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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5487860 No.5487860 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5487874


>> No.5487877

Oh hey, I have the exact same dakimakura cover.

Haven't used it in ages, though.

>> No.5487898

That is kind of cute.
...what is wrong with me.

>> No.5487910


>> No.5487926


>> No.5487933

One of us one of us

>> No.5487946

She looks like she gain weight, probably /jp/'s doing I guess.

>> No.5487947

Why are all the Hidamari dakimakura covers sold out? Fuck me and my slow poorfag ass.

>> No.5487948

It's normal to like dakimakuras.

>> No.5487958

what the fuck

>> No.5487963

So do dakimakuras actually relieve that dull pain of not having someone to hug when you're sleeping, or does it still feel like hugging a pillow?

I miss being a poorfag with one bedroom and being forced to sleep with my sister, we would cuddle every night. Why did I go to college? ;_;

>> No.5487969

So you can get an education and get a job and buy yourself happiness?

>> No.5487977

>we would cuddle every night.
Anything else?

>> No.5487980

More likely Anonymous will graduate college, still be an asocial shutin, not get a job, and move back home. He'll want to cuddle with his sister but she will have moved out herself by then and she'd find it creepy at that age anyway.

Yeah, I can see it now Anonymous.

>> No.5487995

Nope, we were both too shy and awkward to go anywhere beyond that.

I hear she still doesn't have a boyfriend, I wonder if she feels the same as me every night.

>> No.5488002

>I wonder if she feels the same as me every night.

I bet she plays with her penis too.

>> No.5488014

Say that to my face and not online faggot.

>> No.5488015

we can only hope

>> No.5488038

Yeah, it sucks. I really want a Yuno one.

>> No.5488049

Same here man! I like my Rei one better

>> No.5488079
File: 23 KB, 300x466, 10067684a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the template, buy a normal white cover, and go to your local silk screen shop to have it made for relatively cheap.

Alternatively, you can find an ebay seller who prints custom covers and buy one from them.

>> No.5488087
File: 112 KB, 1024x768, 1225083352123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5488095

I want a Yuno cover, but instead of the image being her lying down I want it to be just her wideface stretched the the length of the pillow.

Fuck yes Dr. Strangelove is the best movie ever

>> No.5488112

Why do people save pictures I took years ago?
Fuck yes it is!

>> No.5488140


Most silk screening shops in my area in the states don't work with stuff like that and will only make stuff like t-shirts.

>> No.5488148

Just tell them it's a really long tshirt without armholes.

>> No.5488157

>Get the template
I've looked around some for it in the past but haven't had any luck. Any suggestions for where you can usually find them?

>> No.5488159


I'm fine with the Bern one I got with Umineko 6, and I don't think there are any good templates for Reimu or Kogasa ones.

>> No.5488171
File: 172 KB, 951x1132, ironman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make your own.

>> No.5488179

I'll sell you my Yuno pillow if you don't mind buying used. I've never spilled semen on her.

>> No.5488243

I'd consider it as a last option.

>> No.5488271

Not the person you're replying to, but I'll actually buy it. I don't mind it being used.

>> No.5488274


>> No.5488294
File: 43 KB, 720x480, 1273194399867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm serious.

>> No.5488322

Did you have a price you're willing to pay in mind? I bought it retail for $80 iirc

>> No.5488364

Hmm...well I don't want to rip you off since you paid so much for it. How about just $70? Maybe $60?

>> No.5488432

Fuck this guy, I will pay you 200 bux + shipping.

>> No.5488469

I'll pay more.

>> No.5488476

Email in the field

>> No.5489185

Personally I did find it much better than just hugging a regular pillow.

>> No.5489188
File: 56 KB, 600x491, 1277638102364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5489205


Well, I have a tendency to hug things in my sleep. No pain felt, but I like having something large and soft to latch on to. Most times I just hug my sheets.

The dakimakura adds another level to that. It doesn't feel like a regular person or a pillow, but something in between.

>> No.5489226

I still need a nice cover for mine, but I can't decide on one ;_;

>> No.5489241

This picture is the only thing I've ever seen that made dakmakura look kind of nice.
And made me sorta kinda want one a little.

>> No.5489275

>search all over for ゆのっち抱き枕

>> No.5489308


Do some soul-searching for the character you love the most and would want to hug and share a bed with no matter what.

Then find her.

>> No.5489329

Oh shit, this is the first time I've wanted one of these and now I really want one

>> No.5489337

In general, you don't find your waifu, it's the other way around.

>> No.5489338

I really need a dakimakura. I always move my pillow sideways so that I'm hugging most of it, and then my head barely has any cushioning.

>> No.5489344

Solution: 2 pillows.

>> No.5489353

Solution: 2 dakimakuras

>> No.5489368

More like solution: a dakimakura and a sufficiently large doll customized so that her lap is a pillow you can sleep on.

Putting a few levers in one of the doll's arms and automating her so that she can pat your head while you sleep is a bonus.

Too bad I'm poor so I have to pretend my pillow is a cute 2D girl letting me sleep on her lap.


>> No.5489375

Just buy a pot-bellied pig and sleep on it.

>> No.5489391
File: 488 KB, 512x768, amicuteuguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's not moe. That's not moe at all.

>> No.5489395

I've never felt much desire to get a dakimakura, but those Hidamari ones are fucking adorable.

I wonder if there will be a Nori one...

>> No.5489407


I'm talking about indecision. I'm slowly turning into a haremfag because I feel attraction to Kogasa, Reimu and Reisen, but Bernkastel is my one true love/mistress.

I'm talking about "finding the dakimakura of the one that is your waifu." If you're indecisive, you need your one true waifu to show herself first...and then find the dakimakura of her so that your life will be complete.

>> No.5489566

I've never been able to find the perfect dakimakura, so I don't have one. Should I start looking?

>> No.5489569

No, don't bother.
