much they miss the NEET lifestyle.

>> No.5500292

Yeah, the guaranteed job offers are a real plus for me, because I absolutely hate applying for jobs. The thought of applying for a job in an economy like this means that I'm basically asking them to give me money, especially for temp jobs. I hate begging for money.

I am a bit worried about the social aspects of the job, but as long as I avoid retail joints, I should be fine, I think.

>> No.5500296


Use creatine. It works and has zero side effects if you use it properly.

>> No.5500297


This is what I'm doing. It'll be great as long as I don't get fucked out of college by the next couple years of bullshit classes.

>> No.5500306

>89lbs, 5'5"
That's adorable.

>> No.5500307

Only reason I can't get a job is because of the interviews and shit.

>why do you want to work here?

Well shit.

>> No.5500311

>avoid retail joints
What other things can you do with a degree in pharmacy?

I, too, thought he'd be a good trap.
I'm a bit envious.

>> No.5500320

>why do you want to work here?
"It looks like a nice place to work." That's what I said for my last shitty retail job. What else can they expect you to say anyway?

>> No.5500322

As someone who quit my last job to become a NEET, I give you credit. I didn't think about it that way.

>> No.5500328


I just find it weird that you can't say, "because of the money". I'm pretty sure the person you're talking to knows whatever you say is complete BS and you're only working for money anyway.

>> No.5500338


Saying "I'd like to make a lot of money" will make the guy like you more if it's a salesman job.

>> No.5500342

"From the time I was born, I always dreamed of working in your shitty shop. Every time I walk by I get a sensational feeling - my heart calls for a job here."

>> No.5500344

"because of the money" does make it sound like you would quit the job in favor of another job that pays better, but yeah they know it's bs.

>> No.5500348

Interviews aren't that hard, you just have to know how to bullshit.
"Why do you want to work her?"
"Well I have heard about your products/services from a long time ago! I used some myself at home, [insert anecdote here]. But seriously I've always thought it would be fantastic to do X. I really want a place where I can not just work but also grow myself as an individual. I'm eager to learn and be part of something forward-moving. When I researched what this company was about I knew I had to apply here. I have a lot of respect for what you are trying to do here and I want to be a part of shaping X for the future and growing alongside this technology / industry."
etc etc just regurgitate stuff you heard, use big words, but looks genuine and smooth while you say it.

>> No.5500349

You can start begging, depending on the location you can net about $150,000 a year but just sitting outside with a can.

>> No.5500350

>"I'm not hiring this smartass."

>> No.5500352

>why do you want to work here?

Because I'm hungry. I need money to fix that problem. You're offering money in exchange for my labor.

>> No.5500363

Well, fuck your shit.

>> No.5500364


That makes sense, now all I have to do is remember all that.

>> No.5500367

I heard Sweden is a good place for that.

>> No.5500379

I know quite a bit about military related jobs. So ask any questions you have.

My job is simple, and I spend a lot of time in my room browsing the net or doing whatever I feel like. People also respect you, and I love to spend tons of money at amiami buying goods that I like.

Don't be afraid. Ask whatever. Military is a great option, but there are some things you should know beforehand. For starters... You should really only be looking at 3 branches. The others are not fit for someone looking for an easy life.

>> No.5500381
File: 242 KB, 550x682, brother_sharp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And you can be a badass like this guy.

>> No.5500383

Programming is still the best job for antisocial losers. I'm 'working from home' right now.

>> No.5500390

How can you still harbor desires to be the little girl if your body is all muscly?

>> No.5500394

Well, there are roughly two types of jobs out there, low paying jobs, and jobs that require you to be interested in what you're working with to survive in it at all. For the former, saying you're interested in money makes it seem like you're not suited for the job, because they don't offer much money, and for the latter, just being interested in the money means you'll do a less favorable job than someone who's actually enthusiastic about working there.

>> No.5500396

I know most of you fucks know Japanese. Freelance translation, if you can find the connections, is very easy to do from home.

>> No.5500399

Kigurumi I guess

>> No.5500401

What's the Air Force like? I want to fly planes.

>> No.5500403

What's the military's policy on transgendered?

>> No.5500414

I can only do 25-30 pushups at a time and I've been doing pushups every other day for the past half year. I haven't run or rode a bike since high school and I don't leave the house more than once a month. Do I realistically have a chance of getting in any branch of the military?

>> No.5500420

What job do you have, exactly? What are these 3 branches you are talking about?

>> No.5500426

But your arms will be too buff to fit into the long sleeves, and your legs won't look skinny and smooth in a skirt any more.

>> No.5500429
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, chairforce1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5500430

i'll talk to my gp about this, thanks
you can mention other practical aspects of the job, or word it better than 'just for the money'
like, 'so i can help support my family/parents', or because of workplace location - if you're able to easily commute there, they can call you in for covering emergency shifts better. mention workplace atmosphere being friendly perhaps.

>> No.5500433

Clearly you've never been to Scotland. I get to wear kilts, which are basically skirts for men, and people don't think it's strange, they think it's manly. Granted I'm not muscly at all, in fact I'm fucking skinny.
But normally people only wear kilts for special occasions or stuff like that. Makes them think you're sophisticated, too. Depending on what part of Scotland you go to, other places people will just think you're weird.

tl;dr, in Scotland you can be the manliest of men while secretly pretending to be the little girl.

>> No.5500438


I harbor them still yet my friend. I can't really make a good trap, but I can be the little girl in my own mind.

Seriously though, I'm not that ripped, but I'm not too out of shape either. The only real physical requirement is that I pass the semi-annual fitness test which requires you to do a small amount of pushups, situps, and a 1.5 mile run. I sit on my ass most of the time and my body is built almost like a girls... Yet I still manage to pass easily.

Plus, most of the people will cheat for you if you don't make the required amount of pushups or situps.

>> No.5500442

Checking my figure preorders today made me realize that I need to get a job.
Wish me luck, /jp/.

>> No.5500444

You're going to have to pad it out to look right. You'll have to be the chubby loli. But that's okay, right? The chubby loli is still kawaii.

>> No.5500445

I'm a NEET, how could I ever possibly have been to Scotland?

>> No.5500465


My Dad used to be in the Air Force. It got him a career in Air Traffic Controlling

Real stressful and fucking hard on you because of all the damn hours you have to work, but it pays a lot

>> No.5500476

Knowledge broker.

>> No.5500481

Air Force is easy modo

>> No.5500484

A job with a lot of hours isn't good for /jp/.
It takes away from /jp/ browsing.

>> No.5500490


Airforce is chairforce... Harder to get in though than other branches. Other branches will be jealous of your job.

Also, if you want to be a pilot, you want to be an officer. Enlisted get no such glory.

I'm not sure bro/sis.

Are you female? 30 pushups is meh.. Pumping it up to 40 should be NP if you do it every day with more than 2 sets a day and eat some protein.

I'm an aircraft mechanic. 3 branches would be Navy, Airforce, Coastguard. US only, sorry.

Sorry that was a lot of questions.

>> No.5500517

Coastguard isn't even accepting any more people right now. I waha'd at MEPS when the CG guys were just sitting in their chairs and talking to each other the whole time.

>> No.5500535

Yeah, believe it or not, the military can be a life of cake. You just have to do it right. Since I've been in a while, I know some good advice for people interested in joining.

>> No.5500542
File: 29 KB, 480x345, WAHA_internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say, WAHA?

>> No.5500562

Is it easier to get in the US military or the French foreign legion?

>> No.5500572


The French Foreign Legion are always given the most dangerous assignments because they're the most expendable.

>> No.5500584

Are you female?
YES: US military
NO: Are you living in France?
NO(US): US military

Probably. FFL doesn't like women I think.

>> No.5500588

I'm starting Uni for linguistics starting in the winter.

I wonder if I'll just end my 4 years in a dept hell working at McDonald.

>> No.5500594

i'd think the difficulty in entering the military, from physical & medical requirements, would be for your own good. if you're not physically fit, have good stamina, or strong to a reasonable degree, how can you expect to defend yourself in combat? joining the FFL to bypass that seems a little silly.

>> No.5500595


I'm that dude who's in school to be an electrician. How would joining the military expand my options as far as education in that field goes? How difficult would the work be, in addition to qualifying for any position or course or whatever that they would put me through? What branch would be best?

The Military is kind of a last resort for me, but.. eh, I wanna keep my options open, I guess

>> No.5500604

but they get to shoot black people!

>> No.5500610

Talk to your professors and get them to lead you to a hookup into some sort of job before your last year, then you'll be fine.

The only people who really fudge this up are the ones who think just going to classes and getting the degree is what matters. It's not. If all you do is pass the classes you'll get to the end with your degree in hand and realize fuck, you're already shut out of everything.

>> No.5500614

StOp_dDOsinG WWW.AnoxNtXaLk.sE REmOvE_all_X In tHAT URL
srqvqnzszphftxr tamhmhy mjp zbtmrqy

>> No.5500618

Can you bring your own computer wherever you go after bootcamp or do you get your own room at all?

>> No.5500627


Is being a lineman as glamorous as Clannad makes it out to be?

>> No.5500638


Is that some new type of trolling?

>> No.5500653

Forget the military. If you're in that good of shape, being a firefighter is better, because in Canada anyway, you only need to go to the academy for 3 months, and every girl will want to fuck you.

I brought my computer with me to the academy though, and everyone else made fun of me. They literally didn't know what Super NES was.

>> No.5500674

Sooo... does anyone if being a police officer is a reasonable job?

>> No.5500678


that is totally dependent on where you live.

>> No.5500679

Aviation Electrician's Mate (AE)
Aviation Electronics Technician (AT)

You will not go on a boat. Use tuition assistance to pay for your schooling while getting real life electrician experience, log your hours and get your journeyman electrician certification, get out after one term (4 years) if you really want to and start using your GI BILL. You will get paid a nice chunk of cash every month which will allow you to rent a place and pay for food, and they pay for pretty much everything else. Finish your degree for free. Enjoy the contacts you made by being in the military... You will make them. No matter how anti-social you are.

The work is not hard. You'll get used to it no matter where you get stationed.

>> No.5500685

No, sir, YOU are the new.

>> No.5500697

I live in a house I'm renting. I have nearly 2300 square feet to myself. I'm living in a retirement neighborhood full of old people probably 10 minutes off base.. Really peaceful. I have 2 laptops and 2 PCs. Sometimes I even bring my laptop to work. Though I can actually browse the net from work... They do block some sites on the work network though.

>> No.5500709
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1269517253968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone on /jp/
>Joining the military,becoming a cop or firefighter

>> No.5500711

my friend joined the chairforce back in feb of this year (tech school, programming), he was able to retain his laptop, however he was totally cut off during basic training. I don't know for other situations.

>> No.5500715


Electricianfag here. I wouldn't know, I'm still a good year and a half or so from being qualified to be a Linesman. I've heard they make assloads of money, though, especially when they get overtime going on account of storms knocking down telephone poles and shit


Dunno how it is in Canada, but I live in Idaho with my brother, and he's trying to get a job as a firefighter. He has been a volunteer firefighter in our little shithut of a town for like three years now, has been involved with literally every single call that has gone to that department for those years, and has qualified for dozens of firefighter positions across the state and neighboring states on account of passing physical agility tests and shit like that, and he is STILL unemployed because the field is just that competitive at the moment

He's buff as fuck though, goddamn. And speaking of Clannad, he actually watches that anime, incidentally

Yes I've tried to get him to read the VN. He has resisted ::|

>> No.5500722
File: 41 KB, 783x705, p51-mustang f-15-eagle f-16-fighting falcon f-22-raptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This conversation reminds me that I always wanted to become a jet pilot. I've been fascinated with planes for as long as I can remember and I'm still like that today.
My eyesight got worse and worse though so I had no chance of ever picking it up.

Oh well, at least I still have Ace Combat ;_;

>> No.5500726


Wait till the baby boomers retire ...

>> No.5500734

I joined the military. Browsed 4chan all the time before, and I still browse it now. EZ modo.

>> No.5500742

Do your military buddies know that you're a weeaboo?

>> No.5500768


Thanks for the answer. Do you happen to know a good place to ask other questions about military experiences and expectations? Please don't say recruiters. They're like salesmen. I've been a salesmen. I can't fault them for it, but I know I can't trust a fucking word that comes out of their mouths that isn't also on paper

>> No.5500769

Not really. Three of them do, because I chose to get involved in a shitfest argument about some stupid /jp/ related crap. I don't really hang out with any of them after work. They know I love spending my freetime all by my lonesome on the Internet.

>> No.5500793

I'll actually state the opposite. Don't trust the fucking recruiters. What my recruiter said was pretty much all a big lie, or misinformation. I wouldn't really trust any major military communities like military.com because they have expectations that they have to live up to there or they will look bad in the eyes of their peers.. So a lot of the real information gets frosted over with a sugary coating. I'd do some google'ing for smaller Internet communities with military members if you're really interested.

>> No.5500797

Where do you go for schooling on being a electrician?
I'm interested in becoming one but don't know where to get the schooling.
I've been NEETing for 5 years...

>> No.5500801

Also, you can ask some people here. I'm sure a few of us are in the military. I can probably answer some of your questions myself.

>> No.5500806

Couldn't you just keep asking around on 4chan? Seems like every board here has a pretty sizable population of militaryfriends

>> No.5500827

>I wouldn't really trust any major military communities like military.com because they have expectations that they have to live up to there or they will look bad in the eyes of their peers.. So a lot of the real information gets frosted over with a sugary coating.

Yeah, that's how I figured it was gunna be

It's not a big deal at the moment because my parents are a goddamn blessing and they're well off enough to help me through school before I start trying to rack in the dough with electrical work, but what concerns me is actually breaking into the field. The military seems like such an easy way to actually get jobs

I'm still hoping it doesn't come to that, though. I guess we'll see

Thanks again for your replies

>> No.5500847

Good luck to you in whatever you do. Stay positive.

>> No.5500852

If I'm good at TF2, will I be good in the army?

>> No.5500861

Don't even bother with the army, go straight for the marines!

>> No.5500866

Find a lucrative niche market and start your own business.

>> No.5500874

All those FPS that game companies churn out by the barrelfull have given us a whole generation of potential super-soldiers.

>> No.5500878


Look into local community colleges is my advice. They offer the best bang for your buck. Watch your fucking residency fees. I live in Idaho and for a time I had to live in Washington because they offered some classes I had to take. Long story short, they fucking rape you on residency fees if they can. If money is tight, look for community colleges in your own state

Right now I'm going through an electrician course offered by Penn Foster. You can read more about them here: http://www.pennfoster.edu/

My experience with them has been pretty positive.. so far. They offer a lot of material for a relatively low cost, so they seem pretty good for getting credentials and learning the material, and the website will tell you that they help you find a job in your area that you qualify for after you complete your course, but I haven't actually completed mine yet, so I dunno how good that service is

There also isn't any hidden fees and shit with Penn Foster like there are with usual colleges. No making you buy text books or programs or all that other over priced horse shit, you just pay your monthly fee, turn in your exams online, etc. Very nice setup for someone on a tight budget

>> No.5500892

they are not simulation, if we want to have super soldier they need to play operation flashpoint, rainbow six series and brothers in arms

>> No.5500905

No I'm pretty sure MW2 is just like being in Iraq within the line of fire. I mean there's BLOOM and shit, how can it not be just like reality.

>> No.5500909

>Programming is still the best job for antisocial losers. I'm 'working from home' right now.
At what company? Doing what?

>> No.5500919


Oh yeah, and a bonus to a /jp/er that I kind of glossed over: the entire course you pick is done online with no interaction with other people. You can get in contact with councilors if you want, but you're basically expected to study on your own. That was a big bonus for me because I was homeschooled, so I'm very used to self study

One thing to note: you don't actually get your degree or certification or anything until you finish paying for the course. So, if you go on something like a 1.5 year plan (like I did, also, there's no interest payments on that, which is nice), although I COULD finish my course sooner if I wanted to, since I won't be done paying for it until that one and a half year is up, there's no point to doing it any sooner than that

>> No.5500938

viral marketing

>> No.5500943

My goal is to become a great military commander due to my experience with strategy games.

>> No.5500951

you too, huh?

>> No.5500954

I played starcraft can I be zerg?

>> No.5500967

Are you good at spawning more overlords? If so you can be an officer.

>> No.5500976 [DELETED] 


sToP_ddOSINg aND_COPyInG www.ANOmNTMALk.se rEmOvE_AlL m iN_tHat uRl_foOl
ahirowgezcamoavsrb l om hanhkwyd hgggrb

>> No.5501026

Oh. But can you build additional Pylons?

>> No.5501041


You're one of those guys who posts "viral marketing" when people are talking about recently released games on /v/, aren't you?

The man asked a question about my experience with where to get an education in being an electrician. I gave him an answer. Blow me

>> No.5501059
File: 241 KB, 1280x960, 1196085599411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really care about Earthly things like protecting your shitty Nation then I despise you. If I'm going to do anything in life it's going to be something that allows people to escape reality. Be it directing video games or movies. If you like Earth so much how come you're posting on /jp/ and not outside hanging out with those filthy creatures called humans?

I cant believe /jp/ has users who're considering the army/marines as an option. Don't you realize the army is for highschool dropouts and (lower-class) minorities who don't have better options. Are my fellow /jp/ers too dumb to do a job that requires skills such as programming or CG art? If you're just doing for the money then I can understand, but if you're doing it to serve your country then I want nothing to do with you. Will you choose the less lonesome of the two evil factions in that futile conflict and do its bidding? I do not bestow /jp/'s sweetest principles on you, so you can become the pawn of nefarious men. You can change nothing. The troubles of the outside world are perpetual....

>> No.5501067

if you want good information about how shitty the military can be, or how awesome some positions are, please head over to /k/

that's place is full of grunts

>> No.5501072

That's one of the new troll responses. Whenever you talk about any product, service, or school, you'll see it.

>> No.5501073

But I don't like programmer or CG art.

I hate doing things that require thinking.

>> No.5501076

Out of curiosity, what plant is that, corn rose?

>> No.5501087

it's a vagina

>> No.5501098



>> No.5501104

Navy Nuke MM here

I joined because I get paid salary to attend school for 2 years, have a guarenteed job, and get a GI bill. Not to mention I get a $150k bonus if I re-sign for the full 8 years after I complete A school.

Military is a different choice of lifestyle, but after living and working without my parents help for a few years, I decided I would rather be dependant on my government than worry about security.

To each their own.

>> No.5501112
File: 26 KB, 320x353, chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5501139


>> No.5501154

>Not to mention I get a $150k bonus if I re-sign for the full 8 years after I complete A school.
That's two years work for a person with a Computer Science degree. Sysadmin jobs in my area pay upwards of 70 to 90k.

>> No.5501163

Keyword "bonus"
If you're a CS major you should know how to read, stop making us look bad.

>> No.5501174

How can I get out from America when I live in Singapore.

>> No.5501187
File: 30 KB, 431x300, mr-freeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am cool as a cucumber. It's ice of you to ask, though

>> No.5501197

/k/unt here

remember who fought bled and died for all your liberties no matter where you live across the world.

>> No.5501200

You can get out of websites hosted on American servers.
4chan is hosted within the US isn't it?

>> No.5501212

Are you insinuating America hasn't been instigating proxy wars under the banner of freedom for the last 5 decades?

>> No.5501221


I actually chuckled at this... but anyone that suggests spending money on a bitch is a sucker that would never get anything above a sympathy fuck. That's the blind leading the blind.

Not that I would fucking ever want to date a 3DP again, but I was out in the meat market at one point and this is not how it's done.

>> No.5501222

I remember that they were all socialites that drank with their buddies during offtime.

They aren't of us.

>> No.5501232


They've been doing it longer than that.

>> No.5501233

Don't even start. We all know that no wars by any nation are started or fought for the reasons that they are SAID to be started or fought for.

>> No.5501236

That is for neither of us to decide, remember its the government that goes to war. soldiers just follow their orders its their job.
neither of us are politicians so lets not get into that

>> No.5501237

Yeah. The Nazis were cool. Now they've gone, I can't see any light at the end of the day.

>> No.5501240

wow...Godwins law at its finest

>> No.5501262

cool story bro

Take it easy

>> No.5501268

>The Nazis were cool.

In fairness, he's kind of right, at least in terms of aesthetics. Goddamn did those fuckers know how to dress

>> No.5501270

I work with online help customer service, just chatting with customers. It works pretty well.

>> No.5501272

Protip: HS diplomas and GEDs are no longer enough to get into the military.
You need at least 15 credit hours from a reputable college before they'll even consider your application.

>> No.5501275

Count yourself lucky I'm not commodore moot. Because if I was everyone on /k/ would get a mandatory viewing of Now and Then, Here and There. Upon watching such a show you would learn just how futile your existence is.

>> No.5501277

Hugo Boss all the way.

>> No.5501279

They had really nice coats

>> No.5501280

>are my fellow /jp/ers too dumb to do a job like programming or CG art


>> No.5501287

Dear god.

>> No.5501300

All of our lives are worthless. But our Lives are no more worthless than yours. we just have the balls to fight for something

>> No.5501301

If you think a mediocre anime film is enough to deter people from joining their country's respective military, I have to tell you you're more delusional than usual bro.

>> No.5501305

This is actually true. I know two people back in my home town who seriously could not get into the military because they couldn't pass some certain tests or something. Academic tests I mean, not physical.

>> No.5501316

>anime film
At least watch it before judging it.

>> No.5501320

Too stupid
Too lazy
or both

>> No.5501398

You also have to plan funerals eventually and interact with the family of the deceased.

>> No.5501418

Not if you work in New York handling criminals and nobodies

>> No.5501486

Ok, now how much out of that salary do you pay for housing, food, health care. I get all of that for free.

Decent house 2k
Food at least 500, if not more
Health 3k annual

Theres a nice 33k chunk out of your salary that I needn't worry about.

>> No.5501503


>that requires skills such as programming or CG art?

Do you have any idea how competitive both of those fields are?

>> No.5501602

Bullshit. You're in the Navy; you're going on a boat at some point.
Airforce is Easy Modo, the Marine Corps is Lunatic.

>> No.5501858

>Airforce is Easy Modo, the Marine Corps is Lunatic.

But I'm already on a 1CC run, I don't want to amp up the difficulty ;_;

>> No.5502726

Do you have any idea how fucking terrible many programmers are at programming? It's not hard to take their jobs.

>> No.5503385

Are you a female ? Then become a housewife. Best job ever.

Are you a male ? Then you can join the military, become a security guard, a priest or a translator if you have a language degree. The last one is good because you can do everything from home without having to talk or see anyone other than through the phone and emails.

>> No.5503385,1 [INTERNAL] 

